Deadline: 21-Nov-24
The Water Research Foundation is inviting applications for its Recognizing Institutional and Organizational Capacity for Effective Workforce Development Program.
- Understand existing ways workforce development is incorporated into the organizational and strategic structure of water and wastewater utilities across varying geographies and scales.
- Identify institutional and organizational barriers for implementing workforce development programs.
- Identify opportunities for growth in supporting workforce development programs through capacity building.
Research Approach
- This RFP is intentionally flexible in the research approach to encourage creativity and originality from proposers. Proposers should describe how they will conduct the research to meet the objectives listed above. The following approach is intended as a starting point. Please note that proposers are expected to demonstrate some level of partnership in their work, however, WRF is also available as a resource to help support the project team identify case studies, or project participants.
- Task 1 Evaluate existing workforce programs across utilities:
- Proposers should identify the eligibility requirements for what is in (or out of) scope for including workforce programs in this project. To make the findings beneficial to a variety of utilities and organizations, proposals should clarify how the research approach will achieve diversity across the following dimensions:
- Type of utility governance (e.g., investor-owned, publicly-owned, etc.)
- Size of organization
- Different utility types (e.g., water, wastewater, water reuse, stormwater, etc.)
- Presence of a recently implemented strategic planning process (optional)
- Geographic location
- Information that may be helpful to consider for further analysis within workforce programs might include:
- Major goals and activities
- Identifying where these programs exist in the organizational structure
- Motivation for the program, whether formal (e.g., embedded in utility guiding documents) or informal (e.g., through utility champions)
- Funding source and personnel capacity that is dedicated to the implementation of the program
- Existing external resources, training, and certification that are used in developing and implementing these programs
- Please note that other workforce-related projects through WRF are focusing on similar, yet different, topic areas. Proposers are recommended to review the References and Resources section of this RFP to ensure work is complementary to other ongoing efforts. WRF staff will also help ensure duplication of effort is avoided.
- Proposers should identify the eligibility requirements for what is in (or out of) scope for including workforce programs in this project. To make the findings beneficial to a variety of utilities and organizations, proposals should clarify how the research approach will achieve diversity across the following dimensions:
- Task 2 In-depth investigation to barriers and opportunities for workforce programs:
- Findings from Task 1 should undergo evaluation to understand general trends and to address the barriers and opportunities for broader workforce development goals at the organizational level. For example, identifying if there is a return-on-investment for workforce programs or how utilities navigate competing interests between physical and human infrastructure.
- Outcomes should support the data and provide key recommendations for water professionals involved with workforce development activities and programs.
Funding Information
- The maximum funding available from WRF for this project is $200,000. The applicant must contribute additional resources equivalent to at least 33% of the project award. For example, if an applicant requests $100,000 from WRF, an additional $33,000 or more must be contributed by the applicant. Acceptable forms of applicant contribution include cost share, applicant inkind, or third-party in-kind that comply with 2 CFR Part 200.306 cost sharing or matching. The applicant may elect to contribute more than 33% to the project, but the maximum WRF funding available remains fixed at $200,000. Proposals that do not meet the minimum 33% of the project award will not be accepted.
- The anticipated period of performance for this project is 18-24 months from the contract start date.
Expected Outcomes
- The deliverables for this proposal are intentionally flexible to encourage creativity and originality from proposers. However, proposals should be clear on how deliverables are relevant and the appropriate mechanism for communicating research findings to the target audience. Potential deliverables may include (but are not limited to):
- Research report (must use WRF’s Research Report Template)
- Literature review
- Guidance manual
- Peer-reviewed journal article
- Infographic
- Fact sheet, case study, white paper, etc.
- Technology Deliverables (must follow the Technology Deliverables Guidance)
- Please note that conference presentations, workshops, and webcasts may be included as part of the Communication Plan but are not necessarily considered sufficient as stand-alone deliverables for this work.
Eligibility Criteria
- Proposals will be accepted from both U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based entities, including educational institutions, research organizations, governmental agencies, and consultants or other for-profit entities.
- WRF’s Board of Directors has established a Timeliness Policy that addresses researcher adherence to the project schedule. Researchers who are late on any ongoing WRF-sponsored studies without approved no-cost extensions are not eligible to be named participants in any proposals.
- WRF encourages participation from water utilities and other organizations in WRF research. Participation can occur in a variety of ways, including direct participation, in-kind contributions, or in-kind services.
Evaluation Criteria
- The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals:
- Understanding the Problem and Responsiveness to RFP (maximum 20 points)
- Technical and Scientific Merit (maximum 30 points)
- Qualifications, Capabilities, and Management (maximum 15 points)
- Communication Plan, Deliverables, and Applicability (maximum 20 points)
- Budget and Schedule (maximum 15 points)
For more information, visit Water Research Foundation.
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