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UN Jobs: Coordinateur Consortium – Cameroon



Coordinateur Consortium

Titre de la position :Coordinateur de Consortium

Supervisée par :Country Director

RĂ©pondant Ă  : Country Director

Duty Station : Yaoundé

Area of Operation : Cameroun et RCA (tout le territoire)

Période considérée : 18 mois

Type de contrat : Contrat expatrié

Salary & Benefits : Management E, niveau 2


Le Conseil Danois pour les RĂ©fugiĂ©s (DRC) porte assistance aux rĂ©fugiĂ©s et aux personnes dĂ©placĂ©es Ă  travers le monde : nous fournissons une aide d’urgence Ă  ces personnes, nous combattons pour leurs droits et nous renforçons leurs opportunitĂ©s pour un meilleur futur. Nous travaillons dans des zones affectĂ©es par les conflits, ainsi que le long des routes de dĂ©placements, et au sein des pays dans lesquels les rĂ©fugiĂ©s s’établissent. En coopĂ©ration avec les communautĂ©s locales, nous nous efforçons d’atteindre des solutions responsables et durables. Nous travaillons pour une intĂ©gration rĂ©ussie des communautĂ©s vulnĂ©rables et, lorsque cela est possible, Ă  la rĂ©alisation de leur souhait de retour chez eux.

Le Conseil Danois pour les RĂ©fugiĂ©s (ci-aprĂšs : DRC, pour Danish Refugee Council) a Ă©tĂ© fondĂ© au Danemark en 1956 et est depuis devenu une organisation humanitaire internationale avec plus de 7,000 employĂ©s et de 8,000 volontaires. Ayant son siĂšge Ă©tabli Ă  Copenhague, et prĂ©sent dans 40 pays, le DRC est une organisation d’aide non gouvernementale, Ă  but non-lucratif, politiquement neutre et indĂ©pendante et non-confessionnelle.

Notre vision est une vie avec dignitĂ© pour toutes les personnes dĂ©placĂ©es dans le monde. Tous nos efforts reposent sur notre boussole morale : l’humanitĂ©, le respect, l’indĂ©pendance, la neutralitĂ©, la participation, l’honnĂȘtetĂ© et la transparence.

  1. Contexte

Sous la direction du bureau rĂ©gional de Dakar et en lien Ă©troit avec les interventions en RĂ©publique centrafricaine (RCA) voisine, DRC a commencĂ© ses opĂ©rations au Cameroun en 2018 en rĂ©pondant aux besoins humanitaires des rĂ©fugiĂ©s de RCA et des Camerounais vulnĂ©rables dans la rĂ©gion de l’Adamaoua. Actuellement, DRC opĂšre un bureau rĂ©gional Ă  Meiganga et deux bureaux secondaires Ă  Djohong (rĂ©gion de l’Adamaoua) et Ă  Garoua-Boulai (rĂ©gion de l’Est). Les interventions se concentrent sur la recherche de solutions durables pour les plus vulnĂ©rables, en utilisant l’approche holistique de graduation pour amĂ©liorer Ă  la fois la protection et la situation de reprise Ă©conomique. Les interventions comprennent notamment l’identification des principaux risques de protection et des conflits entre les populations afin d’identifier les projets de cohĂ©sion sociale et de rĂ©solution des conflits qui permettront de rassembler les communautĂ©s. L’Ă©quipe d’urgence itinĂ©rante (EMPACT) a Ă©tabli la prĂ©sence du programme de DRC dans la rĂ©gion du Sud-Ouest fin 2018 pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins des personnes dĂ©placĂ©es de force dans le contexte de la crise anglophone, en dĂ©butant des activitĂ©s humanitaires en janvier 2019. DRC opĂšre dans les divisions de Meme et de Fako, avec un bureau Ă  Buea. La programmation se concentre dans les zones rurales et difficiles Ă  atteindre pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins de base des populations en matiĂšre de nourriture, d’abris et de NFI, tout en amĂ©liorant l’environnement de protection et en offrant des opportunitĂ©s de gĂ©nĂ©ration de revenus. DRC est enfin prĂ©sent dans la RĂ©gion de l’ExtrĂȘme Nord avec un sous-bureau Ă  Kousseri depuis 2023 pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins de personnes victimes d’inondations et de conflits intercommunautaires avec un bureau rĂ©gional Ă  Maroua (opĂ©rationnel depuis septembre 2024) notamment pour la rĂ©ponse aux besoins des rĂ©fugiĂ©s nigĂ©rians et des communautĂ©s hĂŽtes.

2. Objet

DRC recherche un Coordinateur de Consortium expĂ©rimentĂ© pour superviser le consortium SOLID entre DRC, NRC, ACF et CARE afin d’encourager les solutions durables participatives aux situations de dĂ©placements dans les zones frontaliĂšres du Cameroun et de la RCA. Le Coordinateur du Consortium SOLID, programme financĂ© par l’Union EuropĂ©enne, supervisera la mise en Ɠuvre du programme dont l’objectif est de contribuer directement aux solutions durables, diversifiĂ©es et localisĂ©es aux situations de dĂ©placements au Cameroun et en RCA, en s’appuyant sur des mĂ©canismes de gouvernance communautaire et locale sensibles Ă  la protection de l’environnement et au conflit.Le Coordinateur de Consortium SOLID fournit un leadership programmatique et opĂ©rationnel Ă  l’unitĂ© de gestion du programme de cette initiative de 42 mois et est capable d’assurer un suivi efficace du programme, en mesurant ses rĂ©sultats globaux et en dĂ©montrant son Ă©volutivitĂ©. Il/elle est Ă©galement responsable des relations avec les donateurs et les deux gouvernements, du plaidoyer entre autres. Ce programme a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© lancĂ© et les bases sont dĂ©jĂ  posĂ©s. Il se met en Ɠuvre depuis janvier 2023 et court jusqu’au 30 juin 2026. Il supervise directement deux Ă©quipes (1 au Cameroun et 1 en RCA).

3. Responsabilités

Programme, suivi, surveillance et assurance qualité

  • Fournir un leadership et une gestion globale, ainsi qu’une direction technique gĂ©nĂ©rale, pour la mise en Ɠuvre et le dĂ©veloppement des activitĂ©s du projet
  • S’assurer que le cadre de suivi et d’Ă©valuation solide mis en place pour soutenir les leçons apprises, identifier et naviguer dans les changements de contexte en temps rĂ©el reste opĂ©rationnel, promouvoir l’extensibilitĂ© lorsque cela est possible, et mesurer les rĂ©sultats du programme
  • GĂ©rer efficacement l’unitĂ© de gestion du consortium, notamment en dirigeant le processus de dĂ©veloppement professionnel et d’Ă©valuation, en veillant Ă  l’obtention des rĂ©sultats du projet en fixant des objectifs spĂ©cifiques et en fournissant un retour d’information continu sur les performances.
  • Responsable de la gestion de l’achĂšvement en temps voulu et de qualitĂ© de tous les livrables et rapports techniques, administratifs et financiers du programme, conformĂ©ment aux directives des donateurs et aux directives opĂ©rationnelles de DRC.
  • Assurer une vision partagĂ©e du projet et de la “thĂ©orie du changement” au sein des partenaires du consortium.
  • Superviser la mise en place de mĂ©canismes efficaces de reporting, de gestion financiĂšre, de gestion du personnel et de passation de marchĂ©s pour le projet.
  • Promouvoir la durabilitĂ© des activitĂ©s du projet par une mise en rĂ©seau efficace, des liens avec d’autres programmes, en garantissant des approches participatives et l’autonomisation de la communautĂ© dans l’approche du projet.
  • Effectuer des visites d’appui aux Ă©quipes et de supervision dans les zones d’intervention des deux pays de maniĂšre rĂ©guliĂšre (dĂ©placements environ 30-40% du temps)

Coordination, plaidoyer et relations extérieures

  • Planifier et prĂ©parer les rĂ©unions du comitĂ© de pilotage du consortium, du comitĂ© technique et des revues trimestrielles/semestrielles du projet (Ă©laboration de l’ordre du jour, documents de rĂ©fĂ©rence, prĂ©sentation des progrĂšs), et superviser la mise en Ɠuvre des recommandations.
  • Assurer la liaison principale avec les membres du comitĂ© technique et Ă©tablir des relations de travail efficaces avec eux.
  • DĂ©velopper des partenariats dans la communautĂ© humanitaire et de dĂ©veloppement et coordonner avec les autoritĂ©s au niveau des RĂ©gions et/ou des prĂ©fectures et des communes.
  • Diriger les efforts de plaidoyer avec les partenaires, les donateurs, les clusters, les secteurs, les Agences UN, etc. lorsque cela est possible et pertinent.
  • Servir de liaison principale et Ă©tablir des relations de travail efficaces avec toutes les parties prenantes internes et externes en matiĂšre de solutions durables et de rĂ©silience au nom du consortium.

En outre, le Coordinateur du Consortium pourra se voir demander d’assumer d’autres tñches et travaux, à la demande du Directeur Pays dans la limite du champ couvert pour ce poste.

4. Qualifications requises

La rĂ©ussite de cette mission, exige que vous soyez Ă  l’écoute de vos Ă©quipes, que vous soyez en mesure d’assurer un management technique Ă  distance et sachiez faire preuve de leadership pour mener Ă  bien les objectifs des dĂ©partements concernĂ©s mais aussi pour appuyer les partenaires locaux, internationaux en charge de nombreuses activitĂ©s de gouvernance, de protection et rĂ©silience. De plus vous devez ĂȘtre (ou avoir) :

DiplÎme universitaire pertinent (Master ou Postgraduate), en sciences sociales, développement international, relations internationales, droit ou autre domaine pertinent.

  • Au moins 5 ans d’expĂ©rience professionnelle dans la conception, la mise en Ɠuvre, le suivi, l’évaluation et le rapportage de programmes en consortia (consortium consĂ©quent de minimum 3 partenaires internationaux avec des volumes supĂ©rieurs Ă  5 millions EUR) ;
  • Au moins 2 ans d’expĂ©rience professionnelle Ă  un poste de manager d’une Ă©quipe projet ;
  • ExpĂ©rience avĂ©rĂ©e dans les domaines des moyens de subsistance, de la rĂ©silience, de la protection, de la prĂ©vention des conflits, du changement climatique et/ou des domaines connexes ;
  • ExpĂ©rience pratique avĂ©rĂ©e de relations solides avec les donateurs, notamment avec l’Union EuropĂ©enne ;
  • ExpĂ©rience et technicitĂ© avĂ©rĂ©e dans la gestion budgĂ©taire complexe ;
  • ExpĂ©rience avĂ©rĂ©e sur le reporting, la qualitĂ© d’analyse, le suivi d’un contrat de financement volumineux et complexe et la capacitĂ© de synthĂšse ;
  • ExpĂ©rience/comprĂ©hension avĂ©rĂ©e du travail humanitaire et du travail de dĂ©veloppement et de la maniĂšre dont les solutions et le travail de rĂ©silience peuvent les rapprocher ;
  • Esprit d’équipe, trĂšs organisĂ©, proactif et ayant dĂ©montrĂ© un forte capacitĂ© d’initiative personnelle et de prise de dĂ©cision ;
  • Solides compĂ©tences en matiĂšre d’analyse et de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes ;
  • D’excellentes compĂ©tences Ă©crites et verbales en anglais sont requises.

Compétences souhaitées

  • ExpĂ©rience prĂ©alable en contexte d’Afrique centrale
  • ExpĂ©rience en management Ă  distance
  • TrĂšs bon niveau d’anglais
  • ExpĂ©rience en gestion/coordination de projet multi-pays
  • ExpĂ©rience sur thĂ©matiques en lien avec les migrations et les droits des rĂ©fugiĂ©s

5. Réglementations générales

  • L’employĂ© doit suivre les instructions de DRC en matiĂšre de sĂ©curitĂ©, de confidentialitĂ© et de directives Ă©thiques, y compris le code de conduite et le cadre de responsabilitĂ© humanitaire
  • L’employĂ© ne doit exercer aucune autre activitĂ© rĂ©munĂ©rĂ©e pendant la durĂ©e du contrat DRC sans autorisation prĂ©alable
  • L’employĂ© ne doit pas s’engager dans une activitĂ© qui pourrait nuire Ă  DRC ou Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de tout projet pendant la durĂ©e du contrat DRC
  • L’employĂ© ne doit pas accorder d’interviews aux mĂ©dias ni publier de photos liĂ©es aux programmes de DRC ou partager d’autres documents sans en recevoir l’autorisation prĂ©alable
  • L’employĂ© doit restituer tout l’Ă©quipement prĂȘtĂ© par DRC pour effectuer le travail aprĂšs la fin de la pĂ©riode du contrat ou sur demande de DRC.

6. Compétences et qualités exigées

  • À ce poste, vous devez dĂ©montrer les cinq compĂ©tences essentielles du DRC, Ă  savoir :
    • Viser l’excellence : vous vous concentrez sur l’obtention de rĂ©sultats tout en garantissant un processus efficace. Vous vous efforcez de produire un travail prĂ©cis, approfondi et professionnel avec une utilisation optimale du temps et des efforts.
    • Collaborer : vous coopĂ©rez avec et impliquez les parties concernĂ©es, recherchant activement leur opinion et partageant des informations clĂ©s avec elles. Vous soutenez et faites confiance aux autres, tout en encourageant les commentaires.
    • Prendre les rĂȘnes : Vous prenez la responsabilitĂ© et donnez la prioritĂ© Ă  votre travail en fonction de la vision et des objectifs gĂ©nĂ©raux de DRC. Vous prenez l’initiative face Ă  un dĂ©fi ou une opportunitĂ© et vous recherchez des solutions innovantes.
    • Communiquer : vous Ă©crivez et parlez efficacement et honnĂȘtement tout en adaptant votre style et votre ton Ă  la situation. Vous Ă©coutez activement les autres et les impliquez dans le dialogue.
    • Faire preuve d’intĂ©gritĂ© : Vous respectez et promouvez les normes les plus strictes en matiĂšre de conduite Ă©thique et professionnelle en relation avec les valeurs et le code de conduite de DRC, y compris la protection contre l’exploitation sexuelle, les abus et le harcĂšlement.
  • CapacitĂ© Ă  travailler dans un environnement multiculturel et cosmopolite
  • ProactivitĂ©, avec une approche coopĂ©rative et collaborative
  • D’excellentes capacitĂ©s de communication (notamment l’attention et la patience) sont nĂ©cessaires
  • De bonnes capacitĂ©s organisationnelles sont requises
  • Sens de l’éthique exemplaire
  • CapacitĂ© Ă  travailler en Ă©quipe et bon sens de l’humour

How to apply

7. Processus de candidature

Si vous ĂȘtes intĂ©ressĂ©(e), alors postulez en ligne en allant sur ce site : www.drc.dk/about-drc/vacancies/current-vacancies

Les candidatures ne peuvent se faire qu’en ligne, sur le site indiquĂ© ci-dessus. Vous devez tĂ©lĂ©charger en ligne votre CV (3 pages maximum) ainsi qu’une lettre de motivation. Le CV et la lettre de motivation peuvent ĂȘtre en français ou en anglais.

Les candidatures rĂ©alisĂ©es par voie postale, par envoi de courrier Ă©lectronique ou par dĂ©pĂŽt d’un dossier physique ne seront pas considĂ©rĂ©es.

Les candidatures seront clÎturées le 05 Octobre 2024 à 23h59 heure du Cameroun. Candidatures reçues aprÚs cette date ne seront pas considérées

DRC fournit des opportunitĂ©s Ă©gales en termes d’emploi et interdit toute pratique de discrimination basĂ©e sur la race, le sexe, la couleur de peau, l’appartenance religieuse, l’orientation sexuelle, l’ñge, l’état civil ou bien une quelconque situation de handicap. DRC ne pratique aucune discrimination dans le cadre de ses processus de recrutement.

Cependant, les candidats doivent prendre en considĂ©ration que le DRC ne peut pas employer, dans le cadre d’un contrat international, un(e) ressortissant(e) du pays dans lequel elle/il devra travailler (en l’occurrence, la RĂ©publique du Cameroun et la RĂ©publique Centrafricaine).

Pour plus d’informations Ă  propos du Conseil Danois pour les RĂ©fugiĂ©s, veuillez consulter le site web de l’organisation : www.drc.ngo

NĂ©anmoins, il est possible pour le DRC de commencer, dĂšs avant la fin de la publication de l’offre, le processus de recrutement si une candidature rĂ©pond aux attentes et exigences du poste.

UN Jobs: Consultant, Community Resilience – Chad



Consultant, Community Resilience

Consultancy Service for co-creation and Proposal Development of a community resilience programme within the Lake Chad Basin region, to scale up response efforts bridging humanitarian relief to recovery to community resilience and peacebuilding in face of disasters, food insecurity crises and climate change.


The humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) continues to be severe, with more than 11 million people requiring wide-ranging life-saving assistance, protection, and resilience-building interventions. The Lake Chad region is one of the world’s most protracted conflict and crisis environments. Despite some positive developments, high levels of violence continue to have a devastating impact on millions of people in Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. Conflict and climate change continue to fuel large-scale human suffering in north-east Nigeria and parts of Niger, Chad and Cameroon. Some 5.6 million people are expected to be severely food insecure during the 2022 lean season – the highest figure in four years. Furthermore, 3.0 million people are internally displaced (IDPs), including 2 million in Nigeria alone. Instability and armed violence in the Lake Chad Basin have disrupted the population’s lives, making displaced people (refugees and IDPs) and local communities vulnerable to a range of protection risks. Over 5.3 million people have been forced to flee within or outside their countries.

Climate change and extreme weather events are increasingly causing vulnerable families to fall into crisis. Heavy rains and floods in late 2022, have significantly affected the Lake Chad Basin causing loss of human life, property, farmlands, and livestock, affecting 866,000 people, killing over 250 and displacing 214,000. Some 122,000 houses and over 131,000 hectares of agricultural farmland were damaged or destroyed. Many affected regions already struggled with high food insecurity, malnutrition, instability, and violence.

The LCB is a highly complex protracted crisis context where Humanitarian, Development, Peace and Stabilisation efforts should complement each other in areas such as local development, community resilience building, social cohesion, community engagement and accountability (CEA), Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI).

The National Red Cross Red Societies are present throughout the Lake Chad Basin in each of the five countries; Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic and Chad as auxiliary to their governments. The IFRC has presence of its delegations in 4 countries (Cameroon, CAR, Niger, and Nigeria). The Red Cross’s ongoing humanitarian activities, the extensive network of local volunteers, branches and unique mandate and capabilities to serve hard-to-reach communities provide a unique comparative advantage for Building Community Resilience to Disasters and Climate Change in Lake Chad Basin.

Organizational Context

In dialogue with the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the IFRC and its member National Red Cross Societies, are looking to jointly develop community resilience programme within the region, to scale up response efforts bridging humanitarian relief to recovery to community resilience and peacebuilding in face of disasters, food insecurity crises and climate change.

The programme is envisaged to significantly contribute to the humanitarian response plans, the Lake Chad Basin Commission Regional Strategy for the Stabilisation, Recovery and Resilience and Strategic Action’s Plan. Programming design will also benefit from integration with the IFRC’s existing humanitarian response activities and Pan African Key Initiatives and the joint AU-IFRC Food and Nutrition Resilience Programme (FNRP), which seeks to enhance food security of the most vulnerable people through investment in sustainable agricultural practices, water management, health and nutrition, and by strengthening economic potential of small-scale food producers and their communities. Close collaboration between National Governments and Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies; will support tailored analysis and programme design with national needs and aligned with the broader regional objectives of this initiative.

Purpose of the consultancy

In close collaboration with the Lake Chad Basin Commission, national governments, RCRC national societies and other stakeholders, IFRC is seeking to:

  • Update regional context analysis and stakeholder mapping.
  • Develop framework with programme options for consultation.
  • Support consultation and dialogue, through interviews and workshops with Government, Lake Chad Basin, RCRC movement partners
  • Develop multi-country/regional multi-year community resilience programme, aligned to Lake Chad Basin Commission Regional Strategy for the Stabilisation, Recovery and Resilience; humanitarian response plans; National Society and IFRC strategic plans and the joint AU-IFRC Food and Nutrition Resilience Programme (FNRP).
  • Conduct joint donor mapping and consultations.


  • Review of relevant background documentation and materials, including:
    • Lake Chad Basin Commission Regional Strategy for the Stabilisation, Recovery and Resilience.
    • Lake Chad Basin Strategic Action’s Plan
    • Humanitarian response plans
    • National Society plans expressed through the unified planning process and Regional IRFR strategies and Pan African Initiatives
    • AU-IFRC Food and Nutrition Resilience Programme (FNRP),
    • Relevant programmes developed by NS and partners NS in the region.
    • Relevant programmes developed by LCBC in the region,
    • Secondary data and analysis of needs in the region
    • Key programmes and plans by external stakeholders in the region
  • In-depth analysis of contextual challenges and opportunities related to system priorities i.e. problem space analysis using the systems approach
  • Development of templates for stakeholder inputs to context analysis and stakeholder mapping
  • Structured consultations with National Societies, Government, and relevant partners
  • Frequent liaison with project steering committee, drawn from Lake Chad Basin Commission, National Government line ministries, National Societies, IFRC and other partners.
  • Written report(s) of context analysis, stakeholder mapping and framework for programming options.
  • Supporting IFRC, NS and Lake Chad Basin Commission stakeholder workshop(s) at national/regional level
  • Consolidation of inputs into a coherent programme proposal following steering committee’s guidance.
  • Ensure proposal, budget and annexes align with the identified plans and priorities are internally approved and submitted in an appropriate format and to the highest possible quality in time for the deadline.


  • National and regional consultations
  • Context analysis report
  • Stakeholder maps
  • Framework for programming options.
  • Materials to support IFRC, NS and Lake Chad Basin Commission stakeholder co-creation workshop(s) at national/regional level
  • First draft of the multi-country/regional multi-year community resilience programme, aligned to Lake Chad Basin Commission Regional Strategy for the Stabilisation, Recovery and Resilience; humanitarian response plans; National Society and IFRC strategic plans and the joint AU-IFRC Food and Nutrition Resilience Programme (FNRP), with annexes and budget submitted to the steering committee by 45-50 days after starting of consultancy
  • Following feedback from the steering committee, revise the draft multi-country/regional multi-year community resilience programme with annexes, and budget and draft of the proposal with the French Red Cross targeting the French Government for support to the Sahel part of the Global Route Based Migration Programme, annexes and budget submitted to the steering committee by (date TBA) 2024


The consultancy will be for up to 60 days, to be delivered between October 2024 and January 2025 or until final submission is completed, if earlier.

Qualification of the Consultant

  • Demonstrated a minimum of 10 years’ experience and success in working on Major Donors application (ECHO, DB, Governments
  • Programmatic design experience and technical knowledge about community resilience, last/first mile populations, livelihoods and humanitarian-peace-development nexus.
  • Candidates will be asked to show proof of working in complementarity with both communities and systems actors at various level and of the integration of scalability and sustainability considerations into the design of innovative or new solutions.
  • Familiar with IFRC, Africa context and migration/resilience operations
  • Strong experience in problem space analysis using systems approach for programme design at scale
  • Proficient in spoken and written English and French.

How to apply

Interested, experienced and qualified consultants are requested to apply on the IFRC website through the link below, on or before 07 October 2024.

Consultant, Community Resilience_IFRC & LCBC

Grant Opportunities: Call for Projects to Protect Cultural Heritage from Climate Change Impact in Africa – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: 21-Nov-2024

The ALIPH Foundation has launched a Call for Projects to Protect Cultural Heritage from the impact of climate change.

This initiative, which prioritizes projects in Africa, will support practical and field-based projects to protect or rehabilitate cultural heritage. It will also finance capacity building for local professionals and promote applied research, including in areas that address the advancement and transfer of traditional knowledge.

This strategy addresses the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on cultural heritage (built, mobile, and intangible, as well as the intersection of cultural/natural heritage) and will also consider the role of cultural heritage, traditional knowledge systems, and indigenous communities in the fight against climate change in vulnerable areas.

  • Categories of projects are:
    • Protection, Conservation, Rehabilitation
      • Within this category, ALIPH seeks to support a series of concrete projects that will address, on the ground, the protection of cultural heritage and climate change in Africa. Particular attention will be given to projects providing concrete protection measures and conservation/rehabilitation outcomes
      • These projects can include the following type of actions:
        • Conservation plans;
        • Disaster risk reduction strategies;
        • Emergency measures (documentation, inventories, consolidation, etc.);
        • Sheltering of cultural goods and in situ protection;
        • Conservation or rehabilitation measures;
        • Outreach.
      • Two scales of initiatives can be proposed:
        • Small to mid-size projects involving protection/conservation/rehabilitation initiatives at small to middle-scale heritage sites.
        • Landmark projects targeting protection/conservation/rehabilitation initiatives at high visibility heritage sites with a demonstrated impact of climate change (floods, desertification, etc.). These projects will be structured around ambitious protection/conservation/rehabilitation initiatives that will attempt to integrate traditional knowledge and latest results of research on climate change and cultural heritage into their strategy and implementation.
    • Capacity-building and knowledge transfer
      • Within this theme, ALIPH seeks to fund capacity-building and knowledge transfer efforts to broadly support the expertise on the intersection of cultural heritage and climate change in Africa. The goal of these projects must be to train, on the ground, the next generation of experts, providing administrative and/or technical skills in heritage protection and project management.
      • These projects can address tangible or intangible heritage. They will contribute to reinforcing the following skills:
        • Crisis management;
        • Emergency documentation and conservation measures;
        • Post-disaster and post-conflict damage and needs assessment;
        • Sustainable site management;
        • Site conservation/rehabilitation;
        • Transfer of traditional knowledge;
        • Heritage project management (including grant writing, financial reporting, etc.)
      • ALIPH will favor projects that carry out in-situ/on-the-job capacity-building with concrete outcomes for local heritage and professionals. Regional or multi-country initiatives are encouraged.
      • This category of projects is only available to institutions and organizations.
    • Actionable research
      • Within this theme, ALIPH seeks to support directly actionable research on heritage and climate change. For this Call, ALIPH is particularly interested in the following research themes:
        • Predictive modeling on conflict and/or climate and its impact on cultural heritage management and conservation. This research would project the evolution of the environment in a given area in order to develop more sustainable strategies of protection and rehabilitation.
        • Documentation and operationalization of traditional practices and knowledge that lead to resilience in the face of climate change or conflict. These can include practices as varied as water and land management strategies, construction techniques, risk management systems, etc.
        • Technical research projects looking, for instance, at the evolution of raw material use (access, availability, reaction to changing conditions, etc.), heritage-compliant carbon sequestering materials, new conservation methods, etc.
        • Case studies on good practices pertaining to heritage site management impacted by climate change in terms of prevention/mitigation, adaptation, risk management, policy development, community engagement, etc.
      • This category of projects is only available to institutions and organizations
Funding Information
  • USD 10 million
Eligibility Criteria
  • Eligible operators and institutions:
    • Institutions in charge of the protection, conservation, and promotion of cultural heritage;
    • Private organizations (foundations, NGO, non-profit, charity, associations, etc.);
    • Universities and research centres;
    • Private, for-profit organizations can be considered based on the overall interest of the project and the lack of availability of non-profit alternatives.
  • The applicants must demonstrate that they have:
    • Previous relevant experience (including management of projects of comparable size);
    • Relevant expertise (including capacity for research project as applicable);
    • Financial stability;
    • Capacity to deliver the project;
    • Local partnerships, and the necessary agreements with local/national authorities and/or communities.

For more information, visit ALIPH Foundation.

Grant Opportunities: Applications open for Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) Initiative – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: 25-Oct-2024

Applications are now open for the Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) Initiative to support blended finance structures targeting climate action in developing economies.

The program provides bespoke technical assistance and working capital to accelerate the scaling and deployment of market-ready vehicles that have already executed pilots and/or have proven their investment model.

The program’s support proactively addresses key barriers to raising private capital by building the capabilities of proponents to generate business traction, secure funding, and accelerate market rollout.

Which sectors and/or themes will be prioritized? 
  • Eligible structures are blended finance vehicles that target climate change mitigation and/or adaptation in a wide range of sectors. The focus will be on sectors that are severely under-financed globally relative to the impact they can deliver. Examples include, but are not limited to, sustainable energy, encompassing just transition, universal access, and energy efficiency; sustainable cities and resilient infrastructure; sustainable agriculture and land use; and thematic areas such as nature-based solutions and gender equality.
  • The program will have a global focus, but will also have a dedicated thematic stream focused on sustainable agriculture and climate adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Funding Information
  • The CC Facility offers grant funding of up to USD 500,000, customized acceleration support and knowledge-sharing through a learning hub.
  • Selected blended finance structures will receive grant funding and acceleration support for up to 18 months. The pace will vary by grantee depending on their needs and envisioned launch timeline.
  • Grant Funding
    • Funding to accelerate the launch and scale-up of blended finance structures for climate action
    • Through bundled grant funding and customized acceleration support, the CC Facility enables climate finance structures to address barriers preventing private capital mobilization, as well as provides implementation monitoring and valuable networks to grantees throughout the grant period. Grant funding is performance-driven and based on achieving predetermined milestones and deliverables.
  • Acceleration Support
    • Customized technical assistance for 12-18 months to build capabilities to accelerate the market roll-out of blended climate finance structures
    • A comprehensive offering of services focused on strategy, fundraising, and operations to advance implementation of climate finance structures.
  • Learning Hub 
    • Knowledge-sharing resources to help build the field and consolidate the market, creating synergies and increasing efficiencies in the ecosystem
    • Drawing on CPI and Convergence’s extensive data collection and research efforts, the Learning Hub will accelerate the implementation of blended finance structures, mobilize private capital, and achieve socioeconomic and environmental impact.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for consideration:
    • Geography: Developing countries.
    • Applicants do not need to be domiciled in a developing country but end beneficiaries and target activities must. Preference will be given to local applicants who demonstrate a nuanced understanding of local contexts and engagement with local stakeholders where relevant.
    • Stage: Market-ready structures moving through an initial adoption stage in their development process
    • This includes blended finance structures that have already been tested for feasibility, completed proof of concept, pilot(s), or a minimum viable product, and are ready to soon launch and scale.
    • Entity type: Organizations or a consortium of organizations, including advisory firms, foundations, not-for-profits, fund managers, and private enterprises.
    • Public institutions such as development finance institutions, multilateral development banks, UN and government agencies cannot be the lead applicant or grant recipient.
    • The lead organization must be able to provide proof of incorporation and financial statements for the previous fiscal year.

For more information, visit CC Facility.

Plan International jobs: Legal Counsel – West & Central Africa


Legal Counsel – West & Central Africa

Date: 23 Sep 2024

Location: West & Central Africa,, Flexible

Company: Plan International

The Organisation


Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child but know this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected.


Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and we enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.


For over 85 years, we have rallied other determined optimists to transform the lives of all children in more than 80 countries.


We won’t stop until we are all equal.



The Opportunity


 Plan International is looking for an interim Legal Counsel to join our Legal team to support our West & Central Africa region.  The Legal team helps drive good governance and decision making by providing global insights, thought leadership and technical expertise for governors, leaders and staff as they strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


As Legal Counsel you will engage at all levels of the organisation, particularly in our West & Central Africa region, across a broad range of complex legal and governance. You will be part of the Global Hub Legal Team, reporting to Deputy General Counsel, and will also work directly with our regional and country offices, as well as senior stakeholders within the Regional Office and Global Hub’s globally located and multidisciplinary business units.  Legal Counsel will provide legal advice and, where necessary, coordinate specialist legal advice from various firms on domestic and international legal and governance issues, and use your technical and professional legal expertise as an entry point to problem-solve more broadly.


The Individual


We are looking to recruit a fluent French and English speaking lawyer who is both qualified (3+ years PQE) in, and has significant experience practicing as a lawyer in, a West or Central African jurisdiction. Ability to speak Portuguese and/or dual qualification in one of UK, US or a European jurisdiction are desirable but not essential.

You will have a demonstrable ability to use legal skills to solve problems and identify and implement pragmatic solutions. You will be able to give legal advice internationally on a diverse range of issues and you will also have strong experience in at least one of the West or Central African jurisdictions in a significant number of the following areas of law and inhouse practice: employment and labour law, commercial/contract, restructuring, corporate governance (including subsidiary management), charity/not-for-profit, data privacy, intellectual property, dispute resolution or management of legal claims, as well as advising and reporting on legal and other risks.

To be successful in this role you will be a highly professionally and creative problem solver who is constructive and positive in their approach, and who demonstrates high levels of integrity and alignment with Plan’s values. You will be self-motivated and highly organised and you will be a collaborative team player. You will be able to communicate effectively in French and English, with Portuguese language skills being additionally desirable.


Please respond to the requirements of the role in your cover letter.

Only CVs and cover letters in English will be accepted.  Interviews will be in a combination of French and English.


Please click here for the full role profile Legal Counsel January 2024 (WACA).docx


Location: This role will be based in one of Plan International’s Country Offices in the West & Central Africa region where Plan International has an office* and you have the pre-existing right to work and live may be considered. Occasional travel to another office may be required.

Salary: Plan International offers a competitive package in the context of the sector with an option of flexible of working hours. We will be happy to disclose the salary and applicable benefits to applicants as part of this process, however, please kindly note that this will vary according to the location of the appointed candidate and therefore, it is not possible to include full details here

Type of Position: 1 year fixed term ideally to start between October – December 2024

Closing date: Sunday 6th October 2024, with the view to hold interviews w/c 14th October


 *Applicable locations include: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad,, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo


Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan International stands for.


We want Plan International to reflect the diversity of the communities we work with, offering equal opportunities to everyone regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.


Plan International is based on a culture of inclusivity and we strive to create a workplace environment that ensures every team, in every office, in every country, is rich in diverse people, thoughts, and ideas.


We foster an organisational culture that embraces our commitment to racial justice, gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion.


Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. This means that we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with and we must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk.


A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International’s Safeguarding Children and Young People policy. Plan International also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this scheme we will request information from applicants previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Please note that Plan International will never send unsolicited emails requesting payment from candidates. 

Plan International jobs: Deployable Education in Emergencies Specialist


Deployable Education in Emergencies Specialist

Date: 23 Sep 2024

Location: Globally flexible, Flexible

Company: Plan International

The Organisation


Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child but know this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected.


Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and we enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.


For over 85 years, we have rallied other determined optimists to transform the lives of all children in more than 80 countries.


We won’t stop until we are all equal.


The Opportunity


Our new global strategy prioritises humanitarian scale up.


To respond to the growing unmet needs in emergencies and to strengthen the speed, quality, relevance and appropriateness of our emergency response and readiness work, we are investing in our  humanitarian deployable capacity.


The Deployable Education in Emergencies (EiE) Specialist is a member of Plan International’s Global Education in Emergencies team under the Education in Humanitarian Action Unit. While on deployment the specialist provides technical support to Plan International’s Country Offices (COs). This normally involves responding to medium and large-scale emergencies to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate EiE programmes. When not on deployment the specialist contributes to Plan’s EiE overall workplan. This may include continued follow up from a distance with deployment countries.


This is a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable experience in a wide range of countries and contexts at a time of humanitarian investment for Plan International. 


Please follow this link for a full role profile; Deployable Education in Emergencies Specialist Sep 24.docx


Location: The location of this role can be flexible where Plan International has an office* that can employ on behalf of the Global Hub and you have the pre-existing right to work and live. Those locations where Plan International run programmes are preferred. 

Type of Role: Permanent or maximum fixed term contract

Reports to: Head of Education in Humanitarian Action Unit


Closing Date: 7th October 2024 at 23.59 BST


*Applicable locations may include: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe


Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan International stands for.


We want Plan International to reflect the diversity of the communities we work with, offering equal opportunities to everyone regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.


Plan International is based on a culture of inclusivity and we strive to create a workplace environment that ensures every team, in every office, in every country, is rich in diverse people, thoughts, and ideas.


We foster an organisational culture that embraces our commitment to racial justice, gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion.


Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. This means that we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with and we must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk.


A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International’s Safeguarding Children and Young People policy. Plan International also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this scheme we will request information from applicants previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Please note that Plan International will never send unsolicited emails requesting payment from candidates. 

UN Jobs: Education Programme Officer – Street Child


, Programme & Policy ,


Job Title: Education Programme Officer Reporting to: Head of Programmes Hours: 40 hours/ week Principal Location: Buea, Cameroon Length of Contract: 12 months fixed term contract – with possibility of extension

Organisation Background:

Street Child believes that every child deserves the chance to be safe in school and learning. Our projects focus on a combination of education, child protection and livelihood support to address the social, economic and structural issues that underpin today’s education crisis. We partner with local organisations and communities to deliver our locally rooted programmes and use evidence to drive learning, refine, and scale up of programmes to create maximum impact for the most children. We pride ourselves on being willing to go to the world’s toughest places where others won’t, including remote, hard-to-reach areas and fragile, disaster-affected states across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Since 2008 we have helped over one million children to go to school and learn and have supported over 25,000 families to set up businesses so they can afford the cost of educating their children.

Our work as Street Child of Cameroon reflects this global ambition. With programming commencing in Cameroon in 2020, we have set out to build a programme that responds to those most in need with integrated education, child protection, and livelihoods activities. With a successful start in child protection, and more recent momentum in education, our objective is to build off of this success and to expand our efforts for children in crisis affected communities.


Street Child of Cameroon seeks to significantly scale up our work in the domain of EiE. The Education Programme Officer will take responsibility for providing technical guidance to this growing portfolio, around the programme cycle, and to our partners. This will require support for proposal development, programme design, and ongoing guidance for quality programme implementation. The Education Programme Officer will help drive the country programme towards meeting our objective of reaching 100,000 vulnerable children within the next 5 years.

The Education Programme Officer will work under the overall responsibility of the Country Director and under the direct supervision of the Senior Programmes Manager.



  • Play the lead role in the design and implementation of Street Child education programmes
  • Ensure oversight of education programme implementation to ensure high quality and timely delivery of programme activities.
  • Identify local actors with complementary capacities with whom Street Child of Cameroon can partner to implement education programming
  • Ensure education programming adheres to international technical and humanitarian standards including INEE minimum standards
  • Proactively promote high quality EiE technical approaches by Street Child staff and partners.
  • Represent Street Child in the Education Cluster and other coordination mechanisms, working groups and platforms in-country
  • Lead on budget and procurement planning for EIE programming
  • Ensure that protection is well mainstreamed in all EiE projects
  • Work closely with programmes and MEAL colleagues to prepare narrative reports for donors in full compliance with Street Child and donor requirements
  • Ensure there is a functioning information pathway with submission of project data, and activity reports to MEAL team in order for verification checks to be carried out.


  • Identify capacity strengthening needs of Street Child and partner staff as related to education and EIE.
  • Develop and roll out capacity building plans on EiE to Street Child and partners to strengthen the delivery of quality EiE programming.
  • Collaborate with the Street Child HQ programme and advisory teams to upgrade and contextualise Education tools to be used by Street Child of Cameroon and local partners.
  • Support the development of EiE learning needs assessment and capacity building plans for Street child and its partners and oversee their implementation through regular reviews.
  • Oversee the development of technical training materials that will improve the different components of EiE portfolio within street Child of Cameroon
  • Perform any other capacity development and training duties as relevant and assigned by the supervisor.
  • Ensure the learning from EiE programming is captured, shared and that best practices are replicated.
  • Manage quality reporting processes through detailed induction and hands-on training for relevant staff, introducing them to standards, donor templates and Street Child expectations


  • Support in the identification of relevant funding opportunities for education/EIE locally and internationally
  • Lead the development and submission of quality proposals in response to identified opportunities in EiE; serve as technical lead and/or lead technical writer, as required.
  • Work together with the programmes team in-country and at HQ to initiate and design high quality, cost-effective, innovative and sustainable education project proposals and concept notes.
  • Support engagement with funders and partners and represent Street Child at donor meetings and events as necessary
  • Perform any other resources mobilisation duties as assigned by the supervisor
  • Person Specification / Education/Qualifications:
  • A first degree in the domains of Education, Humanitarian Affairs, Educational Psychology, Curriculum Studies and Teaching, Project Management, International Relations, Sociology, etc.

Experience and knowledge:

  • Demonstratable experience in an education program management position with progressive responsibilities within an international NGO
  • Minimum of 5 years hands on experience in EiE related work in Cameroon
  • Firm mastery of the Cameroonian humanitarian context
  • Specific professional experience in EiE projects in the NW/SW regions of Cameroon
  • Firm mastery of INEE

Skills and abilities:

  • Excellent interpersonal, listening and communication skills.
  • Ability to positively influence others and successfully reconcile differences.
  • A self-starter with a strong results orientation and with high levels of integrity, credibility, and dependability.
  • Ability to work in an international setting and with various departments to implement successful approaches to Education.
  • Must have a strong understanding of child development and education principles.
  • Demonstrated ability to multi-task, work and deliver independently and under pressure and tight deadlines.
  • Committed to and familiar with safeguarding approaches including anti-sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse.
  • Excellent spoken and written English.
  • Good working knowledge of French.
  • Excellent interpersonal, listening and communication skills.
  • Excellent planning, coordination and reporting skills with demonstrated ability to work under pressure and delivering to tight deadlines.
  • Proven coaching/capacity building skills and organisational development experience.


  • Mastery of pidgin English and any other lingua franca used in the crises-affected regions of Cameroon.


  • Able and willing to occasionally travel as necessary.
  • A ‘can-do’ and agile attitude, a passion for problem solving and adaptive thinking.
  • Commitment to our vision, mission and values.
  • Commitment to protecting the rights of children in all circumstances.
  • Commitment to localisation and local action.
  • Must possess the right to live and work in Cameroon.

Street Child’s commitment to Safeguarding:

Street Child is committed to the safeguarding and protection of the communities we serve, our partners, our volunteers, and our staff

As part of this commitment to safeguarding, all offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate background checks, including a Criminal Records check. Street Child also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this Scheme, we will request information from job applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment.

Street Child of Cameroon is committed to the safeguarding and protection of the communities we serve, our partners, our volunteers, and our staff.

As part of this commitment to safeguarding, all offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate background checks, including a Criminal Records check. Street Child of Cameroon also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this Scheme, we will request information from job applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment.

To apply:

Street Child welcomes applications through its jobs portal from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age.

Application Deadline:

This vacancy announcement shall remain open until filled.

, Apply now , Added 8 hours ago – Updated 8 hours ago – Source: street-child.org

UN Jobs: UNFPA – Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, YaoundĂ©, Cameroon, NOC


, Mid Senior ,


This is a NO-C contract. This kind of contract is known as National Professional Officers. It is normally only for nationals. It’s a staff contract. It usually requires 5 years of experience, depending on education.


The salary for this job should be more than 4,693 USD.

Salary for a NO-C contract in Yaoundé

The salary of a NO-C depends on the duty station. The minimum salary there is 2,757,250 XAF (~4,693 USD) Please note that depending on the location, a higher post adjustment might still result in a lower purchasing power.

Please keep in mind that the salary displayed here is an estimation by UN Talent based on the location and the type of contract. It may vary depending on the organization. The recruiter should be able to inform you about the exact salary range. In case the job description contains another salary information, please refer to this one.

More about NO-C contracts.


The Position:

The Planning, M&E Specialist provides guidance in defining results, including leading the development of theories of change and quality M&E frameworks. S/he provides technical guidance and oversees monitoring and tracking of results against defined targets and leads annual results plans and reporting of results. S/he ensures implementation of results-based management (RBM) principles and standards and contributes to knowledge management and maintenance of a culture of results. More specifically, she/He also promote use of the results information for adaptations The PM&E specialist is also responsible for leading and providing technical support to the development and implementation of costed evaluation plan and manages and ensure the quality of all evaluation processes and products in conformity with the UNFPA evaluation Policy and UNFPA evaluation quality standards.

You will report directly to the Resident Representative and functionally report to the Deputy Representative and on evaluation matters to the regional monitoring and evaluation advisor.

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA’s strategic plan (2022-2025), reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA and focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. These results capture our strategic commitments on accelerating progress towards realizing the ICPD and SDGs in the Decade of Action leading up to 2030. Our strategic plan calls upon UN Member States, organizations and individuals to “build forward better”, while addressing the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, recover lost gains and realize our goals.

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction.

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will lead effective results planning, monitoring, reporting, communication and evaluation of programmes and projects.

You would be responsible for:

A. Results planning

Provide guidance to the Country office programme in defining results

  • Lead the development of theories of change of the programmes and projects counting the past, present and future contexts
  • Lead developing quality M&E frameworks including the costed monitoring and evaluation plan of the country programme
  • Provide relevant inputs to the formulation of United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, more specifically common country analysis, strategic prioritization, theory of change, results framework and joint work plans
  • Lead developing annual and multiyear results plans
  • Support developing workplans to operationalise the results
  • Facilitate and substantively contribute to the development of field monitoring plans and quality assurance processes
  • Facilitate generation of evidence and lessons to support evidence-based planning and programming

B. Monitoring

Provide technical guidance to the Country Office in and oversee the monitoring and tracking of results against programme/ country/ regional level targets and the UNFPA Strategic Plan

  • Lead monitoring of the Annual Results Plans
  • Lead annual reviews of the projects and programmes
  • Facilitate the midterm reviews of the projects and programmes
  • Lead monitoring work plans in collaboration with programme staff
  • Support field monitoring and coordinate with programme team and promote use of monitoring visits recommendations
  • Support collecting and analysing data and evidence including higher-level indicators and oversee regular data quality checks
  • Actively participate and lead joint united nations joint results groups and other joint monitoring mechanisms
  • Provide inputs for implementing adaptive and innovative monitoring practices such as remote monitoring, real time monitoring, etc.
  • Contribute to the implementation of the assurance plans including the spot check

C. Results reporting and results communication

Oversee reporting of results to internal (Senior Management) and external (Executive Board, Donors) audiences

  • Collect quality quantitative and qualitative data
  • Compile and analyze data for projects and present analytical reports to inform reporting and decision making
  • Develop quality results reports
  • Lead communicating results for both internal and external audiences in close collaboration with communication staff
  • Provide required results and data for producing external report such as United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework
  • Support producing and disseminating results reports on implementation of UNFPA strategic plan and regional programmes

D. Evaluation

Provide technical support to programmes in the implementation of the UNFPA Evaluation Policy

  • Lead and provide technical support to the development and implementation of costed evaluation plan in the country office/programme; including an annual update and regular monitoring of implementation of planned evaluations
  • Manage and ensure the quality of all evaluation processes and products in conformity with UNFPA Evaluation Policy and UNFPA evaluation quality standards (EQA)
  • Manage decentralized evaluations at the country level
  • Development of the decentralized evaluations TOR, quality assurance of the evaluation inception and final reports
  • Provide guidance on the appropriateness and design of evaluations (methods, scope of work, technical proposal and consultant qualification), including on the conduct, the management, strategic communication and the use of evaluations
  • Provide leadership in interagency and coordination work on M&E at country level, including technical advice to UNSDCF evaluations
  • Ensure dissemination of evaluation results and ensure results are incorporated in formulation and implementation of programmes

E. Knowledge management and culture of results

Contribute to knowledge management and maintaining a culture of results

  • Ensure implementation of results-based management (RBM) principles and standards
  • Provide technical support to implementing partners on strengthening capacity development on results-based management
  • Promote interventions for utilizing results and demonstrate the adaptive management
  • Identify, disseminate and use good practices, lessons and knowledge
  • Support results communication in collaboration with relevant staff
  • Coordinate development of management responses to all evaluations within six weeks of completion, including quarterly updates on implementation of actions plans of management responses to evaluations

Carry out any other duties as may be required by UNFPA leadership.

Qualifications and Experience:


Masters degree (or equivalent) in statistics, economics health, population demography and/or any other related social science discipline.

Knowledge and Experience:

  • At least 5 years of relevant national/international working in the area of monitoring, reporting, and evaluation including proven track-record in the design and implementation of comprehensive monitoring systems
  • Experience with using data collection and analysis software
  • Experience in providing critical analysis of programme result frameworks, particularly with regards to internal logic and coherence between different level results (project; programme; country etc.)
  • Experience in the United Nations, UNFPA and/or other multilateral organization, field work experience, are highly desirable
  • Experience in managing evaluation
  • Experience in one of UNFPA transformative areas is an asset
  • Strong knowledge of programme formulation and implementation and Results Based Management
  • Strong knowledge of monitoring and evaluation, evaluation design, data collection and analysis, and reporting
  • Good knowledge of UN programme management systems
  • Ability to provide policy advice and support to implementing partners
  • Ability to interact with donors
  • Ability to synthesize program performance data and produce analytical reports
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills
  • Strong planning, goal setting, prioritization and organizational skills
  • Ability to pay close attention to detail
  • Good people management and conflict resolution and negotiation skills
  • Ability to work across geographical locations
  • Excellent computer / information systems skills (Ms Access, Ms Excel, Ms Project, Ms Word, CsPro, SPSS, Stata, NVivo, kobo collect, powerbi)


Fluency in English; knowledge of other official UN languages, preferably French, is desirable.

Required Competencies:


  • Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system,
  • Exemplifying integrity,
  • Embracing cultural diversity,
  • Embracing change

Core Competencies:

  • Achieving results,
  • Being accountable,
  • Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen,
  • Thinking analytically and strategically,
  • Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships,
  • Communicating for impact

Managerial Competencies :

  • Providing strategic focus
  • Engaging staff and partners
  • Leading, developing and empowering people/creating a culture of performance
  • Making decisions and exercising judgment.

Compensation and Benefits:

This position offers an attractive remuneration package including a competitive net salary plus health insurance and other benefits as applicable.

UNFPA Work Environment:

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, diversity, integrity and healthy work-life balance. We are committed to ensuring gender parity in the organization and therefore encourage women to apply. Individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community, minority ethnic groups, indigenous populations, persons with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities in terms of appointment, training, compensation and selection for all regardless of personal characteristics and dimensions of diversity. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is at the heart of UNFPA’s workforce – click here to learn more.


Selection and appointment may be subject to background and reference checks, medical clearance, visa issuance and other administrative requirements.

UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process and does not concern itself with information on applicants’ bank accounts.

Applicants for positions in the international Professional and higher categories, who hold permanent resident status in a country other than their country of nationality, may be required to renounce such status upon their appointment.

, Apply now , Added 4 hours ago – Updated 4 hours ago – Source: unfpa.org

UN Jobs: IRC – Senior Advisor Gender, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (GEDI) – People and Operations


, ,

Job Description

Background/IRC Summary: The Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Unit is a strategic and organizational change lever responsible for developing a GEDI vision and strategy for the IRC, and empowering IRC departments to deliver on the DEI Strategy and the GEDI Action Plan. The Unit establishes IRC’s approach to GEDI to strengthen our people, program quality, and influence foundations through a feminist lens.

Job Overview/Summary: Reporting to the GEDI Director for Crisis Response Recovery & Development (CRRD), as the Senior GEDI Advisor you will be responsible for supporting the People & Culture (P&C) functions, regional and country leadership to implement the IRC GEDI action plan. You will guide regional colleagues and country offices in applying intersectional feminist principle in all people and operational policies and practices.

We are looking for a creative, solution-driven gender GEDI expert with deep experience in translating feminist principles into organizational practices and policies to reach impact at scale. This role is an exciting opportunity to advance IRC feminist commitments across our people and, operation efforts by supporting leaders to embed intersectional feminist practices, taking antiracist and decolonial approach in their roles, the workplace, and within their teams.

Strategic support

‱ Serve as thought partner to assigned regional leaders to ensure we contextualize and deliver on the people and operational priorities of the IRC GEDI action plan, including ensuring adequate integration and resourcing in regional and country strategic plan.

‱ Partner with Regional leaders and P&C Directors to help country leaders identify gap in representation and inclusion and set substantial goals for more equitable internal practices and policies in support of the IRC feminist commitment. This includes devising and supporting implementation of contextually relevant solutions to drive achievements of IRC’s Leadership Diversity Goals and strengthen a culture of inclusion and belonging of underrepresented and marginalized staff.

‱ Serve as assessor of progress, aggregate outcomes to support report on progress and data-driven decision making and strengthen accountability.

Technical support

‱ Collaborate with the team of Senior GEDI Advisors to develop and/deploy context-relevant tools, solutions, and programs to enable inclusion and promotion of key underrepresented employee groups through the employee life cycle (ex: women, SOGIESC, people with disabilities, LGBTIQ+, underrepresented and racial minorities).

‱ Provide technical support to regional and country P&C functions to review, design, and implement GEDI-related policies and functional-specific interventions that eliminate inequities and enable an inclusive workplace culture in alignment with the IRC Equality Value.

‱ Collaborate with regional (and where needed country) Safety and Security, Safeguarding, and Operations partners to address context-specific GEDI gaps and challenges and build adequate GEDI capacities within their team.

‱ Serve as a hub of GEDI knowledge for the regional and country teams to provide technical knowledge and expertise, monitor new practices, document the results, and provide ongoing coaching and capacity building to country GEDI staff.

‱ In collaboration with CRRD P&C teams and appropriate leadership, analyze, and report data on inclusion related outcomes, identifying areas for improvement and making data-driven recommendations.

Learning and employee group support

‱ Design and deliver context-specific GEDI learnings to support an inclusive culture and enhance the belonging of diverse groups.

‱ Mobilize and support regional Employee groups (including Women at Work groups) and cross regional community of practice (including GEDI Champions) as agents of change in the cultural transformation.

‱ Work with Employee groups to promote dialogue and engagement on key GEDI matters, surfacing emerging issues and opportunities, and recommending solutions to enhance our workplace GEDI Strategy.

Key Working Relationships

Direct Reporting: GEDI Director for Crisis Response Recovery & Development (CRRD)

Internal: CRRD People and culture Directors and partners, safety and Security, Safeguarding , CRRD regional and country leaders.

External: IRC Organizational Partners, Feminist network, Gender and D&I focused organizations.

Job Requirements

Education: Graduate degree or years in additional work experience

Work Experience: 6 + years of related experience that includes:

‱ Direct experience leading and influencing organizational partners to adopt feminist principles as core to all organizational processes, policies, and activities.

‱ Experience leading and supporting change management to embed an inclusive work culture.

‱ At least 2 years in the humanitarian and/or international development sector.

‱ At least 3 years of experience in one or more of CRRD Regions

‱ Experience building communities of practice.

Demonstrated Skills and Competencies

‱ Deep commitment to and knowledge of strategies to advance gender equality diversity and inclusion in different organizational contexts and equal participation in the workplace.

‱ Demonstrated experience in applying intersectional feminist lenses to one or more of the following areas: Employee life cycle, Safety, and Security, Learning and development, leadership development, HR operations, workplace infrastructure, workplace culture.

‱ Demonstrable understanding of how power dynamics affect organizations and the ability to amplify the voices of individuals from under-represented groups.

‱ Experience in designing and delivering GEDI training.

‱ Experience in crafting and implementing regional and sub regional strategies according to organizational priorities, considering a variety of country contexts.

‱ Excellent communication skills, ability to engage all levels of staff and leaders, build and maintain strong relationships with people from all backgrounds, genders, cultures, and viewpoints.

‱ Ability to work effectively and with impact through matrixed relationship and to engage, inspire to action, and influence people outside of direct reporting lines.

Language Skills

‱ Excellent spoken and written of English

‱ Proficiency in at least one other language spoken the CRRD regions (French, Arabic, Spanish, Swahili, etc.) highly desirable.

Working Environment

‱ Combination of standard office working environment and working remotely (i.e., telecommuting). Applicants must have a home or alternate workspace they can effectively complete their work from during regularly scheduled work hours.

‱ Some travel as needed up to 30%.




, Apply now , Added 7 hours ago – Updated 7 hours ago – Source: rescue.org

UN Jobs: UNICEF – International Intern in Green Skills, YaoundĂ© Cameroon 6 months


, Internship Programme & Policy ,


This is a Internship contract. It usually requires 0 years of experience, depending on education. More about Internship contracts.


UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, hope.

Cameroon ranks among the ten most vulnerable countries in the world according to UNICEF’s Children’s Climate Risk Index. This vulnerability stems from the country’s diverse climates and ecosystems, including Sahelian regions severely affected by desertification, coastal areas threatened by coastal erosion and rising sea levels, and Congo Basin areas impacted by deforestation and biodiversity loss. The main climate disasters affecting Cameroon, including slow-onset disasters, consist of droughts, floods, landslides, bushfires, windstorms, and coastal erosion. These disasters have become more frequent and severe in recent years, resulting in significant socio-economic and human losses, which profoundly impact the well-being of children and communities. In alignment with UNICEF’s global initiatives, such as the “Green Skills” programs (Innovation 30, YOMA, etc.) and “Green Rising” which recognize the potential of adolescents to become change-makers rather than passive beneficiaries, it is crucial to emphasize green skills education. This approach prepares children, adolescents, and youth to participate in and contribute to the green economy, thereby mitigating the effects of climate change and promoting sustainable development. In this context, it is essential to conduct a study on green skills and the associated employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for adolescents in Cameroon. This study aims to provide technical support to the Ministries of Youth, Environment, Secondary Education, and Employment and Vocational Training to better understand the needs and opportunities in this area. The objective is to prepare Cameroonian adolescents and youth to play a key role in the ecological transition and the country’s sustainable economic development, while also offering them opportunities to earn a livelihood through the green economy.

To learn more about UNICEF Cameroon:


How can you make a difference?

The objective of this study is to identify and assess the green skills targeting climate change mitigation and adaptation measures needed for adolescents in Cameroon to prepare them to actively participate in the emerging green economy. The study aims to identify opportunities and fill gaps in green skills education and propose effective strategies to integrate these skills into formal and informal educational programs. It also seeks to determine the best practices for engaging adolescents and creating tangible income opportunities through green skills training.

  • Identify the current opportunities and gaps in the development of green skills among adolescents.
  • Determine the green skills relevant to Cameroon’s green economy, the skills needed in key industries and sectors.
  • Propose strategies to integrate green skills development into formal and informal educational programs, and vocational training.
  • Develop a learning pathway linking green skills to income opportunities and entrepreneurship that impact children and society (schools, health centers, communities, etc.).

If you want to know more: TORS Intern Adolescent and Gender Programme VA.pdf

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have

  • Be enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school, or be a recent graduate in Social Sciences, Statistics, Economics, or another relevant technical field.
  • Good command of research methods (qualitative and quantitative) and/or data analytics, conducting documentary analyses, and report writing, with a focus on climate change, adolescent skills development, and their employability, as well as experience in conducting surveys.
  • Proven experience in data management and statistics or in a relevant field.
  • Familiarity with the Cameroon context or experience in the region will be highly valued.
  • Be proficient in UNICEF’s working languages: English and French.
  • Have strong academic performance as demonstrated by recent university or institution records or, if not available, a reference letter from an academic supervisor.
  • Have no immediate relatives (e.g. father, mother, brother, sister) working in any UNICEF office.
  • Are not disqualified under the UNICEF Child Safeguarding Personnel Standards (DHR/STANDARDS/2019/001), or as amended.
  • Intermediate to advanced knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge of e-learning authoring tools is an asset.

Required Documents :

  • Letter of enrollment or certificate from the college or university that the intern is currently enrolled in a graduate school or has completed at least three years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution It should also state the expected graduation date. Recent graduates are allowed until 2 years after degree completion.
  • Copy of their most recent official transcript showing excellent academic performance.
  • Copy of Identification Card (ID) or Passport.

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values

UNICEF competencies required for this post are… (1) Builds and maintains partnerships(2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness(3)Drive to achieve results for impact(4)Innovates and embraces change(5) Manages ambiguity and complexity(6)Thinks and acts strategically(7)Works collaboratively with others.

During the recruitment process, we test candidates following the competency framework. Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels: competency framework here.

UNICEF is here to serve the world’s most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a wide range of benefits to our staff, including paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promote the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


UNICEF’s active commitment towards diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable [Female]are encouraged to apply.

UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance. Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station, which will be facilitated by UNICEF, is required for IP positions. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Government employees that are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

, Apply now , Added 3 days ago – Updated 7 hours ago – Source: unicef.org