Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: Small Grants for African Heritage Projects

Deadline: Ongoing Opportunity

The Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE) and the Mellon Foundation are launching a new call for concept notes for small grants ($5,000 to $50,000) for organizations groups and individuals working with heritage around the African continent.

The grants are part of the Heritage Management Project – Africa (HerMaP-Africa) which is funded by the Mellon Foundation’s Humanities in Place program. They will fund projects that focus on the protection of and/or promotion of local heritage for socio-economic development in the continent.


There are three main criteria for these small grants:

  • Sustainability – The focus should be on projects that will have a long-lasting impact, going much beyond the duration of the project.
    • Potential examples:
      • Protecting heritage sites from desertification by creating green belts, especially where such green areas can increase biodiversity, bring benefits to local agriculture, and encourage tourism.
      • Preserving/stabilizing/restoring and adaptively reusing a historic building as a community archive and event space
      • Research about public heritage landscape
      • Installation of solar panels at heritage sites that will generate income or decrease expenditure, even after the calculation of the service and maintenance costs.
      • Building tourism infrastructure, using environmentally friendly solutions and a good business plan underlying their construction, including a proposal for community use.
      • Direct interventions that strengthen social institutions, like traditional methods of mediation help communities discuss and overcome problems.
  • Capacity development and network building – They encourage projects that will strengthen local skills and build closer links with peer organizations in the Heritage Management Organization’s network.
    • Potential examples:
      • On-the-job training in preventive conservation measures, such as clearing or fencing sites.
      • Exchange of experiences and expertise with other local NGOs in Africa, for example on shared issues such as desertification or erosion of sites.
      • Co-operative training on museum exhibition design during the creation of an interpretation centre.
  • Concrete and community impact – They encourage projects with solid and measurable incomes regarding heritage protection and benefits to local people. Each project should provide clear indicators of the planned impact.
    • These indicators will depend on the type of work carried out, but may include:
      • increased visitation to a heritage site or program
      • financial benefits to the local community in terms of the increase in the number of jobs or local businesses created.
      • amount of money earned from tourism; money saved by solar panel installation; the size of the area protected from desertification.

For more information, visit Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE).

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rnThere are three main criteria for these small grants:rn

    rn t
  • Sustainability u2013 The focus should be on projects that will have a long-lasting impact, going much beyond the duration of the project.rn
      rn t
    • Potential examples:rn
        rn t
      • Protecting heritage sites from desertification by creating green belts, especially where such green areas can increase biodiversity, bring benefits to local agriculture, and encourage tourism.
      • rn t

      • Preserving/stabilizing/restoring and adaptively reusing a historic building as a community archive and event space
      • rn t

      • Research about public heritage landscape
      • rn t

      • Installation of solar panels at heritage sites that will generate income or decrease expenditure, even after the calculation of the service and maintenance costs.
      • rn t

      • Building tourism infrastructure, using environmentally friendly solutions and a good business plan underlying their construction, including a proposal for community use.
      • rn t

      • Direct interventions that strengthen social institutions, like traditional methods of mediation help communities discuss and overcome problems.
      • rn


    • rn


  • rn t

  • Capacity development and network building u2013 Theyu00a0encourage projects that will strengthen local skills and build closer links with peer organizations in the Heritage Management Organizationu2019s network.rn
      rn t
    • Potential examples:rn
        rn t
      • On-the-job training in preventive conservation measures, such as clearing or fencing sites.
      • rn t

      • Exchange of experiences and expertise with other local NGOs in Africa, for example on shared issues such as desertification or erosion of sites.
      • rn t

      • Co-operative training on museum exhibition design during the creation of an interpretation centre.
      • rn


    • rn


  • rn t

  • Concrete and community impact u2013u00a0They encourage projects with solid and measurable incomes regarding heritage protection and benefits to local people. Each project should provide clear indicators of the planned impact.rn
      rn t
    • These indicators will depend on the type of work carried out, but may include:rn
        rn t
      • increased visitation to a heritage site or program
      • rn t

      • financial benefits to the local community in terms of the increase in the number of jobs or local businesses created.
      • rn t

      • amount of money earned from tourism; money saved by solar panel installation; the size of the area protected from desertification.
      • rn


    • rn


  • rn

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