Deadline: 1-Sep-22
The Organising Committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the French Development Agency (AFD) are launching the third session of the Impact 2024 International call for projects to promote sport as a tool for development in Africa.
The purpose of the Impact 2024 International call for projects is to finance sports micro-projects dedicated to young people and equitably for girls, focused on equality and inclusion, citizenship and living together, the protection of childhood, education, health, environmental protection and vocational training and integration.
These micro-projects will use sport as a means to achieve their goals, while transmitting the values of Olympism, civic engagement and social ties conveyed by sport.
They should respond to local demand and seek a lasting improvement in living conditions and the empowerment of vulnerable populations.
Key information on the benefits of the call for projects
- Continuous support via personalized advice on the project methodology and the funding request;
- Global training in the management of a development micro-project or specific to the sport and development theme;
- Monitoring and evaluation of funded projects;
- Connecting with players in the world of sport and development.
Funding Information
- Funding of € 10,000 to € 40,000 per project (in the form of a grant)
Eligibility Criteria
- The call for projects is open to African structures (associations, foundations, local authorities, associative sports clubs, federations, CIG/ EIG, cooperatives, state structures, public structures, other declared groups) as well as French associations and foundations;
- The candidate structure must have been registered for at least 2 years;
- The structure’s annual resources must not exceed € 500,000;
- Any candidate French association or foundation must deploy its project in partnership with a local structure in Africa;
- The project is to take place in Africa.
- The 54 countries are eligible, excluding red zones defined by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs;
- The project must have an implementation period of between 1 and 3 years;
- The project must use sport as a tool for development;
- The funding granted must not exceed 75% of the overall project budget excluding valuation.
For more information, visit https://sportencommun.org/en/projects/call-for-projects-impact-2024-international/