Deadline: 15-Jul-22
The Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) is pleased to announce its sixth annual Cora Weiss Fellowship for Young Women Peacebuilders.
The Fellowship aims to support the development of young women peacebuilders and ensure that more young people share Cora’s vision for sustainable peace and gender equality as strong and integral parts of their global culture. The Fellowship provides a young woman with the opportunities and platforms to elevate the concerns and priorities of women and girls in their country in global policy discussions at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
- The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work with GNWP for one (1) year in:
- Global advocacy in the UN to promote the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) 1325 on Women and Peace and Security, UNSCR 2250 on Youth and Peace and Security, their supporting resolutions, and related laws and policies;
- Implementation of GNWP’s various programs including but not limited to Localization of UNSCR 1325, national action planning on WPS, and the Young Women+ Leaders for Peace;
- Research and development of training and advocacy materials on WPS, YPS and humanitarian action; and
- Administrative support in all areas of GNWP operations.
- The Fellowship year will commence in October 2022 and end in October 2023. GNWP will cover roundtrip airfare from the country of origin to New York and health insurance. GNWP will also provide the Fellow with a stipend to cover room and board, local transportation, and other personal expenses for one year.
- In light of the impact of the outbreak of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the resulting global health emergency, this Fellowship may begin virtually. If necessary, GNWP will support the selected Fellow in purchasing reliable internet connection, access to a laptop, and a cellphone.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Cora Weiss Fellowship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Have a deep familiarity with UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda; UNSCR 2250 on the Youth, Peace, and Security Agenda; the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women; the Sustaining Peace Resolutions; the Sustainable Development Goals; and related laws and policies;
- Have at least two years’ work experience in policy advocacy on women’s rights, human rights, peacebuilding and other social justice issues, including the Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security, and related laws and policies;
- Have at least two years’ experience in program implementation in a women’s rights, human rights or peacebuilding civil society organization in a developing country;
- Have a Bachelor’s degree in international relations, women’s or gender studies, or any of the social sciences;
- Have lived or worked in a developing or conflict-affected country for at least two years;
- Have excellent information and communication skills, with the creativity and enthusiasm for adapting evolving strategies that bring issues on women, peace and security to the public forum;
- Are highly motivated with a positive attitude and the ability to manage deadlines and commitments;
- Possess a collaborative spirit, with the ability to work independently and as part of a team;
- Full proficiency in English is necessary. Proficiency in any other UN language is a plus.
There are no age restrictions for this Fellowship. However, the Fellowship is designed for candidates who are at early stages in their careers and represent the perspectives of youth in their country.
Selection Criteria
Applicants will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Knowledge of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security and its supporting resolutions; UNSCR 2250 on the Youth, Peace, and Security; the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women; the Sustaining Peace Resolutions; the Sustainable Development Goals; and related laws and policies;
- Passion for Women, and Peace and Security and Youth, Peace and Security issues, and the ability to effectively and persuasively communicate about these topics, both orally and in writing. Since the fellowship will take place in New York, very strong speaking and writing skills in English are required;
- Experience in leading program implementation on women’s rights, peacebuilding, and other social justice issues in a civil society organization in a developing country;
- Resourcefulness to use the skills and networking opportunities gained from this Fellowship in a similar context, such as working with a civil society organization that advocates for women, peace and security, for at least 2 years after completion of the Fellowship;
- Ability and willingness to relocate to New York City for one year; (Note: Please see below the considerations of the COVID-19 pandemic.)
- Ability and willingness to travel to conflict-affected countries. (Note: Some of the countries where GNWP implements its work are still experiencing violent conflicts, are still impacted by the aftermath of conflict, or have high incidence of COVID-19). GNWP closely monitors the security and crisis situation in all the countries it works in to ensure that it is safe for its staff, and all its team members and partners to travel. The Cora Weiss Fellow will have to sign a contract agreeing to travel.)
For more information, visit https://gnwp.org/fellowship/