Deadline: 18-Nov-22
Are you a civil society organisation (CSO) implementing road safety projects in low- and middle-income countries? UN Road Safety Fund (UNRSF) would like to hear from you!
The Fund’s 2022-2025 Business Plan expressly commits to exploring ways of opening up direct access to its global pooled fund to participating UN organisations (PUNOs) and viable non-UN organisations (NUNOs) alike. This Call for Expressions of Interest to civil society organizations is a first step and direct response to that commitment.
Eligibility Criteria
- Interested CSOs must meet the following conditions to be eligible for the assessment under this Call:
- Be registered as a not-for-profit nongovernmental organization; semi-governmental organization;
- Non-profit company, or cooperative society.
- Be able to implement required road safety interventions in more than one low- and middle-income country.
- Have a proven track record of implemented road safety interventions in one or more of the Fund’s five outcome areas.
- Employ more than 3 staff members.
- Demonstrate existence of a governance framework.
- Be willing to mandatorily undertake the micro-assessment under the Harmonized Approach to Cash
- Transfers (HACT) framework.
- Organizations that do not meet all of the above requirements will be excluded from the assessment process
- All applications should be made in the English Language.
Evaluation process
- Stage 1:
- The Fund secretariat will screen for qualified CSOs who demonstrate a high likelihood of positive impact on the Fund’s ability to execute its mandate in accordance with the Fund’s Global Framework Plan of Action for Road Safety and Business Plan.
- During the assessment, additional weight will be applied to CSOs that demonstrate the following:
- Proof of having successfully managed road safety projects valued at USD $100,000 to ≥ USD $500,000.
- Experience with delivering projects in collaboration with the United Nations
- Experience with delivering UN Road Safety Fund projects
- Proof of already being micro-HACT assessed
- Proof of being a sub-contractor to the United Nations or other international organization
- Stage 2: The list of qualified CSOs will be presented to the Fund’s Steering Committee in order that the Committee declares which, if any, CSOs may be deemed eligible to directly access grants from the Fund.
- Stage 3: CSOs which have been declared eligible will be notified about, and guided through, the separate legal and administrative prerequisites and process of entering into a non-UN organization (NUNO) Framework Agreement with the Fund’s Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office. A pre-requisite to entering into a NUNO Framework Agreement is for the CSO to be micro-HACT assessed as a “low risk” implementing partner.
For more information, visit https://roadsafetyfund.un.org/news/call-expression-interest