Deadline: 15-Sep-23
The Nordic Cultural Foundation is accepting applications for Globus Call: Across Cultural, Geographical and Disciplinary Boundaries.
Art and culture’s ability to look beyond fixed categories, create and maintain connections across different contexts is more relevant – and challenged – than ever. In a time of growing inequality, geopolitical conflicts, breakdowns in communities and an escalating climate crisis, a new and more nuanced approach to how they support the work of the actors is required. That is why they have created Globus Call. The goal is quite immodest: To raise the potential of the transformative role of art and culture in their society.
The Nordic in Globus
- Through Globus, the foundation wants to develop a more inclusive and inclusive understanding of Nordic work. Here, the Nordic is not defined as a collaboration between nation states, but as an idea or context that is not bound by borders and can be explored through art and cultural encounters in and around the world.
- The projects must have a clear link and/or relationship to the Nordic region in the form of collaboration partners, themes or activities, but must not be able to be developed in the Nordic countries alone. Projects that operate exclusively in the Nordic countries cannot therefore receive support via the programme. In contrast to the fund’s other programmes, Project Support and Startup, there are no requirements for cooperation between the Nordic countries.
- Be aware that projects that meet the assessment criteria for the foundation’s other programs cannot, as a rule, receive support from Globus. This applies, for example, to projects which primarily focus on activities or development of cooperation within the Nordic region.
Funding Information
- The maximum amount that can be granted is DKK 700,000. As far as possible, the amount must be matched with relevant co-financing or other resources. There must be a clear purpose for the project’s use of the funds. Please note that projects at last year’s Call were supported on average with approx. DKK 350,000.
- Project Period: The maximum support period is two calendar years after the year in which the applicant is awarded support. The support period is the period in which activities supported by the Nordic Culture Foundation are planned to take place. The project may well extend over a longer time frame.
Principles of Support
- Projects will be assessed based on the following principles, which reflect the overall objectives of the Globus programme:
- Investigating global practice
- Understood as your project’s purpose and way to:
- act within a broad and spatial scale in collaborations that transcend fixed categories between countries and disciplines
- address themes/approaches that require long-term development
- orients to or draws on specific local practices and contexts, recognizing their intricacies with their wider surroundings on a local, regional, global or planetary scale
- Understood as your project’s purpose and way to:
- Curiosity for the unknown
- Show how your project:
- demonstrates a feasible idea and vision for the overall project
- has an ambition to see from alternative positions and viewpoints
- operate from exploratory/research-based approaches in their artistic development when they have to gain new knowledge, create collaborations and nuance the work in changing environments.
- Show how your project:
- Mutual commitment and commitment
- Your project’s approach and method in relation to:
- create strong collaborations and networks based on mutual commitment/ and engagement among partners
- develop or facilitate clear and sustainable structures and project organization that enable and depend on the specific qualifications of the parties involved.
- Projects that can demonstrate a desire to work with a long-term effect that extends beyond the support period will be prioritized.
- Your project’s approach and method in relation to:
- Investigating global practice
Eligibility Criteria
- Experiments are met with trust and willingness to take risks
- With Globus Call, they support artistic and cultural collaborations, which in their practice aim to break down traditional distinctions and expand cultural, social, historical, geographical or professional boundaries. The program encourages the building of transversal collaborations and networks, which seek new perspectives and develop dialogue across contexts.
- The program is open to projects that work with experimental approaches and methods and strive to explore interactions between the local and the global. The intention is to meet artists in the contexts and positions they are in, and to support them with trust and a willingness to take risks.
- The projects must be rooted in artistic and/or cultural environments but may involve other professional fields and traditions.
For more information, visit Globus Call.