Deadline: 01-Oct-2024
Applications are now open for the Pure Ocean Challenges.
Priority Themes: The “Pure Ocean Challenges”
- Understanding marine pollution and combating its origins
- Protecting biodiversity and restoring degraded marine ecosystems
- Strengthening the resilience of marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them in the face of climate change
- Improving the knowledge of the ocean-system
- This year, a special attention will be given to projects:
- Developing marine conservation initiatives managed by local communities and indigenous peoples
- Exploring nature-based solutions for the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems
- Operating in key oceanic areas: the French littoral, Middle East/Asia and Africa coasts
Funding Information
- Selected projects will receive up to €40,000/year (average €25,000/year), for a duration of one to two years.
- A two-year project can therefore receive a maximum of €80,000 and support for certain projects can be renewed.
Eligibility Criteria
- The project must address one or more Pure Ocean Challenges.
- They seek out and support projects in all regions of the world.
- There is no age limit, but candidates in the early stages of their career are particularly encouraged to apply.
- Only non-profit organizations (NGOs, universities, research institutes) can apply and receive funding. The project can however include a collaboration with organizations from the private sector (companies, startups, etc.).
- Applicants must clearly outline their co-financing opportunities in their budget, as well as a minimum operating budget in the event that Pure Ocean is unable to grant the full amount requested.
Ineligibility Criteria
- Pure Ocean only support scientific projects addressing a clearly-defined research question.
- The funding may not be devoted solely to awareness-raising, clean-up initiatives, events, art, advocacy or training projects.
- For-profit (such as startup development), promotional, or advertising projects are outside the scope of this Call.
- Application found incomplete, or written in another language (other than English) at platform closure will be disqualified.
For more information, visit Pure Ocean.