Home Grant Opportunities Grant Opportunities: Call for Submissions: Fifth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health Parallel Sessions

Grant Opportunities: Call for Submissions: Fifth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health Parallel Sessions

Grant Opportunities: Call for Submissions: Fifth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health Parallel Sessions

Deadline: 15-Nov-22

The Fifth Global Forum Secretariat invites proposals, to be co-developed by more than one group/organization/entity, for sessions that will take place in a parallel fashion as part of the programme.

Parallel sessions are 90 minutes long and focus on interventions and innovations across the following three categories: technical (policy and practice), scientific (research and innovations) and advocacy and action. All sessions will be accessible virtually on a dedicated platform.

Proposals for parallel sessions are sought from a range of actors: policy makers, planners, non-governmental organizations at global and national levels and civil society organizations, practitioners, academia, researchers and decision makers across sectors, including health, labour, education, gender and finance. Reflecting the intersectoral and multi-disciplinary nature of human resources for health, proposals that engage a variety of stakeholders are most welcome, as is bringing in lived experience as a health and care worker, where appropriate.

  • Session organizers should aim to ensure:
    • Sessions are collaborative and co-developed by more than one group/organization/entity.
    • Various sectors are represented (health; education; labour; gender; etc);
    • A productive balance between presentations and dialogue with the audience and to develop/discuss solutions; and
    • Significant contributions from each speaker (they suggest no more than four speakers per session, including the moderator).
Session Formats
  • Panel discussions (with presentations): Total time: 90 minutes. Up to four presenters and a moderator/chairperson. A panel discussion is meant to examine a specific topic from the different points of view or experiences of the presenters. Presentations should not exceed 10 minutes with at least 30 minutes Q & A and discussion period to allow for audience participation.
  • Debates or roundtable discussions (without presentations): Total time: 90 minutes. Between three to five speakers and a skilled moderator to facilitate discussions among panelists around specific thematic/topic area. It is advised that panelists prepare for their participation in the roundtables in terms of the themes and key issues that will be discussed; and the professional and country experiences they can draw upon for these discussions. At least 30 minutes for Q & A and discussion period is recommended to allow audience participation.
  • Interactive workshops: Total time: 90 minutes. Organizers are encouraged to think creatively when designing their sessions, noting as well the hybrid nature of the conference. Interactive workshops are opportunity to promote knowledge exchange, partnership building and networking, and creative ways of sharing lessons and concrete actions from the field. Interactive workshops should include no more than 20 minutes of presentations/statements and a clear definition for the outcomes/outputs of the workshop.
  • Please use the following guidelines when preparing your proposal submission:
    • Background (max 250 words): Explain the topic to be addressed, need and rationale for the session.
    • Session description (max 300 words): Describe the session’s contribution to cutting-edge developments, evidence, practice or policy across sectors.
    • Learning objectives and intended participants (max 100 words): Outline who the intended participants are and what they can expect to learn through this session.
    • Main messages (max 100 words): Summarize the value added and intended impact of your proposed session in 2-3 brief key messages.
    • Include a statement on how the submission addresses equity and issues of diversity in the health and care workforce, gender equality and human rights (max 150 words).
    • Describe the approach to ensuring an interactive session and integrating feedback from the hybrid audience (max 150 words).
    • Include an indicative list of speakers, including organization, country, gender and name of chair/moderator. Ensure gender balance, geographical representation, and diversity of actors e.g. inclusion of civil society, NGOs etc.

For more information, visit https://www.who.int/news-room/articles-detail/5gf_call_submissions


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