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Grant Opportunities: Nominations Open for Wellcome Discovery Awards


Deadline: 6-Dec-22

Nominations are now open for the Wellcome Discovery Awards to provide funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.

Scheme at a Glance

  • Where the host organisation of the lead applicant is based: UK, Republic of Ireland, Low- or middle-income countries (apart from India and mainland China)
  • Level of funding: You should ask for the resources you need for your research programme. You will need to justify this in your application.
  • Duration of funding: Usually 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, and may only be longer if held on a part-time basis.

What they Offer?

  • The award includes:
    • staff
    • continuing professional development and training
    • materials and consumables
    • animals
    • equipment
    • access charges
    • overheads
    • travel and subsistence
    • overseas allowances
    • fieldwork expenses
    • inflation allowance
    • open access charges
    • clinical research costs
    • public engagement and patient involvement costs
    • contract research organisations
    • other costs

Eligibility Criteria

  • You can apply for a Wellcome Discovery Award if you are a researcher who wants to pursue bold and creative research ideas. You must aim to make a major contribution to your research field by:
    • generating significant shifts in understanding
    • developing methodologies, conceptual frameworks, tools or techniques that could benefit health-related research.
  • Lead applicant
    • Whether you are applying as the sole applicant or the lead applicant for a team, you must have:
      • international standing as a research leader in your field
      • experience of leading innovative and creative research
      • a track record of managing and training others.
    • You must be based at an eligible host organisation that can sign up to the grant conditions. It must be in one of the following:
      • UK
      • Republic of Ireland
      • a low- or middle-income country (apart from India and mainland China).
    • It can be a:
      • higher education institution
      • research institute
      • non-academic healthcare organisation
      • not-for-profit organisation.
  • Coapplicants
    • Coapplicants can be at any career stage and based anywhere in the world, apart from mainland China.
    • The organisation can be a:
      • higher education institution
      • research institute
      • non-academic healthcare organisation
      • not-for-profit organisation
      • commercial organisation.

For more information, visit https://wellcome.org/grant-funding/schemes/discovery-awards#key-dates-0dcc

UN Jobs: Directeur.trice Pays Adjoint.e en charge des Programmes (H/F) – CARE Cameroun – Cameroon



Directeur.trice Pays Adjoint.e en charge des Programmes (H/F) – CARE Cameroun


CARE est l’un des plus grands rĂ©seaux d’aide humanitaire au monde, apolitique et non confessionnel qui appuie et gĂšre des projets d’urgence et de dĂ©veloppement en impliquant les communautĂ©s, en collaborant avec des partenaires locaux. Notre objectif est de lutter contre toutes formes de pauvretĂ©, de dĂ©fendre l’accĂšs aux droits fondamentaux, de combattre les injustices sociales. Soutenir l’autonomisation des femmes et agir pour leurs droits sont des actions essentielles pour lutter contre la pauvretĂ©, c’est pourquoi les femmes sont au cƓur de nos programmes. CARE est prĂ©sente dans 100 pays et Ă  travers la mise en Ɠuvre, de prĂšs de 1000 projets d’urgence et de dĂ©veloppement.

L’association CARE France est membre du rĂ©seau CARE. Elle intervient dans plus d’une trentaine de pays et a la charge managĂ©riale et lĂ©gale du Liban, du Maroc, du Cameroun et de Madagascar.

Au Cameroun depuis 1978, CARE dĂ©veloppe et met en Ɠuvre 3 programmes d’actions (dĂ©composĂ©s en plusieurs projets) en rĂ©ponses aux crises humanitaires et appui au dĂ©veloppement durable. Ils s’inscrivent dans les phases d’urgence, de rĂ©silience des femmes et des jeunes, d’accĂšs pĂ©rennisĂ©s et sĂ©curisĂ© Ă  la santĂ© sexuelle et de reproduction des populations les plus Ă  risque, incluant les PVVIH.

Pour en savoir plus sur CARE : www.carefrance.org

Descriptif de la mission

CARE International au Cameroun dĂ©veloppe et codĂ©veloppe des projets majeurs pluriannuels, incluant des consortiums d’ONGs et des partenariats locaux d’envergures.

Sous la responsabilitĂ© du.de la Directeur.trice Pays, le.la Directeur.trice Pays Adjoint.e en charge des Programmes assure un rĂŽle de leader programmatique et technique au sein de l’organisation et auprĂšs de son Ă©cosystĂšme externe. Il.elle assure la mise Ă  jour et la mise en Ɠuvre de la stratĂ©gie programmatique de CARE Cameroun afin de contribuer Ă  l’atteinte des objectifs sectoriels et transversaux de CARE International vis-Ă -vis de son groupe d’impact prioritaire : les femmes et les jeunes. Il.elle participe Ă  la mobilisation des ressources et des expertises et assure le dĂ©veloppement et la qualitĂ© des programmes.

Objectif général de la mission

1. Coordonner le dĂ©veloppement, la mise Ă  jour et implĂ©mentation de la stratĂ©gie programmatique en cohĂ©rence avec les besoins, vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s, aspirations des populations les plus pauvres au Cameroun, en s’appuyant sur les plus-values dĂ©montrĂ©es par l’équipe pays,

  • S’assurer de la cohĂ©rence de la stratĂ©gie de Care Cameroun avec l’évolution du contexte local (besoins, bailleurs, prioritĂ©s/programmations nationales) et approches de Care ;
  • Assurer le leadership technique sur la production des Termes de rĂ©fĂ©rences et mise en Ɠuvre des actions de diagnostics, d’études, d’évaluation de besoins, d’évaluation des actions en cours ou passĂ©es ;
  • Coordonner en interne (mission et siĂšge) l’actualisation et revue de la cohĂ©rence de l’approche programmatique et stratĂ©gique ;
  • Coordonner la prĂ©paration, Ă©laboration et mise Ă  jour des plans de prĂ©paration aux rĂ©ponses d’urgence ;
  • Coordonner en interne le dĂ©veloppement des propositions des projets en mobilisant l’ensemble des services impliquĂ©s/concernĂ©s (siĂšge et mission) ;
  • Construire et maintenir des relations techniques au sein du rĂ©seau Care international en vue d’harmoniser les approches, capter les expertises et aligner les opportunitĂ©s.

2. Définir, sécuriser et coordonner les fonctions techniques clés mobilisées sur les programmes et initiatives du Bureau Pays

  • DĂ©finir, renforcer et optimiser les organigrammes techniques nĂ©cessaires Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de la stratĂ©gie et opĂ©rations de la mission ;
  • DĂ©finir, renforcer et opĂ©rationnaliser les cadres/espaces internes de coordination favorisant un suivi efficace des programmes et relations avec les fonctions supports ;
  • Assurer le coaching continu des staff cadres techniques clĂ©s pour accompagner leur compĂ©tences techniques et managĂ©riales en soutien Ă  leur Ă©volution. Identifier les opportunitĂ©s externes de renforcement des compĂ©tences et expertises ;
  • Contribuer activement Ă  la rĂ©flexion organisationnelle pour viser des effets transformationnels, systĂ©miques et de passage Ă  Ă©chelle

3. Garantir les principes de redevabilité technique vis-à-vis des bénéficiaires directs, participants et partenaires techniques et financiers

  • Suivre et s’assurer que la mise en Ɠuvre des projets et les amendements respectent les engagements contractuels
  • Garantir l’optimisation de l’utilisation des ressources allouĂ©es aux programmes en collaborations avec les responsables des opĂ©rations et responsables supports
  • Planifier et coordonner des activitĂ©s de reporting pĂ©riodique (interne et externe) des programmes
  • IntĂ©gration des approches transversales et de non-nuisance de CARE international dans chaque initiative, incluant La protection contre l’exploitation et les abus sexuels (PSEA), et la protection de l’enfance (CP)
  • S’assurer de la mise en place et opĂ©rationnalitĂ© des mĂ©canismes des plaintes pour tous les projets en cours au sein de la mission.

4. Assurer la qualitĂ© de mise en Ɠuvre et de gestion des connaissances (MEAL)

  • Garantir IntĂ©gration et opĂ©rationnalisation systĂ©matique et multidimensionnelle du M&E au niveau des projets et programmes
  • Assurer la supervision du renseignement des systĂšmes de donnĂ©es d’impact et de prĂ©sence de CARE international ;
  • Garantir la mise en Ɠuvre et valorisation des processus de capitalisation (interne et externe) ;
  • Veiller Ă  la standardisation des mĂ©thodes et approches, validĂ©es en interne et Ă  l’internationale dans le dĂ©veloppement et la mise en Ɠuvre des projets et programmes ;
  • Mettre en place des processus optimaux et fonctionnels d’apprentissage et d’échanges des pratiques, au sein du rĂ©seau CARE tout particuliĂšrement

5. ReprĂ©senter la coordination technique vers l’externe

  • Assurer la construction et consolidation des Liaisons techniques avec les bailleurs de fonds, le rĂ©seau Care International et le siĂšge
  • Identifier, en lien avec le/la responsable partenariats et le directeur Pays, des partenariats Ă  tous niveaux pouvant soutenir la stratĂ©gie programmatique
  • Coordonner et assurer la reprĂ©sentation technique efficace de CARE-Cameroun au sein des consortium internationaux
  • Assurer l’intĂ©gration et prĂ©sence rĂ©guliĂšre et efficace de CARE-Cameroun dans les mĂ©canismes sectoriels de coordination humanitaire et de dĂ©veloppement touchant les secteurs prioritaires du Bureau pays

Profil recherché

Formation et expérience

  • BAC +5 – discipline.s / diplĂŽme.s certifiĂ©.s en rapport avec les domaines de la solidaritĂ© internationale (Coordination des programmes/projets, DĂ©veloppement International, sciences sociales, santĂ©, Ă©conomie
  • 5 annĂ©es minimum Ă  un poste Ă©quivalent et en environnements opĂ©rationnels complexes.
  • Avoir au moins une spĂ©cialitĂ© technique avĂ©rĂ©e dans les domaines suivants : genre, Protection, rĂ©silience climatique, santĂ© sexuelle et de la reproduction, sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire et nutritionnelle, ingĂ©nierie sociale, Ă©conomie sociale

Compétences et qualités requises

  • Maitrise du cycle de projet
  • Planification et coordination
  • CapacitĂ© rĂ©dactionnelle, de synthĂšse
  • Programmation stratĂ©gique multisectorielle
  • Gestion des Ă©quipes techniques confirmĂ©es
  • Connaissance de base en gestion sĂ©curitaire des personnes et des biens
  • Connaissance principaux bailleurs (UE, AFD, USAID, BPRM, BHA, ECHO, Global Fund
  • Maitrise du pack office
  • CapacitĂ© Ă  gĂ©rer le stress et travail sous pression
  • Excellente capacitĂ© de communication interne et externe
  • Respect personnel strict et transmission/rappel vers autrui des codes de conduites


  • Une maĂźtrise de l’anglais et du français est demandĂ©e

How to apply

Conditions et modalités de candidature

Contrat : contrat d’usage de 2 ans renouvelable

Statut : accompagné

Date de début : ASAP

Salaire : entre 4 094.20 EUR et 4 373.35 EUR mensuel en accord avec la grille salariale de CARE France

Superviseur : Directeur.trice Pays

Equipe directe : 5 personnes

Lieu de travail : Cameroun – BasĂ© Ă  YaoundĂ©, avec dĂ©placements dans le pays 20% Ă  25% du temps

Les candidat.e.s intéressé.e.s doivent envoyer leur curriculum vitae et une lettre de motivation à recrutement@carefrance.org

PrĂ©ciser en intitulĂ© de l’email la rĂ©fĂ©rence : Candidature CMR – ACD Programmes

Date limite de candidature : 31 août 2022

CARE encourage la diversité dans ses recrutements.

En raison d’un grand nombre de candidatures, nous sommes dans l’incapacitĂ© de rĂ©pondre individuellement Ă  chaque postulant. Seules les personnes sĂ©lectionnĂ©es seront contactĂ©es directement. Si vous n’avez pas reçu de rĂ©ponse de notre part dans les 3 semaines suivant l’envoi de vote candidature, veuillez considĂ©rer votre candidature comme non retenue.

Nous tenons également à vous préciser que : compte tenu de la RGPD (la RÚglementation Générale sur la Protection des Données), en cas de candidature non retenue, nous ne conserverons pas votre dossier de candidature ni aucune information personnelle vous concernant. Tout sera détruit.

CARE France applique une tolĂ©rance zĂ©ro face Ă  l’exploitation, aux abus sexuels et Ă  la maltraitance des femmes et des enfants et mobilise tous ses employĂ©s dans la mise en Ɠuvre de sa politique globale.

Grant Opportunities: Apple Entrepreneur Camp for Female Founders


Deadline: 24-Aug-22

The Apple is inviting Female Founders for its Apple Entrepreneur Camp

Apple Entrepreneur Camp consists of an immersive technology lab, as well as guidance, education, and support.


Selected organizations receive the following free of charge:

  • One-on-one code-level guidance from Apple engineers.
  • Ongoing support from an Apple Developer representative for at least one year.
  • One year of membership in the Apple Developer Program.
  • Access to the Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni network, a world-class group of inspiring and ambitious leaders.
Eligibility Criteria

Applications are accepted from developers worldwide and up to three members of your organization may attend. To be eligible to apply:

  • Your organization must have:
    • A female founder, cofounder, or CEO;
    • A female developer proficient in Swift or Objective-C; and
    • An existing app on the App Store or a functional beta build in TestFlight, or the equivalent.
  • The female founder, cofounder, or CEO; the female developer; and another colleague (if applicable) must each be 18 years of age or older, proficient in English, and able to attend together for the entire duration of the lab.
Application Summary

The application consists of four parts, which include uploads and prompts for written responses.

  • Organization details. Tell us about your organization and provide contact information for up to three colleagues who would attend if your organization is selected.
  • Your app. Provide details about your app and development team. You may include a download or demo link, as well as up to three screenshots or wireframes that best illustrate the user experience.
  • The future. Describe what you’d like to gain from participating in Apple Entrepreneur Camp, as well as your plans for the future.
  • Additional information. Select the dates for which you’d like to apply and provide any additional comments.
  • Your application will be kept on file for one year.
Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be reviewed based on:

  • Content of written responses to the questions on the application form;
  • Commitment to development for Apple platforms using the latest Apple technologies; and
  • Whether the app is unique or innovative.

For more information, visit https://developer.apple.com/entrepreneur-camp/female-founders/

Grant Opportunities: Apple Entrepreneur Camp for Black Founders


Deadline: 24-Aug-22

Apple Entrepreneur Camp is now open for Black Founders.

Apple Entrepreneur Camp consists of an immersive technology lab, as well as guidance, education, and support.


Selected organizations receive the following free of charge:

  • One-on-one code-level guidance from Apple engineers.
  • Ongoing support from an Apple Developer representative for at least one year.
  • One year of membership in the Apple Developer Program.
  • Access to the Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni network, a world-class group of inspiring and ambitious leaders.
Eligibility Criteria

Applications are accepted from developers worldwide and up to three members of your organization may attend. To be eligible to apply:

  • Your organization must have:
    • A Black founder, cofounder, or CEO;
    • A Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Indigenous, or female developer proficient in Swift or Objective-C; and
    • An existing app on the App Store or a functional beta build in TestFlight, or the equivalent.
  • The Black founder, cofounder, or CEO; the Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Indigenous, or female developer; and another colleague (if applicable) must each be 18 years of age or older, proficient in English, and able to attend together for the entire duration of the lab.
Application Summary

The application consists of four parts, which include uploads and prompts for written responses.

  • Organization details. Tell us about your organization and provide contact information for up to three colleagues who would attend if your organization is selected.
  • Your app. Provide details about your app and development team. You may include a download or demo link, as well as up to three screenshots or wireframes that best illustrate the user experience.
  • The future. Describe what you’d like to gain from participating in Apple Entrepreneur Camp, as well as your plans for the future.
  • Additional information. Select the dates for which you’d like to apply and provide any additional comments.
  • Your application will be kept on file for one year.
Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be reviewed based on:

  • Content of written responses to the questions on the application form;
  • Commitment to development for Apple platforms using the latest Apple technologies; and
  • Whether the app is unique or innovative.

For more information, visit Apple.

For more information, visit https://developer.apple.com/entrepreneur-camp/black-founders/

UN Jobs: IFC – Associate Investment Officer


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This is a World Bank Group grade: GF contract. More about World Bank Group grade: GF contracts.


Associate Investment Officer


IFC—a member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in developing countries. In fiscal year 2021, IFC committed a record $31.5 billion to private companies and financial institutions in developing countries, leveraging the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity as economies grapple with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, visit www.ifc.org.

IFC’s new focus on upstream is meant to proactively create conditions that result in the movement of capital into private sector investments in the countries where we work. This is strategic business development in markets or sectors where ready-to-finance projects are not yet available, yet significant development gaps exist. Upstream activities occur before the traditional investment project cycle and are necessary precursors. They can be accomplished as quickly as in a few months or take several years.

IFC’s Financial Institutions Group (FIG) is seeking an associate investment officer responsible for designing and implementing upstream projects in the financial sector in Africa, setting the stage for investment transactions that introduce novel concepts, shape markets and drive impact.

Duties and Responsibilities

The position represents a key function in the FIG Africa upstream team and involves the following responsibilities:

‱ Contribute to upstream project design and implementation across a range of initiatives carried out by the FIG upstream team in Africa.

‱ Investigate bankability of business models and project concepts; undertake preliminary structuring of investment transactions; map out paths and milestones to investment concept approval.

‱ Conduct targeted research to enable appropriate project design, including assessment of sector dynamics, identification of market gaps/barriers, and analysis of economics of products and services in the market.

‱ Collaborate closely with the FIG investment team to ensure successful conversion from upstream projects to investment transactions; support processing of transaction concepts enabled by upstream work.

‱ Support and in some cases manage relationships with World Bank, government and private sector stakeholders in support of project design and execution.

‱ Develop excel based models to analyze, estimate and/or forecast transaction economics, project scenarios, and partner/client financials.

IFC’s new focus on upstream is meant to proactively create conditions that result in the movement of capital into private sector investments in the countries where we work. This is strategic business development in markets or sectors where ready-to-finance projects are not yet available, yet significant development gaps exist. Upstream activities occur before the traditional investment project cycle and are necessary precursors. They can be accomplished as quickly as in a few months or take several years.

The position represents a key function in the FIG Africa upstream team and involves the following responsibilities:

Selection Criteria

The position requires a combination of experience, skills and knowledge:

‱ Robust understanding of investment products and bankability criteria; substantial experience in identifying, evaluating, structuring, and negotiating debt, equity, guarantee and/or risk sharing transactions; emerging track record of creative and novel approaches to early-stage investment work.

‱ Substantial knowledge of financial sectors in Africa.

‱ Demonstrated experience conducting and distilling market-oriented research, creating and refining excel based financial models, and applying a creative approach to problem solving in a project design/implementation context.

‱ Knowledge of a theme/sub-sector of interest to the FIG upstream program in Africa (capital markets, structured products, Agri finance, climate, embedded finance, housing finance).

‱ Excellent organizational and time management skills; ability to manage many simultaneous tasks under time pressure and deliver consistently at agreed deadlines.

‱ Master’s degree and minimum 5 years of relevant experience in the financial sector, with a minimum of 3 years in an investment function.

‱ Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and French; Portuguese a plus.

‱ Willingness to travel throughout Africa.

The position requires a combination of experience, skills and knowledge:

World Bank Group Core Competencies

The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Learn more about working at the World Bank and IFC, including our values and inspiring stories.

, Apply now , Added 21 hours ago – Updated 14 minutes ago – Source: worldbank.org

Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: XR Social Impact Grant in Africa


Deadline: 31-Aug-22

Are you an immersive media artist or creative technologist based in Africa? Do you have a concept or project that utilises real-time 3D (RT3D) or Extended Reality (XR) technology in a creative and impactful way? If yes, then apply to this XR Social Impact Grant.

Electric South invites emerging as well as accomplished African XR creators to apply for a new XR Social Impact Grant. The aim of the grant is to give African creators access to skills, expertise, tools and networks to create a prototype or proof of concept using RT3D/XR technology, or to help finish an already existing project.

What will the grant entail?
  • Seven extended reality projects (augmented or virtual reality) will be selected to receive $5,000 USD each in grant funds to develop their proof of concepts, or to complete projects already in progress. Artists will retain full ownership of all work that is produced.
  • In addition, creators will participate in a few group sessions with experts, and will receive one-on-one technical support from specialists and advisors. All sessions will take place online in October and November, 2022.
Eligibility Criteria
  • They are looking for immersive media artists, creative technologists and developers who have some experience using RT3D/XR and who have an existing project or concept that utilises the medium in some way. Creators should be change makers in their fields with a keen focus on social impact-driven stories.
  • Existing projects which are near completion and could use grant funds and access to experts to get over the finish line, are welcome to apply. In addition, artists with concepts who are looking to build a prototype/proof of concept are also welcome to apply. Proof of concepts, prototypes or projects must use RT3D/XR in a meaningful and impactful way.
  • Applicants must:
    • Be citizens of an African country and based in Africa for the majority of the time (at least 6 months/year). They welcome participants from across the African continent, and encourage applicants from identities that have been historically under supported or underrepresented within the fields of art and technology to apply, including those who are disabled, women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and others.
    • Either well versed in a game engine (Unity or Unreal etc.) or technically proficient in similar real-time content creation, 3D modelling or animation software (for example Blender, Maya or Autodesk 3DS Max).
  • Projects must:
    • Utilise RT3D/XR technology in a meaningful and impactful way.
    • Be narrative or non-fiction, but all projects must be impact driven with measurable impact goals, calls to action and/or encompass themes of freedom of expression, social, healthcare, education, humanitarian, or environmental issues.

For more information, visit Electric South.

For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=423261769843082&set=pcb.423262199843039

Grant Opportunities: Open Call for Apple Entrepreneur Camp for Hispanic/Latinx Founders


Deadline: 24-Aug-22

Applications are now invited from the Hispanic/Latinx Founders for Apple Entrepreneur Camp.

Apple Entrepreneur Camp consists of an immersive technology lab, as well as guidance, education, and support.


Selected organizations receive the following free of charge:

  • One-on-one code-level guidance from Apple engineers.
  • Ongoing support from an Apple Developer representative for at least one year.
  • One year of membership in the Apple Developer Program.
  • Access to the Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni network, a world-class group of inspiring and ambitious leaders.
Eligibility Criteria

Applications are accepted from developers worldwide and up to three members of your organization may attend. To be eligible to apply:

  • Your organization must have:
    • A Hispanic/Latinx founder, cofounder, or CEO;
    • A Hispanic/Latinx, Black, Indigenous, or female* developer proficient in Swift or Objective-C; and
    • An existing app on the App Store or a functional beta build in TestFlight, or the equivalent.
  • The Hispanic/Latinx founder, cofounder, or CEO; the Hispanic/Latinx, Black, Indigenous, or female developer; and another colleague (if applicable) must be 18 years of age or older, proficient in English, and able to attend together for the entire duration of the lab.
Application Summary

The application consists of four parts, which include uploads and prompts for written responses.

  • Organization details. Tell us about your organization and provide contact information for up to three colleagues who would attend if your organization is selected.
  • Your app. Provide details about your app and development team. You may include a download or demo link, as well as up to three screenshots or wireframes that best illustrate the user experience.
  • The future. Describe what you’d like to gain from participating in Apple Entrepreneur Camp, as well as your plans for the future.
  • Additional information. Select the dates for which you’d like to apply and provide any additional comments.
  • Your application will be kept on file for one year.
Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be reviewed based on:

  • Content of written responses to the questions on the application form;
  • Commitment to development for Apple platforms using the latest Apple technologies; and
  • Whether the app is unique or innovative.

For more information, visit https://developer.apple.com/entrepreneur-camp/hispanic-latinx-founders/

Grant Opportunities: Call for Proposals – Global Disability Summit Grants


Deadline: 2-Sep-22

The International Disability Alliance (IDA) is seeking applications for Global Disability Summit Grants to support local and national initiatives contributing to the implementation and monitoring of GDS commitments for change.

  • As part of the GDS mechanism, this Call for Proposals (CFP) envisages the launch of actions and initiatives to strengthen the GDS mechanism at the national and regional levels and support the GDS cycles. These actions and initiatives may be related to:
    • Advocacy efforts to promote and disseminate GDS2018 and GDS2022 commitments through workshops, promotion materials, dissemination of progress reports, etc.
    • Supporting stakeholders in the implementation of the commitments they submitted.
    • Supporting GDS related advocacy efforts and campaigns.
    • Producing case studies regarding the progress of supporting commitments implementation from the GDS 2018 and GDS 2022.
Funding Information
  • Grants budget and duration: Between 4,000 EUR and7, 000 EUR for a period of seven (07) months.
  • Maximum number of grants: 15
  • Duration and amount of the program: 85,000 EUR between 03 October 2022 and 30 April 2023.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Eligible organizations:  Organizations of persons with disabilities. Registration certificate will be requested.
  • Application organizations must meet the following requirements and qualifications:
    • Being a legal entity or organization of persons with disabilities.
    • Being legally incorporated (registration documents will be required).
    • Currently operating in the country which they are applying.
    • Having a bank account in the name of the organization and the financial capacity to pre-finance 20% of the activities.
    • Showing project management skills, as evidenced by the successful delivery of projects and grants of similar size.
    • Being able to provide evidence of experience in the field of the call for proposals and a vision that corresponds to the objectives of the call.
    • Ability to work proficiently in English for project management and reporting purposes (with delivery to be conducted in local languages).

For more information, visit GDS.

Grant Opportunities: Call for Proposals – Global Disability Summit Grants


Deadline: 2-Sep-22

The International Disability Alliance (IDA) is seeking applications for Global Disability Summit Grants to support local and national initiatives contributing to the implementation and monitoring of GDS commitments for change.

  • As part of the GDS mechanism, this Call for Proposals (CFP) envisages the launch of actions and initiatives to strengthen the GDS mechanism at the national and regional levels and support the GDS cycles. These actions and initiatives may be related to:
    • Advocacy efforts to promote and disseminate GDS2018 and GDS2022 commitments through workshops, promotion materials, dissemination of progress reports, etc.
    • Supporting stakeholders in the implementation of the commitments they submitted.
    • Supporting GDS related advocacy efforts and campaigns.
    • Producing case studies regarding the progress of supporting commitments implementation from the GDS 2018 and GDS 2022.
Funding Information
  • Grants budget and duration: Between 4,000 EUR and7, 000 EUR for a period of seven (07) months.
  • Maximum number of grants: 15
  • Duration and amount of the program: 85,000 EUR between 03 October 2022 and 30 April 2023.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Eligible organizations:  Organizations of persons with disabilities. Registration certificate will be requested.
  • Application organizations must meet the following requirements and qualifications:
    • Being a legal entity or organization of persons with disabilities.
    • Being legally incorporated (registration documents will be required).
    • Currently operating in the country which they are applying.
    • Having a bank account in the name of the organization and the financial capacity to pre-finance 20% of the activities.
    • Showing project management skills, as evidenced by the successful delivery of projects and grants of similar size.
    • Being able to provide evidence of experience in the field of the call for proposals and a vision that corresponds to the objectives of the call.
    • Ability to work proficiently in English for project management and reporting purposes (with delivery to be conducted in local languages).

For more information, visit GDS.

Grant Opportunities: IDRC-CIHR Monkeypox Rapid Research Response Grant in Canada & Africa


Deadline: 16-Aug-22

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are now inviting applications for the Monkeypox Rapid Research Response Grant.


To be admissible, applications must be co-led by Canadian and African researchers and address all of the following objectives:

  • Provide rapid evidence to inform clinical and health system management and public health response, and/or decision-making and planning within and across jurisdictions in Canada and internationally;
  • Undertake robust, multi-country cross-learning, and comparative research (including in collaboration with other international researchers where appropriate) on:
    • the safety and real-world effectiveness of medical or other countermeasures deployed* (including vaccines and therapeutics) to treat and/or prevent monkeypox infections in people in Canada and globally; and
    • the underlying serological histories and transmission dynamics of the current monkeypox outbreaks in Canada and globally (including time of exposure and transmission during asymptomatic phase, mechanisms of human-to-human transmission, and key risk factors for infection and transmission);
  • Align with and contribute to the WHO Global Clinical Platform for Monkeypox and other international monkeypox surveillance and research coordination activities by:
    • adopting WHO case investigation and reporting forms;
    • developing robust study protocols that can be integrated and harmonized with international clinical datasets; and
    • contributing to global real-time sharing and analyses of research findings across different study contexts .

Note: Please note that medical countermeasures against monkeypox (including vaccines, drugs and other therapeutic agents) will not be provided by the Government of Canada for research supported through this funding opportunity.

Funding & Duration
  • The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $3,000,000 $CA to fund 1 grant.
  • Of this $3,000,000 $CA:
    • CIHR will contribute up to $2,000,000 for up to one year.
      • CIHR’s funding will be provided to the successful Canada-based Nominated Principal Applicant’s eligible host institution.
  • IDRC will contribute up to $1,000,000 for up to two years.
Eligibility Criteria

The criteria must be met for an application to be eligible:

  • The Research Team must be co-led by a Canada-based nominated-principal applicant (NPA) who is an independent researcher affiliated with an eligible Canadian institution at the time of application deadline and an Africa-based principal applicant (PA) who is a researcher (citizen or permanent resident of an African country/territory) based in an African institution and residing in an African country/territory where the research is proposed.
  • The NPA must have their substantive role in Canada for the duration of the requested grant term.
  • The institution paid must be authorized to administer CIHR funds before the funding can be released.
  • The NPA must have successfully completed one of the sex- and gender-based analysis training modules available online through the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health and submit a certificate of completion. The PA must have successfully completed the Government of Canada’s Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) course and submit a certificate of completion.
  • For applications that include or involve First Nations, Inuit, MĂ©tis and/or urban Indigenous communities, the research team must include:
    • At least one PA (may be the NPA) who self-identifies as First Nations, Inuit or MĂ©tis and/or can provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with Indigenous Peoples. These participants are required to provide a maximum one-page statement describing how the participant meets the criteria of self-identification and/or meaningful and culturally safe engagement. OR,
    • An Indigenous Elder and/or an Indigenous Knowledge Keeper identified on the application as a principal knowledge user, knowledge user or collaborator.
  • An individual cannot submit more than one application to this funding opportunity as an NPA. If the NPA submits more than one application, CIHR will automatically withdraw the last application(s) submitted based on timestamp of submission.

For more information, visit https://www.idrc.ca/en/funding/monkeypox-rapid-research-response