Deadline: 31-Jan-23
Applications are now open for the Maypole Fund’s imaginative, non-violent projects and activities which proactively challenge militarism in locally relevant and appropriate ways.
The Maypole Fund is seeking applications from women only for projects and activities for any of the following:
- Feminist anti-militarism
- Feminist anti-war activism
- Action against the arms trade
- Action against nuclear weapons and weapons systems
- Action to support disarmament policies and processes
Funding Information
The Maypole Fund gives grants of up to £750.
- Young women’s groups/individuals and lesbian groups/individuals;
- Activities or projects not yet started;
- Women who do not have access to other sources of funding or whose projects find it difficult to attract funding from elsewhere;
- Imaginative/creative activities;
- Individual and small women’s groups over larger established women’s groups
For more information, visit https://www.maypolefund.org/deadlines/