Deadline: 23-Nov-22
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 is now open for applications to fund projects that develop applicative solutions and provide results for the clean energy transition.
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 is the first annual co-funded call under the CETPartnership and is co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme.
Most projects are expected to aim for solutions meeting medium to high technology readiness levels (TRL 6-8), combining technologies, marked related solutions and stakeholder involvement.
Cross-cutting dimensions, beyond technology and resources, need to be considered to ensure robust transition pathways that are driven by a multidisciplinary perspective. Dimensions include transition pathways, regulations, circularity, digitalisation as well as policy and social aspects.
CETPartnership Horizontal Objectives
- Fuel Europe’s pathway towards the clean energy transition by coordinating, pooling and strengthening regional, national and international RDI funding programmes
- Accelerate clean energy technology development and transition to the widely decarbonized energy systems through demonstration, innovation in technology development, and integration and system change
- Build an innovation ecosystem that fosters capacity building at all governance and actor levels, faster market diffusion, upscaling and replication thus enabling of the clean energy transition.
CETPartnership TRIs
- TRI1: Optimised integrated European net-zero emissions energy system
- TRI1: Optimised integrated European net-zero emissions energy system
- TRI3: EnaTRI3: Enabling climate neutrality with storage technologies, hydrogen and renewable fuels, and CCU/CCS
- TRI4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions
- TRI5: Integrated regional energy systems
- TRI6: Integrated industrial energy systems
- TRI7: Integration in the built environment
Funding Information
The total expected funding of the Joint Call 2022 is over 140 million Euro and consists of national/regional budgets and European Commission (EC) contribution, so-called top-up. National/regional Funding Partners will provide funding for entities based in their country/region while the EC contribution will be used to top-up project budgets where national/regional funding has been exhausted. The Funding Partners participating in the CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 allocate their budget either to the whole call or to the specific Call modules. Funding Partners allocating their budget to the whole call will dedicate their budget to the specific Call modules after the pre-proposal evaluation or after the full proposal evaluation.
Project Duration
- Projects are required to start before 15 December 2023.
- The maximum project duration must not exceed 36 months.
- National/regional limits regarding the duration of projects may apply.
Eligibility Criteria
- The call is open to participation from across the world. Applicants from third countries (neither EU Member States nor Countries Associated to Horizon Europe) are free to take part in CETPartnership calls. However, funding that can be applied for in this call is limited to non-EU/EEA applicants eligible for funding from either Associated Partners to the CETPartnership or Partners that have concluded a funding commitment with the CETPartnership.
- Each project proposal must include at least three independent legal entities from at least three different countries participating in the CETPartnership Joint Call 2022, out of which at least two must be EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries. Applicants not asking for funding are welcome to participate in addition to the minimum consortium requirement.
- The total effort of one partner cannot exceed 60% of the total project efforts (measured in person months).
- The total effort of partners from one country/region cannot exceed 75% of the total project efforts (measured in person months).
- Project consortia must fulfil the Call module specific requirements of what type of partners to involve. Please find any specific requirements within the respective Call module.
- Project proposals must be written in English and submitted to the CETPartnership Application System before the deadline.
- Designated proposal forms must be used.
- Consortia may consist of partners from organisations such as universities, companies, industry organisations, local/regional governments, research organisations and NGOs. Some Call modules specify additional requirements or restrictions regarding the types of partners to be included.
For more information, visit https://cetpartnership.eu/calls/joint-call-2022