Deadline: 31-Jan-23
UN-Habitat is inviting cities to express their interest in hosting the Global Observance of World Cities Day for 2023 and for 2024.
- World Cities Day aims to raise international awareness of urbanization trends, challenges and visions for sustainable urban development, promote international cooperation and contribute to global efforts to build equitable, prosperous, sustainable inclusive cities that provide their communities with better living environments and quality of life.
- The general theme of World Cities Day is Better City, Better Life.
- The topic of World Cities Day 2023 will be linked to Financing sustainable urban future for all. It will explore how they can unlock transformative investment in urban planning and achieve adequate fiscal decentralization. Many cities and local governments continue to be restrained in their capacity to borrow money and raise revenue for large projects.
- The topic of World Cities Day 2024 will be linked to Youth leading climate and local action for cities. Young people advocate for bolder steps and actions to tackle climate crisis in their cities. Young people advocate for bolder steps and actions to tackle climate crisis in their cities. It will draw attention on how they can capture these bold ideas and ambitious targets and turn them into achievements.
Funding Information
To hold the Global Observance of World Cities Day in either 2023 or 2024, the host is required to provide a cash contribution of USD 350,000 (United States Dollars Three Hundred Fifty Thousand) to UN-Habitat.
- Activities related to the Global Observance will be developed in line with available human and financial resources from the voluntary contribution by the host. A programme will be jointly developed with the host.
- UN-Habitat will provide branded online advocacy tools and kits to support mobilization of partners and maximize outreach.
- Details of planned World Cities Day activities taking place around the world will be uploaded by UN-Habitat on its website and social media sites and the host and partners will be encouraged to publicize their activities widely.
- UN-Habitat takes the lead in inviting and mobilizing the United Nations system, international organizations, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to observe World Cities Day.
- The host city and country of the Global Observance work with partners and UN-Habitat to organize the main event programme. The host may invite other stakeholders in the country and region such as Ministers and Mayors to take part and support the Global Observance. The general public in the city, country and globally will be encouraged to get involved including through global platforms including social media and live streaming.
- The host provides a financial contribution to UN-Habitat for the mobilization of the international community and other stakeholders to ensure that the event receives global visibility.
- Details on commitments, roles and responsibilities of UN-Habitat and the host, will be outlined in a contribution agreement which will be signed by all parties involved.
Selection Process and Criteria
- The selection of the host will be made by a UN-Habitat internal committee. The selection of the global host for World Cities Day will be guided by the following:
- Demonstration of good practice within the host country and city on issues relating to the themes of World Cities Day
- Geographical balance based on the locations of previous of World Cities Day Global Observances
- Demonstration of ability and financial commitment to meet the conditions outlined and provided in more detail in the attached World Cities Day hosting guide.
- Experience of hosting international events, including events relevant to cities
- Accessibility of the city for international delegates.
For more information, visit UN-Habitat.