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Grant Opportunities: Get Up to USD $1.5 Million for Your Project with Coral Accelerator Program 2024 – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 21-Oct-2024

The G20 Coral Research and Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP) is pleased to announce the launch of its third funding call, the Coral Accelerator Program (CAP) 2024 to secure the future of corals and reefs in the face of climate change and other environmental challenges.

They are committed to creating impact, and innovation is especially crucial to filling the significant gap between current and required capabilities. Projects funded under this program are expected to lead to transformational discoveries, innovations, and improvements over the current state-of-the-art.  Proposals transcending different disciplines and fields are strongly encouraged and should include end-users and other stakeholders in the research, as well as the design and development of projects.

CORDAP will deliver technologies, methods, and processes that can be applied in coral conservation and restoration efforts across the world through existing, and new, national and international efforts. CORDAP is committed to the principles of co-design and a key criterion in their R&D proposal assessments will be whether suitable partners, groups and end users that can deploy the proposed technologies have been identified and engaged.

CORDAP, a G20 initiative, is the only international organization fully dedicated to funding research and development focused on tropical and cold-water coral conservation and restoration. The Coral Accelerator Program is guided by three core principles:

  • Ensuring Local Community Benefits: Solutions developed must be affordable and accessible to those most in need.
  • Global Inclusivity: Applicant teams must include organizations from at least two countries, one of which must be a low or middle-income country.
  • Open Source Solutions: Intellectual property resulting from CORDAP-funded activities will be made available free under a public license for all commercial and non-commercial coral conservation use, enabling broader access and innovation.
Priority Areas
  • The following are areas CORDAP considers ‘high need’:
    • Assisted Evolution
    • Aquaculture/Automation
    • Cold-Water Corals (CWC)
    • Preserve and conserve existing corals
    • Limit early life stage mortality
    • Intervention planning, risk, and monitoring
    • Blended artificial and natural reefs
    • R&D capacity development
    • Developing country R&D methods
Types of Project
  • Novel R&D projects: These include the development and implementation of tools, technologies, methods, or whole new interventions designed to better protect, manage, adapt, or restore corals and coral reefs (innovations in coral and reef monitoring, threat reduction, assisted evolution, or restoration).  Given the objective of step changes, the program will require that new and innovative interventions be developed.
  • Improving or scaling up existing interventions: This R&D will make a “significant” improvement to an existing intervention, technology, or method, including scaling up. These investments should be designed to create an immediate impact, with the possibility that the improvement can be implemented by existing restoration and adaptation projects. “Significant” is not fixed, but because current methods make impacts at orders of magnitude below their requirements they need to focus on major improvements.
  • Translation R&D: This R&D adapts an existing technology or intervention to a different context. Technologies and interventions are developed based on local costs, technologies, and labor structures, and will need to be adapted to other socioeconomic conditions. This type supports the translation of R&D methods developed or in development from one context (location, sector, or industry for example) to another to assess their wider transferability.
  • Foundation science to support implementation of interventions: As a mission-driven program, CORDAP typically does not invest in R&D outside of their mission. Nevertheless, there are critical gaps in fundamental knowledge that, if left unaddressed, could limit the impact or increase the risk of restoration and adaptation programs. This investment type accepts proposals to address these shortfalls, and may include:
    • Quantifying/understanding natural adaptation, coral demographics, and advanced taxonomy to aid intervention designs.
    • Novel ecosystem design for application where restoring corals and reefs to their former state is no longer feasible.
    • Models, decision systems, and monitoring technologies to assess risk and to guide deployments and improve effectiveness of deployment investments.
    • Cryopreservation (bio banking as an R&D or invention production tool).
  • R&D Capacity development and local innovation implementation: Because capacity to take on R&D in many areas is often limited to large-scale research facilities and some practitioner groups, this project type supports innovation by local NGOs, research organizations, and community groups of technologies that can improve, share and/ or scale up their ongoing efforts. This may also include funding for technology training or support for its application in new locations.
Funding Information
  • Successful applicants will be awarded funding up to USD$ 1.5 million per project.
  • The Award Term can be between a minimum of 12 months to a maximum of 36 months.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Each application must consist of:
    • A minimum of 3 Applicants: one Lead Applicant and a minimum of two Co-Applicants.
    • Organizations from at least 2 different countries, one of which must be a low or middle-income country.
    • An individual can only be the Lead Applicant on one proposal and participate in up to a maximum of two additional proposals as a Co-Applicant.
    • Organizations can only be the Lead Organization on a maximum of two proposals but can be a participating organization on multiple proposals.
    • Eligible organizations include not-for-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, higher education institutions, research institutes, and government organizations in any country.
    • If a for-profit organization wishes to submit as an applicant, then they must be willing to co-invest to the point that they are not making a profit.
    • If the research activities are to take place in a third country (a country different from that of any of the applicants), it is strongly encouraged to have that country represented in the application.

For more information, visit CORDAP.

Grant Opportunities: Khyentse Foundation announces Trisong Grants ($1,000 to $5,000 USD) – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 30-Sep-2024

The Khyentse Foundation is requesting applications for its Trisong Grants to identify and support individuals and organizations that are working to promote mental health and well-being in the world, through projects and programs that have a foundation in Buddha’s wisdom.

In difficult and turbulent times, people may not know where to turn for help. Khyentse Foundation wants to find new ways for people to experience the benefits of Buddha’s teachings. Projects do not need to be overtly Buddhist, but they should be rooted in Buddhist view and practice and share in values that alleviate suffering, encourage emotional well-being, and strengthen both physical and mental health.

Funding Information
  • Trisong Grant awards are usually in the $1,000 to $5,000 USD range.
Eligibility Criteria
  • They encourage applications that offer innovative, creative, and skillful solutions to sharing a Buddhist view of basic well-being. Most of our applications come from Buddhist practitioners or groups. Examples of applications that may be well-received include:
    • A Buddhist center offering hospice service or training people in end-of-life care.
    • A project using art or performance therapy in a group setting.
    • Doing outreach and social work for people in need.
    • Using Buddhist concepts to help people struggling with addiction.
    • A program to visit schools and talk to young people about managing their emotions in difficult times.
    • Developing a Buddhist chaplaincy curriculum.
    • A Buddhist center hosting an informal event for the local community.
    • A project to offer a group meditation program in a prison setting.
    • Starting a Buddhist-based depression and anxiety support group.
    • Using pastoral counselling to help people meet their challenges.
    • A program introducing families to meditation.

For more information, visit Khyentse Foundation.

UN Jobs: WHO – Consultant national pour l’accĂ©lĂ©ration de la dĂ©centralisation et l’intĂ©gration des services VIH/HEP/IST/tuberculose et


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· Faire une analyse situationnelle de l’offre de service, de la dĂ©lĂ©gation des tĂąches ainsi que de l’intĂ©gration des services VIH, HEP/IST, TB et palu dans le cadre des soins de santĂ© primaires, dans 2 districts de santĂ© Ă  faible performance pour les indicateurs traceurs des programmes VIH, tuberculose, Hepatites/IST et paludisme dans la ville de YaoundĂ©. · Proposer un plan opĂ©rationnel pour la dĂ©centralisation et l’intĂ©gration des services VIH, HEP/IST, TB et palu dans les districts de santĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s .


Sous la coordination gĂ©nĂ©rale du ReprĂ©sentant de l’OMS au Cameroun, et la supervision technique du responsable a.i du programme VIH-HĂ©patites/IST-TB du bureau pays le consultant s’acquittera des activitĂ©s ci-aprĂšs:

· Elaborer et faire valider par le superviseur un plan de travail de l’AT sur la pĂ©riode indiquĂ©e ; · Elaborer les outils de collecte des donnĂ©es/informations en collaboration avec les Ă©quipes techniques du MoH/GTC-CNLS, PNLT, PNLP, DSF et DLMEP, DOSTS. · Descendre sur le terrain pour rencontrer les parties prenantes clĂ©s (stratĂ©giques, intermĂ©diaires et opĂ©rationnelles) pour la collecte des donnĂ©es/informations ; · Analyser les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es ; · Elaborer un rapport d’analyse situationnelle sur l’offre de service, la dĂ©lĂ©gation des tĂąches et dĂ©centralisation dans l’offre des services VIH-HĂ©patites/IST-TB et palu et l’intĂ©gration de ces services au niveau opĂ©rationnel dans le cadre des soins de santĂ© primaires; · Elaborer un plan d’action pour le renforcement de la dĂ©lĂ©gation des tĂąches, la dĂ©centralisation des services VIH-HĂ©patites/IST-TB et palu et l’intĂ©gration de ces services au niveau opĂ©rationnel dans le cadre des soins de santĂ© primaires; · Elaborer les rapports finaux par district de santĂ© en lien avec les deux objectifs de l’assistance technique ;participer Ă  l’atelier de prĂ©sentation du guide de dĂ©lĂ©gation des tĂąches pour prĂ©senter les rĂ©sultats de son travail · S’acquitter de toutes autres tĂąches en lien avec la consultation en fonction des besoins du Superviseur.


· Un rapport sur l’analyse situationnelle de l’offre de services VIH-TB-HEP/IST et palu, la dĂ©lĂ©gation des tĂąches et l’intĂ©gration des services VIH-HEP/IST et palu disponible. · Un plan de renforcement de la dĂ©lĂ©gation de tĂąches de la dĂ©centralisation et d’intĂ©gration de l’offre de services VIH-TB-HEP/IST et palu disponible.



Essentiel: Avoir un doctorat en médecine et un-Master en santé publique/ Souhaitable : Master en gestion des projets/programmes ou équivalent. Une formation en épidémiologie sera un atout


Essentiel: au moins 05 annĂ©es d’expĂ©riences requises dans le domaine de la coordination/gestion des projets de santĂ© publique , en mettant l’accent sur la planification et le Suivi Evaluation des interventions de promotion de l’offre et accĂšs aux services de santĂ© pour la lutte contre les maladies transmissibles le VIH, la tuberculose, les hĂ©patites/IST et le paludisme Souhaitable : ExpĂ©rience dans les domaines de la documentation des projets et programmes liĂ© aux maladies infectieuses .


· Connaissances, compĂ©tences et aptitudes professionnelles dĂ©montrĂ©es sur les aspects de la santĂ© publique de la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses/VIH, TB, HEP/IST, palu ; · CompĂ©tences managĂ©riales pour l’élaboration, la mise en Ɠuvre, le suivi et l’analyse de programmes de santĂ© publique pour les maladies infectieuses dans un environnement de travail trĂšs exigeant ; · Solides connaissances et compĂ©tences en gestion de bases de donnĂ©es conception et mise en Ɠuvre d’enquĂȘtes, conception ou utilisation des systĂšmes de suivi Ă©valuation, et gestion de l’information sur la santĂ© publique ; · Solides compĂ©tences orales et Ă©crites, y compris l’élaboration des rapports, de prĂ©sentations orales et de conseils techniques et documents de plaidoyer. · CapacitĂ©s d’analyse · CapacitĂ© rĂ©dactionnelle

Les connaissances et compétences préalables en matiÚre de VIH ou TB ou Hep/IST ou paludisme constituent un avantage supplémentaire


· Travail d’équipe ; · Respecter et promouvoir les diffĂ©rences individuelles et culturelles ; · Bonne capacitĂ© de communication; · CrĂ©ation d’un environnement stimulant et motivant.


Essential: parfaite connaissance du Français ou de l’anglais Souhaitable : Maitrise d’une 2e langue (anglais ou français)

Additional Information

‱ This vacancy notice may be used to identify candidates for other similar consultancies at the same level. ‱ Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. ‱ A written test may be used as a form of screening. ‱ If your candidature is retained for interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link: http://www.whed.net/. Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and will require individual review. ‱ For information on WHO’s operations please visit: http://www.who.int. ‱ WHO is committed to workforce diversity. ‱ WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco. ‱ Applications from women and from nationals of non and underrepresented Member States are particularly encouraged. ‱ WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and that is committed to put the WHO Values Charter into practice. ‱ WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO will conduct a background verification of final candidates. ‱ Consultants shall perform the work as independent contractors in a personal capacity, and not as a representative of any entity or authority. The execution of the work under a consultant contract does not create an employer/employee relationship between WHO and the Consultant. ‱ WHO shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any taxes, duties, social security contributions or other contributions payable by the Consultant. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for withholding and paying any taxes, duties, social security contributions and any other contributions which are applicable to the Consultant in in each location/jurisdiction in which the work hereunder is performed, and the Consultant shall not be entitled to any reimbursement thereof by WHO.

, Apply now , Added 5 hours ago – Updated 5 hours ago – Source: who.int

Grant Opportunities: Call for Proposals: Grass-Roots Human Security Project (Cameroon) – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: 28-Nov-24

The Embassy of Japan in Cameroon has launched its Grass-Roots Human Security Grant scheme as part of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to finance projects carried out by local non-profit organizations or local authorities in developing countries.

  • The aim of the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP), offered by the Embassy of Japan, is to support organizations in implementing projects contributing to improving the well-being and meeting the basic needs of the local population. Projects examples include but not limited to; construction, renovation or provision of equipment of/ to schools, health facilities, vocational training centres, small-sized bridges, boreholes etc. Founded in 1993, this grant scheme has contributed globally to the development and improvement of the human security of local populations at a grassroot level.
Funding Information
  • The maximum amount of the grant is 10,000,000 yen (around 43,000,000 FCFA) for each project. Subject to change depending on the fiscal year budget and the exchange rate.
Eligible Projects
  • Project must meet all the conditions below:
    • Be in alignment with the principal of GGP, which is to improve the well-being of local population at a grassroot level.
    • Be a construction, rehabilitation or equipment provision project.
    • Can be completed within 12 months.
  • Areas Covered:
    • Education
    • Health
    • Agriculture, farming, fishery
    • Water supply
    • Environment
    • Women’s empowerment
    • Support towards socially vulnerable people
    • Socio-economic
    • Transport
  • For construction projects, the Applicant must present the land title and building permit of the potential project site.
  • For projects involving installation of water points (drilling, wells, etc.), the Applicant must be able to submit a hydrogeological study report.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The Applicant must be officially registered by relevant authorities in Cameroon.
  • The Applicant must have been active in its domain for at least the last five (05) years in Cameroon.
  • The Applicant must have an accessible physical Head Office in Cameroon.
  • The Applicant must have a bank account under its name in Cameroon.
  • The Applicant is required to be able to present annual activity reports for the last three (03) years.
  • The Applicant is required to have a history of sound management and financial situation and be able to present a financial report for the last three (03) years.
  • The Applicant is required to have a solid, sound system/management of accounting, administration and inventory.
  • The Applicant has to have sufficient funds of its own to be able to well maintain the facilities/items granted, after its completion.

For more information, visit Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Cameroon.

Grant Opportunities: Free Training on Gender and Disarmament by UN Women – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: Ongoing Opportunity

The UN Women is inviting applications for the Gender and Disarmament Training Program.

  • Understand the contribution disarmament can make to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and how components of the SDG agenda can be used as entry points for gender-sensitive disarmament.
  • Identify key concepts and gender issues in different aspects of disarmament.
  • Explore women’s empowerment and participation in disarmament processes.
  • Analyze key frameworks for mainstreaming gender in disarmament, including frameworks for sustaining peace.
  • Identify initiatives for mainstreaming gender in disarmament.
  • The course is split into two modules, one on concepts and normative framework, and another one on mainstreaming gender using the call for action of latest resolutions to illustrate with best practices and concrete examples on the “how to”:
    • Gender and Disarmament Module 1 – Introducing Gender and Disarmament.
    • Gender and Disarmament Module 2 – The Role of Women in Mainstreaming Gender in Disarmament.
  • This course has been developed by the UN Women Training Centre in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the Women, Peace and Security Section of UN Women. The course is funded by UNODA-UNSCAR.

For more information, visit UN Women.

UN Jobs: Director of Sub Region Mano River


Director of Sub Region Mano River

The Organisation

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child but know this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected.

Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and we enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

For over 85 years, we have rallied other determined optimists to transform the lives of all children in more than 80 countries.

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Director of Sub Region (Mano River Cluster)(50419)

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Plan International WACA

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Position Number


Position Title

Director of Sub Region (Mano River Cluster)

Business Unit

Plan International WACA

* Region


* Equal Opportunities Monitoring

No SelectionAustralia (AU)Bangladesh (BD)Belgium (BE)Benin (BJ)Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (BO)Brazil (BR)Burkina Faso (BF)Cambodia (KH)Cameroon (CM)Canada (CA)Central African Republic (CF)China (CN)Colombia (CO)Cîte d’Ivoire (CI)Denmark (DK)Dominican Republic (DO)Ecuador (EC)Egypt (EG)El Salvador (SV)Ethiopia (ET)Fiji (FJ)Finland (FI)Germany (DE)Ghana (GH)Guatemala (GT)Guinea (GN)Guinea-Bissau (GW)Haiti (HT)Honduras (HN)Hong Kong (HK)India (IN)Indonesia (ID)Ireland (IE)Italy (IT)Japan (JP)Jordan (JO)Kenya (KE)Korea (the Republic of) (KR)Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LA)Lebanon (LB)Liberia (LR)Malawi (MW)Mali (ML)Mexico (MX)Mozambique (MZ)Myanmar (MM)Nepal (NP)Niger (NE)Nigeria (NG)Norway (NO)Pakistan (PK)Panama (PA)Paraguay (PY)Peru (PE)Philippines (PH)Rwanda (RW)Senegal (SN)Sierra Leone (SL)Solomon Islands (SB)Somalia (SO)South Sudan (SS)Spain (ES)Sri Lanka (LK)Sudan (SD)Switzerland (CH)Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)Thailand (TH)Timor-Leste (TL)Togo (TG)Uganda (UG)United Kingdom (GB)United States (US)Vietnam (VN)Zambia (ZM)Zimbabwe (ZW)

* Country

Select one or more options for Country multiselect combobox with selection box options. Required. Selected values Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Flexible (Primary), Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo

* City


Plan International WACA (WACA_WACA)

Pay Grade


Contract type

Fixed Term – Full Time

Employee Type

Salaried – International Assignee

Job Description

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The Organisation

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child but know this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected.

Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and we enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

For over 85 years, we have rallied other determined optimists to transform the lives of all children in more than 80 countries.

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

The Organisation

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child but know this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected.

Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and we enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

For over 85 years, we have rallied other determined optimists to transform the lives of all children in more than 80 countries.

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Internal Job Description


The Opportunity


In West and Central Africa, Plan International is present in 15 countries, including 12 in West Africa, namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea-Conakry, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and 3 in Central Africa: Cameroon, Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR).


Plan International’s approach in the region aims to multiply impact for children and youth, in particular girls, by leading, enabling and connecting key players with innovation. As such, WACAH is a reliable partner for girls’ rights issues at regional level and a facilitator of joint engagement with regional and sub-regional institutions and networks.


Plan International engages and partners with regional and sub-regional networks, bodies and movements to advance children’s rights and equality for girls using evidence from our own interventions and partners best practises. We empower youth and young women-led organisations through regional level networking, capacity building and support to children and youth/girls-led initiatives to promote gender equality in West and Central Africa.


The WACA Regional Hub promotes an enabling environment and supports our countries’ team to ensure excellence in our gender transformative programming and influencing.


Role Purpose


The Director of Sub-Region will be accountable towards coherent and consistent implementation of Plan International’s purpose and ambition across the sub-region, in line with Plan’s values-based leadership underpinned by feminist principles. They will ensure quality aligned strategies are developed and resourced for all countries in the region and programmes delivered with the expected impact. As a member of the Regional Hub Management team and of the Regional Leadership team they will have specific accountabilities to drive elements of the regional hub plan depending on areas of interest, expertise and potential and to contribute to the overall learning and strategic direction of Plan International’s West and Central Africa Region (WACA) in 15 countries in the region of approximately €240 mil (in 2023) through an organisation of over 10,000 people globally of which more than 2300 are based in WACA.


Please follow this link for a full role profile and person specification: DSR Role Profile Mano River.docx

The Opportunity

In West and Central Africa, Plan International is present in 15 countries, including 12 in West Africa, namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea-Conakry, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and 3 in Central Africa: Cameroon, Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR).

Plan International’s approach in the region aims to multiply impact for children and youth, in particular girls, by leading, enabling and connecting key players with innovation. As such, WACAH is a reliable partner for girls’ rights issues at regional level and a facilitator of joint engagement with regional and sub-regional institutions and networks.

Plan International engages and partners with regional and sub-regional networks, bodies and movements to advance children’s rights and equality for girls using evidence from our own interventions and partners best practises. We empower youth and young women-led organisations through regional level networking, capacity building and support to children and youth/girls-led initiatives to promote gender equality in West and Central Africa.

The WACA Regional Hub promotes an enabling environment and supports our countries’ team to ensure excellence in our gender transformative programming and influencing.

Role Purpose

The Director of Sub-Region will be accountable towards coherent and consistent implementation of Plan International’s purpose and ambition across the sub-region, in line with Plan’s values-based leadership underpinned by feminist principles. They will ensure quality aligned strategies are developed and resourced for all countries in the region and programmes delivered with the expected impact. As a member of the Regional Hub Management team and of the Regional Leadership team they will have specific accountabilities to drive elements of the regional hub plan depending on areas of interest, expertise and potential and to contribute to the overall learning and strategic direction of Plan International’s West and Central Africa Region (WACA) in 15 countries in the region of approximately €240 mil (in 2023) through an organisation of over 10,000 people globally of which more than 2300 are based in WACA.

How to apply

Please follow this link for further information and to apply for this role; https://jobs.plan-international.org/job-invite/50419/

UN Jobs: Call for Tenders: Service Contract Progress of the Localization Barometer Project in Cameroon – Cameroon



Call for Tenders: Service Contract Progress of the Localization Barometer Project in Cameroon

ICVA is looking for a national organization to take charge of the specific activities of the Aid Localization Barometer project in the implementing country. Access the Call for Tenders in French.

About ICVA:

Founded in 1962, ICVA (International Council of Voluntary Agencies) is a global network of more than 160 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in 160 countries, operating at global, regional, national and local levels, whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice. ICVA promotes and facilitates the effective engagement of NGOs in the humanitarian sector, with a focus on forced migration, humanitarian coordination, humanitarian financing and cross-cutting system strengthening issues.

About the Localization Barometer Project:

Localization has become an unavoidable theme in humanitarian aid in recent years. Since the Grand Bargain commitments and specifically in the last 2 years in West and Central Africa, several initiatives have been undertaken to improve and accelerate the place and role of national actors in humanitarian responses: permanent headquarters at the HCT and in the main coordination forums, partnerships and capacity building initiatives, improvement of direct access to funds, forum/working groups location, etc.
However, to date, in the absence of clearly established targets and clear measurement criteria, it is difficult to estimate the progress in localization and the steps that still need to be taken. Based on co-funding from BHA and NORCAP, ICVA proposed the development of a regional and country methodology that will make it possible to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the degree of localization of the humanitarian responses, to monitor their evolution over time and to identify successes and challenges in each of the West and Central African countries to:

(i) Ensure a system for the exchange of good practices and lessons learnt;
(ii) Conduct evidence-based advocacy;
(iii) Improve the localization agenda in-countries with concrete proposals.

The project is intended to be regional to ensure harmonization, comparative analysis and constructive exchange of good practices and lessons learnt between countries, but above all it is based on national ownership, leadership and monitoring to ensure that it meets the needs and expectations of national actors, that it is fully owned by them and therefore more sustainable.

The objective of this call is to identify a contractor to implement the project activities at the country level.

1. Expected services and deliverables

A. Project planning and monitoring

The contractor will be responsible for the overall management and coordination of the Humanitarian Localization Barometer project at the national level. He will have to ensure the rigorous planning, execution and monitoring of the activities of the Localization Barometer project within the indicated deadlines, namely from September till December 2024. He will ensure the budgetary monitoring of the project activities as well as the reporting to ICVA.


  • A detailed work plan including deadlines and responsible persons for each step.
  • A detailed budget with the associated accounting documents.

B. Key Contacts

The contractor will be responsible for identifying the relevant participants in an inclusive way and for mobilizing them to ensure their participation and buy-in to the project. The contractor will develop a comprehensive contact list of all persons involved in the project, including full and up-to-date contacts of all relevant actors (name, organization, position, email, etc.): INGOs, NGOs, local and/or civil society associations, donors, UN agencies, coordinating structures/bodies, Government, etc.


  • A complete and up-to-date contact list.

C. Presentation and discussion meetings on the project

A series of meetings will be organized by the contractor, with the relevant stakeholders of the project (INGOs, OCHA, national stakeholders, donors, etc.) and with the participation of ICVA and NORCAP, before the launch of the project to present it, then during the project for a specific follow-up, according to requests and needs. The contractor will be responsible for preparing the meetings (agenda, list of participants), sending invitations, writing and sharing the minutes as well as following up with the relevant people or organization if necessary, according to the discussions/decisions.


  • Invitations in Outlook calendars and by email, with agenda attached;
  • Minutes of meetings;
  • Attendance lists for meetings.

D. Management of the national steering committee of the project

At the beginning of the project, the contractor will set up a national steering committee which will consist of representatives of the main project stakeholders (composition to be discussed with ICVA) which will provide advice and strategic support throughout the implementation of the project. It will organize (invitations, agendas, participants, minutes, attendance lists) regular committee meetings to monitor the progress of the project, identify potential challenges, make recommendations and provide support to the technical implementation team at national level.


  • ToR of the National Steering Committee;
  • Invitations in Outlook calendars and by email, with agenda attached;
  • Minutes of meetings and action plan if relevant;
  • Attendance lists for meetings;
  • Follow-up document on recommendations.

E. Management of a national consultant or a team of national consultants

The contractor will recruit and manage a national consultant or a team of national consultants (depending on the needs and capacities of the contractor). It will be a question of carrying out the recruitment process with the participation of ICVA, supporting the consultant(s) in the handling and understanding of the project, in the monitoring of the activities as well as in monitoring the days worked and the expected deliverables. The national consultant(s) will receive technical support from ICVA throughout the duration of the project.


  • Documents of the recruitment process (ToR of the consultancy(s), shortlist, interview sheets, contract(s)).
  • Follow-up document of the consultant(s): work plan, days worked, deliverables.

F. Review and finalization of project documentation and tools

The Contractor will be responsible for providing detailed and agreed feedback (if necessary) on the project documents and tools produced by ICVA and/or the Consultant(s) and will be responsible for finalizing the necessary documentation prior to sending, disseminating and/or using. This will ensure quality and consistency of documents and tools according to the expectations and needs of participants and/or stakeholders and/or ICVA.


  • Matrix of indicators, key questions, collection methods and weighting;
  • Surveys;
  • Interview sheets;
  • Databases.

G. Productions

The contractor is responsible for the overall process and the resulting report. The consultant(s) will be able to carry out the analysis work and the first draft of the report, but the contractor will have to contribute to it and ensure that the expected final report contains an in-depth analysis of the situation of the localization agenda in the country, based on the definition that will be made during the introductory workshop as well as on the data that will be collected on the same basis. This report must respect the framework provided by ICVA.


  • Final report of the project;
  • Annexes.

H. List of key documents and contacts for data collection

The contractor will compile a list of key documents adapted to the context as well as a contact list of the people to approach for interviews and/or focus groups to support the consultant’s work in his collection of secondary and qualitative data.


  • Complete and up-to-date list of key documents;
  • Complete and up-to-date list of contacts of people to approach for interviews/focus groups.

I. Internal and external invitations and reminders

The contractor will support the consultant(s) in the collection of primary, secondary and qualitative data. He will send specific requests to the targeted people (search for documentation, surveys, interviews/focus groups), monitor the response rates received and make regular reminders by email and phone if necessary.


  • Emails of requests and reminders;
  • Sending/response tracking table.

J. Organization of workshops related to the project

The contractor will organize, with the support of the consultant(s) and ICVA, a minimum of 2 workshops during the duration of the project.

The first at the beginning of the project will be a 2-day workshop based on the previously developed library of indicators whose objective will be to:

  • Determine the components to be evaluated and the ambitions;
  • Select and contextualize the most relevant indicators;
  • Define, for each indicator, the target audience and the evaluation measure.

The second, at the end of the project, will be a one-day workshop which will aim to present the results of the study but also to start the discussion on its follow-up/use.

For each workshop, the contractor will have to ensure an inclusive and balanced representation of the different actors (NGO, INGO, UN, donors, Government) according to the relevance, context and expectations. He will ensure the logistics of the workshop, communication (invitations, room reservations, meals, supports, press, equipment, etc.), restitution and follow-up if necessary (depending on decisions/discussions).


  • Concept note of the workshops;
  • List of participants;
  • Agenda, detailed schedule and distribution of roles (facilitation, note-taking, etc.);
  • Detailed budget of the workshop;
  • Presentations (PPT, etc.);
  • List of necessary materials (banners, prints, stationery, etc.);
  • Press/Media Contract;
  • Per Diems and logistical organization for participants from the regions (transport, etc.) and the capital;
  • Contract for the rooms’ rental, catering and accommodation if necessary;
  • Invitations in Outlook calendars and by email, with calendar attached;
  • Workshop attendance lists;
  • Report of the introductory workshop with the finalized list of indicators;
  • Minutes of the conclusion workshop with action plan.

2. Mandatory conditions

A. Communication

The Contractor shall include ICVA in all internal or external communications related to the project. ICVA will provide the contact list for this at the beginning of the contract.
In addition, the contractor will undertake to facilitate fluid, responsive and respectful communication between all project stakeholders, at the national level as well as with the regional level.

B. Inclusivity

The contractor is committed to an inclusive approach, building diverse and respectful partnerships. As a national organization, it will have to ensure that other national organization are also stakeholders in the project.

C. Coherence

The contractor shall ensure that the project contributes positively and shall ensure the alignment of the project with the country-level priorities around localization and/or humanitarian response plan, or any other national initiative/approach/guidance related to localization.

D. Relations with ICVA

ICVA will provide support throughout the duration of the contract.

The Contractor will undertake to use the formats of the documents and tools that will be provided by ICVA for all the documents and tools necessary for the conduct and management of the project.

The contractor will undertake to document the online space that will be made available to him with all the project management and monitoring documentation as well as all the deliverables.

ICVA, as a client, will validate all the deliverables sent to it. It is expected that the contractor will take into consideration the feedback that will be made to meet the expectations that will be specified.

ICVA, as a client, remains the owner of the project data and deliverables. The sharing and external use of documents, tools, data and deliverables will only be done with the prior agreement of ICVA. The Contractor will agree to respect a confidentiality clause on the documents, tools, data and deliverables related to this project.

Interested contractors must demonstrate their ability to achieve these objectives and deliver the expected results within the implementation of the Location Barometer and within the set deadlines.

3. Eligibility Criteria: Interested organizations must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a forum/network/group/umbrella organization of local/national organizations;
  • To be an active and recognized forum in the humanitarian sector;
  • Be legally registered as an entity in the country;
  • Have a specific bank account in the country;
  • Have financial management skills within the organization: Presence of a treasurer, accountant or a person responsible for monitoring and supervising budgets;
  • Demonstrate the ability to implement projects at the national level, coordinating effectively with various actors and ensuring rigorous execution of planned activities;
  • Have the necessary human resources, dedicated or voluntary, to monitor and carry out the project within the set deadlines;
  • Be committed to the localization of humanitarian aid, whether at the national or international level, through relevant previous experiences.

How to apply

Submission of applications:

Interested organizations are invited to submit their applications, including:

A technical proposal composed of:

A letter of interest specifying (annexes accepted):

  • Commitment, experiences and/or products (advocacy, documents, etc.) on the theme of localization of humanitarian aid;
  • The involvement and recognition of the forum within the humanitarian coordination architecture;
  • The latest projects/initiatives carried out at the national level by the organization, specifying the financial support received (amount and source) and specifying the interactions with various stakeholders within the country.

The organization’s framework documents:

  • The receipt of registration of the organization in the country;
  • The statutes and/or the rules of procedure and/or the ToR;
  • The Bank Identity Statement proving the existence of a bank account in the name of the organization.

A detailed implementation planning.

A financial proposal composed of:

  • A detailed budget to complete the project;
  • An organizational chart or document specifying who will be the focal point of the project and who will be the people (dedicated, volunteers, and/or consultants) involved in the management of the project;
  • A document specifying the internal financial management mechanism and resources.

Submission deadline: Please submit your applications by midnight UTC+1 on Tuesday, 17 September 2024.
Applications and any questions can be sent to Recruitment_1@icvanetwork.org

UN Jobs: Consultant-Trainer for the development of a Gender and Malaria Training Curriculum for the capacity building of Adolescent Girls and Young Women.


Consultant-Trainer for the development of a Gender and Malaria Training Curriculum for the capacity building of Adolescent Girls and Young Women.


For the recruitment of a Consultant-Trainer for the development of a Gender and Malaria Training Curriculum for the capacity building of Adolescent Girls and Young Women.

Ref.: D526/DIV/2024

  1. Background

Impact SantĂ© Afrique (ISA) is an African NGO based in Cameroon whose main objective is to contribute to the improvement of people’s health by implementing transformative and sustainable programs that will save lives and improve the health of our communities. (For more information, visit www.impactsante.org and contact us at contact@impactsante.org)

Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) coordinates the CSO Platform for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME).

As part of its activities, Impact Santé Afrique (ISA), implements the Gender Equality Fund project, which aims to work with communities to design, advocate, and influence transformative, gender-affirming approaches to health.

Implemented by a consortium of Y+ Global and Tb Women, the project will build the capacity of a cohort of teenage girls and young women selected to join the TB Women Academy.

With this in mind, Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) is looking for a consultant-trainer to develop a training curriculum on gender and malaria, designed to build the capacity of teenage girls and young women involved in the fight against malaria, as part of a leadership program.


The main objective of this consultation will be to develop a training curriculum on gender and malaria designed to build the capacity of adolescent girls and young women involved in the fight against malaria.

Specifically, the consultant will:

  • Propose a training kit including the Guide and training modules,
  • Develop training modules including a pre-test and post-test questionnaire for each module over a 12-month period.
  • Draw up a final evaluation questionnaire for all modules
  • Propose a form for evaluating training quality among learners
  • Train project teams on training modules
  • Propose a training follow-up plan for the duration of the project
  1. Duties and responsibilities of the consultant-trainer

Under the general coordination of the Executive Director of Impact SantĂ© Afrique (ISA), and the direct supervision of the project’s Focal Point, the consultant will carry out the following tasks:

  • Participation in working meetings with the ISA team, CS4ME secretariat;
  • Elaboration of the deliverables expected within the framework of the consultation, i.e.
  • Training kit including Training Guide,
  • Training modules including Pre-test and Post-test questionnaires for each module
  • A final end-of-training evaluation questionnaire
  • A form for evaluating the quality of training among learners
  • A training plan for the project teams on the training modules
  • A training follow-up plan for the duration of the project
  • Review and validation of deliverables;
  • Team training and webinar facilitation for the duration of the project
  • Drafting and submission of the overall end-of-consultation report (progress of the mission, training, learner assessment, recommendations).

Main expected results and deliverables:

1. The training kit including a guide and the training modules with the Pre-test and Post-test questionnaire are available,

2. A final questionnaire for general evaluation of all modules is available.

3. A form for evaluating the quality of the training with learners is also available.

4. A training plan for the project teams on the training modules is drawn up and the teams are trained.

5. A training follow-up plan is proposed for the duration of the project.

6. An end-of-mission report is drawn up and submitted to the NGO Impact Santé Afrique (ISA).

1. Period of the consultancy assignment

This consultancy mission will take place from Friday September 27 to Friday October 25, 2024.

2. Applicant profile

The expertise required for the training consultant is as follows:

  • Degree in one or more of the following fields: Master’s degree in Project Management, Public Health/Community Health, Social Sciences, Development Sciences or equivalent specialization;
  • Proven experience in the field of health with expertise in gender-related issues, having worked in projects targeting young women, adolescents and girls would be an asset;
  • Experience in workshop facilitation, training and coordination of multi-sectoral partners in the health field, leadership qualities and consensus-building skills;
  • Good command of issues related to the fight against malaria and the strengthening of community involvement and health systems;
  • Perfect oral and written command of French and English.
  • Good writing, analytical and synthesis skills;
  • Familiarity with remote meeting and conferencing applications.

How to apply

3. Documents required

  • A dated and signed CV, including 3 professional references;
  • A technical sheet presenting the methodology used and the schedule of activities (2 pages maximum);
  • A financial bid (1-page maximum).

4. Bid Evaluation

The evaluation of bids received will be based in particular on the following criteria:

(i) The candidate’s experience in carrying out assignments similar to those specified in these terms of reference;

(ii) The understanding of the mission’s expectations and the proposed intervention methodology;

(iii) The proposed financial offer.

5. Bid Submission

The offer, including the documents mentioned in section 3, must be sent to the following address: jobsimpactsante@gmail.com | Subject of the mail: Consultant(e) -formateur(- trice) D526/DIV/2024

The deadline for submission is Sunday September 22, 2024 at 23:59 (GMT +1).

Bids received after this date will not be considered.

Plan International jobs: Deployable Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy and Diplomacy Specialist


Deployable Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy and Diplomacy Specialist

Date: 2 Sep 2024

Location: Globally flexible, Flexible

Company: Plan International

The Organisation


Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child but know this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected.


Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and we enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.


For over 85 years, we have rallied other determined optimists to transform the lives of all children in more than 80 countries.


We won’t stop until we are all equal.


Plan International Country Offices in response to an emergency, often need additional experts to support their response and help those affected by crises. Plan International’s core surge team is composed of technical, global experts who can deploy to emergency responses. Each deployment is context-specific and negotiated. The post holder will be expected to provide leadership to their area of technical specialism to support the country team they are deployed to.


Core surge team members are globally roving and work away from their home base continuously, who can deploy urgently from a few weeks up to four months per assignment. Core surge is typically deployed to country programmes for up to nine months a year (pro rata for part-time posts). When not deployed (or on annual leave), core surge team members may be assigned project/proactive work.


Plan’s Global Humanitarian Team prioritises supporting our staff and partner organisations at the frontline of humanitarian responses, Country Offices and National Organisations by providing expertise and specialist services in real time, closer to the point of impact and scale up humanitarian action, strengthen core humanitarian and lifesaving assistance and raise more funds.


This Deployable Humanitarian Policy and Advocacy Specialist sits within the Global Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy, and Diplomacy Unit. This unit is one of four global humanitarian capability units at Plan.


The Opportunity


Plan International’s global strategy has placed an increased emphasis on influencing as a key strategy to achieve the outcomes we seek for children in both development and humanitarian contexts. Humanitarian policy, advocacy, and diplomacy has a critical role to play to ensure children, and particularly girls, realise their rights before, during and after disasters and conflicts and disease outbreaks, and therefore makes an important contribution to the implementation of Plan International’s Global Strategy. Emergencies provide an opportunity to call on humanitarian actors, including governments, donors and other agencies, to respond effectively to the needs and rights of children, and especially girls, to deliver on commitments and implement policies. Emergencies can also present a window of opportunity for changing discourse and policy.


In early December, the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs launched their Global Humanitarian Overview 2024. The forecast is terrifying. In 2024, nearly 300 million people around the world will need humanitarian assistance and protection, due to conflicts, climate emergencies, and other drivers. Humanitarian diplomacy is crucial in a fragile world – and in allowing us to best deliver for people in crisis – and our Global Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy, and Diplomacy Unit – and this deployable specialist role are key.


At times you will be expected to develop context specific humanitarian policy, advocacy, and diplomacy initiatives. You will be an important colleague in helping us ensure that our teams worldwide are supported and equipped with the ability to conduct humanitarian diplomacy, to negotiate, to be influential humanitarian advocates no matter their position or sectoral focus, and to uphold the humanitarian values and principles.


The Requirements


  • Considerable and demonstrable experience in advocacy strategy and messaging development, particularly in humanitarian contexts.
  • Proven experience and highly developed skills in policy influencing at the national level with a range of audiences, including experience in conveying complex messages in politically sensitive environments.
  • Demonstrable and substantive knowledge of current humanitarian issues and relevant legal and policy frameworks
  • Specific knowledge and expertise on children’s rights and gender in emergencies
  • Demonstrable commitment to gender equality
  • An in depth understanding of the humanitarian architecture, coordination mechanisms and its various working groups, including experience in influencing within these structures
  • Discretion and sound reasoning in delaing with sensitive matters; ability to independently solve complex and challenging problems
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively and smartly within a complex organisation balancing consultations and coordination with getting things done.
  • Strong networking and negotiation skills.
  • Ability to develop and maintain collaborative relationships in a range of cultural contexts
  • Experience managing themselves in a pressured and changing environment.
  • Adherence to humanitarian values and standards.
  • Working proficiency in Microsoft applications and able to effectively adapt to relevant Plan International data systems.
  • Committed to actively upholding Plan International’s vision, values and behaviours and policies, including the Say Yes! To Keeping Children Safe Policy.


Please follow this link for a full role profile; Deployable Humanitarian Policy Advocacy Specialist JD (Dec 2023) – final.docx

Location: This role will be deployed 75% of the time to Plan International’s country programmes and home-based when not deployed. This can be flexible where Plan International has an office* that can employ on behalf of the Global Hub and you have the pre-existing right to work and live. 

Type of Role: Two year fixed term contract 

Reports to: Head of Global Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy and Diplomacy Unit

Closing Date:  Thursday 19th September. Please note that we will review applications throughout the advertising period and reserve the right to close the advertisement early. 


*Applicable locations include: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe



Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan International stands for.


We want Plan International to reflect the diversity of the communities we work with, offering equal opportunities to everyone regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.


Plan International is based on a culture of inclusivity and we strive to create a workplace environment that ensures every team, in every office, in every country, is rich in diverse people, thoughts, and ideas.


We foster an organisational culture that embraces our commitment to racial justice, gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion.


Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. This means that we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with and we must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk.


A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International’s Safeguarding Children and Young People policy. Plan International also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this scheme we will request information from applicants previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Please note that Plan International will never send unsolicited emails requesting payment from candidates. 

UN Jobs: Epidemiologist, Technical Advisor – Senegal



Epidemiologist, Technical Advisor


The Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI) is a global health organization committed to our mission of saving lives and reducing the burden of disease in low-and middle-income countries. We work at the invitation of governments to support them and the private sector to create and sustain high-quality health systems.

CHAI was founded in 2002 in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic with the goal of dramatically reducing the price of life-saving drugs and increasing access to these medicines in the countries with the highest burden of the disease. Over the following two decades, CHAI has expanded its focus. Today, along with HIV, we work in conjunction with our partners to prevent and treat infectious diseases such as COVID-19, malaria, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. Our work has also expanded into cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and other non-communicable diseases, and we work to accelerate the rollout of lifesaving vaccines, reduce maternal and child mortality, combat chronic malnutrition, and increase access to assistive technology. We are investing in horizontal approaches to strengthen health systems through programs in human resources for health, digital health, and health financing. With each new and innovative program, our strategy is grounded in maximizing sustainable impact at scale, ensuring that governments lead the solutions, that programs are designed to scale nationally, and learnings are shared globally.

At CHAI, our people are our greatest asset, and none of this work would be possible without their talent, time, dedication and passion for our mission and values. We are a highly diverse team of enthusiastic individuals across 40 countries with a broad range of skillsets and life experiences. CHAI is deeply grounded in the countries we work in, with majority of our staff based in program countries. Learn more about our exciting work: http://www.clintonhealthaccess.org

CHAI is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and is committed to providing an environment of fairness, and mutual respect where all applicants have access to equal employment opportunities. CHAI values diversity and inclusion, and recognizes that our mission is best advanced by the leadership and contributions of people with diverse experience, backgrounds, and culture.

Program Overview:

Malaria is one of the world’s most important causes of illness, death, and lost economic productivity. Over the past decade, dramatic increases in donor funding have facilitated scale-up of effective interventions to prevent, diagnosis, and treat malaria. This investment has successfully reduced the burden of malaria in many settings, and some countries have begun planning to eliminate it altogether. CHAI’s global malaria program provides direct management and technical support to countries around the globe to strengthen their malaria programs and reduce the burden of this preventable, treatable disease.

Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are a diverse group of over 20 infectious diseases that affect more than a billion people worldwide. These diseases typically affect the world’s poorest, including those living in remote, rural areas, urban slums, or conflict zones. Children are the most vulnerable. NTDs often overlap geographically with malaria, and most are similarly transmitted by vectors including mosquitoes, flies, or worms – meaning that they can be prevented through similar measures as those used to fight malaria. Today, the largest efforts against NTDs involve the delivery of preventive chemotherapy through mass drug administration.

Overview of Role:

CHAI is seeking a highly motivated individual with strong public health experience and analytical skills to serve as an epidemiologist and technical advisor to its teams across West and Central Africa. This role offers a unique opportunity for a talented individual to apply epidemiological and analytical skills to guide the operations of cross-country disease control and elimination programs. The successful candidate will lead a small team of epidemiologists working directly with government counterparts to assess, design, and scale-up disease surveillance systems; conduct robust data analysis; and monitor and evaluate the success of ongoing efforts to achieve malaria and NTD control and elimination. The individual will collaborate with a diverse team of CHAI staff based across multiple countries (primarily but not exclusively in Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Sierra Leone), government programs, academics, technology companies, and public health agencies. The successful candidate will possess strong communication, organizational, and management skills; work independently to drive implementation; have the potential to grow into a global health leader; and have deep personal commitment to producing results.

Flexible base location across Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal, Sierra Leone – pending leadership approval.


Regional Strategy:– Lead all malaria and NTD surveillance and analytics work for West and Central Africa and other geographies, as required.

  • Serve as an expert/technical advisor for epidemiological and strategic questions to CHAI’s regional team, country teams, and for senior leadership.
  • Serve as a lead contributor to building and implementing CHAI’s FrWCA malaria and NTDs strategic vision, focusing on robust use of epidemiological data and analysis to inform strategic processes.
  • Along with digital health colleagues, develop and communicate a coherent vision for malaria and NTD information systems within and across countries, and influence internal and external stakeholders and initiatives to drive vision forward.
  • Support rigorous evidence-based planning of intervention deployment, and design and implement monitoring to evaluate effectiveness of current government interventions and identify potential approaches or strategies to accelerate progress.

Technical project implementation and management:

  • Oversee the implementation of analytics, surveillance and technology projects to support evidence-based decisions*.*
  • Organize, clean, and integrate datasets; conduct statistical analyses; and develop and interpret malaria risk maps and stratifications.
  • Contribute to the formulation of annual work plans across multiple countries.
  • Lead monitoring and evaluation of the performance of existing and new surveillance processes and platforms, and identify ways of improving them.
  • Guide the development and deployment of surveillance system digital tools and platforms in country and ensure alignment of technology solutions with strategic objectives, in collaboration with CHAI Health Informatics staff.
  • Review and ensure high quality surveillance and analytics guidelines and SOPs, M&E plans, lessons learned documents, and operational manuals.
  • Oversee design, implementation, analysis, and dissemination of operational research projects related to surveillance, intervention effectiveness, and entomology.
  • Support the development of country-led systems for conducting data analysis and leading surveillance related processes.

Team management and partner collaboration:

  • Directly manage, onboard, provide technical mentorship, supervision, guidance, and training to a small team of junior and mid-level epidemiologists based across the region; provide guidance, direction, and mentorship to staff across the region.
  • Work directly with technical teams, country teams and governmental staff to better integrate epidemiological, entomological, and programmatic data use and analysis into routine programmatic activities at all levels of the health system.
  • Cultivate and establish relationships with local academic institutions, NGOs (e.g. PSI, PATH, FHI360), and regional organizations (e.g. WHO AFRO, WHO PPH) working on data analysis or surveillance to inform malaria and NTD goals, which may include management of contracts with external partners.

Communication and knowledge management:

  • Manage and develop resources and best practices to share lessons across teams; synthesize and disseminate findings through high-quality presentations, reports, and publications.
  • Represent CHAI at external technical meetings, acting as the face of the organization to academic/technical partners within the region, including via the dissemination of findings through high-quality presentations, reports, and publications.
  • Review and/or contribute to the development of the technical sections of grant deliverables (power points, programmatic reports, grant proposals, scoping documents).
  • Any other tasks identified.


  • Masters in public health, epidemiology or related field
  • 5+ years of work experience with increasing levels of responsibility and leadership, including management experience
  • Enthusiasm for applying research methods to solve global health problems focusing on malaria, NTDs and/or other major global infectious disease concerns
  • Experience contributing to strategic planning through rigorous data use processes
  • Experience mentoring and managing junior technical staff
  • Experience with designing, conducting, and analyzing epidemiological surveys
  • Experience in evaluating, working with, and strengthening disease surveillance systems
  • Experience in working and communicating with government officials and other external partners
  • Exceptional skills in the epidemiological analysis of health data and the application of analyses for decision-making
  • Statistical and geospatial analysis programming experience (including expertise with R, STATA, ArcGIS, QGIS and/or other relevant software)
  • High levels of proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and internet applications
  • Proficiency in report writing and other concise written communications
  • Ability to work independently in remote and unstructured settings and to adapt to new environments and challenges
  • Ability to collaborate and operate as part of a multi-cultural team
  • Exceptional written and oral communication skills
  • Willingness to travel extensively (40-50% of time)
  • Fluency in English and French


  • Knowledge of malaria, NTD, and/or other major global infectious disease problems
  • Experience in programming (e.g., JavaScript, Python) and/or working with surveillance platforms (e.g. DHIS2), data collection tools (e.g. ODK, SurveyCTO) and/or data visualization applications (e.g. Tableau, PowerBI)
  • Experience working in fast-paced, output-oriented environments
  • Experience living or working in resource-limited settings, especially in West and Central Africa

#jobreference3 #region4


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How to apply

Apply Here