Deadline: 30-Jun-23
The Vegan Society Grant is now open to individuals and grassroots organisations.
It exists to support projects which will encourage non-vegans to go vegan and stay vegan.
Recently awarded grants went to ‘Radio programs to encourage non-vegans to go vegan and stay vegan in Sengerema district, Tanzania’, and ‘Culture and Tradition, a call to animal welfare’, which was a community run project to encourage fellow villagers to replace animal skins with synthetic materials in traditional dance festivals in Zimbabwe. In the UK a project titled ‘Enjoy Soy’ worked to provide vegan culinary training to newly independent young adults.
Funding Information
- A typical award is £1000
They are looking for projects that?
- Raise public awareness of veganism in a positive way
- Promote veganism in a unique or exciting way to non-vegans
- Support people from marginalised backgrounds to access veganism
What are the conditions of receiving a grant?
- As a recipient of a grant, you are required to acknowledge the Society on all promotional materials and in any media coverage. A file containing the Vegan Society logo will be sent to all successful applicants.
- All projects must be completed within 12 months of receiving the award.
- Copies of promotional material and any press coverage of your project should be included with your final report. Photographs of the event or project in action are also required. If these are of high quality they may be included on the website or in the magazine, The Vegan.
- A Vegan Society representative may attend your event.
- You must submit your report and invoice for the final 25% of your grant within two months of the completion date of your project, otherwise this will not be awarded.
Target Audience
- Planning your project for a specific audience will increase your project’s chance of making an impact on the participants. Projects or events that are aimed at a generic group of people, e.g. ‘residents of Leeds’ or ‘families’, are unlikely to be successful in their application as this indicates that the applicant has not considered their audience when planning their project. Examples of a good target audience to plan your project around are ‘academics studying philosophy’, ‘people who follow Hinduism’, ‘parents of vegetarian children’ or ‘people who are passionate about their companion animals’.
Eligibility Criteria
- The projects are based across the globe, with a particular emphasis on those based in economically developing countries.
- You can apply if you are all of the:
- A vegan
- A non-profit organisation or individual with a non-profit project
- Not a Vegan Society staff member or trustee.
For more information, visit Vegan Society Grant.