Home Grant Opportunities Grant Opportunities: Grawemeyer Award in Education – fundsforNGOs

Grant Opportunities: Grawemeyer Award in Education – fundsforNGOs

Grant Opportunities: Grawemeyer Award in Education – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: 10-Apr-23

The University of Louisville is now inviting applications for its Grawemeyer Award in Education to stimulate the dissemination, public scrutiny and implementation of ideas that have potential to bring about significant improvement in educational practice and advances in educational attainment.

The award was created not only to reward the individuals responsible, but also to draw attention to their ideas, proposals or achievements. The award is designed to recognize a specific recent idea/study rather than a lifetime of accomplishment.

Prize Amount

  • The Grawemeyer Award in Education is accompanied by a prize of $100,000, which is presented in full during the awards ceremony.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The competition does not limit the format in which the idea or achievement appears.
  • Consideration will be given to printed books, articles appearing in scholarly journals, technological advances, software, research reports, conference presentations, or other widely and publicly disseminated forms.
  • Please note that edited volumes as well as textbooks are not eligible for this award. Consistent with the intent of H. Charles Grawemeyer, the award is not given posthumously.


  • Ideas or achievements must have been presented or published in the recent past.
  • Self-nomination is not allowed. Current University of Louisville faculty, staff, and students are not eligible.
  • Previous winners of the Grawemeyer Award are not eligible.
  • Edited volumes and textbooks are not eligible.
  • Non-English entries must be translated.

For more information, visit University of Louisville.


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