Home Grant Opportunities Grant Opportunities: Call for Projects Food Security 2023

Grant Opportunities: Call for Projects Food Security 2023

Grant Opportunities: Call for Projects Food Security 2023

Deadline: 31-Mar-23

The Delegation for the External Action of Territorial Collectivities (DAECT) is launching a call for projects in support of decentralized “Food Security” cooperation aimed at all French metropolitan and overseas territorial collectivities and their foreign partners who aim to increase the level of food security for the benefit of their constituents by implementing projects that meet this objective.


The objectives of this call for projects are:

  • The awareness of local authorities that they have, through the policies they can put in place, an important driving role in the transitions of food systems contributing to greater food security and better nutrition;
  • the development of community actions that increase the level of food security;
  • strengthening the skills of French and foreign local authorities by transferring expertise and exchanging experiences between them.
Types of Action

Examples of the type of actions that can be implemented as part of the candidate projects for this AAP (non-exhaustive list):

  • Implementation of agroforestry practices;
  • Strengthening of agricultural sectors;
  • Development of organizational and commercial strategies within agricultural cooperatives;
  • Improved quality and availability of seeds;
  • Creation of municipal vegetable gardens to supply collective catering facilities;
  • Strengthening local food governance;
  • Implementation of actions relating to short circuits, school canteens, awareness of healthy, sustainable, local food;
  • Recovery of bio-waste;
  • Possibility of proposing studies on the local supply of wholesale markets, etc.

Duration: Local authorities can submit projects for a period ranging from 12 to 36 months , from the date of notification of the MEAE co-financing agreement.

Eligibility Criteria

AAP is open to all countries and territories of the world.

For more information, visit DAECT.


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