Deadline: 15-Aug-22
The Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs is seeking applications for the Emerging Climate Leaders Fellowship, fellows will explore the wide range of climate change initiatives housed at Yale, and delve into cutting-edge scholarship on a broad range of clean energy and climate issues.
This eight-month fellowship will be concluded with an in-person week in Paris, running from June 26 – June 30, 2023.
Fellows will meet with top international climate change analysts; share perspectives gleaned throughout the program; and consolidate professional and personal contacts developed through peer learning and exchanges of views.
Fellows will engage in a series of interactive sessions with prominent Yale faculty and practitioners to set the terms of the global climate change debate.
Fellows will have networking opportunities with staff members from the International Energy Agency and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), French central government and municipal officials, and representatives of civil society organizations, think tanks, academia, and the private sector.
Fellows will also present policy recommendations on specific clean energy and climate-related challenges to a Global Advisory Board, publish those findings on a dedicated website, and maintain contacts through an alumni network.
Possible topics include:
- strengthening global climate change governance, including the UN process
- exploring decarbonization pathways including the IEA Net Zero 2050 scenario
- accelerating renewable energy growth and addressing challenges of system integration
- strengthening innovation and uptake of promising clean energy technologies
- promoting energy efficiency and behavioral change
- investigating the challenges of a people-centered clean energy transition
- developing and deepening financial vehicles to advance the clean energy transition
- exploring market-based climate policy tools including carbon pricing
- exploring regulatory policy tools to support uptake of clean energy solutions
- improving climate change communication
- closing energy access gaps with clean energy technologies
- developing cost effective negative emissions technologies, including direct air capture
- exploring the role of nature-based climate solutions
- broadening and deepening corporate and investor initiatives on climate change
- tackling energy security issues, including the role of fossil fuels in the energy transition
- exploring supply chain and related geopolitical challenges of the clean energy transition
- analyzing challenge of reducing methane emissions in emerging and developing countries
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants should be between five and ten years into their professional careers, with demonstrated accomplishments at a regional, national, or international level. While there is no maximum age limit, they are looking for young leaders to launch the program.
- Applicants must be representatives of the Global South. They look forward to welcoming a diverse representation from developing Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America/Caribbean.
- Applicants must be fluent in English. An excellent command of the English language is essential to successfully participating in the program.
- Climate Fellows must be available to participate in-person for two weeks of the program: the Yale Orientation week, which will run from November 28 to December 2, 2022, and the Paris closing week, which will run from June 26 to June 30, 2023. Fellows must also be available for the 10 learning journeys to be arranged remotely between January and May 2023.
Selection Criteria
- An established record of achievement in a profession linked to clean energy and climate change. They seek to identify a diverse group of Fellows from across multiple stakeholder groups, ranging from government officials, to industry regulators, to entrepreneurs, to energy company/utility professionals, to bankers/financiers, to journalists, to educators/researchers, to civil society representatives, to legislators, to legal advisors, to consultants.
- A commitment to making a positive impact at the local, national, or international level.
- Demonstrated promise of a future career in leadership at both the national and potentially global level.
- An eagerness to expand and deepen professional networks and to benefit from exposure to top global leaders in clean energy and climate change.
For more information, visit https://jackson.yale.edu/international-leadership-center/climate/how-to-apply/