Home Grant Opportunities Grant Opportunities: 2023 GSV CUP: The World’s Largest Pitch Competition For “Pre-K To Gray” EdTech Startups

Grant Opportunities: 2023 GSV CUP: The World’s Largest Pitch Competition For “Pre-K To Gray” EdTech Startups

Grant Opportunities: 2023 GSV CUP: The World’s Largest Pitch Competition For “Pre-K To Gray” EdTech Startups

Deadline: 30-Sep-22

The 2023 GSV (Global Silicon Valley) Cup application is open to pre-seed and seed companies in the education technology and skilling sector.

The GSV Cup is a global pitch competition for Pre-Seed and Seed stage EdTech / SkillingTech startups culminating at the (Arizona State University)ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego. The GSV Cup gives away $1MM in non-dilutive cash and prizes. The Cup is judged by VCs and strategies from across the globe, representing 175+ firms.

  • The World’s 200 Most Innovative Pre-Seed and Seed stage Pre-K to Gray EdTech / SkillsTech companies from around the world. All companies in the “Elite 200” will receive a complimentary ticket to the ASU+GSV Summit for their CEO/founder, as well as a special entrepreneur rate for their team.
  • In addition to the $1 Million in cash and prizes for the top startups, all companies in the Elite 200 will receive unique perks:
    • A complimentary ticket to the ASU+GSV Summit 14.0
    • Exposure for your startup
    • The opportunity to pitch your firm to top VCs/Strategics from around the globe
    • Exclusive access to the GSV Cup “Startup Academy Series” which includes workshops with leading industry professionals and a Happy Hour networking event with investors at the Summit.
  • The Top 20 finalists will compete on Stage X at ASU+GSV to take home the grand prize packages totaling $500,000 in non-dilutive cash and $500,000 in prizes.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The competition is open to any and all Pre Seed and Seed stage startups from across the globe that play in the EdTech / Skills Tech sector from Pre-K to Grey. Startups who are Pre-Seed or Seed stage by September 1st, 2022 are eligible to apply.
Framework for Evaluation

Judges will focus on the “5 P’s”: People (team), Product (solution), Potential (market), Predictability (milestones/roadmap), and Purpose (corporate mission).

  • People
    • By far the most important “P” when evaluating investment opportunities is “People”. There is no shortage of interesting ideas, but it’s always the team’s ability to execute against the opportunity that determines success or failure.
  • Product:
    • The Second “P” stands for “Product.” The GSV wants to support companies that are leaders in what they do, have a proprietary product or service, or better yet, a “one-of-a-kind” type of business. Said another way, a company needs to have a claim to fame. The GSV avoids “follower” companies, those that may be participating in the leader’s category, but due to market share, growth, and/or quality, are imitators rather than innovators.
  • Potential:
    • The Third “P” is for “Potential” — how big can this opportunity be? Determining the total future market potential is a pillar of the research. Megatrends influence their analysis as they provide “tailwinds” to accelerate growth. Often, the size of a market today doesn’t exist.
  • Predictability:
    • The Fourth “P” is for “Predictability” — how visible is the company’s growth and what kind of operating leverage does it achieve with scale? For most new businesses, having any degree of confidence in the forecast is a challenge.
  • Purpose:
    • The last P is for “Purpose” — the GSV thinks there is a fundamental shift taking place in the best businesses of tomorrow. There is a new “invisible hand” that is aligning economic incentives with purpose and meaning, where They believe the best, most long-term sustainable businesses will drive the highest returns. 

For more information, visit https://www.asugsvsummit.com/gsv-cup


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