Deadline: 16-Dec-22
The Morris Animal Foundation is accepting proposals on all topics that aim to improve domestic Equid Health.
They are specifically interested in funding one or more proposals that answers one of the following research questions on the topic of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), that were identified during a priority setting partnership workshop:
- In animals with PPID, what is the expected disease progression over their lifetime both with and without treatment?
- In animals with PPID, are there any effective treatments other than pergolide? These may include non-prescription treatments e.g. Agnus Castus, homeopathy or other herbal products.
- In animals with PPID receiving treatment with pergolide, is the risk of laminitis reduced?
- What are the short- and/or long-term side effects of pergolide treatment in animals with PPID?
- In animals with PPID, does the dose of pergolide need to vary with the season?
- In animals with suspected PPID, what is the best way to deal with inconclusive or conflicting test results and/or clinical signs?
- What is the best way of dealing with animals with PPID who do not respond to pergolide treatment even when the maximum dose has been reached?
Proposals should advance the science of the health and overall welfare of domestic horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules. Please note that for racehorses and other professional athletes,they fund research focused on health and qualityof life only where outcomes are likely to be of universal equine/equidbenefit.Use of other species as models (including laboratory rodents) is not appropriate for this topic.
- Health Study Policy: Projects must adhere to the Foundation’s Health Study Policy for Animals Involved inResearch. Their preference is not to fund projects that include euthanasia of animals for research purposes, or that derive data and/or samples from such projects. Note that proposals recommended forfunding by scientific reviewers are reviewed separately by animal welfare and ethics experts prior to funding.
- Parachute Science: Projects that include international collaborations should address international scientific engagement and benefits and include a named Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-Investigator in the country where the research will occur. The Foundation endeavors to achieve impact through ethical pathways and with the clear intention of inclusivity,diversity, and the elimination of the practice of parachute/colonial science.
- COVID-19 Considerations: Research plans must include mitigation strategies for operational risks posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Alternative strategies for travel restrictions, pandemic-related mandates, supply shortages, etc., should be included in the proposal.
- Environmental Policy: Consideration should be given to reducing the detrimental effects of research projects on the environment. Travelrequests should be limited and well justified with respect to the project objectives. They encourage means of transportationwith the lowest possible carbon emissions.
- Grant Resubmission Policy: Proposal resubmissions are not permittedwithout explicit written permission from the Foundation. An investigatorwho resubmits a proposal without permission may be barred from applying to future RFPs.
Funding Information
- The maximum duration of an Established Investigator Award is 36 months, and the total budget cannot exceed $100,000 USD.
- The maximum duration of a First Award is 24 months, and the total budget cannot exceed $125,000 USD.
- The maximum duration of a Pilot Award is 12 months, and the total budget cannot exceed $15,000 USD.
Eligibility Criteria
- All applicants for all categories of award must convince the scientific and animal welfare reviewers that they clearly understand the health problem, have sufficient expertise to conduct the study, are using a scientifically sound approach, and have given appropriate consideration to the overall environmental impact of their research. A maximum of one application as PI/Co-Investigatorin response to this RFP is permitted.
- Specific Award Criteria Established Investigator:
- Competitive applicants for this award will have a record of expertise demonstrated through peer-reviewed publication. Researchers with active grants (either Established Investigator or First Award) as the RFP opens are not eligible. Prior Morris Animal Foundation grants must be complete with final report approval before the RFP opening date.
- First Award: First Award grants are designed to assist early career researchers in establishing a successful research program. The applicant must have completed a PhD and have a permanent position in a university, accredited zoo or conservation organization, or non-academic equivalent. Individuals currently in a residency program are not eligible. Postdoctoral researchers should be completing their program and proposing research intended to be conducted in a permanent position. Applicants must not have received previous funding of more than $25,000 for any single extramural award as a Principal Investigator. Please state this in your candidate letter of intent. Previous funding as a Co-Investigator is acceptable. This application requires supporting statements from one or more appropriately experienced mentors.
- Pilot Study: Pilot Study Awards provide funding for proof-of-concept studies in animal health research
For more information, visit https://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/apply