Deadline: 22-Dec-22
The ACP-EU Culture Programme – Créer en Afrique Centrale has launched its third call for proposals for Central Africa to support the cultural and creative industries (CCIs).
These industries are a driver of sustainable socioeconomic development because they enable people to build professional capacities and foster an enabling environment for better access to markets. The CCIs should be seen as tools to galvanise social cohesion and inclusion and job creation, including among vulnerable communities.
Types of Lots
This call for proposals contains three lots. Proposals can only be submitted for one of the following lots:
- Lot 1: Projects aimed to improve the creation and production of cultural goods and services, to support market access and dissemination of goods and services or to promote image education among audiences, in particular young people.
- Lot 2: Transnational projects that aim to encourage the mobility of artists and cultural and creative operators.
- Lot 3: Projects aimed at developing skills and tools to support CCIs in the banking, finance and investment sectors in Central Africa
Funding Information
The indicative amount available for the 3 lots is 1.200.000 Euros.
- Lot 1
- Small-scale projects: minimum grant amount 15,000.00 Euros and maximum grant amount 29,000.00 Euros.
- Large-scale projects: Minimum grant amount 30,000.00 Euros and maximum grant amount 70,000.00 Euros.
- Lot 2
- Small scale projects: Minimum grant amount 15,000.00 Euros and maximum grant amount 29,000.00 Euros.
- Large scale projects: Minimum grant amount 30,000.00 Euros and maximum grant amount 70,000.00 Euros.
- Lot 3
- Small scale projects: Grant amount minimum 15,000.00 Euros and maximum 29,000.00 Euros
- Large scale projects: Grant amount minimum 30,000.00 Euros and maximum 115,000.00 Euros.
Eligible Costs
- Staff costs
- Travel costs
- Daily subsistence allowances, within the ceilings set by the European Union.
- Professional fees of experts
- The cost of purchasing equipment needed to perform the action (limited to 30% of the total eligible direct costs for which EU funding is requested)
- The cost of supplies and materials
- Costs related directly to project implementation requirements (information dissemination, translation, documentation, printing and distributing leaflets, etc.)
- Rental of venues and equipment related to the project
- Mobility grants
- The cost of the assessment
- The cost of the external audit (this cost will be covered separately by the “Créer en Afrique Centrale” project and must not exceed EUR 2.700).
Eligibility Criteria
The call is open to applicants legally registered in one of the following countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and São Tomé and Príncipe.
To be eligible, project proposals must meet the following requirements:
- Lot 1: Projects aimed to improve the creation and production of cultural goods and services, to support market access and dissemination of goods and services or to promote image education among audiences, in particular young people.
- Projects must involve at least two partners: one must act as lead partner and the other(s) as co-applicant(s).
- The leader should be active in the cultural and creative industries (CCI).
- The lead partner must be legally for at least three years, in one of the eight target countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, São Tomé and Príncipe).
- The co-applicant(s) may be legally established in an African country, other than those listed above, or a member country of the OACP or the European Union.
- The lead partner must have directly implemented at least one project in the cultural and creative sector over the last three years, amounting to at least 50% of the grant amount requested, and must have been directly responsible for the preparation and management of the funded activities.
- The lead partner must certify that the organisation and its representative have no outstanding social security or financial obligations.
- The co-applicant(s) may be organization(s) that is/are not legally established in duly justified cases and if their existence can be proven (e.g. cultural and artistic groups having implemented activities).
- Projects already implemented or in the process of being implemented are only eligible if they are projects with several phases, which can be considered as “new projects” or “projects enriched” by the funding. Applicants must clearly demonstrate that the grant application is for a new phase of the project and specify the steps involved.
- Lot 2: Transnational projects that aim to encourage the mobility of artists and cultural and creative operators.
- Projects must involve at least two partners: one must act as lead partner and the other(s) as co-applicant(s).
- The leader should be active in the cultural and creative industries (CCI)
- The lead partner must be legally for at least three years, in one of the eight target countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, São Tomé and Príncipe).
- The co-applicant(s) must be legally established in a country other than that of the lead partner. This can be an African country, an OACP member country or the European Union.
- The lead partner must have directly implemented at least one project in the cultural and creative sector over the last three years, amounting to at least 50% of the grant amount requested, and must have been directly responsible for the preparation and management of the funded activities.
- The lead partner must certify that the organisation and its representative have no outstanding social security or financial obligations.
- The co-applicant(s) may be organization(s) that is/are not legally established in duly justified cases and if their existence can be proven (e.g. cultural and artistic groups having implemented activities).
- Projects already implemented or in the process of being implemented are only eligible if they are projects with several phases, which can be considered as “new projects” or “projects enriched” by the funding. Applicants must clearly demonstrate that the grant application is for a new phase of the project and specify the steps involved.
- Lot 3: Projects aimed at developing skills and tools to support CCIs in the banking, finance and investment sectors in Central Africa
- The lead partner must be legally for at least three years, in one of the eight target countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, São Tomé and Príncipe).
- The lead partner must have directly implemented at least one project in the cultural and creative sector over the last three years, amounting to at least 50% of the grant amount requested, and must have been directly responsible for the preparation and management of the funded activities.
- The lead partner must certify that the organisation and its representative have no outstanding social security or financial obligations.
- For proposals where the amount of European funds requested is higher than EUR 70.000, the lead partner will have to present the annual accounts for the years 2020 and 2021 audited or with a receipt of presentation to the competent tax authorities.
- Projects already implemented or in the process of being implemented are only eligible if they are projects with several phases, which can be considered as “new projects” or “projects enriched” by the funding. Applicants must clearly demonstrate that the grant application is for a new phase of the project and specify the steps involved.
For more information, visit https://acp-ue-culture-cac.eu/en/calls/thirdcall