Deadline: 26-Mar-23
Apply for the 12th intake of AFRIKA KOMMT 2023 – 2025! New exciting and very different profiles from its partner companies are now available for application!
AFRIKA KOMMT! brings together the most visionary young leaders from Africa and leading German companies. Companies benefit from the expertise, knowledge, local network and unique African perspective of the young professionals. The African fellows dive deep into the German corporate specifics, German business spirit and the German culture.
The programme entails selection of top tier professionals from all African countries – including North Africa – and facilitating a one year personal and professional transformational journey in Germany. This encompasses German language lessons, international management trainings, study tours and peaks in an 8-month practical training at the host company.
The Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier supports AFRIKA KOMMT! and acknowledges the initiative through a reception of the young leaders. The programme also receives active support from the German Federal Foreign Office and the German embassies in Africa. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is commissioned by the companies to organise and implement the programme.
A Comprehensive Programme in Three Phases
- Selection and Preparation
- Definition of fellowship profiles by the companies.
- Application phase.
- Selection of the candidates for the Assessment Center.
- Assessment Center and final selection of fellows.
- Preparatory German course in home country for fellows.
- One-Year Stay in Germany
- Intensive German language course.
- 3 Management Trainings (Focus: Intercultural Competencies, Leadership, Project and Change Management, Conflict Management).
- 8-month fellowship in the partner company.
- One-week study tour.
- Weekend Seminars.
- Networking events.
- Farewell ceremony with the Federal Foreign Office.
- Alumni Phase
- One-week refresher course.
- Participation in AFRIKA KOMMT! Events.
- Alumni projects.
- Continous networking.
What does the programme entail?
At the core of the AFRIKA KOMMT! programme is a one-year stay for the African professionals in Germany. During this time, the fellows actively work in their partner companies where they are trained and mentored. Other components organized by GIZ such as language courses, trainings and networking events supplement the learning experience.
- Professional and tailor-made selection process: The fellows of the programme are chosen in a comprehensive selection process that is implemented in close cooperation with the participating companies.
- Language and cultural integration for fellows: The programme begins with German language and cultural integration courses to prepare the fellows for their stay in Germany. The fellows also get an opportunity to visit cultural heritage sites within Germany.
- Management training for fellows: The fellows undergo three modules of intense management training where they advance their knowledge of modern global management practices.
- Professional fellowship in partner company: The young experts spend eight months with their partner companies and are engaged in projects and meaningful work experience.
- AFRIKA KOMMT! Network: The partner companies and the African professionals come together at various networking events, share expertise and drive common projects.
- Alumni phase: After their one-year stay in Germany, the fellows become knowledge and skill transfer ambassadors as alumni in their home countries. A one-week refresher course in Germany or in Africa advances the skill set of the alumni and fosters continued strengthening of the AFRIKA KOMMT! network.
Why become a fellow?
The AFRIKA KOMMT! fellowship programme provides an unparalleled opportunity to young, talented African professionals for a one-year career and life transformational experience.
It is a programme for young, extraordinary African professionals who wish to expand the horizons of their skills, knowledge and experience and are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone to do so! Afrika Kommt. strives to facilitate young leaders to drive economic and social development of their countries by promoting sustainable cooperation with German industry.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be a Citizen of any African country.
- Have a University degree in a relevant subject.
- Postgraduate degree (e.g. MBA) is an advantage.
- Have two to five years work experience.
- Have excellent English language skills.
- Basic knowledge of the German language is an advantage.
- Not be older than 35 years at the time of application.
For more information, visit Afrika Kommt.