Deadline: 15-Jul-22
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, in partnership with Kazakhstan’s Chief Editors’ Club, and Kazakh Tourism National Company, is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 7th “New Kazakhstan through the Eyes of Foreign Media” contest for foreign journalists covering Kazakhstan.
In addition to the main contest with nominations for works on various topics, this year there is a separate category from Kazakh Tourism, where one winner will be selected for a publication on the topic of tourism.
Since 2014, the judges of the contest have been selecting written and video materials by foreign authors that most creatively, accurately, and objectively cover various aspects of Kazakhstan’s life. In addition to materials published in the media, works of bloggers posted on social media will also be considered.
- The results of the contest will be announced by August 1, 2022.
- The winners will be awarded a trip to Kazakhstan. The organisers will cover the cost of an economy class flight, hotel accommodation and local transportation, a cultural program in Kazakhstan, as well as a small amount of daily expenses.
- Citizens of all countries (excluding Kazakhstan) are invited to participate in the contest.
- Participants can be staff and freelance representatives of print and online media, as well as bloggers.
- To participate in the contest, it is necessary to post either an article of 300 to 3000 words / a television or radio report, a podcast, or a post in social media lasting from 2 to 60 minutes, in foreign media or social media between July 15, 2021, and July 15, 2022.
- If the language of the material is not Kazakh, Russian, or English, it is necessary to include a translation in these languages.
- Completed applications together with the materials and the translation (if required) should be sent to the email address given on the website.
- Topics of work should cover one or more of the following areas in relation to Kazakhstan: economy and trade, culture and traditions, history, tourism,
- modern society, education, science and sports.
- Applications must be submitted no later than July 15, 2022.
- Five winners will be selected by a panel, one from the following regions:
- One winner from a separate tourism category will be selected from any region.
For more information, visit https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/intinf/press/news/details/381333?lang=en