Deadline: 6-Oct-22
Are you a youth-led organisation or association active in the water space? Do you want to amplify your voice and contribute to a global movement for change? Are you a non-youth organisation wanting to further support youth for water? If yes, then apply for the Global Youth Movement for Water.
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is looking for a vast and diverse group of youth and non-youth actors from all over the world to champion the movement. All the relevant links are listed below. You are invited to sign-up your own organisations and to nominate one (1) representative that will continue following the Movement activities and discussions via this link Global Youth Movement for Water Registration.
Mission & Impact
The mission is to enhance the recognition, role and impact of youth in triggering and supporting the necessary societal transformation for a water secure future for all.
The Movement aims at gathering any youth-led structure to pool all resources and thus increase its bargaining power with the clear intention to influence decision making and stimulate concrete actions at all levels and in in all relevant fields.
Therefore, the Movement shall connect organisations active in the water & youth space to foster collaboration and synergies and increase the outreach and impact of all actors in this sector, from the local to the global levels. It will provide youth-led organisations with more visibility, credibility and recognition to existing and emerging networks and organisations as they engage and support individuals who wish to take action.
Proposed mechanisms:
- Enhance coordination and collaboration of local, regional and global water youth organisations through the community of practice;
- Amplify the power of influence of youth voices;
- Increase the financial and technical capacities of young water leaders;
Guiding Principles
- By youth, for youth and with youth.
- Embracing diversity.
- Stronger together.
Eligibility Criteria
- Youth-led organisations or associations active in the water space willing to amplify their voice and contribute to a global movement for change
- Non-youth organisation wanting to further support the global youth movement for water by offering technical or financial support
- Organisations that support and commit to the Movement’s guiding principles
- Important: To help them achieve the objectives and impact, GWP asks that only one representative from each organisation be part of the Movement. Individuals may not apply to become part of the Movement.
- If you are a young person looking for ways to get involved in the water space and have yet to connect with other youth in your country, GWP invites you to reach out to a youth organisation active in the Movement.
For more information, visit https://www.gwp.org/en/GWP-Caribbean/WE-ACT/news-page/News-and-Activities/global-youth-movement-for-water/