

1. About AIRD

African Initiatives for Relief and Development (AIRD) was established in 2006 – as an African based organisation. The core activities implemented for and through UNHCR have enabled the smooth delivery of vital services, including non-food Items (NFIs), refugee transportation, construction and infrastructure developments and rehabilitation, including shelters, bridges, hospitals, clinics, schools, and roads. AIRD also undertakes fleet, fuel spare parts and workshop management, including vehicle, motorcycle and generator repair and maintenance, warehouse management and WASH for UNHCR – in 12 countries in Africa.[1]

2. Background

As part of the organizational rethinking/realignment strategy, a concept note was developed in November 2021, to “Define the New Business Operating Model (BOM) for AIRD”, i.e., defining the “HOW” of effectively and efficiently delivering AIRD Purpose and Mission and taking it to a higher level. The concept also included a process road map and time frame for the BOM change journey.

The objective of the model was to define, align, and develop a roadmap that will result in a more efficient, effective, and competitive organization, aligned with AIRD strategic priorities as outlined in the 2021-2025 Strategy.

3. Objective of the Assignment

While the AIRD internal efforts on the BOM process continue, there is an urgent need to engage external reviewers/consultants to support AIRD Organizational Alignment and Change Management Process. The outcome from the current internal BOM process can be used as an input and serve as a background working document.

The objective of this assignment is to provide the tools necessary and a clear process to guide the wholistic organizational assessment, organizational alignment plan and its successful implementation.

In addition, the External Review/Consultant is expected to provide:

  • An opportunity to validate the outcomes of the internal BOM process.
  • Bring objectivity to the anticipated AIRD change process.
  • Create enthusiasm, internalization, and a positive mindset about the change process across the organization, while building the staff capacity in continuously reflecting, learning, and adapting to change.
  • Engaging an external reviewer will provide an opportunity to learn, compare and benchmark with other similar organizations, including the best development practices and comparative advantage that AIRD needs to consider so as to remain competitive and relevant to its purpose and mission.
  • Bring regional and global perspectives, trends related to the work of AIRD.

Therefore, this assignment is expected to support, propel, and implement a restructuring process for AIRD that is geared towards revamping/re-energizing the organization, to enhance focus, increase efficiency, effectiveness, and the competitive advantage. This will be done through a restructuring process of AIRD, both at the Head Office and Country Programs level, the Board, human resources, systems, policies and procedures, work processes, organizational culture, programs, and organization rebranding. The organizational alignment is expected to result in the following:

  1. Clarity in the strategic direction and key deliverables in the short, medium, and long term.
  2. Growth in profile and programs of AIRD.
  3. Increased visibility and brand reputation.
  4. Enhanced leadership capabilities, responsibility, and accountability at the helm of the organization.
  5. Increased staff capacity in terms of numbers, competency, and deliverables – responsibility, accountability, and impact.
  6. Increased/diversified program coverage and impact and visibility.
  7. Increase in diversified funding, donors, and fundraising
  8. Improved organizational leadership at both the Head Office, Country Programs, and the Board.
  9. Instill a positive organizational culture that encourages AIRD Team to be responsive, motivated, inspired, take initiative, reflective, learning, adapting, and changing

A Change Management Team (CMT) may need to be constituted as part of this assignment or alternatively the task force members of BOM maybe aligned to take additional responsibility for the new assignment.


Phase I: Diagnosis

  • Agreement on scope of work, rules of engagement and assignment management protocols.
  • Undertake an organisational capacity assessment.
  • Review of the previous strategies, implementation status and the monitoring, evaluation, learning reports. Included in this, review the tools used and analysis from the strategy design process – for example, the SWOT. TOWS, PESTLE analysis.
  • Identify any capacity gaps that are necessary for the immediate term of the restructuring and change management process.
  • Ensure regular communication on the developments of this phase, and the final findings to board, SMT and staff
  • Identify possible benchmark organisations with justification.

Output:(i) A diagnostic report – with a prediction of possible outcomes based on recommended key actions; (ii) communication plan; (iii) change management team identified.

Phase II: Restructuring and Change Management Framework

Review of diagnostic report and recommendations – for understanding and buy in by the Board. Identification of critical building blocks for the success of the restructuring process – and the support systems necessary. Four key elements are envisioned at this stage – although these could change or be added from phase one activities. The four elements include:

  • Strategy: actions related to current strategic expectations, targets, and efficiencies; review, design and agreement on the expansion and diversification options; implementation of actions. Output: agreement on strategic actions.
  • Human resource capacity, capabilities, and culture. Undertake a human resource evaluation based on the strategy expectations and deliverables; history and growth plans of AIRD. This will include job analysis, evaluations, grading, salary structure and a review of the job descriptions (if necessary). Output: approved HR changed and modifications.
  • Leadership capacities, capabilities for current and future expectations.
  • Systems and SOPs relevance and efficiency – information, communication, financial management, HR management, IT.

This is a sample list – the element to be reviewed will be agreed upon – and can (for example) be based on the various OCA tools available – e.g., USAID OCA tool.[2]Other aspects could include:

  • Confirming/reinstating the mission/vision – and implications going forward.
  • Structural (governance, head office, countries, departmental, physical structures)
  • Culture
  • Programming/programs (outputs)
  • Resources (financial)

Implementation of the Change Management Plan will produce a number of outputs related to the different headlines based on the organizational elements.

  • Design of clear agenda and outcomes of the organizational alignment process – in the immediate, short, and long term.
  • Agreement on roles and responsibilities of the team to be involved – possibly a change management team.
  • Identification of the one benchmark organization.
  • Ensure regular updates and communication on the developments of this phase, and the final findings to Board, SMT and staff.
  • Provide an update and buy-in from external stakeholders – as necessary.

Output: Sign off on (i) building blocks for the restructuring signed off; (ii) roles, responsibilities and resources signed off; (iii) benchmarking protocols; (iv) detailed implementation framework with milestones and timelines; (iv) updated communication plan.

Phase III: Implementation

  • Establish and orient the change management team.
  • Implement the activities as detailed in the restructuring and change management plan.
  • Training of staff and teams as necessary.
  • Ensure regular updates and communication on the developments of this phase, and the final findings to board, SMT and staff.
  • Provide an update and buy-in from external stakeholders – as necessary.

Output: Organisation restructuring and alignment – clarity on strategy and outcomes, implementation framework, reenergized human resource team, clear policies and efficient outreach and implementation system. TBC


Organisational Capacity Assessment – detailed in house diagnosis whose aim is to identify key aspects that need to be addressed, how they all fit together and the action areas going forward – for the immediate/short terms, the medium and long term. The assessment will deliver a change management plan.

The Change Management Plan that will be based on standard organizational elements. Each element will have clear guidelines, actions, expected results and importance in the change management process – to ensure that there is growth and a foundation firmed for the long-term success of AIRD.


1st December 2022 to 31st March 2023


Education: • Master’s degree in HR, Management, Change Management, Organizational Psychology, Communications, Development, Knowledge Management, or similar field


  • Over 15 years of senior level experience in Human Resources Management of culturally diverse international organizations with both HQ and field-based workforces.
  • Previous consultancy expertise and skills in Change Management, leadership development, organizational reengineering, organizational design, and restructuring, organizational development and organizational re-alignment in a multicultural global institution is mandatory.
  • Previous experience and demonstrated ability to interact at very high levels in a multicultural international/global organization
  • Previous NGO (international organizational) experience and expertise in HR policies formulation with direct relevant experience in Change Management practices is desirable
  • Current knowledge of HR policies and practices essential, particularly the ability to align workshops to give effect to AIRD’s strategic plan. Detailed understanding of standard performance management framework is also essential, as well as the understanding of case law in this respect, including the written policies and legislation and relevant applicability in a range of contexts.
  • Acquaintance and working experience with diversified donors, including UNHCR is advantageous

9. LANGUAGE: Fluent in spoken and written English and French

10. The Consultant: The contract will be awarded to the candidate who receives the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria: Technical Criteria weight: 70% + Financial Criteria weight: 30%. Consultants will be evaluated based on Cumulative analysis. When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract shall be made to the Consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

• Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

• Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation. Technical Criteria weight: 70%. Financial Criteria weight: 30%. Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% of the total obtainable technical points would be considered for the Financial Evaluation. The pre-determined questions to be asked during the interview would be in line with the below Criteria.

• Motivation = 10% or 100 Points;

• Technical Knowledge = 20% or 200 Points;

• Experience in Change Management = 40% or 400 points;

• Financial Offer = 30% or 300 points. (Applicants budget will be subject to 6% (applicable for consultants in Uganda) or 15% (for applicants outside Uganda withholding tax on total project fees

Applicants are shortlisted based on educational background and extent of relevant working experience in the required areas.

[1] Countries of engagement: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Liberia, Niger, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda (12). Proposed new countries in 2022: Mali, Mozambique, and Sudan (3).

[2] https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PBAAB070.pdf

How to apply

Qualified Firms/Individuals are requested to apply to hr@airdinternational.org, latest 31st October 2022. Included in the application should be 1) a brief explaining the firm/individual is most suitable candidate for the consultancy, b) CV including past experience in similar projects/assignments for each key consultant taking part in the consultancy. C) At least three (3) references (organizational reference desirable). 4) Other documents confirming the work experience, expertise and skills.


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