Deadline: 5-May-23
Are you a government or social leader trying to improve public integrity, sustainability or equity? Lift is an impact accelerator program designed to help you and your team deliver change through open contracting.
Lift is looking for a variety of teams that have big ideas for using open contracting to fight corruption and strengthen democratic institutions, protect the environment or improve climate resilience, or promote social inclusion.
Up to nine teams from around the globe will be selected through a competitive process. One-on-one support can be delivered in English, Spanish, French, Russian, or Bahasa Indonesia.
Over this 18 months program, teams will receive:
- Two in-person Liftoff workshops to co-create and refine your plan.
- Bi-weekly virtual meetings with Lift advisor.
- Up to USD$35k financial support.
- Technical assistance on open contracting topics.
- Data and tech support to gather and analyze your procurement data.
- Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation (MEL) support to help learn during implementation.
In the application process
- Complete a 12-question application to tell us about your reform project, team, and context. This application should take no more than 3 hours.
- If you are selected to move forward, prepare and deliver a pitch presentation and participate in one round of interviews.
Funding Information
Participating teams are eligible for up to $35,000 USD of support from Lift to fund activities or deliverables depending on team needs and progress over the course of the program, as well as 200 hours of technical assistance and support from OCP.
Eligibility Criteria
All Applicants teams should be:
- Pursuing a project that aims to use open contracting to achieve one of three goals – anti-corruption, sustainability, or inclusion.
- Comprised of a strong team that includes at least four people integral to project implementation, including two team leads, a relationship manager, and procurement and data experts.
- Committed to participate fully in the 18-month program.
- Working in a country deemed “Good,” “Satisfactory,” “Problematic,” or “Difficult” by the World Press Freedom Index 2022.
For more information, visit Lift.