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Grant Opportunities: Williams Institute’s Global LGBTI Small Grants Program

Deadline: 31-Aug-22

The Williams Institute’s Global LGBTI Small Grants Program is now open for applications to encourage new empirical research focused on LGBTI populations in the Global South (Latin America, Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East/North Africa, Asia, and Pacific Islands) as well as amplify voices of researchers from those regions.

The program also aims to strengthen research capacity among participants by supporting networking and knowledge exchange (including a colloquium to present research findings) and providing mentorship, where needed, from Williams Institute scholars.


The program promotes two goals:

  • Generate sound empirical research on issues impacting LGBTI populations in the Global South (Latin America, Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East/North Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands) that impacts law and policy.
  • Strengthen the capacity of researchers from the Global South to further conduct rigorous, impactful research on issues impacting LGBTI populations through networking, knowledge exchange, and mentorship (as needed).
Project Topic Areas 

Research projects are not limited to any particular topic or area of public policy, but they must be empirical in nature. Sample projects include:

  • National survey of stress, health, and wellbeing of LGBTI people in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Study on the impact of legal gender recognition and other non-discrimination protections on discrimination and violence against transgender people in Argentina
  • Study of violence by law enforcement and other state/non-state security agents against LGBTI people in Morocco.
  • Analyzing existing datasets by national statistical agencies with measures of sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Other topics are welcome and may include (but are not limited to):
    • New methodologies in collecting data on sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics (or people with intersex conditions), including development of research instruments in local languages
    • Demographics and socio-economic characteristics of LGBTI people
    • Discrimination, including multiple forms of discrimination, against LGBTI people
    • Violence against LGBTI people
    • Economic and educational outcomes among LGBTI people
    • The effects of COVID-19 on LGBTI people
    • Access to services, programs, and government benefits among LGBTI people, including barriers to access
    • The effects of laws and policies on LGBTI people, including supportive (e.g., non-discrimination laws) and unsupportive (e.g., bans on access to gender affirming care) policies
    • Public opinion toward or among LGBTI people
    • Unique experiences and needs of trans+ people, people with intersex conditions, LGBTI youth, and LGBTI elders
    • Religiosity, religious exemptions, and LGBTI people
    • The experiences of LGBTI parents
Funding Information

They plan to fund projects with a budget up to $4,999.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicants must reside or work in the following regions: Latin America, Caribbean, SubSaharan Africa, Middle East/North Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands.
  • Senior and junior faculty from a variety of disciplines, including social sciences (e.g., economics, sociology, demography, social psychology), public health, empirical legal studies, and public policy, are encouraged to apply.
  • Advanced graduate students (PhD, JSD) interested in pursuing research focused on LGBTI people, as well as experienced researchers unaffiliated with academic institutions or who work with civil society organizations, are also eligible to apply.

For more information, visit https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/programs/small-grants-program/about-our-grants/

UN Jobs: IRC – Senior ERD MEAL Officer


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Job Description

Les employĂ©s de l’International Rescue Committee (IRC) interviennent lors des pires crises humanitaires de notre planĂšte dans des rĂŽles trĂšs variĂ©s. Ils sont une vĂ©ritable source d’humanitĂ© et d’espoir. Si vous ĂȘtes qualifiĂ©s et passionnĂ©s, nous aimerions travailler avec vous !

IRC est l’une des plus grandes organisations humanitaires au monde et elle fournit secours, rĂ©habilitation et un soutien post-conflit aux victimes de catastrophes naturelles, d’oppression et de conflits violents. Entant qu’organisation, nous sommes rĂ©solument engagĂ©s dans l’innovation et dans la mise en place de partenariats crĂ©atifs afin d’élargir l’échelle, l’accĂšs et l’impact de notre travail.

Nous sommes actifs dans de nombreux domaines tels que: la santĂ© publique, la rĂ©installation/rĂ©insertion, l’éducation, les moyens de subsistance, l’autonomisation des femmes, le dĂ©veloppement de la jeunesse, ainsi que la protection et la promotion des droits de l’homme. Nous aidons les individus Ă  traverser de nombreux types de crises dans plus de 40 pays. IRC ouvre la voie « du mal Ă  la maison » (« from harm to home »).

Contexte du pays : CAMEROUN

APERÇU DU POSTE : Sous la co-responsabilitĂ© et le soutien technique du Manager MEAL et du Coordinateur Technique ERD, l’Officier Senior MEAL travaille en Ă©troite collaboration avec les Ă©quipes de programme pour optimiser les capacitĂ©s et les opportunitĂ©s de suivi, d’évaluation, de responsabilisation et d’apprentissage du programme ERD de la mission portĂ©e par IRC au Cameroun. Ceci afin de garantir une programmation de haute qualitĂ© aux clients que nous servons et d’appuyer les ambitions globales de la Strategy100 d’IRC et du plan d’action stratĂ©gique du pays. L’Officier Senior MEAL planifie, met en Ɠuvre, supervise et documentent les activitĂ©s MEAL de tous les projets mis en Ɠuvre pour le Secteur RelĂšvement Economique et dĂ©veloppement au Cameroun.

ResponsabilitÉs :

Direction et partenariat

– Apporter un soutien Ă  tous les aspects techniques et activitĂ©s MEAL concernant tous les projets exĂ©cutĂ©s par le Secteur ERD au Cameroun et rĂ©pondre aux besoins du programme. Favoriser et promouvoir les standards et les bonnes pratiques pour la collecte de donnĂ©es de qualitĂ©, l’analyse et les rapports. Assurer la redevabilitĂ© envers les clients, les partenaires et les bailleurs de fonds ; – Mettre en Ɠuvre et soutenir le systĂšme et les approches MEAL dans les domaines d’expertise et favoriser les apprentissages ; – ReprĂ©senter le Secteur RelĂšvement Economique et DĂ©veloppement (ERD) lors de rĂ©unions techniques, de forums et d’autres Ă©vĂ©nements ; crĂ©er des partenariats au sein d’IRC et partager les capacitĂ©s avec les partenaires – Centraliser la base de donnĂ©es ERD et promouvoir l’accĂšs et l’utilisation des donnĂ©es pour l’apprentissage partagĂ©, le rapportage, la prise de dĂ©cisions judicieuses et l’adaptation des programmes en fonction des donnĂ©es. – Participer dans le dĂ©veloppement des propositions de projet sur les aspects MEAL (cadre logique, plans M&E, etc.)

Supervision technique

– GĂ©rer le systĂšme et les processus MEAL pour tous les projets ERD au Cameroun en harmonie avec les stratĂ©gies MEAL du pays et de la stratĂ©gie globale tout au long du cycle du projet, cela inclut : – Apporter un soutien au dĂ©ploiement d’enquĂȘtes et de sondages telles que les enquĂȘtes initiales et finales, ainsi que la commande d’évaluations externes en coordination avec les collĂšgues programme et les partenaires pertinents ; – Apporter un soutien Ă  l’usage des technologies (commcare, Kobo, PowerBi) en utilisant les outils et les processus standards pour la collecte de donnĂ©es mobiles et la visualisation des tableaux de bord en ligne. Et ce pour amĂ©liorer la rapiditĂ© et la qualitĂ© de la collecte et l’analyse des donnĂ©es, ainsi que la prĂ©sentation des donnĂ©es ; – AdhĂ©rer et participer aux efforts qu’IRC met en place pour respecter ses engagements en termes de responsabilitĂ© interne et externe par la mise en Ɠuvre de mĂ©canismes fiables de responsabilisation, de rĂ©troaction et de rĂ©ponse aux clients.

Ressources humaines

– Coordonner, diriger et encadrer/former le(s) officier MEAL, le(s) assistant(s) MEAL du Secteur ERD au Cameroun ; favoriser des rĂ©alisations rapides et de qualitĂ©, ainsi qu’un climat d’équipe inclusif et respectueux ; – Promouvoir la croissance et le dĂ©veloppement du personnel au sein des Ă©quipes et des partenaires d’IRC : offrir des formations techniques et des ressources d’apprentissage de haute qualitĂ© pour les partenaires, les collĂšgues et le personnel subalterne ; – Participer au recrutement et Ă  l’intĂ©gration des officiers MEAL, des assistants MEAL, des consultants et des agents recenseurs sur le terrain.

Principales relations de travail :

Le poste relùve directement d’un partenariat entre Coordonnateur technique du programme et le Manager MEAL

Le poste supervise directement les Officers, les assistants, volontaires et/ou les agents recenseurs sur le terrain.


– Un diplĂŽme technique universitaire de prĂ©fĂ©rence en statistiques ou domaine Ă©quivalent — une expĂ©rience professionnelle pertinente supplĂ©mentaire d’au moins 3 ans peut constituer un Ă©quivalent aux Ă©tudes ;

– Un minimum de 3 ans d’expĂ©rience professionnelle dans un domaine connexe;

– PossĂ©der une connaissance technique de base des approches et des techniques de M&E dans certains ou tous les domaines suivants : suivi des rĂ©sultats ; thĂ©ories du changement, cadres logiques, collecte de donnĂ©es, analyse des donnĂ©es, mĂ©canismes de feedback et de rĂ©troactions des clients ;

– ExpĂ©rience dans la collecte de donnĂ©es quantitatives et qualitative, et dans la saisie de donnĂ©es ;

– Une connaissance de base et une expĂ©rience des logiciels de collecte de donnĂ©es mobiles tels que Kobo, CommCare, ODK Collect sont requises. La connaissance des logiciels et des outils Tableau, PowerBI ou GIS est un atout supplĂ©mentaire;

– Bonnes compĂ©tences en informatique dans l’utilisation de MS Office, notamment Excel et Word – avec une expĂ©rience dans la rĂ©daction de rapports ;

– Attitude autonome et proactive avec de bonnes compĂ©tences en matiĂšre d’organisation, de planification et d’analyse, notamment en hiĂ©rarchisant et en effectuant plusieurs tĂąches Ă  la fois, avec le souci du dĂ©tail ;

– FlexibilitĂ© et capacitĂ© Ă  travailler sous pression et dans des environnements de travail en constante Ă©volution ;

– Des compĂ©tences avĂ©rĂ©es en matiĂšre d’analyse, de rĂ©flexion systĂ©matique et de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes sont des atouts indĂ©niables ;

– Une forte comprĂ©hension de l’obligation de rendre des comptes et une capacitĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©e Ă  mettre en place des systĂšmes de feedback et rĂ©troaction pour les clients.

– Langue : Ă©crire et parler couramment le français et l’anglais sont requis pour le travail d’un Officier Senior

– VolontĂ© de voyager dans divers bureaux sur le terrain [35 %]

IRC s’engage Ă  crĂ©er un environnement de travail diversifiĂ©, inclusif, respectueux et sĂ»r, oĂč toutes les personnes sont traitĂ©es Ă©quitablement, avec dignitĂ© et respect. ConformĂ©ment Ă  ses valeurs fondamentales que sont l’intĂ©gritĂ©, le service, la responsabilitĂ© et l’égalitĂ©, lRC s’efforce de maintenir un environnement de travail fondĂ© sur le respect mutuel, dans lequel toutes les personnes se traitent professionnellement et sans parti pris, prĂ©jugĂ©s et harcĂšlement.

Nous reconnaissons et honorons la valeur fondamentale et la dignitĂ© de tous les individus. Nous sommes un employeur soucieux de l’égalitĂ© et nous considĂ©rons tous les candidats sur la base de leur mĂ©rite, sans tenir compte de la race, du sexe, de la couleur, de l’origine nationale, de la religion, de l’orientation sexuelle, de l’identitĂ© sexuelle, de l’ñge, de l’état civil, du statut de vĂ©tĂ©ran, du handicap ou de toute autre caractĂ©ristique humaine.

, Apply now , Added 1 hour ago – Updated 1 hour ago – Source: rescue.org

UN Jobs: International Consultancy for PSEA Risk Assessment


, Consultant Programme & Policy ,


This is a Consultancy contract. More about Consultancy contracts.


UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, a chance in life!

The prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse has, for decades, been at the core of UNICEF’s mandate. UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual exploitation and abuse perpetrated by employees, personnel and sub-contractors of UNICEF and implementing partners Following the endorsement of the United Nations Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving Implementing Partners (hereinafter referred to the UN Protocol) in February 2018, UNICEF incorporated prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse standards in the General Terms and Conditions of partnership agreements with civil society organizations. In February 2020, UNICEF Procedure for Managing Risks of SEA in Implementing Partners was rolled out using a phased approach. This procedure established requirements for UNICEF offices implementing UNICEF’s programme interventions through partnerships with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to operationalize the screening of implementing partners (IP) and to apply appropriate risk mitigation measures to minimize the risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) in CSO partnerships. As of 1 July 2021, DAPM issued a recommended timeline for partners assessed as moderate or high risk to increase their capacity to low risk within 6 months. As of June, 06th, 2022, only 42% of the CSO IP (including international) in UNICEF Cameroon Country Office have increased their capacity to low risk. Out of 38 IP assessed, 22 IPs (including 20 national IP) equivalent to 58% of the total assessed IPs are medium and high-risk level and need to have their plan of action either developed and/or fully implemented to reach low level of SEA risk. The root cause for this minimal percentage of CSO IPs being assessed low risk is the lack of resources at CO level to design and implement jointly with the CSOs an action plan to reduce their risk level. The objective of the consultancy is to support UNICEF CO in Cameroon to improve the capacities of their CSO IPs on PSEA and actions to be taken to reduce their PSEA level to low risk.

To learn more about UNICEF Cameroon, use the below

link https://unicef.sharepoint.com/sites/CMR/SitePages/AboutUs.aspx.

How can you make a difference?

Purpose of Assignment:

The consultant will support the development and/or implementation of capacity building interventions for UNICEF staff and CSO IPs (with a focus on CSO IPs with medium and high PSEA risks) with the view of providing them with the tools and knowledge to undertake PSEA risk assessment and action plans development and reduce PSEA risk level.

The specific tasks of the consultancy will include :

  • Develop a work plan
  • Develop training modules and train PSEA resources persons and focal points in IP PSEA risk assessment and action plans development
  • Develop training modules and train 12 UNICEF staff as PSEA trainers
  • Develop training modules and run a refresher course on PSEA for UNICEF Staff
  • Assess SEA risk level of UNICEF national implementing partners according to UNICEF guidance
  • Final report of the consultancy

The excepted results/ deliverables****:

  • Workplan presented and validated by the Representative: By COB 17 August
  • 22 UNICEF staff trained, and training modules shared with UNICEF in electronic version (French and English): 5 days in Yaounde in September 2022
  • 12 UNICEF staff trained, and training modules shared with UNICEF in electronic version (French and English): 5 days in Yaounde in October 2022
  • 90% of staff attended PSEA refresher and training modules shared with UNICEF in electronic version (French and English). All Teams sessions are recorded and saved as archives. The refresher sessions are evaluated by each trained staff: 5 days remotely through the contract period
  • 22 IP with moderate to high SEA risk levels are assessed against their action plan and reach the low-risk level and their score is updated in e-tools: Through the contract period
  • A final report with the situation of the SEA risk level of Ips is submitted in French: By 14 November

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have

  • An advanced university degree (Masters and above) in one of the following areas is required: international development, human rights, psychology, sociology, international law, or another relevant social science field.
  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant professional work experience in child protection, or prevention or protection against sexual exploitation and abuse, or gender-based violence is required, including very good knowledge of the technical area. Experience working in multi-cultural settings is an asset. Experience in capacity building and systems strengthening is an asset.
  • Knowledge of the UNICEF PSEA implementing partners risk assessment toolkit and process (or interagency PSEA implementing partners risk assessment tool).
  • Very good organizational skills required.
  • Proficiency in English (fluent in verbal and written) and French (fluent in verbal and written) is required.
  • UNICEF Core Values are Diversity and Inclusion; Integrity; and Commitment. UNICEF Core Competencies are Communication; Working with People; and Drive for Results. Applicants are required to have proficiency in all of these areas.

Administrative issues and conditions

1. Payment of professional fees will be based on the submission of agreed deliverables. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold payment in case the deliverables submitted are not up to the required standard or in case of delays in submitting the deliverables on the part of the consultant.

2. The Consultant will be required to complete UNICEF’s standard online courses related to Ethics, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Security, and 
. related training prior to taking up the assignment and/or travel.

3. The Consultant will be required to sign a Health Statement prior to taking up the assignment, and to document that he/she has appropriate health insurance, including Medical Evacuation.


Qualified candidates are requested to complete an application including a profile to the respective advertisement online. Please indicate your ability and availability.

Applications submitted without a financial proposal will not be considered. Rates must include all expenses related to the assignment (e.g., consultancy fee, living allowance, travel if applicable), quoted in USD.

For every Child, you demonstrate

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA).

To view our competency framework, please visit here.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.

The selected candidate is solely responsible to ensure that the visa (applicable) and health insurance required to perform the duties of the contract are valid for the entire period of the contract. The candidate may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid).

, Apply now , Added 3 hours ago – Updated 25 minutes ago – Source: unicef.org

UN Jobs: IRC – Human Resources Intern


, Human Resources ,

Job Description


L’International Rescue Committee (IRC) est une organisation non gouvernementale mondiale d’aide humanitaire, de secours et de dĂ©veloppement. FondĂ© en 1933 Ă  la demande d’Albert Einstein, l’IRC offre une aide d’urgence et une assistance Ă  long terme aux rĂ©fugiĂ©s et aux personnes dĂ©placĂ©es par la guerre, la persĂ©cution ou les catastrophes naturelles. L’IRC travaille actuellement dans plus de 40 pays et 22 villes amĂ©ricaines oĂč il rĂ©installe les rĂ©fugiĂ©s et les aide Ă  devenir autonomes. ComposĂ© de premiers intervenants, de travailleurs humanitaires, d’experts en dĂ©veloppement international, de prestataires de soins de santĂ© et d’Ă©ducateurs, l’IRC a aidĂ© des millions de personnes dans le monde depuis sa fondation en 1933.


Le/la stagiaire Adm. HR est un poste au sein de l’administration et des ressources humaines. Cette personne sera responsable du soutien Ă  l’Ă©quipe, de la numĂ©risation et l’archivage physique des documents et dossiers suivant la nomenclature de classement en place, de la mise Ă  jour des donnĂ©es des trackers des ressources humaines. Elle/il apportera Ă©galement son soutien aux documentations et aux prĂ©parations ; notamment dans le cadre de la phase prĂ©paratoire Ă  la transition au systĂšme INTEGRA.

Principale Responsabilites

· Effectuer toutes les photocopies de documents ;

· Effectuer la numérisation de tous les documents de la division RH ;

· Effectuer l’archivage de tous les dossiers de l’administration des ressources humaines en respectant la nomenclature d’archivage en place ;

· Classer correctement tous les documents de l’administration des RH ;

· Préparation logistique des réunions RH de la base ;

· Assiste dans l’exĂ©cution des procĂ©dures d’immatriculation des staffs Ă  la CNPS, de dĂ©claration d’embauche et de cessation ;

· Toute autre tùche déléguée par le Responsable RH.

Normes et conduite professionnelle

L’IRC et ses employĂ©s adhĂšrent aux valeurs et principes Ă©noncĂ©s dans le document IRC Way – Standards for Professional Conduct. Ces valeurs sont l’intĂ©gritĂ©, le service et la responsabilitĂ©. ConformĂ©ment Ă  ces valeurs, l’IRC applique et fait appliquer des politiques sur la protection des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires contre l’exploitation et les abus, la protection des enfants, la lutte contre le harcĂšlement sur le lieu de travail, l’intĂ©gritĂ© fiscale et la lutte contre les reprĂ©sailles.

ÉgalitĂ© des sexes : L’IRC s’engage Ă  rĂ©duire l’Ă©cart entre les sexes dans les postes de direction. Nous offrons des avantages qui crĂ©ent un environnement propice Ă  la participation des femmes Ă  notre main-d’Ɠuvre, notamment un congĂ© parental, des protocoles de sĂ©curitĂ© tenant compte des spĂ©cificitĂ©s de chaque sexe et d’autres avantages et allocations de soutien.

L’IRC est un employeur qui respecte l’Ă©galitĂ© des chances. L’IRC considĂšre tous les candidats sur la base du mĂ©rite, sans tenir compte de la race, du sexe, de la couleur, de l’origine nationale, de la religion, de l’orientation sexuelle, de l’Ăąge, de l’Ă©tat civil, du statut d’ancien combattant, du handicap ou de toute autre caractĂ©ristique protĂ©gĂ©e par la loi applicable.


· DiplÎme universitaire de premier cycle ou licence, de préférence en gestion des ressources humaines ou dans un domaine connexe.

· Maintenir l’attention aux dĂ©tails et coordonner des tĂąches multiples pour respecter les dĂ©lais.

· Souci du détail

· Sens de discretion et de confidentialite

· Gestion efficace du temps et sens de l’organisation.

· Capacité à effectuer plusieurs tùches à la fois.

· Esprit d’Ă©quipe

· Bonne connaissance et utilisation de Microsoft excel et Word

· Bonne maĂźtrise de la langue française, et l’anglais un atout

Les femmes sont encouragées à postuler.

, Apply now , Added 16 hours ago – Updated 1 hour ago – Source: rescue.org

UN Jobs: WHO – HR Officer (P2/Consultant International)


, Human Resources ,


This is a No grade contract. More about No grade contracts.


OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME Les unitĂ©s d’appui administratif des bureaux de pays (CSU) ont Ă©tĂ© mises en place dans l’organigramme pour fournir un appui aux responsables et aux membres du personnel afin de leur permettre d’exercer pleinement leurs responsabilitĂ©s dans l’environnement du GSM et de garantir la conformitĂ© aux politiques, procĂ©dures, rĂšgles et rĂšglements dans toutes les transactions ou pour toutes les questions administratives et financiĂšres, dans le cadre d’un Progiciel de gestion intĂ©grĂ©e (PGI/ERP).

CONTEXTE ORGANISATIONAL Le titulaire est responsable du traitement et du suivi de la mise en Ɠuvre des transactions RH, en appliquant les directives, rĂšgles et procĂ©dures pertinentes. En outre, le titulaire fournit des conseils au personnel et aux responsables sur les questions de gestion des ressources humaines Une orientation gĂ©nĂ©rale est fournie par le superviseur ou un autre professionnel ou Ă  travers les objectifs gĂ©nĂ©raux et les instructions relatives Ă  l’allocation des ressources, aux besoins et aux prioritĂ©s des divisions/programmes. Le Statut et RĂšglement du personnel de l’OMS, le manuel Ă©lectronique, les notes d’information, les SOP, les procĂ©dures, les pratiques et les normes Ă©tablies en matiĂšre de ressources humaines, les directives pour informer les membres du personnel de l’OMS. Le/la titulaire doit faire preuve d’indĂ©pendance dans le jugement et de discrĂ©tion dans l’interprĂ©tation de ce qui prĂ©cĂšde pour l’ensemble des questions et des cas, prĂ©parer des rĂ©solutions alternatives en version finale demandant les dĂ©rogations ou les exceptions nĂ©cessaires au HRM, et tenir les responsables et le personnel dĂ»ment informĂ©s.

DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Sous la direction gĂ©nĂ©rale du ReprĂ©sentant et la supervision directe du ChargĂ© des Operations, l’administrateur des Ressources humaines se voit confier tout ou partie des responsabilitĂ©s suivantes : Participer et fournir un soutien aux WR et aux responsables des programmes d’urgence sur la planification des ressources humaines conformĂ©ment aux directives des accords de financements gĂ©rĂ©s par le bureau de Pays, travailler avec les responsables du recrutement pour Ă©laborer et examiner les plans et les budgets des RH et hiĂ©rarchiser les besoins critiques en main-d’Ɠuvre talent requis. Initier des processus de recrutement et de sĂ©lection centralisĂ©s transparents et compĂ©titifs Ă  Stellis (examen des descriptions de poste, contribution au processus de classification des postes, annonce de poste vacant, liste longue, prĂ©sĂ©lection, entretiens et dĂ©termination des Ă©chelons); prendre en charge les formalitĂ©s et processus d’intĂ©gration et de fin de mission pour les agents et les non-agents. Assurer la liaison avec les bureaux de comtĂ©, le Centre de services mondial, le dĂ©partement des ressources humaines sur tous les aspects du recrutement, des actions contractuelles et de dotation en personnel; Surveiller et suivre le processus de recrutement et la mise en Ɠuvre Ă  tous les niveaux Informer le personnel et les superviseurs sur les rĂšgles et rĂšglements du personnel de l’OMS, les politiques et procĂ©dures des ressources humaines , administration des droits, devoirs, responsabilitĂ©s, code de conduite et gestion des performances et dĂ©veloppement de carriĂšre Compiler et analyser des donnĂ©es et les utiliser pour gĂ©nĂ©rer/fournir des rapports, des tendances et des informations nĂ©cessaires Ă  la prise de dĂ©cision stratĂ©gique par les managers Informer le personnel nouvellement recrutĂ© sur les conditions d’emploi et droits;stratĂ©gique par les managers Informer le personnel nouvellement recrutĂ© sur les conditions d’emploi et droits;

COMPETENCES: DĂ©crire les compĂ©tences essentielles, gestionnaires et d’encadrement requises – voir le modĂšle des compĂ©tences de l’OMS – en les listant par ordre de prioritĂ©, Ă  commencer par les plus importantes. Communiquer de maniĂšre crĂ©dible et efficace Travailler en equipe Respecter et promouvoir les differences individuelles et culturelles Avancer dans un environnement en pleine Ă©volution Produire des resultats

COMPETENCE FONCTIONNELLES: *DĂ©crire les connaissances essentielles et les compĂ©tences spĂ©cifiques au poste. Une connaissance approfondie des principes et des pratiques des ressources humaines. Excellente connaissance des processus de recrutement et de sĂ©lection et de la gestion des contrats. Connaissance des avantages et des droits du personnel. Aptitude Ă  rĂ©diger la correspondance de maniĂšre claire et concise. Le travail exige l’actualisation des connaissances sur les changements au Statut et RĂšglement du Personnel, ainsi qu’en matiĂšre de procĂ©dures opĂ©rationnelles standard. Le titulaire devra Ă©galement faire preuve de compĂ©tences en informatique, y compris dans le systĂšme mondial de gestion, selon la norme de l’Organisation par l’auto-apprentissage ou la formation sur le tas.

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: EDUCATION Essentielle:DiplÎme universitaire en ressources humaines/gestion du personnel, administration publique ou des affaires, droit ou sciences sociales, ou tout autre domaine connexe. Souhaitable:Formation spécialisée en gestion des ressources humaines/Gestion du personnel ou relations industrielles.

EXPERIENCE Essentielle:Au moins 2 ans d’expĂ©rience en gestion des ressources humaines. Souhaitable:ExpĂ©rience dans les opĂ©rations RH au sein du systĂšme des Nations Unies

USE of Language Skills Une maitrise de la langue francaise et une bonne connaissance de l’anglais.

Autres considérations (cadre de travail, si différent du cadre normal, compétences informatiques, etc.) Bonne connaissance des applications informatiques. Connaissance des systÚmes automatisés du personnel

, Apply now , Added 21 hours ago – Updated 2 hours ago – Source: who.int

Grant Opportunities: HEY Global Climate Fund for Young Climate Activists


Deadline: 2-Sep-22

The Ashley Lashley Foundation is seeking applications for its HEY Global Climate Fund to assist three selected young climate activists on their projects.

HEY Global Climate Fund is open to the public and to members of the HEY Campaign. Applicants who are not a part of the HEY Campaign but are recipients of the grant are required to join the HEY Campaign to expand its global reach.

All Applicants must submit their project proposal and the top three (3) proposals will be awarded a grant towards their projects.


Passionate individuals are encouraged to apply based on topics which fall under any of the following:

  • Climate Change and Health: This would see projects or ideas which showcase the linkage between the change in climate and its effects on health including waterborne diseases, increase mental health awareness or diet and nutrition, amongst others.
  • Climate Change and Gender: This would see projects or ideas which have made the linkage between climate change and gender highlighting solutions to which would address the vulnerabilities faced by vulnerable groups within the climate crisis. These projects or ideas would see to raise awareness and solutions with gender at its core.
  • Climate Advocacy: Under climate advocacy, the applicant(s) projects or ideas must be able to demonstrate how they have been or will be using their voices and unified voices within their communities. These projects or ideas must be focused on impacts and outcomes, aiding to unite the climate action call nationally, regionally and internationally.
  • Climate Entrepreneurship: With a focus on entrepreneurship and innovation in the climate change sphere, projects or ideas including renewable energy; energy efficiency and sustainability; environmental engineering; climate adaptation; resilient and clean technologies; carbon reduction; food production; design; or other innovative fields addressing climate challenges today and in the future.
Funding Information

The selected projects will be rewarded five thousand ($5000) USD each.

Geographic Focus

This fund is open globally and is extended to countries which are a part of the following regions:

  • Applicants must submit a proposal based on a project, or idea surrounding the topics: Climate Change and Health, Climate Change and Gender, Climate Advocacy and Climate Entrepreneurship.
  • To be eligible for this grant, all applicants must be between the ages of thirteen (13) and twenty-seven (27).
  • Shortlisted applicants must be prepared to conduct an interview between 14th September to 16th September 2022, with The Ashley Lashley Foundation’s Evaluation Committee where applicants are to present their project or idea.

For more information, visit https://www.theashleylashleyfoundation.org/the-hey-global-climate-fund/

Grant Opportunities: HEY Global Climate Fund for Young Climate Activists

Deadline: 2-Sep-22

The Ashley Lashley Foundation is seeking applications for its HEY Global Climate Fund to assist three selected young climate activists on their projects.

HEY Global Climate Fund is open to the public and to members of the HEY Campaign. Applicants who are not a part of the HEY Campaign but are recipients of the grant are required to join the HEY Campaign to expand its global reach.

All Applicants must submit their project proposal and the top three (3) proposals will be awarded a grant towards their projects.


Passionate individuals are encouraged to apply based on topics which fall under any of the following:

  • Climate Change and Health: This would see projects or ideas which showcase the linkage between the change in climate and its effects on health including waterborne diseases, increase mental health awareness or diet and nutrition, amongst others.
  • Climate Change and Gender: This would see projects or ideas which have made the linkage between climate change and gender highlighting solutions to which would address the vulnerabilities faced by vulnerable groups within the climate crisis. These projects or ideas would see to raise awareness and solutions with gender at its core.
  • Climate Advocacy: Under climate advocacy, the applicant(s) projects or ideas must be able to demonstrate how they have been or will be using their voices and unified voices within their communities. These projects or ideas must be focused on impacts and outcomes, aiding to unite the climate action call nationally, regionally and internationally.
  • Climate Entrepreneurship: With a focus on entrepreneurship and innovation in the climate change sphere, projects or ideas including renewable energy; energy efficiency and sustainability; environmental engineering; climate adaptation; resilient and clean technologies; carbon reduction; food production; design; or other innovative fields addressing climate challenges today and in the future.
Funding Information

The selected projects will be rewarded five thousand ($5000) USD each.

Geographic Focus

This fund is open globally and is extended to countries which are a part of the following regions:

  • Applicants must submit a proposal based on a project, or idea surrounding the topics: Climate Change and Health, Climate Change and Gender, Climate Advocacy and Climate Entrepreneurship.
  • To be eligible for this grant, all applicants must be between the ages of thirteen (13) and twenty-seven (27).
  • Shortlisted applicants must be prepared to conduct an interview between 14th September to 16th September 2022, with The Ashley Lashley Foundation’s Evaluation Committee where applicants are to present their project or idea.

For more information, visit https://www.theashleylashleyfoundation.org/the-hey-global-climate-fund/

Grant Opportunities: Halcyon Residential Fellowship Program – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 30-Sep-22

Applications are now open for the Halcyon Residential Fellowship Program.

During the Halcyon Residential Fellowship, a diverse cohort of fellows receives free residency and workspace, mentorship and leadership coaching, robust support from business consultants, and a living stipend to develop their entrepreneurial vision.

Fellows engage with the program in two major stages:

    • Residency (14 weeks): Fellows live and work at Halcyon’s headquarters in Washington, DC, with total access to expert guidance. They participate in core programming that includes family breakfast, pitch sessions, skill series, advisor office hours, and more. Hard work and dedication during this phase culminates in a final showcase to a curated audience of partners, mentors, advisors, supporters, and potential investors.
    • Post-residency: Fellows continue to have access to free workspace at Halcyon.
Program Features

The Halcyon Residential Fellowship program includes the following:

  • Rent-free housing at Halcyon (Washington, D.C.) during the 14-week residency period
  • A lifelong community of fellows in social enterprise
  • Pro bono leadership coaching
  • 1 year pro bono legal support
  • Pro bono Deloitte consulting
  • Individual mentor
  • $10,000 equity-free stipend
  • Skills training sessions
  • Peer learning sessions
  • Access to world-class network of advisors
  • Opportunities for investment
Eligibility Criteria
  • To be eligible for this fellowship, you:
    • May be from anywhere in the world and your venture may be focused on any business sector, as long as it is an early-stage impact-driven venture (i.e. prioritizes social and/or environmental good along with business success)
    • Must be the CEO and/or hold primary decision-making power in the growth and strategic vision for the venture’s development and management
    • Must be able to make a full-time commitment to work on the venture during the residency phase (February 20, 2023-May 26, 2023)
    • Must be able to postpone any undergraduate or graduate course work during the residency phase (February 20, 2023-May 26, 2023)
    • Must already live or work in the U.S. or be able to obtain a visa for the residency phase (February 20, 2023-May 26, 2023)
    • Must be fluent in English
    • Must be at least 21 years of age by the start of the program
    • May apply on your own or with up to one co-founder who meets the above eligibility requirements.
    • Must be willing to contribute to the growth and development of Halcyon’s fellow community
  • To be eligible for this fellowship, your venture:
    • Must be an original idea of the applicant(s)
    • Must be proof of concept stage (you are too far along to benefit from Halcyon’s fellowships is your venture is earning $500,000 USD in annual recurring revenue)
    • Must be an independent or autonomous venture that is not under the direction of an existing organization
    • Must have plans for a sustainable business model to generate revenue by selling a core product or service
    • Must be a for-profit or hybrid venture with the core mission is to create measurable social and/or environmental change
    • May not be a 501(c)(3) non-profit venture

For more information, visit https://www.halcyonhouse.org/programs/halcyon-incubator/

Grant Opportunities: GDN: Strengthening Research Capacities Program

Deadline: 28-Aug-22

The Global Development Network (GDN) is inviting applications for the Social Science Research Capacity Building Program in French speaking Africa which aims to strengthen five research institutions in the social sciences as well as to boost the production of research by young researchers.

The program will encourage regular exchanges between participating institutions around the links between the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable development as well as on how to effectively strengthen research capacity in the French-speaking African space.

  • The program aims to strengthen research institutions as well as to boost the production of research by young researchers, on the basis of proposals that combine the two objectives and correspond to the aspirations of the participating institutions. In addition, the program will encourage regular exchanges between participating institutions on the interactions between the different dimensions of sustainable development as well as on how to effectively strengthen research capacity in the French-speaking African space. Five institutions will be selected
  • This program is based on several assumptions:
    • Despite efforts to systematize knowledge on the research systems of certain French-speaking African countries, certain institutions are document not able their o put innovative their challenges practices, into launch perspective, pilots and to scale. Better coordination between the three levels (systems of research, research institutions, and researchers) is necessary in several countries of the French speaking African space.
    • Even if the French-speaking African space is extremely diverse, the institutions using mainly French can benefit from strengthening their links with peers using the same working language. The issue of integration into a regional or global community represent challenges common to several institutions beyond national borders;
    • research institutions are better able than donors to define how to use the grants available through this program: they know their types of difficulties, often have ideas for innovative projects that are not yet funded and often have a better knowledge of the other sources of funding available to them;
    • Young researchers are a promising target group – sometimes insufficiently taken into account through general budget support to the sector by donors. Research institutions would like to encourage them, but do not always have the possibility of empowering them and retaining them in their institution – so many are the other challenges institutions have to face. Dedicated individual funding can serve as a springboard not only for the individuals concerned but also to consider broader strategies for promoting the new generation of researchers;
    • the theme of the links between the economic, environmental and social sciences of sustainable development is a vast theme which interests the research institutions of several French-speaking African countries, which promotes interdisciplinarity within the social sciences, and which encompasses and/or is linked to the more specific agendas of many institutions.
  • The five selected institutions will be supported through the following four components:
    • Capacity building funding proposed by institutions for an amount of up to EUR 100,000 per institution (over a period of approximately 24 months)
    • Funding dedicated to building the capacities of young researchers and to the production of research by them. Grants for young researchers as well as a budget for the management of a competitive process will be available.
    • General support for all selected institutions
    • Additional individual funding for development and dissemination for researchers from selected institutions
Eligibility Criteria
  • Any applicant institution must meet the following requirements:
    • Be located in French-speaking African countries (members of the International Organization of La Francophonie and/or using the French language as a working language in social science research). Research teams must be able to apply to this call in French;
    • Have as main objective to conduct research on national and regional public policies in the political, social and economic fields;
    • Be a public or private non-profit research institution (including a university or a department of a university);
    • Be able to sign contracts on their behalf and receive a grant.

For more information, visit https://www.gdn.int/renforcer-les-capacit%C3%A9s-de-recherche-en-afrique-francophone

UN Jobs: Deployable Child Protection in Emergencies Specialist


Deployable Child Protection in Emergencies Specialist

Are you a motivated professional committed to work abroad in multiple diverse settings?

Are you passionate about Child Protection in Emergencies and interested in joining a global, dynamic and result-oriented team?

We are recruiting new deployable Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) specialists for our diverse global humanitarian surge team. Join us!

About You

As deployable CPiE specialist, you will travel 70% per year to emergencies globally. During a deployment you provide oversight and leadership to Plan International’s child protection response. You will be responsible for assessment, response analysis, design, coordination, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of child protection in emergency programmes as part of our broader emergency response. You will ensure that our intervention meets the minimum standards for child protection and gender-based violence in emergencies.

We are seeking CPiE specialists with a minimum of five years of work experience in humanitarian settings with progressively responsible roles in designing, leading and/or coordinating CPiE responses. We are specifically looking for candidates with expertise in approaches to support child survivors of sexual- and gender-based violence (SGBV), mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), and candidates with strong team management and capacity strengthening experience. Ideally you will be proficient in English and one of the following languages: French, Spanish or Arabic. You will be committed to ensuring safeguarding and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) is core to our ways of working.

Please click here for full role profile

Please respond to the requirements of the role in your cover letter.

Only CVs and cover letters in English will be accepted.

Location: The location of this role can be flexible where Plan International has an office* that can employ on behalf of the Global Hub and you have the pre-existing right to work and live.

Type of role: 1 Year fixed term contract

Grade: We will be happy to disclose the salary and applicable benefits to applicants as part of this process, however, please kindly note that the salary and employment benefits will be set according to your location and therefore it is not possible to include full details here.

As an indication, if this role was based in the UK the salary would be circa ÂŁ45,000

Closing Date: Sunday 12th June 2022

*Applicable locations include: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe

How to apply
