Deadline: 31-Oct-22
The Future Earth’s Pathways Communication Grants Program seeks to ensure that scientific contributions supporting the development of pathways for sustainability reach relevant audiences beyond the scientific community.
To promote wider uptake and understanding of pathways for sustainability, the grant supports the dissemination of scientific research findings via innovative dissemination formats and practices.
Scope of Proposals
- Proposals should outline and describe the importance of the communication product and its potential impact on the development of sustainable pathways and refer to completed research outcomes of projects that advance the understanding of at least one of the following three aspects of pathways for sustainability:
- How interactions at various scales in complex human-environment systems produce trade-offs or synergies within a context of competing development agendas and claims on resources,
- How transformations can be mobilized to enable expansion of integrated pathways to sustainability in diverse concrete contexts,
- How pathways and processes of transformation, which are likely to differ between places given differences in histories, contexts and values, interact across locations and scales, creating both tensions and synergies, and ‘add up’ to outcomes at the regional and global levels.
Funding Information
- The total funding available for 2022 is 60,000 €.
- Funding amount for each project: 2,500 € to 10,000 €.
- Estimated number of awards: 5-20
Eligibility Criteria
- Researchers, incl. PhD students, from universities or research institutions are invited to submit proposals for communication products that aim to disseminate scientific outcomes developed within inter- and/or transdisciplinary research projects, and are addressed to the broader public.
- Priority Groups: One third of the funding will be allocated to support proposals led by researchers from and working in low and middle income countries. Another third will be allocated to support proposals led by early career researchers, as another priority group. Early career researchers are defined here as PhD students or researchers who have received their PhD within the last six years.
For more information, visit https://pathways.futureearth.org/home/communication-grants-program/