Deadline: 31-Oct-22
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund is now open for applications to provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives, recognize leaders in the field and elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate.
Its focus is global and eligibility for grants will extend to all plant, animal and fungi species conservation efforts, without discrimination on the basis of region or selected species.
Funding Information
- Grants will be awarded based on their ability to meet criteria pre-determined by the Species Fund, and are for maximum of $25,000 for each project.
Eligible Expenses
- Depending on the type of conservation project and the work involved, the Fund will consider covering salary expenses or travel costs for a specific project. This would usually be for support staff in developing countries. However this can only be as part of the overall grant as officially applied for. The Fund will not consider applications for grants which only cover salary or travel expenses.
- Generally the Fund will not provide a grant to cover any of the costs of a study course. In the case of a workshop, any such application will be carefully reviewed by the Fund’s board on a case by case basis, to ensure that the workshop closely addresses the needs of species conservation in line with the aims of the Fund.
Eligibility Criteria
- The Fund is primarily interested in in situ species conservation work, but will consider applications for an ex situ project where it is demonstrated to be critical to the survival of the species concerned.
- The Fund intends to be as flexible and accommodating as possible when reviewing applications, and to take into account as many different factors as is reasonable when assessing the merit of a suggested project. To support this and to try to streamline the application process, the review process is kept comparatively simple.
- However, the Fund does receive many more applications for support than grants could possibly be provided, so please find below some criteria and guidelines which would be useful to bear in mind when submitting an application.
- The Fund maximum grant size is $25,000, and any application asking for more than this from the Fund will be rejected. The total budget of a project can be higher if there are other sources of funding.
- Content: Text provided in an application should be kept concise and clear, with clearly stated quantative goals, aims and methods. When writing an application, please bear in mind that there is only so much text which the Advisory Board and the Fund’s board of directors are capable of reading. Priority will be given to those projects that support the professional development of young conservationists.
For more information, visit https://www.speciesconservation.org/grants/