Deadline: 30-Jun-23
Applications are now open for the Maypole Fund’s imaginative, non-violent projects and activities which proactively challenge militarism in locally relevant and appropriate ways.
Applicants can be individuals or feminist groups, and they welcome applications for projects and activities for any of the following:
- Feminist anti-militarism
- Feminist anti-war activism
- Action against the arms trade
- Action against nuclear weapons and weapons systems
- Action to support disarmament policies and processes
Funding Information
- The Maypole Fund may be able to support your activism with a grant of up to £1000.
They do not Fund
- On-going running costs by groups, including recurring salaries or office rental
- Undergraduate or graduate studies
- Economic development or poverty reduction, such as investment in machinery or materials, or investment in private businesses
- Participation in conferences, study visits, etc by individuals from the Global North
Grant Conditions
- To receive a grant, you must agree to the following conditions:
- You or your group/organisation must commit to using the grant exclusively for the project/activity applied for.
- You or your group’s/organisation’s activity has not started before the grant decision.
- To demonstrate the outcome of your project/activity, you must provide a report back within 6 months of the end of a project. Please say what you have done and how you have spent the grant.
- Acknowledge funding received from The Maypole Fund wherever possible, such as in project publications and on your website, or similar.
For more information, visit Maypole Fund.