Deadline: 30-Sep-22
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation is inviting applications for Quality Innovation Challenge.
The QIC is an open grant submission process to solicit creative ideas from visionary innovators who are courageous in their pursuit to advance everyone’s right to quality sexual and reproductive healthcare.
The fourth Quality Innovation Challenge (QIC) will be launched, with finalists being announced at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in Pattaya, Thailand.
2022 Theme: Ensuring equitable and just access to quality sexual and reproductive health information and services for all.
Funding Information
- This year, the RH program anticipates funding 10 grants of up to $100,000 each from registered conference participants.
Eligible Projects
- Projects seeking to engage and support underserved communities with quality, equitable information and services on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, contraception and/or comprehensive abortion care are encouraged.
- Projects submitted by youth-led and youth-serving organizations are encouraged.
- Projects that incorporate and center youth and community members’ perspectives across all phases including design, implementation, and evaluation are encouraged.
- Projects that recognize the pervasiveness of the digital divide and do not solely focus on digital health care to solve persistent health inequities.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants must be registered conference participants who will attend the ICFP either virtually or in person.
- They accept applications from not-for-profit groups and/or individuals affiliated with a university or who have a relationship with a not-for-profit organization that can provide fiscal responsibility.
- Applicants can be from anywhere across the globe.
- Applications from local organizations led by youth under 35 years are encouraged.
- They encourage applications from organizations led by or serving all persons and identities regardless of age, gender, or disability.
- This round of QIC grants will not consider proposals for new digital health apps. However, adaptations and extensions of existing apps aiming to extend the service reach will be considered. Projects intending to include a digital health component should address how the solution is suitable in the proposed setting given the global digital divide.
- Projects that are currently funded by the Foundation for which the organization would like supplemental funding will not be considered. (Organizations interested in such funding should contact their Foundation Program Officer directly.)
- Projects submitted by organizations or individuals who are not registered for the International Conference on Family Planning 2022.
For more information, visit https://www.packard.org/what-we-fund/reproductive-health/what-were-doing/making-quality-matter/2022-quality-innovation-challenge/