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Grant Opportunities: Pfizer Independent Medical Education Competitive Grant Program – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 30-Sep-2024

Pfizer seeks to encourage organizations to submit grant applications for independent medical education initiatives that will result in the measurable improvement of the medical and scientific understanding of emerging treatment options for patients with Hemophilia.

Area of Interest
  • Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on:
    • Educating on the evolving treatment landscape (i.e. genetic medicine, rebalancing strategies) for hemophilia to improve the understanding of these novel approaches and their potential clinical applicability.
    • Discussing shared decision making (SDM) and practical approaches on how SDM can be incorporated into hemophilia patient care
    • Educating on the benefits of omnichannel healthcare strategies which can provide seamless, personalized service and patient care experience
    • Sharing knowledge and best practices (i.e. staff training, SOP, follow-up care) on how Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) and multidisciplinary team are preparing for novel therapies in development
    • Advancing patient education on the evolving hemophilia treatment landscape and improving patient’s empowerment and ability to make informed decisions about their care
Funding Information
  • Individual projects requesting up to $100,000 will be considered.
Target Audience
  • Members of multidisciplinary teams that care for Hemophilia patients including but not limited to Hematologists, Pharmacists, Specialty Nurses, Genetic Counsellors, Medical Geneticists, and other Physicians.
Geographic focus
Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicant Eligibility Criteria
    • Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or medical practice groups.
    • The following may apply: medical, dental, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional associations and medical societies; patient advocacy groups; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement.
    • If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations. All institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
    • For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organization must be accredited.

For more information, visit Pfizer.

Grant Opportunities: Carnegie Ethics Fellowship for Young Professionals – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 15-Oct-2024

Submissions are now open for the Carnegie Ethics Fellowship for talented young professionals to develop their capabilities and be examples of values-driven responsible leadership.

The two-year Fellowship is structured to develop the next generation of ethical leaders from business, government, academia, and non-governmental organizations. The Fellowship is part of Carnegie Council’s significant commitment to developing ethics in leadership and to the communities of experts that work toward this end, aligning the power of decision-making with reflective right action.

  • Carnegie Ethics Fellows have access to a unique set of benefits:
    • Leadership Cohort: A leadership cohort nested in a set of Carnegie Council communities its expert network, its affiliate network, and the alumni network that will grow from the Fellowship.
    • Tailored Curriculum: A two-year curriculum with sponsored endorsed modules for personal-professional development curated by Carnegie Council and its partners. Collaborative opportunities that connect the leadership cohort to the world through institutions, themes, and projects.
    • Custom Network & Events: An inclusive and open space to foster deeper discussion, to cultivate new relationships through shared experiences, and to broaden networks across industries, sectors, and communities.
    • Thought Leadership Platform: Opportunities for thought leadership, publication, and content creation in collaboration with Carnegie Council in order to reach a global audience.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Career level with growing leadership responsibilities.
  • A drive for values-focused leadership in personal endeavors as well as at the international level.
  • A desire to develop personally and understand the connection to issues in international affairs.
  • The ability to work in multicultural, multispectral, and or multi stakeholder teams.
  • The ability to collaborate effectively with others.
  • Ages 25-35 (exceptions are possible but limited).

For more information, visit Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.

Grant Opportunities: The Schrucker Fellowship for the Arts: $20,000 in Grants for Contemporary Tibetan Creatives – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 14-Oct-2024

The International Campaign for Tibet is pleased to announce the launch of the Schrucker Fellowship for the Arts to support Tibetans working in the fields of contemporary art, creative writing, film and theater.

The fellowship was established to nurture and support this burgeoning creative community, providing Tibetan artists with the resources they need to continue their important work.

Creativity and artistic expression are powerful tools for understanding and navigating complex societal issues in the best of times, but critically necessary for communities under siege. Amidst these complexities, the arts play a crucial role in both safeguarding cultural heritage and expressing contemporary realities.

Funding Information
  • The total grant amount in 2024 will be $20,000.
  • Projects can receive funding from $500 to $3,000.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Tibetans from any country are eligible to apply. Tibetans working for organizations may apply on behalf of the organization, provided that the applicant is central to the implementation of the project’s work. Non-Tibetans are ineligible for grants from this fellowship.
  • Applicants will be selected based on the merit of their work, and a demonstrated ability to deliver on stated goals. The fellowship aims to support applicants’ effort to reach new levels in their career, and all are encouraged to apply with current needs and ideas, irrespective of their status as emerging, mid-career, or established in their field of work.
  • Please note that this fellowship is not applicable for conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and app development.

For more information, visit International Campaign for Tibet.

Grant Opportunities: Applications open for Pure Ocean Challenges 2025 – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 01-Oct-2024

Applications are now open for the Pure Ocean Challenges.

Priority Themes: The “Pure Ocean Challenges”
  • Understanding marine pollution and combating its origins
  • Protecting biodiversity and restoring degraded marine ecosystems
  • Strengthening the resilience of marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them in the face of climate change
  • Improving the knowledge of the ocean-system
  • This year, a special attention will be given to projects:
    • Developing marine conservation initiatives managed by local communities and indigenous peoples
    • Exploring nature-based solutions for the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems
    • Operating in key oceanic areas: the French littoral, Middle East/Asia and Africa coasts
Funding Information
  • Selected projects will receive up to €40,000/year (average €25,000/year), for a duration of one to two years.
  • A two-year project can therefore receive a maximum of €80,000 and support for certain projects can be renewed.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The project must address one or more Pure Ocean Challenges.
  • They seek out and support projects in all regions of the world.
  • There is no age limit, but candidates in the early stages of their career are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Only non-profit organizations (NGOs, universities, research institutes) can apply and receive funding. The project can however include a collaboration with organizations from the private sector (companies, startups, etc.).
  • Applicants must clearly outline their co-financing opportunities in their budget, as well as a minimum operating budget in the event that Pure Ocean is unable to grant the full amount requested.
Ineligibility Criteria
  • Pure Ocean only support scientific projects addressing a clearly-defined research question.
  • The funding may not be devoted solely to awareness-raising, clean-up initiatives, events, art, advocacy or training projects.
  • For-profit (such as startup development), promotional, or advertising projects are outside the scope of this Call.
  • Application found incomplete, or written in another language (other than English) at platform closure will be disqualified.

For more information, visit Pure Ocean.

UN Jobs: Gouvernance Locale et de DĂ©centralisation au Cameroun – Appel Ă  curriculum vitae – Cameroon



Gouvernance Locale et de DĂ©centralisation au Cameroun – Appel Ă  curriculum vitae

DAI est une sociĂ©tĂ© de dĂ©veloppement international dĂ©tenue par ses employĂ©s. Depuis plus de 50 ans, nous travaillons en premiĂšre ligne du dĂ©veloppement international, en nous attaquant aux problĂšmes fondamentaux de dĂ©veloppement social et Ă©conomique causĂ©s par l’inefficacitĂ© des marchĂ©s, la mauvaise gouvernance et l’instabilitĂ©. Actuellement, les activitĂ©s de DAI produisent des rĂ©sultats qui font la diffĂ©rence dans 90+ pays. Nos solutions de dĂ©veloppement transforment les idĂ©es en impact en rĂ©unissant de nouvelles combinaisons d’expertise et d’innovation dans de multiples disciplines. Nous comptons parmi nos clients des agences de dĂ©veloppement international, des institutions de crĂ©dit internationales, des sociĂ©tĂ©s privĂ©es et philanthropiques, ainsi que des gouvernements nationaux.

DAI accepte actuellement les candidatures de professionnels seniors pour des postes techniques et opĂ©rationnels Ă  long terme dans le cadre d’une nouvelle activitĂ© de gouvernance locale et de dĂ©centralisation au Cameroun financĂ©e par l’Agence des États-Unis pour le dĂ©veloppement international (USAID).

Des experts Ă  court et Ă  long terme ayant sept (7) ans ou plus d’expĂ©rience dans les domaines suivants sont recherchĂ©s dans les domaines techniques suivants. Les ressortissants camerounais sont vivement encouragĂ©s Ă  postuler :

  • DĂ©centralisation et gouvernance locale
  • RĂ©forme de l’administration publique
  • Consolidation de la paix/prĂ©vention des conflits
  • Engagement du secteur privĂ©
  • Formation/renforcement des capacitĂ©s
  • Genre et inclusion sociale
  • Suivi, Ă©valuation, apprentissage et rapports
  • Communications stratĂ©giques/sensibilisation des citoyens
  • DĂ©veloppement et gestion des subventions
  • Financement de projets, opĂ©rations et administration des contrats de l’USAID

Les postes spécifiques comprennent :

  • Chef de Projet (COP)
  • Chef de Projet adjoint (DCOP)
  • Directeur des opĂ©rations et des finances
  • Responsable du suivi et Ă©valuation
  • Conseillers techniques principaux

Qualifications et exigences

  • DiplĂŽme universitaire dans un domaine pertinent (tel que l’administration publique, l’administration des affaires, les relations internationales) d’une universitĂ© accrĂ©ditĂ©e requis. Un diplĂŽme d’Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures (maĂźtrise ou supĂ©rieur) est prĂ©fĂ©rable.
  • Au moins 7 ans d’expĂ©rience technique dans son domaine d’expertise.
  • Au moins 5 ans d’expĂ©rience progressive en gestion et en leadership pour des postes de direction.
  • ExpĂ©rience au Cameroun et/ou en Afrique de l’Ouest une expĂ©rience rĂ©gionale est prĂ©fĂ©rable.
  • ExpĂ©rience avec l’USAID et/ou d’autres programmes de donateurs internationaux de prĂ©fĂ©rence.
  • Solides compĂ©tences en communication – tant Ă  l’Ă©crit qu’Ă  l’oral – requises en français et fortement prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es en anglais.

Les candidats intĂ©ressĂ©s doivent postuler avec une lettre de motivation et un CV au plus tard le 13er octobre 2024. Les candidatures prĂ©coces sont encouragĂ©es. Veuillez inclure votre domaine d’expertise dans votre lettre de motivation (par exemple, « expert en dĂ©centralisation ») Aucune demande de renseignements par tĂ©lĂ©phone ne sera acceptĂ©e et seuls les candidats prĂ©sĂ©lectionnĂ©s seront contactĂ©s. Les postes Ă  temps plein sont subordonnĂ©s Ă  l’attribution et Ă  l’approbation du projet et seraient basĂ©s au Cameroun.

Nous vous prions d’envoyer votre ici : https://fs23.formsite.com/OLJTgx/bratmgah8m/index

How to apply

Nous vous prions d’envoyer votre ici : https://fs23.formsite.com/OLJTgx/bratmgah8m/index

Grant Opportunities: Submissions open for Small Conservation Grants 2024 – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 31-Dec-2024

The Jana Robeyst Trust Fund (JRTF) is accepting submissions for the Small Conservation Grants to provide financial resources to early career biologists/conservationists to carry out vital field conservation and research work in Africa.

Funding Information
  • Small grants will be awarded up to a maximum of 1,500 euro.
Eligible Projects
  • Eligible project will have a clear conservation value and be based in a country in sub-Saharan Africa. Preference will go to projects in relation with elephants. Education projects will also be considered.
  • Travel costs for presentation of the project at a conference, or participation to workshop/training program will also be considered.
  • Purchase of field equipment if they are essential in completing field work.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The JRTF aims to provide relatively small levels of funding for ongoing projects or pilot programmes with a clear conservation value.
  • This funding program is open to early career biologists for projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. They accept projects related to the conservation of mammals and especially (forest) elephants.
  • Applicants can be based anywhere in the world.
  • Both successful and unsuccessful applicants are welcome to apply again 12 months after the submission.
Ineligible Projects
  • Pure research will not be funded. Research project will be considered if they demonstrate applied benefit to conservation and/or target an identified conservation need.
  • Living costs, salary’s, thesis production costs, retrospective costs, fundraising costs, and payment of a debt will not be considered for funding.
  • Office equipment and participation to internship and volunteer program will not be considered unless they are essential in completing field work or benefit an identified conservation need.

For more information, visit Jana Robeyst Trust Fund.

Grant Opportunities: Nominations open for 5th International Zendal Awards – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 04-Oct-2024

The Zendal is requesting proposals for its V International Zendal Awards to drive, spread and reward the knowledge and research in the field of biotechnology globally.

Zendal’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of living conditions through the research and development of medicines and vaccines focused on the prevention of diseases, both human and animal. They know that human and animal health are interconnected with the well-being and the conservation of ecosystems. For this reason, sustainability and biodiversity have been fully integrated into the different lines of work of the company.

They approach the challenge of researching, developing and manufacturing new products for human and animal health with an integrating perspective with all living beings on the planet and the environment. Within this framework, the V edition of the International Zendal Awards will be held, with the aim to spread, promote and reward knowledge and research in the field of biotechnology worldwide.

Award Categories
  • The International Zendal Awards were set up with the intention of recognising the work of those institutions, public or private, that develop their work in the field of animal as well as human health, and that have shown merit and commitment in carrying out these principles, within the areas related to vaccines, prevention, biotechnology and the concept of One Health. In the form of a donation to a public or private institution (University, Government body, N.G.O., Foundation, Research Institute, startup) that contributes to improve the human welfare within the field of healthcare and disease prevention. There are 2 categories of Awards:
    • Human healthcare Award: In the form of a donation to a public or private institution (University, Government body, N.G.O., Foundation, Research Institute, startup
) that contributes to improve the human welfare within the field of healthcare and disease prevention.
    • Animal healthcare Award: In the form of a donation to a public or private institution (University, Government body, N.G.O., Foundation, Research Institute, startup
) that contributes to improve the animal welfare within the field of healthcare and disease prevention.
  • Tribute Award: Recognition of the professional career of a person who has contributed, with his own work and merits in the scientific field, to the development of vaccines, disease prevention, biotechnology and the One Health concept, either in human or animal welfare.
  • The tribute prize will consist of an achievement award.
Funding Information
  • Human healthcare Award: Value of the prize: €40.000
  • Animal healthcare Award: Value of the prize: €25.000
Assessment Criteria 
  • The judging panel will take into account the scientific-technical quality of the projects, as well as their viablility and feasibility.
  • Special consideration will be given to those nominations that contribute significantly to:
    • Biotechnology research
    • Knowledge transfer
    • Innovation/Social transformation
    • Healthcare
  • Furthermore, in order to guarantee that the winners are selected in the most objective and impartial way, the following qualities will be considered:
    • Innovation and scientific relevance of the research
    • Feasibility of the project
    • Applicability of findings at both national and international level
    • Contribution to improving lives in terms of progress and welfare

For more information, visit Zendal.





About : Action contre la Faim

CrĂ©Ă©e en 1979, Action contre la Faim est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. Sa charte des principes humanitaires – indĂ©pendance, neutralitĂ©, non-discrimination, accĂšs libre et direct aux victimes, professionnalisme, transparence – fonde son identitĂ© depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa mission est de sauver des vies en Ă©liminant la faim par la prĂ©vention, la dĂ©tection et le traitement de la sous-nutrition, en particulier pendant et aprĂšs les situations d’urgence liĂ©es aux conflits et aux catastrophes naturelles. Action contre la Faim coordonne ses programmes autour de 5 domaines d’activitĂ©s : Nutrition et SantĂ© – SantĂ© Mentale, Soutien Psychosocial et Protection – SĂ©curitĂ© Alimentaire et Moyens d’Existence – Eau, Assainissement et HygiĂšne – Plaidoyer. En 2022, Action contre la Faim est venue en aide Ă  plus de 28 millions de personnes dans 46 pays Ă  travers le monde. www.actioncontrelafaim.org

Mission :

Sous la supervision de la Directrice Adjointe Programme, votre mission sera de dĂ©finir les stratĂ©gies et de coordonner les interventions d’Action Contre la Faim dans le domaine de la santĂ© et de la nutrition.
Plus précisément, vos missions seront les suivantes :
Concevoir, capitaliser et Ă©valuer les interventions nutritionnelles et sanitaires ainsi que les actions de plaidoyer dans votre secteur.
Évaluer et analyser le contexte nutritionnel du pays.
Collecter et analyser des donnĂ©es nutritionnelles provenant d’autres partenaires (ONG, agences de l’ONU, structures gouvernementales) pour dĂ©cider du lancement d’enquĂȘtes.
Suivre et coordonner les programmes dans les domaines de la nutrition et de la santé.
Superviser ou mener des Ă©valuations rapides et des enquĂȘtes nutritionnelles.
ContrÎler, valider et suivre les consommations de vos programmes pour établir les commandes et effectuer un contrÎle qualité.
Manager l’Ă©quipe Nutrition SantĂ© Ă  la capitale et ĂȘtre le manager fonctionnel des Responsables Programme Nutrition SantĂ© sur les bases.
DĂ©velopper et animer les programmes et le plaidoyer en partenariat avec les acteurs nationaux et locaux.
Représenter ACF et porter ses positions dans le domaine de la santé et de la nutrition.

Profile :

Vous ĂȘtes titulaire d’un diplĂŽme universitaire en mĂ©decine, en soins infirmiers, ou dans une autre spĂ©cialitĂ© mĂ©dicale ou paramĂ©dicale pertinente, et vous justifiez d’une expĂ©rience minimale de cinq ans en gestion de projets de dĂ©veloppement ou en action humanitaire, dans des environnements complexes.
Vous avez une expĂ©rience avĂ©rĂ©e dans la coordination et la supervision technique d’Ă©quipes multiculturelles sur des projets multisectoriels, ainsi que dans la gestion budgĂ©taire de programmes.
Vous possédez de solides compétences en rédaction de propositions de projets et en leadership, en particulier dans des contextes complexes.
Vous ĂȘtes doté·e d’excellentes capacitĂ©s de communication, tant Ă  l’Ă©crit qu’Ă  l’oral, et savez gĂ©rer le stress tout en faisant preuve d’intelligence Ă©motionnelle.
Une expérience dans le pays ou la région constitue un atout, tout comme vos compétences en suivi à distance.
Un bon niveau d’anglais, Ă  l’Ă©crit et Ă  l’oral sont nĂ©cessaires pour ce poste.

Conditions d’emploi

Contrat Ă  durĂ©e dĂ©terminĂ©e d’usage de droit français : 12 mois
Salaire:Salaire mensuel brut : de 2597 Ă  2968euros en fonction de l’expĂ©rience
Remboursement assurance retraite pour les citoyens non français : 16% du salaire mensuel brut
Per diem et frais de vie mensuels : 618euros nets, versés sur le terrain
Allocation contexte mensuelle : 150euros
Allocation enfant : 1500euros par an et par enfant prĂ©sent dans le pays d’origine (plafond de 6000euros/an)

Avantages:Transport et logement : Prise en charge des déplacements et logement collectif
Couverture Médicale : 100% de la prise en charge des cotisations santé (CFE + complémentaire santé) et assurance rapatriement
Dispositifs de maintien de salaire (maladie, maternité, paternité)
CongĂ©s et RnR : 25 jours par an de CP et 20 RnR par an ; prise en charge du billet avec plafond pour se rendre sur la zone de break choisie, et 215euros d’indemnitĂ© forfaitaire par RnR
Accompagnement et formation
Suivi et accompagnement parcours professionnel
AccĂšs illimitĂ© et gratuit Ă  la plateforme d’e-learning certifiant Crossknowledge ©
ACF s’engage pour les personnes en situation de handicap et lutte activement contre toutes les formes de discrimination.

How to apply

Pour postuler, cliquez sur ce lien / To apply, please click on this following link : apply here

UN Jobs: Intersectional Procurement Manager – Central African Republic – Central African Republic



Intersectional Procurement Manager – Central African Republic

Intersectional Procurement Manager – Central African Republic

Location: Bangui, Central African Republic

Contract: Fixed-term contract at 100%

Duration: 12 months

Starting date: January 2025


Bangui is a city of 1.1 million inhabitants with the average per capita income per year of around €500. “According to the latest estimates dating from 2020, around 71% of the population lives below the international poverty line ($1.90 per day, in purchasing power parity)”.1

Unlike many countries where MSF represents a relatively low purchasing power, in CAR MSF is a very important player in the market, which is very small and concentrated in Bangui. Availability and quality standards of the items has been a recurrent challenge. Therefore, increasing the coordination between MSF operational centres (OCs) in terms of procurement can mitigate the risk of having different MSF entities competing among themselves for the same resources. Both the need for a coordinated approach to procurement and a harmonized contract management justify the importance of having an intersectional set-up for the most critical categories in CAR.


The Intersectional Procurement Manager (IPM) defines and implements the procurement strategy to answer needs that are common to all OCs present in the country. The objective of this position is to increase availability and quality of goods and services and reduce lead-times and risks; mutualize procurement efforts to capture cost-savings without compromising quality, simplify category management and avoid competition among the OCs; deliver a consistent procurement approach across the MSF movement, harmonizing procurement methodologies, practices, tools, and processes and in compliance with MSF protocols, standards and procedures.


1. Deliver a spend assessment, identify priority categories common to all sections, and deliver an implementation roadmap

· Based on the information (historical spend, budget and forecast) provided by procurement focal points of the OCs (Logistic, Supply Coordinators, SCTL and/or procurement MGR), build a mapping of spend to identify procurement priorities (key supplier& categories).

· In collaboration with the Steering Committee, define the intersectional procurement strategy including categories to be handled at intersectional level (that is, categories common to all sections) and its implementation roadmap.

2. Define and monitor intersectional suppliers for priority categories .

· Create a roadmap for implementation of the activities identified.

· Monitor suppliers currently under intersectional contracts for Fuel, Freight-Forwarding, and Gas.

· Standardise the lists of items most commonly used by category in common contracts between the 4 OCs for priority categories selected.

· Identify potential markets and suppliers locally and regionally in coordination with other MSF operations in other countries (for example, OCG in Cameroon) for common needs.

· Leading open tendering processes for common categories and items, with a focus on efficiency, agility, quality, and price.

· Understand the Procurement tools and adapt selection criteria to the context, encode data resulted from the various tenders and issue a market/tender analysis to support Supply Coordinators in the decision making.

· Ensure sustainable procurement practices within the selection of suppliers for priority categories and engage current intersectional suppliers in MSF’s sustainable ambitions.

· Evaluate competitiveness of contract prices of intersectional contracts before renewal.

· Systematicallyassess the performance of selected suppliers for priority categories based on evaluation tools based on evaluation tools and take corrective action where necessary.

· Physical follow-up of the contracts and systemically, archive contracts, update price catalogue tool used on the mission and make it accessible to any concerned parties.

3. Create and manage a functional procurement intersectional network

· Create Intersectional procurement meetings organised at least once a month.

· Brief new supply and key focal points that arrive to the mission and other staff on request.

· Make sure Finance departments receive their copies of the contracts and are briefed to be able to check if invoice prices are in line with the agreed prices.

· Enforce that products subject to VAT are listed in collaboration with the BIP (protocol office) and the application of VAT exemption is increased.

· Ensure coherence between supplier contract terms and required documents for the application of VAT exemption.

· Network with other organisations – EX. Log Cluster and other platforms.

· Align work with the OCs Procurement Managers (PMs) in a way to avoid overlapping and competing on the same activity. The IPM will focus on mutually agreed categories for mutualisation while PMs focus on individual OC priorities, while closely collaborating on the operational needs to ensure intersectional activities are connected to the operational reality of the mission.

· Ensure the proper involvement of the key stakeholders, including technical referents for validation of sources and items, in order to have a successful implementation of the procurement strategy.

· Timely communicate on issues, opportunities or any important update related to intersectional procurement activity.

· Ensure technical support for his area of activity and provide coaching to staff of the OCs in order to contribute to the development of procurement best practices and capacity.

Out of Scope:

· Order placed to Supply Centers.

· Technical validation of the sources for the Log and med items that required such validation.

· Transactional activities: order placement, good reception and invoicing stay in the scope of each OC.


Practical / technical knowledge

· University degree in business administration, supply chain management, procurement or similar.

· 4+ years of experience in procurement including data analysis, sourcing, complex negotiation and contracting or a position in a different domain entailing the same components.

· A strong knowledge in supply chain processes and financial budgeting are required.

· Experience at international level (outside home country) and field missions in procurement or supply chain functions with MSF or another NGOs are a strong asset.

· Experience in project management is an asset.

Planning and organising

· Analytical mindset, organizational skills and autonomy are a must.

· Result-orientation and customer service orientation are necessary.

Communicating and influencing

· Ability to work transversally, in a multi-cultural environment and in remote mode is required.

· Listening skills, proven diplomacy and ability to develop a professional network.

· Ability to motivate and mobilize different counterparts.

Practical requirements

· Proven ability to work with Office and ERP, in particular a good command of excel is a must.

· Fluent spoken and written French, minimum level B2, is mandatory. Other languages are a strong asset.

How to apply

Kindly apply here: https://msf.recruitee.com/o/intersectional-procurement-manager-central-african-republic

UN Jobs: Supply Chain Officer (P2) YaoundĂ©, Cameroon – Cameroon



Supply Chain Officer (P2) Yaoundé, Cameroon

Position Title: Supply Chain Officer

Duty Station: Yaoundé, Cameroon

Classification: Professional Staff, Grade P2

Type of Appointment: Fixed term, one year with possibility of extension

Estimated Start Date: As soon as possible

Closing Date: 24 September 2024

Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.

IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive work environment. Read more about diversity and inclusion at IOM at www.iom.int/diversity.

Applications are welcome from first- and second-tier candidates, particularly qualified female candidates as well as applications from the non-represented member countries of IOM. For all IOM vacancies, applications from qualified and eligible first-tier candidates are considered before those of qualified and eligible second-tier candidates in the selection process.

For the purpose of this vacancy, the following are considered first-tier candidates:

  1. Internal candidates
  2. Candidates from the following non-represented member states:

Antigua and Barbuda; Barbados; Botswana; Cabo Verde; Comoros; Congo (the); Cook Islands; Dominica; Fiji; Grenada; Guinea-Bissau; Holy See; Iceland; Kiribati; Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the); Madagascar; Marshall Islands; Micronesia (Federated States of); Namibia; Nauru; Palau; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Solomon Islands; Suriname; The Bahamas; Tonga; Tuvalu; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu

Second tier candidates include:

All external candidates, except candidates from non-represented member states.


Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission (CoM) and direct supervision of the Resources Management Officer (RMO), and in close collaboration with the Regional Office in Dakar, and in coordination with the Supply Chain Division at Headquarters (HQ), the Supply Chain Officer will be responsible and accountable for supply chain activities, guided by Supply Chain Management (SCM) objectives to deliver quality goods/services to the beneficiaries at optimal price and in a timely manner.

The responsibility will also include ensuring the appropriate implementation of instructions and policies governing the management of resources related to procurement and logistics in the CO, as well as providing recommendations aiming at increasing effectiveness and efficiency of procurement and logistics management within the IOM Cameroon Country Office (CO).

IOM procurement and supply chain activities are guided by the general principles of:

Best Value for Money

Accountability, Integrity and Transparency

Fairness and Effective Competition

Best Interest of IOM

Core Functions / Responsibilities:

  1. Contribute to the strategic planning for supply chain related activities of the Country Office (CO) in close collaboration, with internal and external stakeholders in the country, as well as relevant units at HQ.
  2. Conduct logistics capacity assessment and market research to keep abreast decisionmakers about local market trends and developments; analyze statistical data and market reports on the commodity situation, production patterns and availability of good and services.
  3. Coordinate and monitor all supply chain management related tasks and activities, including planning, budgeting, scheduling and provision of goods and services needed by the CO. Prepare regular progress reports, statistical information and briefing notes, as required.
  4. Contribute to the management of the supply chain activities in the CO, including planning, procurement, warehouse management, transport and distribution, fleet, assets and facilities management, logistics information management and reporting, and provide support, guidance and training to the relevant staff with respect to the related policies, rules and regulations.
  5. Identify supply chain bottlenecks (value stream mapping) and propose the optimization of the processes to fill the gaps and ensure beneficiaries receive quality goods and services in a timely and efficient manner.
  6. Contribute to the review of the procurement requests, identify service providers, and evaluate information regarding vendor’s performance in terms of quality, prices, and timely delivery of goods/services. Maintain a pool of qualified vendors.
  7. Solicit bids, quotations and tender documents, oversee bidding process and provide support for executing the procurement transactions, analyze the offers assuring conformity to specified requirements; conduct appraisals and select suppliers, and confirm terms of payment; prepare purchase orders and ensure receiving authorization in line with the CO’s delegation of authority (DOA) matrix.
  8. Liaise with the programme management and provide technical support in preparing and issuance of “Call for Proposals” and bidding documents for the tendering processes of the programmes/projects. Ensure bidding processes are conducted fairly, transparently and in accordance with the existing procurement rules and regulations.
  9. In coordination with relevant parties, ensure timely submission of asset, procurement and other reports within the CO, Regional Office and relevant HQ departments, as appropriate.
  10. Contribute to the establishment and management of robust appropriate internal control mechanisms for Supply Chain Management process to safeguard the Organization’s assets and prevent fraud, while ensuring that country specific administrative procedures are in place and followed in accordance with the Organization’s rules and regulations.
  11. Support and monitor the maintenance and repair of office facilities, including preventive maintenance. Contribute to the establishment of maintenance agreements with competent service providers when it is feasible and determined to be cost effective.
  12. Provide training and guidance to the SCM staff of CO, while monitoring, evaluating and supporting their professional and career development.
  13. Participate and engage actively in the UN inter-agency meetings and forums related tosupply chain management. Collaborate on sharing resources to achieve common goals and implementation of UN global initiatives.
  14. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Required Qualifications and Experience:


  • Master’s degree in Business Administration, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Procurement, or a related field from an accredited academic institution with two years of relevant professional experience; or,
  • University degree in the above fields with four years of relevant professional experience.


  • Experience in managing diverse procurement and logistics operations; and,
  • Demonstrated experience in training and supervising teams of co-workers, managing vendors and suppliers.


  • Extensive knowledge of IOM/UN internal procurement and financial rules, as well as IOM’s system and processes as they apply to procurement and logistics; and,
  • Excellent level of computer literacy and good knowledge of SAP is an advantage.


IOM’s official languages are English, French, and Spanish. All staff members are required to be fluent in one of the three languages.

For this position, fluency in English and French is required (oral and written). Working knowledge of a local language and/or another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish) is an advantage.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.


Accredited Universities are the ones listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database (https://whed.net/home.php).

Required Competencies:

Values – all IOM staff members must abide by and demonstrate these five values:

  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: Respects and promotes individual and cultural differences. Encourages diversity and inclusion.
  • Integrity and transparency: Maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.
  • Courage: Demonstrates willingness to take a stand on issues of importance.
  • Empathy: Shows compassion for others, makes people feel safe, respected and fairly treated.

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators level 2

  • Teamwork: Develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
  • Delivering results: Produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner. Is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
  • Managing and sharing knowledge: Continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Accountability: Takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own actions and delegated work.
  • Communication: Encourages and contributes to clear and open communication. Explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.

Managerial Competencies – behavioural indicators level 2

  • Leadership: Provides a clear sense of direction, leads by example and demonstrates the ability to carry out the Organization’s vision. Assists others to realize and develop their leadership and professional potential.
  • Empowering others: Creates an enabling environment where staff can contribute their best and develop their potential.
  • Building Trust: Promotes shared values and creates an atmosphere of trust and honesty.
  • Strategic thinking and vision: Works strategically to realize the Organization’s goals and communicates a clear strategic direction.
  • Humility: Leads with humility and shows openness to acknowledging own shortcomings.

IOM’s competency framework can be found at this link.

https://www.iom.int/sites/default/files/about-iom/iom_revised_competency_framework_external.p df

Competencies will be assessed during a competency-based interview.


Internationally recruited professional staff are required to be mobile.

Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

This selection process may be used to staff similar positions in various duty stations. Recommended candidates endorsed by the Appointments and Postings Board will remain eligible to be appointed in a similar position for a period of 24 months.

The list of NMS countries above includes all IOM Member States which are non-represented in the Professional Category of staff members. For this staff category, candidates who are nationals of the duty station’s country cannot be considered eligible.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and background verification and security clearances. Subject to certain exemptions, vaccination against COVID-19 will in principle be required for individuals hired on or after 15 November 2021. This will be verified as part of the medical clearance process.

Vacancies close at 23:59 local time Geneva, Switzerland on the respective closing date. No late applications will be accepted.

How to apply

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications HERE by 24 September 2024 at the latest, referring to this advertisement.

IOM only accepts duly completed applications submitted through the IOM e-Recruitment system. The online tool also allows candidates to track the status of their application.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

For further information please refer to: www.iom.int/recruitment

Posting period:

From 11.09.2024 to 24.09.2024

No Fees:

IOM does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training or other fee). IOM does not request any information related to bank accounts.

Requisition: VN 2024 556 Supply Chain Officer (P2) Yaoundé, Cameroon (59141058) Released

Posting: Posting NC59141059 (59141059) Released

Posting Channel: Internal Candidates