Home Grant Opportunities Grant Opportunities: Call for Proposals: Gender and Youth Promotion initiatives

Grant Opportunities: Call for Proposals: Gender and Youth Promotion initiatives

Grant Opportunities: Call for Proposals: Gender and Youth Promotion initiatives

Deadline: 9-Jun-23

The Peacebuilding Fund has launched an open call for the Gender Promotion Initiative (GPI) and the Youth Promotion Initiative (YPI) Program.

  • Theme of Gender Promotion Initiative (GPI)
    • The Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) announces the launch of the Gender Promotion Initiative (GPI) 2023, contributing directly to its 2020-2024 Strategy promoting the positive engagement of women in peacebuilding through innovative approaches. Directly responding to challenges and gaps identified in the 2022 Secretary-General’s Report on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and 2023 PBSO’s Thematic Review on Climate Security and Peacebuilding (that will be published mid-April 2023), this year’s GPI call for proposals focuses on:
      • climate change mitigation and adaptation and
      • women’s engagement in natural resources management.
  • Themes of Youth Promotion Initiative (YPI)
    • The Peacebuilding Support Office, announces the launch of the 2023 Youth Promotion Initiative (YPI), contributing directly to its 2020-2024 Strategy to promote the positive engagement of young women and men as well as other young people in peacebuilding through innovative approaches. Directly responding to challenges and gaps identified in the second Secretary-General on Youth Peace and Security (2022) and the Secretary-General’s 2021 report on the Common Agenda, this year’s YPI focuses on:
      • Fostering youth-inclusive political processes and promoting the political participation of diverse young people
      • Civic Space: Safeguarding and expanding civic space for youth participation including through local level infrastructures for peace
Funding Information
  • UN Country Teams: Grants from $800,000 to $2 million per project
  • Civil Society Organizations: Grants from $300,000 to $2 million per project
Types of Proposals
  • This year, the Fund will be accepting three types of proposals: joint UN proposals, joint UN-CSO proposals and CSO proposals. While both types of joint proposals will need to be submitted by UN Country Teams following the endorsement of the RC/DSRSG/SRSG, the CSO proposals will be submitted by the CSOs independently:
    • UN Country Teams
      • Maximum of two GPI and two YPI proposals per UNCT
      • UNCTs can submit joint UN proposals with up to three recipient UN organizations per project
      • UNCTs can submit joint UN-CSO proposals with up to three recipient organizations per project, maximum two UN organizations and one CSO (i.e. UN-UN-CSO or UN-CSO)
    • Civil Society Organizations
      • Maximum of two GPI and two YPI proposals per CSO globally
      • CSOs can submit solo CSO proposals (submitted by the CSO independently) or joint UN-CSO proposals (submitted by the UNCT)
      • CSOs organized in federations, confederations or umbrella organizations with independent international or national chapters will be considered as one organization for the purpose of this special call
Eligible Countries
Eligibility Criteria
  • The GPI and YPI welcomes proposals from both civil society organizations (CSOs) and UN agencies, funds and programs in PBF eligible countries.

For more information, visit United Nations.


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