Deadline: 30-Jun-22
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) have launched the third round of the Interagency Community Outreach and Communication Fund on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).
The Fund will provide rapid, targeted financial support to NGOs to develop and disseminate PSEA outreach and communication materials, and to make available to all IASC members and the wider sector the materials developed through the Fund for their further use of adaptation.
Applications should include a general budget outlining project expenditure, accompanied by a narrative project proposal which includes the following elements:
- Problem statement, including a description of the risk factors for SEA in the operational setting where the project will be implemented.
- Description of deliverables and how these will mitigate or address the problem(s) identified.
- Description of the community that the communication materials are designed to reach and how the materials are appropriate to this community.
- Measures to ensure community involvement and consultation in project design, implementation and assessment, if relevant.
Funding Information
- Grants of USD $20,000 will be awarded to NGO applicants.
- The timeframe for program implementation can be up to 4 months from the time the funds are received.
What can the funds be used for?
The funds can be used to develop or adapt context-specific PSEA outreach and communication materials targeting communities, such as:
- Awareness-raising materials (including print, video or audio) that explain core concepts, such as what can constitute “sexual exploitation and abuse’; the obligations of all actors to prevent and address such acts; protect witnesses, victims and survivors and clarify that protection, assistance and access to solutions are never conditional on sexual favours or relationships;
- Materials (including print, video or audio) that share information on where to safely report and seek help, in line with established complaints and feedback mechanisms (CFMs) and referral pathways;
- Community engagement tools, such as outlines and facilitators guides to lead community dialogues, role plays or focus group discussions that increase awareness on SEA risks, and the rights of communities and people affected by crises to receive protection and assistance free from sexual exploitation and abuse; and
- Other appropriate PSEA information, education and communication (IEC) materials, tools and approaches, as relevant to the local operational and cultural context.
Geographical Focus
The initiative will aim to achieve geographic diversity, with particular attention to projects in MENA, Africa, the Americas and Asia.
Eligibility Criteria
- NGOs, particularly those that may have limited financial capacity to develop outreach and communication materials on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). NGOs contributing to humanitarian responses are encouraged to apply.
- NGO fora or networks can apply as well, or one of their members can apply on their behalf.
- Large global organisations will not be considered for this fund.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be scored on the basis of an agreed scoring sheet that prioritises the criteria proposed in the below sections:
- The project outlines a clear need to strengthen communication with communities on PSEA, and the proposed activities and approach are sound in meeting the need identified and contribute to improving PSEA.
- The applicant shows that the proposed materials are not duplicating existing materials.
- If a local PSEA network exists, the applicant will coordinate and engage with the network throughout the design and implementation process, including the development of key messages, communication materials and approaches, or is willing to do so. Projects that involve inter-agency messages are welcome.
- It is vital that the applicant ensures that all the materials and tools it develops include rights-based messages. This means that messages must avoid stigmatisation, victim blaming and the reinforcement of stereotypes in both language and image.
- The project aims to involve the community throughout the design and implementation process, including the development of key messages, communication materials and approaches.
- The project acknowledges that different groups within the same community will have different communication needs and capacities.
- Activities are planned to ensure that the products and approaches developed are appropriate for communicating with women, men, girls, and boys of diverse backgrounds, through means that are appropriate and accessible to all groups in a community.
- Projects may also target a particular group that has not been adequately engaged through existing materials and approaches, such as persons with disabilities, amongst others.
- The application contains a clear budget of the costs to implement the project and the budget is appropriate to the scope of work proposed.
- The project is practical and achievable in terms of the scope of work proposed, and the time and resources required as well as the skills and capacities of the organisation applying.
For more information, visit https://www.icvanetwork.org/resource/call-for-applications-psea-outreach-and-communication-fund/