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UN Jobs: Banking and Treasury Executive – Cameroon


Cameroon + 3 more

Banking and Treasury Executive

Sightsavers implements projects in over 30 countries in Africa and South Asia working to eliminate avoidable blindness and promote the rights of people with disabilities. We are looking for a Banking and Treasury Executive – a new role within our expanding team to help us with our Treasury administration.

Salary: Local terms and conditions apply

Location: Sightsavers Country Offices – Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria (Abuja), Cameroon, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda or Zambia.

Contract: One Year Fixed Term Contract with the expectation of extension

Hours: This is a full-time role with some flexibility around hours worked and the potential for some home working

About the role

We are looking for an experienced Banking and Treasury Executive to provide support to the treasury management function. This will involve global bank account management, global bank portal management and bank mandate management. The post holder will also be responsible for the management of monthly changes to the Sightsavers investment portfolio to ensure that management, accounting, and reporting requirements are met.

Key duties will include:

  • Global bank account management to include opening, closing, and amending accounts
  • Ensure optimal interfaces are achieved between the treasury management function and the operations team, in terms of processes, procedures, information sharing, common systems use and general collaboration and communications.
  • Global bank portal management
  • Bank mandate management using the Kyriba TMS Bank Management Module
  • Updating and recording all electronic portal bank accounts, users, roles, and responsibilities
  • Regular reviews of all bank account management information
  • Assisting the Acting Treasury Manager in maintaining Banking partner relationships and reviewing for best practices and improvements
  • Responsible for the management of monthly changes to the Sightsavers investment portfolio to ensure accurate and timely recording of purchases, disposals, realised and unrealised gain and losses to produce SUN accounting journals
  • Analysing the investment portfolio and producing treasury management reports for monthly Management Account Reporting and Investment Committee meetings.
  • Assisting the Acting Treasury Manager in Treasury analysis
  • Filing and audit preparation in respect of all the above.

About you

This is an ideal opportunity to build on your existing treasury experience. To succeed in this role, you will need:

  • Part qualified accountant or equivalent experience, possibly working towards a treasury management qualification.
  • Substantial work experience in finance and banking
  • Experience of working in a Treasury environment.
  • INGO experience (ideal)
  • Fluent written and spoken English
  • Experience with banks in Africa would be of particular interest as would be familiarity with the specific documentation and usage of Global multi bank electronic portals

This is a varied role, please read the full job description for further details. As an equal opportunity employer, we actively encourage applications from all sections of the community. Sightsavers is a Disability Confident Leader and qualified people living with a disability are particularly encouraged to apply. There is flexibility around the location of this role; Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria (Abuja), Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda or Zambia and for the majority of the time it will be worked within the office. Please specify the location within your application questionnaire.

How to apply

Next steps

To apply for this exciting new opportunity, please complete an application via our recruitment portal. We are particularly interested in learning of your motivations for applying.

Apply Here

We anticipate that remote interviews will take place w/c 12 September and w/c 19 September 2022

Closing Date: 4 September, 2022

Grant Opportunities: 5th Edition of CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa


Deadline: 15-Sep-22

The LHoFT Foundation has launched the 5th edition of CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa to support selected firms in developing their businesses and achieving their inclusion goals.

Developed by the LHoFT Foundation, the programme targets companies focusing on financial inclusion in Africa, aiming to build bridges with Luxembourg’s Microfinance industry while highlighting their initiatives in alignment with the sustainability goals of Luxembourg’s finance center.

The Bootcamp leverages Luxembourg’s Inclusive Finance and Fintech ecosystem in order to support the selected firms in developing their businesses and achieving their inclusion goals. A 5 day training and networking Bootcamp, from October 24th to 28th 2022, run in Luxembourg, for 10 selected Fintech firms working to improve financial inclusion in Africa.


All costs are covered

  • LHoFT will reimburse reasonable travel costs to reach Luxembourg, using Economy Class Airline Carrier, up to 2000€ per person/company (or equivalent).
  • The participants will be hosted in the hotel selected by the LHoFT, located in Luxembourg City and for the duration of the programme.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Selected firms will have, at least, a demonstrable Minimum Viable Product (“MVP”) and will likely be in the pre-seed to seed stage of funding.
  • Companies must be active in the financial inclusion field, helping underserved and unbanked populations in Africa get access to financial products and services.
  • Companies will submit all necessary information to the LHoFT in order to assess the viability of the project, company, background of owners and key shareholders to limit the risks of non-compliance or doubtful application to the programme.
  • Companies must agree and shall provide on-going performance metrics and business status for a period of three years post programme completion to the LHoFT for the purposes of programme evaluation.
  • The selected firm must guarantee that a founding team member, typically the CEO, will attend the programme for the duration of the week.
  • They are particularly interested in hearing from firms in payments and related services.

For more information, visit https://lhoft.com/catapult/africa/





PĂ©riode de performance : 30 jours ouvrables.

Type de contrat : Contrat de Consultance.

Localisation : Yaoundé, Cameroun.

Date limite de soumission des candidatures : 29 Août 2022


Jhpiego est une ONG Ă  but non lucrative fondĂ© en 1973 et affiliĂ©e Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Johns Hopkins. Il travaille actuellement dans plus de 40 pays supportant 137 projets, avec une expĂ©rience de travail dans 154 pays avec plus de 3900 employĂ©s Ă  l’échelle mondiale. Il consacre tous ses efforts Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la santĂ© des femmes et de leurs familles dans les pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement.

Jhpiego sauve des vies en :

  • Renforçant la capacitĂ© des ressources humaines au niveau local ;
  • Travaillant en partenariat avec les gouvernements, les organisations non gouvernementales, les universitĂ©s, les associations professionnelles et les collectivitĂ©s ;
  • Renforçant les systĂšmes de soins de santĂ© ;
  • DĂ©veloppant innovations basĂ©es sur l’évidence scientifique ;
  • Partageant les meilleures pratiques.

La longue histoire de Jhpiego en Afrique, qui remonte Ă  quatre dĂ©cennies, reflĂšte l’engagement constant et inĂ©branlable de l’organisation Ă  traiter les problĂšmes de santĂ© dans la rĂ©gion. Jhpiego travaille au Cameroun depuis les annĂ©es 1980 pour introduire des interventions visant Ă  prĂ©venir les maladies infectieuses telles que le VIH et le paludisme, avec un travail supplĂ©mentaire dans le domaine de la santĂ© maternelle, nĂ©onatale et infantile (SMNI), du planning familial (PF), de la santĂ© reproductive (SR) et de la prĂ©vention et du contrĂŽle des infections (IPC), avec des financements de l’USAID, de la Fondation ExxonMobil, de l’UNICEF, du FNUAP et de la Fondation Noble Energy. Jhpiego dispose d’un rĂ©seau Ă©tendu de parties prenantes au Cameroun, ayant travaillĂ© aux cĂŽtĂ©s du MinistĂšre de la SantĂ© au niveau national, des districts et des Ă©tablissements pour crĂ©er des partenariats solides dans le pays.

Dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’un plan stratĂ©gique du bureau au Cameroun, Jhpiego envisage se positionner davantage comme un partenaire sur lequel le MinistĂšre de la Sante publique peut compter pour sauver des vies grĂące Ă  son expĂ©riences acquis dans les diffĂ©rents pays oĂč il a conduit des projets. Pour appuyer MinistĂšre de la santĂ© publique dans la mise en Ɠuvre des diffĂ©rentes interventions visant Ă  sauver des vies au Cameroun, Jhpiego veut Ă  travers cette consultance se doter d’une stratĂ©gie nationale de financement du dĂ©veloppement. Au-delĂ , pour renforcer l’impact de sa contribution, Jhpiego doit forger des partenariats avec une variĂ©tĂ© d’acteurs y compris le gouvernement, les agences bilatĂ©rales et multilatĂ©rales, les banques de dĂ©veloppement, le secteur privĂ©, la sociĂ©tĂ© civile et les communautĂ©s Ă  la base. Pour se faire, Jhpiego souhaite recruter un consultant facilitateur pour appuyer l’élaboration d’un document de stratĂ©gie de partenariat et de mobilisation de ressources au Cameroun.

  • GĂ©nĂ©ral : D’appuyer l’élaboration d’une stratĂ©gie de partenariat et de mobilisation de ressources au Cameroun visant Ă  donner un aperçu des opportunitĂ©s de partenariat pour amĂ©liorer le financement de Jhpiego au Cameroun et des objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable au Cameroun en matiĂšre de santĂ©.
  • SpĂ©cifique : De maniĂšre spĂ©cifique, il s’agit pour le consultant de :
  • Analyser le contexte du financement du dĂ©veloppement au Cameroun dans le cadre de la santĂ©. ;
  • RĂ©aliser une cartographie sommaire des acteurs technique et du financement du dĂ©veloppement ;
  • Identifier les opportunitĂ©s de partenariats stratĂ©giques pour Jhpiego ;
  • Énoncer les principes et axes pour la mobilisation des ressources ;
  • Identifier les secteurs prioritaires d’investissement pour forger et consolider des partenariats durables ;
  • DĂ©cliner la stratĂ©gie en plan d’action opĂ©rationnel qui inclut une hiĂ©rarchisation des actions Ă  court, moyen et long terme.


  • Une cartographie des partenaires et des interventions ainsi que des acteurs clĂ©s technique et du financement du dĂ©veloppement est Ă©laborĂ©e avec un accent particulier sur les partenaires Ɠuvrant dans la lutte contre le paludisme ;
  • Les opportunitĂ©s de partenariats stratĂ©giques pour Jhpiego sont identifiĂ©es ;
  • Les principes et axes pour la mobilisation des ressources sont clairement Ă©noncĂ©s ;
  • Les secteurs prioritaires d’investissement pour forger et consolider des partenariats durables sont identifiĂ©s ;
  • Un plan d’action opĂ©rationnel de partenariat et de mobilisation de ressources est Ă©laborĂ©.

Taches clés :

  • TĂąche 1 – Analyser le contexte de financement et recueillir des informations sur les indicateurs sanitaires du paludisme au Cameroun, la stratĂ©gie du ministĂšre de la SantĂ© Camerounais dans le domaine du paludisme, et les lacunes dans la prestation des services de lutte contre le paludisme, les systĂšmes d’information sanitaire et la capacitĂ© des prestataires de traitement du paludisme aux niveaux national, rĂ©gional et des districts. Ceci inclura aussi une analyse sur les partenaires potentiels dans le cadre de la lutte contre le paludisme, tant internationaux que locaux, y compris leurs forces, leurs faiblesses et leur rĂ©putation au Cameroun.
  • TĂąche 2 – Analyser le contexte de financement et recueillir les informations sur les bailleurs et partenaires (traditionnels et non traditionnels) en matiĂšre de santĂ©, la typologie des donateurs (bilatĂ©raux, multilatĂ©raux, ONGs, fondations privĂ©es, autres), les domaines d’intervention (Planification Familiale, SantĂ© Maternelle et NĂ©onatale, Paludisme, Cancer du Col, VIH/SIDA et la Tuberculose, PrĂ©vention des infections, AmĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© et performance, Formation, etc.), et les secteurs d’intervention (SantĂ©, Digitale). Il s’agira d’identifier les domaines et les questions thĂ©matiques pour lesquels il existe un fort potentiel de nouveaux partenariats entre acteurs au Cameroun, et avec des institutions et des donateurs rĂ©gionaux et mondiaux, les mĂ©canismes existants pour engager les parties prenantes et les secteurs dans la rĂ©alisation des objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable au Cameroun.
  • TĂąche 3 : Etablir une cartographie sommaire prĂ©sentant le profil des principaux partenaires et/ou donateurs potentiels : Nom de l’organisme, Domaine d’intervention, Secteur d’activitĂ©s aux niveaux national, rĂ©gional et des districts, Montants allouĂ©s, Financements attendus ainsi que les mĂ©canismes de financement innovants, etc.
  • TĂąche 4 : Analyser les axes stratĂ©giques et effets du cadre de coopĂ©ration pour mettre en Ă©vidence les secteurs prioritaires d’investissement pour forger et consolider des partenariats stratĂ©giques durables pour Jhpiego au Cameroun. Proposer, aprĂšs l’analyse, une combinaison partenaire/type de financement afin d’aider Ă  faire correspondre un besoin (axe) de financement aux domaines susceptibles d’intĂ©resser (domaine de prĂ©dilection/intĂ©rĂȘt) un partenaire
  • TĂąche 5 : Elaborer le document de stratĂ©gie de partenariat et de mobilisation des ressources.
  • Tache 6 : Proposer un plan d’action opĂ©rationnel pour un engagement effectif et durable avec les partenaires qui inclut une hiĂ©rarchisation des actions Ă  court, moyen et long terme.


L’approche mĂ©thodologique sera participative et inclusive. La mission impliquera une diversitĂ© de parties prenantes, y compris le personnel de Jhpiego au Cameroun notamment les membres de l’équipe pays, le personnel des Nations Unies et les Partenaires Techniques et Financiers, les ONG et associations internationales, le secteur privĂ©, les universitĂ©s et la sociĂ©tĂ© civile.

  • Revue documentaire : Le consultant commencera par examiner l’ensemble de la documentation relative au fonctionnement de Jhpiego (Vision de Jhpiego, domaine d’expertise, snapshot, plan de risque, etc.), travaillant en Ă©troite collaboration avec le Country Program Manager et l’équipe de Jhpiego.
  • Rencontre et entretiens avec les parties prenantes : Des entretiens Ă  distance ou en face Ă  face seront rĂ©alisĂ©s avec les membres de l’équipe pays y compris les reprĂ©sentants du Gouvernement, les ONG et associations internationales et nationales, le secteur privĂ©, les universitĂ©s et la sociĂ©tĂ© civile.
  • Élaborations du document : Sur la base des donnĂ©es collectĂ©es, le consultant Ă©laborera un projet de stratĂ©gie de partenariat et de mobilisation de ressources, avec son plan d’action qui seront soumis Ă  l’équipe pays pour des commentaires. Les commentaires seront partagĂ©s avec le consultant qui soumettra une version finale du document.


Un document de stratégie de partenariat et de mobilisation des ressources détaillant les éléments suivants :

  • Une vue d’ensemble de la situation actuelle en matiĂšre de partenariat et de mobilisation des ressources en matiĂšre de santĂ© avec un accent particulier sur le paludisme et aussi le VIH, la santĂ© maternelle, nĂ©onatale et infantile (SMNI), le planning familial (PF), la santĂ© reproductive (SR) et la prĂ©vention et du contrĂŽle des infections (IPC);
  • Les secteurs prioritaires d’investissement pour forger et consolider des partenariats stratĂ©giques durables dans le contexte des objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable en matiĂšre de santĂ© ;
  • Un plan d’actions pour mobiliser et optimiser les ressources par le biais de partenariats qui inclut une hiĂ©rarchisation des actions Ă  court, moyen et long terme.


Éducation : Formation de niveau Master ou plus en Ă©conomie, relations internationales, dĂ©veloppement international ou tout autre domaine connexe ;

Expérience :

  • Au moins huit annĂ©es (8) d’expĂ©rience de consultation en matiĂšre de nĂ©gociations, de formulation de stratĂ©gie de dĂ©veloppement, de partenariat et de mobilisation de ressources et de formulation de projets et/ou programme ;
  • FamiliaritĂ© avec les outils de mobilisation de ressources et de dĂ©veloppement de partenariats surtout avec le secteur privĂ© ;
  • Avoir fait ses preuves dans la rĂ©daction de projets/propositions de haute qualitĂ© et qui ont Ă©tĂ© financĂ©s ;
  • Avoir une bonne connaissance du contexte de dĂ©veloppement Camerounais
  • Avoir une bonne connaissance en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement de partenariat surtout avec le secteur privĂ© dans un contexte international ;
  • Avoir une trĂšs bonne connaissance des objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable ;
  • PossĂ©der une expĂ©rience de travail avec le SystĂšme des Nations Unies ;
  • PossĂ©der une excellente capacitĂ© de facilitation ;
  • Aptitude Ă  travailler en Ă©quipe ;
  • Excellente capacitĂ© de communication.

Langue de travail : Parfaite maĂźtrise de la langue française (parlĂ©e et Ă©crite). Une bonne connaissance de l’anglais sera un atout.


Le consultant travaillera sous la supervision du Country Program Manager et en Ă©troite collaboration avec l’équipe Jhpiego.

Durée du contrat & modalités de paiement :

La mission est prévue pour une durée totale de 30 jours ouvrables sur la période de Septembre à Octobre 2022.

Le paiement sera effectuĂ© par phases et liĂ© Ă  des livrables spĂ©cifiques, dans le cadre des cinq diffĂ©rentes tĂąches Ă©numĂ©rĂ©es ci-dessus, aprĂšs soumission et validation par l’Ă©quipe de Jhpiego.

  • Tache 1 ( 20% )
  • Tache 2 ( 20% )
  • Tache 3, 4, 5, 6 (60%)

Lieu d’affectation & voyages : Le travail sera effectuĂ© localement au Cameroun.

How to apply

Les Consultants intéressés sont invités à présenter un dossier de candidature comprenant les éléments suivants :

  • Une Proposition Technique comprenant :
  • Une synthĂšse sur la comprĂ©hension des Termes de RĂ©fĂ©rence et les raisons de la candidature
  • Une prĂ©sentation plus ou moins dĂ©taillĂ©e de l’approche mĂ©thodologique (assortie d’un chronogramme) et de l’organisation de la mission envisagĂ©e ;
  • Une prĂ©sentation dĂ©taillĂ©e du CV avec un accent mis sur l’expĂ©rience acquise du Consultant dans des actions similaires et citer au moins 3 rĂ©fĂ©rences professionnelles comprenant le titre, l’adresse complĂšte, email et le contact tĂ©lĂ©phonique de la personne ;
  • Les attestations des diplĂŽmes obtenus ;
  • Les attestations de bonne fin d’exĂ©cution dĂ©livrĂ©s pour des missions antĂ©rieures.
  • Une Proposition FinanciĂšre forfaitaire.

La proposition financiĂšre peut ĂȘtre libellĂ©e en francs CFA. Les Consultants doivent indiquer en dĂ©tail dans leurs propositions financiĂšres les honoraires, le nombre de jours de travail prĂ©vus et les frais de sĂ©jour. Le/la Consultant (e) fait sa proposition financiĂšre suivant le Tableau des coĂ»ts. Il doit proposer un montant forfaitaire et prĂ©senter dans le Tableau des coĂ»ts la ventilation de ce montant forfaitaire.

A envoyer uniquement par courriel Ă 

Jhpiego-CameroonJobs@jhpiego.org au plus tard le 29 Août 2022.

En indiquant l’intitulĂ© du poste en objet : Consultant National NPD

NB :

  • Le candidat sĂ©lectionnĂ© pour ce poste fera l’objet d’une enquĂȘte sur ses antĂ©cĂ©dents professionnels avant l’embauche.
  • Les candidats retenus devront complĂ©ter leur dossier avec toutes les piĂšces attestant leurs dĂ©clarations contenues dans le CV ;
  • Les candidatures fĂ©minines sont fortement encouragĂ©es.
  • Pour plus d’informations sur Jhpiego, visitez notre site Web Ă  l’adresse : www.jhpiego.org

Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: 2022-23 Mellon/SAR Fellowship Program


Deadline: 25-Aug-22

The Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces a call for applications for five remote research fellowships for early career researchers who investigate issues focusing upon academic freedom and/or related higher education values.

The fellowship program, made possible by the generous support of and partnership with the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is intended to provide support for a professional community of researchers who wish to develop and share related work leading to the completion of a formal written publication, a new course offering, workshop, webinar or other significant end product.

Over the course of the eight-month program, from November 2022 to June 2023, fellows will complete their proposed project and participate in monthly remote, online workshop sessions during which they will be asked to present the progress of their work and to offer feedback on the work of other fellows. During the latter part of the program, fellows will be expected to prepare and deliver an online talk or presentation of their work for SAR staff, network members, and/or guests (with appropriate security accommodations, as necessary). Fellows are also expected to attend a virtual reunion meeting in September 2023 as SAR seeks to develop a community of academic freedom researchers.


  • Fellows will receive a stipend of USD $8000 intended to cover research expenses, publication, or other costs, as the fellow may decide.


  • PhD degree received less than 8 years ago; in limited cases, doctoral candidates in the final stages of dissertation completion may be considered.
  • Current research or teaching affiliation with a higher education institution, association, or research organization.
  • Demonstrated interest in teaching, researching, or publishing about issues of academic freedom or related higher education values.
  • Preference for projects involving comparative, international, or collaborative work (fellowship awards may be split across two researchers).
  • Commitment to participate in 8-10 remote, online workshops and/or public webinars with co-recipients, SAR staff, network members, and guests (with proper security accommodations).
  • Ability to lawfully receive stipend funds and complete program requirements in the country of current location, assuming responsibility for tax or reporting requirements, if any.
  • Personal experiences with risk or threat are not a consideration for selection, but current or formerly at-risk researchers are encouraged to apply.
  • Candidates in or from the Global South and from minority or otherwise marginalized communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information, visit https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/call-for-applications-mellon-sar-fellowship-2022-23/

Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: 2022-23 Mellon/SAR Fellowship Program


Deadline: 25-Aug-22

The Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces a call for applications for five remote research fellowships for early career researchers who investigate issues focusing upon academic freedom and/or related higher education values.

The fellowship program, made possible by the generous support of and partnership with the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is intended to provide support for a professional community of researchers who wish to develop and share related work leading to the completion of a formal written publication, a new course offering, workshop, webinar or other significant end product.

Over the course of the eight-month program, from November 2022 to June 2023, fellows will complete their proposed project and participate in monthly remote, online workshop sessions during which they will be asked to present the progress of their work and to offer feedback on the work of other fellows. During the latter part of the program, fellows will be expected to prepare and deliver an online talk or presentation of their work for SAR staff, network members, and/or guests (with appropriate security accommodations, as necessary). Fellows are also expected to attend a virtual reunion meeting in September 2023 as SAR seeks to develop a community of academic freedom researchers.


  • Fellows will receive a stipend of USD $8000 intended to cover research expenses, publication, or other costs, as the fellow may decide.


  • PhD degree received less than 8 years ago; in limited cases, doctoral candidates in the final stages of dissertation completion may be considered.
  • Current research or teaching affiliation with a higher education institution, association, or research organization.
  • Demonstrated interest in teaching, researching, or publishing about issues of academic freedom or related higher education values.
  • Preference for projects involving comparative, international, or collaborative work (fellowship awards may be split across two researchers).
  • Commitment to participate in 8-10 remote, online workshops and/or public webinars with co-recipients, SAR staff, network members, and guests (with proper security accommodations).
  • Ability to lawfully receive stipend funds and complete program requirements in the country of current location, assuming responsibility for tax or reporting requirements, if any.
  • Personal experiences with risk or threat are not a consideration for selection, but current or formerly at-risk researchers are encouraged to apply.
  • Candidates in or from the Global South and from minority or otherwise marginalized communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information, visit https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/call-for-applications-mellon-sar-fellowship-2022-23/

UN Jobs: Consultancy_Setting up Humanitarian Mediation Toolkit and Guidelines – Burkina Faso


Burkina Faso + 7 more

Consultancy_Setting up Humanitarian Mediation Toolkit and Guidelines

Background / Context

It is has long been acknowledged that local actors have a critical role to play in their own protection, as they can draw on their own contextual knowledge, relationships and community resources to both prevent violence from occurring and to mitigate its impact. The recent whole of system review of humanitarian protection reaffirmed that civilian self-protection remains poorly understood and under-utilised by humanitarian actors. Protection efforts in these contexts have largely focused on risk mitigation and response services. There remains a gap in proactive protection to de-escalate conflict or prevent conflict related violence.

Ultimately, it requires external actors to make a shift away from providing protection, to facilitating and enabling civilians to take action to protect themselves.

The Humanitarian Mediation Initiative is a violence prevention model that does just this. It supports communities to reduce their vulnerability and risk through proactive mediation processes. Initially trialled in CAR in 2014-2016, this emergency mediation model has successfully contributed to reductions in conflict between, and improved perceptions of safety amongst, community members. It was further expanded to Mali, DRC and CAR in 2017 and by 2020, across the three countries, more than two-thirds of community members in targeted areas reported feeling safer and more secure at the end of the initiative, with a similar number of participants reporting positive changes in relationships with other participants (75%). An external evaluation was conducted in 2020, concluding that the mediation action delivered strong peacebuilding results and that there were opportunities to further strengthen the model as an emergency protection measure, improve monitoring and cost efficiencies that would enable a more effective scale up. These recommendations form part of the next phase of the mediation initiative in 2021 – 2022.


NRC is seeking to finalise and make available a Humanitarian Mediation Toolkit and Guidelines containing all the tools used in the Humanitarian Mediation programme. These toolkit and guidelines will be a reference guide through which the Humanitarian Mediation programme implemented in West and Central Africa will be able to refer to in order to implement quality humanitarian mediation activities.

An external consultant will be recruited to support this work.


The consultant will be expected to:

  1. Collect and consolidate all documents and tools used in the Humanitarian Mediation programme in order to make accurate guidelines, which takes into account the management response to the recent independent evaluation of the initiative
  2. Make an SOP on the use of the Humanitarian Mediation tools explaining and describing each step;
  3. Work closely with the Regional Humanitarian Mediation Advisor and the Humanitarian Mediation Managers of the Countries Offices to harmonise the documents used.
  4. Translate the SOP and the Mediation Toolkit into French and English
  5. Prepare a costed 4 years implementation plan for each of the 3 implementing COs.
  6. Management: The consultancy will managed by the Regional Humanitarian Mediation Advisor, in close collaboration with the Regional Protection Advisor and the Global Protection Lead.
  7. Timeline: The consultancy will be for 45 days. Application Process
  • Minimum 8 years of experience in either humanitarian protection, humanitarian mediation; ideally with a combination of project design, implementation and monitoring experience;
  • Good technical understanding of humanitarian mediation and protection analysis (or similar humanitarian work);
  • Experience designing and delivering training programs
  • Excellent understanding of humanitarian protection policy and standards
  • Excellent written and communication skills
  • Fluency in French and English, fluency in Spanish and/or Arabic would also be an advantage
  • Availability on or before 15 September.

How to apply

Submission of interest

Interested applicants should submit the following:

  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae and a cover letter
  • Examples of relevant work
  • A proposed budget, including number of days of work and daily rate (in USD)

Deadline: All bids must be submitted no later than 30 August 2022 at 11: 00 AM (Dakar time) by email to sn.procurement@nrc.no

Late bids will be automatically rejected.

Tender documents

Download the full TOR and RFQ with detailed instructions HERE or requested by email to sn.procurement@nrc.no

For additional information, please send your inquiries to:sn.procurement@nrc.no before the closing date

Grant Opportunities: Khyentse Foundation’s Ashoka Grant Program


Deadline: 15-Aug-22

Have you written a Buddhist story for children? Are you translating Buddhist texts into your local language? Do you have a proposal for research on a Buddhist topic? If yes, then tell them how your idea will help the dharma flourish.

The Khyentse Foundation Ashoka Grants aim to identify and support organizations and individuals working to increase dharma activity around the world. Khyentse Foundation Ashoka Grants are open to the public and aim to identify and support organizations and individuals that are working to increase dharma activity around the world. Ashoka Grants are for programs and projects that fall outside the criteria for Buddhist Studies Scholarships, Individual Practice Grants, or other awards.

Grants are for programs and projects that fall outside the criteria for Buddhist Studies Scholarships, Individual Practice Grants, or other awards.

Your application will not be considered if:

  • You are requesting funds for a building and construction project.
  • Your application does not adequately explain the budget and scope of the project.
  • Your application is not related to Buddhism or Buddhist activity.
  • Your application is for a film project; we are not accepting proposals for film projects at this time.
  • You have already applied for an Ashoka grant in this round.
  • Your application is in a language other than English. At this time, we can only accept applications in English.

The Ashoka Grant Committees review applications from organizations and individuals who are actively engaged in projects related to Buddhism.

For more information, visit Khyentse Foundation.

Grant Opportunities: National Geographic Society Request For Proposals: Freshwater


Deadline: 12-Oct-22

National Geographic Society is seeking innovative photography, short film, writing, data visualization and other storytelling proposals to help water users understand the issues around global water sustainability. This work will be supported by data, science and cartography provided by the National Geographic-supported World Water Map developed by Utrecht University.


The National Geographic is seeking projects that center around the following themes related to water:

  • Interconnectedness: Water is the great connector. Rivers span political boundaries, flowing from one community to the next. Moreover, nothing breaks down silos like water. It is bound up in cultural and religious practices, gender, geology, geography, public health, nature, geopolitics and the production and movement of food and other products. The Organization seeks stories that build nuance around  standard and didactic narratives, helping audiences to understand how these topics are all connected, just as we are.
  • Justice: The story of water is also fundamentally the story of power. Who controls access, where it flows, what this precious resource is used for–all boils down to privilege. How are issues of race and inequality refracted through the lens of access to water?
  • Change and Adaptation: Changes on earth due to global warming, human population growth and technology all result in changes to water supply and demand; water is an indicator of these changes to life on earth. Moreover, water and climate change are more closely linked than most people realize. The Organization seeks stories of solutions and resilience, in particular how people are adapting to these changes.
Funding Information and Duration
Applicants may request up to $20,000. Budgets of successful proposals will include reasonable, well justified costs directly required to complete the project. Successful applicants may use awarded funds over the course of one year. Some projects may be selected for additional funds after proof of concept is demonstrated.  All applications should explicitly state the plan for evaluating the impact of the proposed work. Applicants may use a portion of the budget for HEFAT or other security training, if applicable.
Eligible Projects

Projects that benefit local audiences or incorporate local voices are strongly encouraged. Water issues span nearly every aspect of the human and natural world; The National Geographic is seeking projects with a scientific underpinning and will be looking for these to be well-researched and grounded by science. Storytellers may choose to have a scientist on their team as an advisor to their work. Some journalists feel less comfortable or that they lack the right credentials or education to cover science stories. But journalists and storytellers who have less experience in scientific research may find that they have actually covered issues of social science extensively. If your work is related to inequities around access to resources like freshwater, you’ve covered a social-science story. The National Geographic seeks applications that show the spirit of scientific inquiry.

Eligibility Criteria
  • The National Geographic Society warmly welcomes and encourages applicants from historically and currently underrepresented and underserved populations to apply. National Geographic is committed to funding a diverse and globally representative cohort of Explorers.

For more information, visit Grant Opportunity.

Grant Opportunities: GivingTuesday’s Starling Collective – Apply Now!


Deadline: 1-Sep-22

Applications are now open for the GivingTuesday’s Starling Collective, a global learning community and innovative fellowship for grassroots organizers, activists, artists, and changemakers to discover and share best practices for increasing generosity and driving systems change.

Grassroots leaders around the world have incredible power to mobilize and strengthen their communities, especially in times of crisis. This program is made possible through their partnership with their global network of leaders, partners, communities, and generous individuals.

  • If selected, you’ll participate in the Starling Collective learning community, and receive coaching and peer support along with a microgrant of $2,000 USD. As part of the learning community:
    • You’ll build relationships and with a global community of movement leaders
    • You’ll tap GivingTuesday’s movement-building experience to accelerate your work and impact
    • You’ll have access to the GivingTuesday data team to develop strategies for goal setting and measurement of your work
    • You’ll receive ideas and best practices from your Starling Collective peers
Eligibility Criteria
  • They invite applications from individuals with innovative approaches to catalyzing generosity, empathy, equity, and justice. Applications are accepted from anywhere in the world. The Starling Collective is specifically designed for grassroots organizers, activists, artists, and changemakers from under-represented and under-resourced communities.
  • Applicants must be individuals over the age of 13 or the equivalent legal age to participate in the program in their home country. If accepted, applicants under the age of 18 must have the permission of a parent or guardian to participate in and receive any fellowship payments under the Starling Collective
  • Applicants must be legally permitted to receive and accept funds from a U.S. nonprofit organization.
  • They will prioritize grants to leaders operating in regions of lower resource or greater need. All award decisions will be made at the sole discretion of Giving Tuesday, Inc.
  • Grant funds cannot be used to support direct or grassroots political lobbying. Please note that GivingTuesday cannot offer any advice or guidance regarding taxes.
  • Applicants will need to be proficient in English or Spanish, as programming will be conducted in English with Spanish simultaneous translation. All vitual meetings will have English captions available.

For more information, visit GivingTuesday.

Grant Opportunities: Join the only Woman-centered Fintech Innovation Challenge and address the Gender Gap


Deadline: 15-Sep-2

The 2023 Fintech Innovation Challenge is inviting applications from fintechs pioneering innovative financial solutions that break the persistent challenges in serving the low-income women’s market.

Through a highly competitive process, Women’s World Banking’s Fintech Innovation Challenge identifies and elevates 4 later-stage fintechs pioneering innovative financial solutions that break the persistent challenges in serving the low-income women’s market.

They are looking for fintechs currently developing innovative products and solutions that address low-income women and their needs.

Award Information
  • The four finalists and grand prize winner will be awarded mentorships, personalized UX design and investor consultations, membership to exclusive networks and priority access to fintech events attended by investors and partners around the world.
  • Four Finalists
    • Invitation to pitch your solution at Women’s World Banking’s Fintech Innovation Challenge in February 2023 in Dubai as part of the Making Finance Work for Women Summit.
    • Invitation to join Women’s World Banking Global Network, with one-year complementary membership.
    • Fast tracked application to Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship’s Accelerator at Santa Clara University focusing on women’s economic empowerment and climate resilience, which features:
    • Access to a Silicon Valley network of 300+ mentors
    • An average of $750K in investments raised 3-years post-accelerator
    • Exclusive pitch advisory session with Women’s World Banking Asset Management team.
    • Priority access to UX design consultation with an industry expert.
    • Invitation to attend the Making Finance Work for Women Summit in Dubai and leverage networking opportunities with 300+ high-profile global stakeholders in financial services, fintech and financial inclusion.
  • Grand Prize Winner
    • Priority access to key 2023 fintech-investor networking events powered by Elevandi, such as Point Zero, Elevandi Connects and/or the Singapore Fintech Festival.
    • Priority access to Women’s World Banking’s global PR firm, Porter Novelli, to help develop strong media presence and drive visibility and exposure
    • Invitation as a featured speaker at a Women’s World Banking Making Finance Work for Women thought leadership event.
    • Automatic membership
  • Female Founders Circle
    • For the first time ever, they are forming the Female Founders Circle. All female-founded fintechs that make it to the Top 12 will be granted automatic membership into this premier group.
    • The Female Founders Circle is an exclusive network of like-minded female-founded fintechs that will have full access to Women’s World Banking’s global PR firm, Porter Novelli, helping them achieve new levels of visibility and exposure.
What sets them apart?
  • Women-Centered: Exclusive focus on solutions that aim to close the gender gap for women
  • Growth Potential: Access to major investor and partnership opportunities to foster growth potential
  • Later-Stage Fintechs: Emphasis on attracting later-stage fintechs, rather than start-ups
  • Expert Judging Panel: Diverse judging panel of industry experts in fintech, financial inclusion, banking and venture capital
  • Access to Broader Community: Opportunity to join and engage with the broader women’s financial inclusion community, such as Women’s World Banking Global Network
Eligibility Criteria
  • They invite fintechs who fit the following criteria to apply:
    • Leveraging Technology for Women: You are a fintech leveraging technology to provide financial solutions for underserved, low-income women.
    • Serving Emerging Markets: Your focus is on serving customers in emerging markets.
    • Preparing for Series A or Later: Your fintech is preparing for Series A or later and can demonstrate a minimum viable product and a path to profitability.

For more information, visit https://www.womensworldbanking.org/fintech-innovation-challenge-2023/