Deadline: 30-Nov-22
Ocean Decade is launching Call for Decade Actions No. 04/2022, soliciting transformative Decade Programmes that address Ocean Decade Challenge 6 – Coastal Resilience, and Ocean Decade Challenge 8 – Digital Representation of the Ocean.
Focus Areas
Building on the impact of the Ocean Decade since its launch in January 2021, the Call aims to continue addressing thematic and regional gaps and to encourage transformative science to meet these critical and urgent Challenges.
- As part of Challenge 6 – Coastal Resilience, the Call has a particular focus on Programmes that:
- demonstrate their contribution to knowledge and solutions related to green and grey resilience, including nature-based solutions and solutions that engage sub-national governments, or
- contribute to the expansion or development of innovative multi-hazard early warning systems.
- To deliver on Challenge 8 – Digital Representation of the Ocean, the Ocean Decade is looking for Programmes that align with the following priorities:
- Fill known gaps in the identification, generation, or uptake of critical datasets, information or knowledge (e.g. deep sea, Small Island Developing States’ (SIDS) Exclusive Economic Zones, Southern Ocean, high latitudes)
- Leverage or connect existing digital infrastructure (e.g. national and international systems)
- Develop long-term data management capacity, including technological capacity, and including in SIDS and Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
- Develop applications, services, tools, and mechanisms that deliver knowledge on Ocean Decade Challenges to users
Thematic Areas
- Challenge 6 – Coastal Resilience: Enhance multi-hazard early warning services for all geophysical, ecological, biological, weather, climate and anthropogenic related ocean and coastal hazards, and mainstream community preparedness and resilience.
- Challenge 8 – Digital Representation of the Ocean: Through multi-stakeholder collaboration, develop a comprehensive digital representation of the ocean, including a dynamic ocean map, which provides free and open access for exploring, discovering, and visualizing past, current, and future ocean conditions in a manner relevant to diverse stakeholders.
Eligibility Criteria
- There is no restriction on the type of institution that can apply for endorsement under this Call. Proponents are reminded of the endorsement criteria of the Decade related to the strengthening of existing or creation of new partnerships across nations and/or between diverse ocean actors, including users of ocean science, as well as the criteria for co-design and co-delivery of Decade Actions.
- Requests can be for either new or ongoing initiatives; however, proponents of ongoing initiatives will need to clearly demonstrate how their proposed Decade Action moves beyond ‘business-as-usual’ for example by demonstrating how the initiative will evolve to address the transformative nature of the Decade. Initiatives can either be fully funded, or still in the process of securing full funding.
- Submitted initiatives are expected to have secured at least a part of the in-kind or financial resources needed for implementation. While the Decade Coordination Unit aims to support resource mobilisation throughout the Decade, the endorsement process is not a funding process. Endorsement as a Decade Action does not guarantee access to any funding.
For more information, visit