Deadline: 6-Mar-23
The Science Without Borders Challenge is now open to primary and secondary school students 11-19 years old, with scholarships of up to $500 awarded to the winning entries.
The Challenge is an international contest that engages students and teachers in ocean conservation through art. This annual competition inspires students to be creative while promoting public awareness of the need to preserve, protect, and restore the world’s oceans and aquatic resources, contributing to the overarching goals of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.
The theme for the 2023 Science without Borders® Challenge is “The Sixth Extinction.” For this year’s contest, you can help create awareness about endangered species. The Foundation asks students to create a piece of artwork that highlights the beauty and importance of a marine species that is on the brink of extinction.
Winners of the Science Without Borders® Challenge will be awarded with the following scholarships:
- 1st Place: $500
- 2nd Place: $350
- 3rd Place: $200
Eligibility Criteria
- This international art competition is open to all students 11-19 years old. Students must be enrolled in primary or secondary school, or the home school equivalent.
- College and university students are not eligible for this contest.
- Work will be judged in two categories based on age, with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes awarded for each:
- Students 11-14 years old
- Students 15-19 years old
Judging Criteria
A panel of artists, educators, and scientists judge the Science Without Borders® Challenge. Artwork will be evaluated on the quality of the artwork, originality, and adherence to the theme. The judges will use a Grading Rubric to evaluate the artwork.
When creating your artwork, you should think about these questions:
- Does your artwork reflect that you understand the theme of the contest?
- Does your artist’s statement also show that you understand the contest theme?
- Does your piece show that you have a good understanding of art and that you use these art elements, such as line, shape, form, value, composition, and color, to effectively portray the theme?
- Is your artwork original, inventive, and shows off your individual style?
- Is your artwork neat? Are there tears, smudges, and/or smear marks?
- Does your artwork invoke emotion for your viewers? Is it striking and memorable?
Contest Rules & Information
- There is no fee to enter the contest.
- Submissions must be made online. Email submissions are not permitted.
- All students ages 11-19 who are enrolled in primary or secondary school, or the home school equivalent anywhere in the world may enter the Science Without Borders® Challenge. Students age 10 may participate as long as they turn 11 by March 6, 2023. College and university students are not eligible for this contest. Proof of age, identity, and/or eligibility may be required.
- All artwork must be an original work by the contestant and shall not infringe on any copyrights or any other rights of any third parties. Do not copy an idea from a past participants’ work. Do not draw a character from a cartoon or movie. See the tips for success and grading rubric for more information on what the judges are (and are not) looking for.
- Do not submit artwork to the Science Without Borders® Challenge that you have entered into another art competition.
- The artwork must be 2D such as a painting or drawing. Acceptable media includes paint, pencil, marker, crayon, ink, felt, and oil pastel. Using magazines, newspapers, or other non-original work is also not permitted. Digitally created artwork, including photographs, are not accepted.
- There are no minimum or maximum size requirements for the artwork.
- All submissions must be made by an individual artist. Group submissions are not permitted.
- Participants may submit only 1 art piece.
- All contest participants will receive a digital certificate.
- Applicants must fill out all required information on the online Entry Form, including a photograph or scan of the original artwork.
- All participants must provide parent/guardian and teacher contact information even if they are 18 years or older. Participants who do not provide accurate information may be disqualified.
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Forms are required for all participants who are 11-12 years old. The form must be completed online.
- Semi-finalists will be required to mail the original artwork in order to be eligible to win the Science Without Borders® Challenge. Original artwork will not be returned.
- Do not include nudity or explicit content in artwork you submit to the the Science Without Borders® Challenge.
- The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation reserves the right to disqualify artwork deemed as offensive or plagiarized.
- Entries that do not comply with all of the contest rules will be disqualified.
- All winners and their parent/guardian and teacher will be contacted before the Foundation announces the winning entries.
- All submissions may be used to promote the Science Without Borders® Challenge, education, ocean conservation, and the work of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation in all media worldwide in perpetuity. Artwork, art descriptions, and student information (i.e. name, country, age) may be used in publications and distributed to the media.
- The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation promises to run this contest fairly, ethically, and with integrity.
For more information, visit https://www.livingoceansfoundation.org/education/science-without-borders-challenge/