Deadline: 1-Dec-22
The International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS) is pleased to announce a new Request for Proposals (RFP), released in partnership with Wellcome.
The purpose of the RFP is to initiate a project to develop guidelines for facilitating Responsive Dialogues in a variety of Low- and Middle-Income (LMIC) settings. The `Responsive Dialogues on Drug Resistant Infections´ approach was developed by Wellcome to support Public Engagement. The Responsive Dialogues ‘toolkit’ has been piloted in Thailand and Malawi and has been used to generate solutions for addressing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) that are grounded in local realities and embrace ideas and views from the public.
Guided by the Responsive Dialogues toolkit and supported by Wellcome, ICARS is currently partnering with the University of Eden in Zambia on a project which carries out Responsive Dialogues in Zambia to identify contextually relevant solutions to mitigate AMR in the context of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). The project is designed to complement an ongoing ICARS project in partnership with the Zambian Ministry of Health whose aim is to reduce the inappropriate antibiotic prescription in blood stream infections and UTI.
Wellcome developed an approach, Responsive Dialogues, which leads to public engagement in addressing AMR through:
- Engaging communities in meaningful ways and raising their awareness and understanding of AMR, while catalysing change in attitudes and behaviours.
- Involving public voices, experiences and understanding of AMR in policy processes.
- Raising policy makers understanding and awareness of public perceptions and the drivers behind AMR
- Informing and adding to the evidence base of public feelings, attitudes and behaviours towards AMR.
The project supported via this RFP must achieve the below objectives:
- Develop guidelines for facilitating Responsive Dialogues in a variety of LMIC settings.
- Provide a training module(s) on Responsive Dialogues and the key features for facilitating the dialogues.
Funding Information
- The proposed project will run for a duration of 8.5 months.
- This project has a maximum budget available of $104,724 USD, including travel costs. All costings will need to be well justified when drafting the proposal.
Eligibility Criteria
- Proposals may be submitted by a single organisation or a partnership of two organisations. All organisations must be based in an LMIC without exception. In the case of a partnership, one proposal should be submitted by one organisation on behalf of all partners (lead organisation).
- Organisations that are eligible to be considered for this RFP include universities or other research institutions (public and private) and non-profit organisations based in LMICs (such as local civil societies and NGOs). Profit-making organisations and international organisations (including United Nations Organisations or any international academic/non-profit/for-profit institution) are generally not eligible for this RFP as lead organisations, but profit-making organisations (based in an LMIC) may partner with a non-profit entity and be included in the proposal.
For more information, visit https://icars-global.org/responsive-dialogues-rfp/