Deadline: 22-Aug-22
Entries are now open for the School Enterprise Challenge an international business programme for schools.
It helps young people all around the world to develop business skills and essential life skills.
The School Enterprise Challenge is an award-winning educational programme that is available to any school around the world through a free, all-inclusive online platform.
Funding Information
- There is more than USD $25,000 worth of prizes available for the best entries in the School Enterprise Challenge 2022!
- Business Idea
- 5x Business Idea: USD $200 each
- Business Plan
- Top Global Prize: USD $1500
- Best Bronze Business Plan: USD $1000
- Best Silver Business Plan: USD $1000
- Best Gold Business Plan: USD $1000
- Business Implementation
- Top Global Prize: USD $5000
- Best Bronze Annual Report: USD $1500
- Best Silver Annual Report: USD $1500
- Best Gold Annual Report: USD $1500
- Special Category
- 3x Sustainable Development Champion: USD $750 each
- Special Recognisation (public vote): USD $1000
- Headteacher Award: USD $500
- Inspirational Teacher Award: USD $500
- 5x Transformative Teaching: USD $100 each
- Enterprising Student Award: Laptop
- 2x Enterprising Student Runner-Up: Camera Each
- Graduate of the Year: USD $250 each
- It is a practical programme which enables young people to develop skills which are not covered in the classroom (experiential learning).
- It also provides teachers with real-life examples to bring their teaching to life and allows them to develop new teaching practices (experiential teaching).
- All participants in the programme are part of a global community of enterprising schools which provides lots of inspiration and is a place for collaboration and sharing of best practices.
- Benefits for young people
- Get practical experience running a real business
- Develop entrepreneurial skills
- Creativity
- Analysis
- Financial management
- Growth mindset
- Develop key life skills
- Communications
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Problem solving
- Be part of a global movement of young entrepreneurs!
- Benefits for teachers
- Get access to a wide variety of teaching materials
- Business guides with explanations + activities
- Explainer videos
- Mini-competitions: ready-made challenges for your students
- Learn about business (this has many benefits in your personal life!)
- Ability to bring academic subjects to life through real-life examples
- Develop new teaching techniques
- Boost your CV
- Gain recognition and have the chance to win prizes
- Get access to a wide variety of teaching materials
Eligibility Criteria
- The School Enterprise Challenge is open to all schools from all countries, including: pre-primary schools, primary schools, secondary schools and technical/vocational colleges.
- Please note that universities are not eligible to take part.
- Younger students are welcome to participate.
- They recommend involving at least 15 students in your business team but you are welcome to involve as many as 45 students or more.
For more information, visit https://www.schoolenterprisechallenge.org/about/about-the-programme