Deadline: 30-Jun-23
The Skål International is seeking nominations for Sustainable Tourism Awards that are geared towards enhancing the visibility and grant recognition to entities from the Travel and Tourism industry.
For fourth consecutive year, Skål International has partnered with Biosphere and the Responsible Tourism Institute to give the ‘Skål Biosphere Sustainable Special Award’, that was presented to each of the winners of the Sustainable Tourism Awards.
Available Categories
- Community and Government Projects
- Countryside and Biodiversity
- Educational programmes and Media
- Major Tourist Attractions
- Marine and Coastal
- Rural Accommodation
- Tour Operators-Travel Agents
- Tourist Transport
- Urban Accommodation.
Awards Ceremony
- The winners of the Sustainable Tourism Awards will be officially announced during the 2023 Skål International World Congress that will be held in Quebec, Canada, from 6 to 10 December.
- The winners will be invited to personally collect the trophy during the Awards Ceremony. Skål International will cover the cost of their accommodation and meals at one of the Congress hotels during the stay offered. Travel expenses are excluded.
Why should you enter these Awards?
- To enhance visibility and get recognition for your outstanding performance in terms of sustainable and responsible tourism.
- To increase your contacts and introduce your products and services to professionals from the tourism industry from all over the world.
- To obtain media coverage among the entire Skål membership worldwide and their international press contacts.
Eligibility Criteria
- Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards are open annually to all public and private sector companies, educational institutions, NGOs, and government agencies related to tourism worldwide.
- All sustainable operations and activities must be implemented by the company, NGO or agency applying for the award. Projects that are yet not in operation are not eligible.
- Entries must be endorsed by a Skål International club or National Committee to qualify for participation.
For more information, visit Sustainable Tourism Awards.