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Grant Opportunities: Fit for Life Award – Nominate Now!

Deadline: 15-Feb-23

Do you know an organization or initiative that directly addresses healthy aging for older or middle-aged people? If yes, then apply for the Fit for Life Awards.

USAID Concept Note to Proposal Training Video for NGOs

The Awards provide Laureates with multi-year financial support to steadily scale up their programs, while building public awareness of the importance of healthy aging for communities. They are looking for innovative programs that display a clear vision, are focused on beneficiaries’ needs, and are both sustainable and scalable.

Areas of Impact

The mission and activities of the organization or initiative must directly address healthy aging for older (65+ years) or middle-aged people (45+ years). They welcome solutions relevant to:

  • Physical fitness
  • Exercise and sport
  • Mental well-being
  • Mobility
  • Nutrition
  • At-home care
  • Community support for older people
  • Prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
  • Other forms of preventative health support
Funding Information
  • Every year, the Fit for Life Foundation awards grants of EUR 100,000 each to 3 non-profit organizations or social enterprises that are pioneering projects to promote lifelong fitness and health.
  • Winner will be announced during the awards ceremony that will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, in September/October 2023.
Eligibility Criteria

To apply for the Fit for Life Awards, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • The organization or initiative must be legally registered as a non-profit or social enterprise in its country/countries of operations.
  • They do not accept applications from the following types of organizations:
    • Research institutes
    • Government/public sector institutes
    • Political organizations
    • Organizations that discriminate in their leadership, staffing, or service provision on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, national origin, political affiliation, religious belief or sexual orientation.
  • They welcome applications from organizations all around the world.

For more information, visit https://www.fitforlife.foundation/awards-application

USAID Concept Note to Proposal Training Video for NGOs

UN Jobs: Regional Humanitarian Project Management | ReliefWeb


Regional Humanitarian Project Management

The Regional Humanitarian Project Managerwill support the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning of CBMs activities under the project “Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action for displaced populations and host communities in the sectors health and protection in West and Central Africa”. The project aims to improve living conditions and access to inclusive humanitarian aid of displaced populations (refugees, IDPs, returnees) and host communities with special attention to most vulnerable persons the before-mentioned sectors in selected regions in the countries DRC, Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger. The project is funded by the external donor German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO). Under the guidance and supervision of the Regional Programme Development and Oversight Manager, the incumbent will manage overall implementation of the project in a collaborative and systematic approach together with the four CBM Country Teams involved, manage and harmonize reporting by project partners for donor reporting and also manage specific regional Project Activities and foster organizational learning and cross-country exchange. S/he will also represent CBM in regional humanitarian coordination mechanisms and events, as per need.

We are looking for someone who will institute and enhance…

A. Reporting and Administration

  • Develop and maintain a MEAL framework in collaboration with the four country teams and partners to measure the expected change envisaged by the project;
  • Supervision, examination and management of the project’s programmatic progress, including an overview of the in-country situation of each country involved in the project;
  • Supervision, examination and management of the project’s financial progress, including analysis of the in-country expenditure situations for each partner involved in the project;
  • Harmonization of reporting (programmatically and financially) from the four countries involved for donor reporting purposes;
  • Support the development of terms of reference for project-related procurement processes (e.g. for training venues, consultancies, financial audits etc.);
  • Manage regional project activities (e.g. evaluations, comparative disability inclusion review, learning exercises);
  • Visit project partners as per need for capacity development on management level.
  • Lead a Project Steering Committee with all relevant stakeholders involved for regional project management purposes, coordination and utilization of regional budget flexibility throughout implementation.

B. Capacity Development

  • Assure quality management of project activities as per project plan in collaboration with Country Based Humanitarian Coordinators and project implementing partners;
  • Lead the implementation of regular project reviews, mid-term and final evaluation;
  • Ensure overall project management, alignment of activities and provision of technical advisory services to the implementing partners in collaboration with Country Based Humanitarian Coordinators;
  • Ensure coordination and coherence with relevant CBM-projects and activities on regional and national level;
  • Represent CBM in international and regional conferences related to humanitarian action if necessary;
  • Document best practices and lessons learnt and share with key stakeholders;
  • Support country programmes to conduct and facilitate trainings where possible and ensure synergies in training curriculum development are used.
  • Support country programmes to utilise data obtained from MEAL to streamline or modify project activities.

We are looking for someone who has…

  • University degree in social sciences, development/humanitarian studies or related field.
  • Minimum of 5 (five) years of proven professional experience in MEAL, Finance Management, and humanitarian programme management including in complex humanitarian settings through national partner organisations.
  • Proven experience of working with variety of stakeholders including local and international INGOs, government and donor agencies, and inter-agency humanitarian coordination.
  • Strong facilitation and presentation skills.
  • Experience in strategic management of large and complex humanitarian programmes and budgets.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in practical application of humanitarian standards and capacity building of humanitarian actors.
  • Knowledge and willingness to learn about the local humanitarian contexts in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and DRC and related emerging trends
  • Understanding of disability inclusion and related legal frameworks and standards, especially about disability inclusive humanitarian action and working with Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) would be desirable.
  • Experience in networking and advocacy.
  • Demonstrated experience with working and/or traveling in occasionally insecure areas and following strict safety & security protocols.
  • Self-starting individual who is capable of working with minimal supervision and with a clear vision of participatory approaches.
  • Commitment to CBM’s Values and Policies.
  • Language understanding: English and French (professional proficiency).
  • Skills in: MS Office package, incl. Microsoft TEAMS, MS SharePoint Solutions, MS Navision.

Your core competencies…

  • Professional Knowledge
  • Attention to Communication
  • Coordination Skills
  • Initiative
  • Results Orientation
  • Strategic thinking
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Developing Others
  • Building Collaborative Relationships
  • Ability to remain flexible and work well under pressure

How to apply

If you feel that this role would be a great Regional career opportunity, we would love to hear from your expressions of interest.

Please apply exclusively online via our applicant portal (see APPLY NOW): https://jobs.cbm.org/regional-humanitarian-project-manager–eng-j463.html

Application deadline: 28 August 2022

This is a project fixed term contract of 3 years under local conditions to be based in the country of the successful candidate (Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, Togo). The country’s specific national labour laws are applicable.





Contexte :

Le/la Finance and Admin Manager est recruté(e) pour appuyer les opérations financières du Cameroun. Il/elle assurera le leadership dans la supervision des aspects financiers et contractuels du bureau. Le/la Finance Manager travaille en étroite collaboration avec le Country Program Manager, le personnel du programme, l’équipe de soutien du siège et d’autres pour assurer un rapportage financier et contractuel précis à l’équipe de gestion et aux partenaires de Jhpiego. Il/elle s’assurera également que les systèmes et rapports financiers sont compatibles avec les pratiques comptables standard et respectent les règles et réglementations des donateurs et de Jhpiego.

Principales responsabilités :

  • Gérer et travailler en collaboration avec les programmes du Cameroun et les membres de l’équipe technique, ainsi qu’avec le personnel des programmes du siège, afin de garantir le bon déroulement et l’efficacité des activités de planification, de budgétisation et de suivi financier, des opérations, de la disponibilité des ressources et de la gestion des programmes ;
  • Gérer et superviser directement les aspects des opérations financières des projets, y compris le suivi du budget, la coordination d’un soutien logistique approprié et la préparation des principales activités de formation, les voyages nationaux et internationaux, et les achats pour assurer la mise en œuvre réussie des activités du projet ;
  • Gérer toutes les sous-subventions, en veillant au respect des règles et à l’établissement de rapports par les bénéficiaires des sous-subventions, et en renforçant leurs capacités si nécessaire.
  • Apporter un soutien à l’équipe pour la recherche et l’élaboration des nouvelles propositions dans le cadre du NPD ;
  • S’assurer que des contrôles internes, des politiques et des procédures adéquates sont en place pour garantir la conformité avec les exigences de Jhpiego, de l’université Johns Hopkins et des donateurs (y compris USAID) ;
  • Soutenir le développement et, si nécessaire, les modifications des budgets des projets ;
  • Travailler en collaboration avec les autres membres du personnel de soutien aux opérations et le personnel technique pour préparer et suivre régulièrement l’évolution des budgets des plans d’activité par domaine technique ;
  • Conseiller le personnel concernant les exigences financières du projet et les opérations du bureau en conformité avec les procédures et politiques de Jhpiego/ l’Université Johns Hopkins et des donateurs et les meilleures pratiques ;
  • S’assurer que les transactions financières sont conformes aux politiques et procédures de Jhpiego/Université Johns Hopkins et les autres donateurs ;
  • Procéder aux réconciliations périodiques des comptes bancaires aux US et au Cameroun pour s’assurer de l’exactitude des transactions ;
  • Demander des fonds et s’assurer de leur disponibilité pour mettre en œuvre les activités du pays dans les délais requis ;
  • Vérifier et traiter les avances au personnel et assurer le suivi des soldes non réconcilies ;
  • Préparer mensuellement le budget par rapport aux dépenses par le biais de Quickbooks afin de le comparer aux rapports de gestion financière lors des réunions du personnel ;
  • Examiner les documents d’approvisionnement pour s’assurer qu’ils sont conformes aux politiques et procédures de Jhpiego/ Université Johns Hopkins et des donateurs;
  • Contribuer à la préparation du budget pour les années fiscales ;
  • Participer au démarrage et la clôture des projets ;
  • Appuyer le personnel du programme dans la mise en œuvre des plans de travail afin de garantir une exécution en temps voulu ;
  • Participer aux activités d’audit.

Gestion Administrative et RH

  • Planifier et organiser le travail administratif des bureaux du Cameroun, y compris les procédures opérationnelles, et maintenir des systèmes administratifs efficaces.
  • S’assurer que les documents d’enregistrement du pays sont en règle et à jour pour le Cameroun.
  • S’assurer que les ressources humaines de Jhpiego sont en place – conformément aux règlements applicables et au manuel de l’employé – et que le personnel s’y conforme. Il s’agit notamment de : la comptabilisation du temps ; du suivi des congés, des jours de maladie, des absences ; des dossiers d’emploi du personnel ; de processus d’embauche / cessations d’emploi ; les augmentations salariales ; et d’autres actions liées aux ressources humaines.
  • Encadrer, soutenir, superviser et gérer une équipe de personnel hautement qualifié et aligner leurs efforts sur les objectifs du projet afin de garantir des résultats rapides et durables.

Principales compétences et qualifications requises :

  • Maîtrise en administration des affaires, en administration publique, en finances, en comptabilité ou dans un domaine pertinent ;
  • Totaliser plus de sept 7 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des finances et de l’administration ;
  • Expérience avérée de la gestion administrative et financière de programmes internationaux d’une valeur supérieure à 5 millions de dollars US par an ;
  • Au moins cinq 5 ans d’expérience en matière d’analyse financière, de rapports financiers, d’analyse des flux de trésorerie, d’élaboration de budgets et de prévisions, de préférence sur des projets de santé internationaux ;
  • Au moins 5 ans de travail dans le domaine de la santé internationale dans les pays en développement et en Afrique subsaharienne, avec un accent sur la santé reproductive, maternelle, néonatale et infantile ;
  • Au moins 5 ans d’expérience professionnelle de haut niveau avec l’USAID ou d’autres donateurs ;
  • Connaissance avérée des principes de coûts de l’USG, y compris les règlements, les politiques et procédures administratives de l’USG et les autres donateurs, les règles comptables GAAP et la gestion des contrats de subvention ;
  • Connaissance experte (directeur)/ compétence (gestionnaire) dans l’utilisation des applications logicielles financières (Quick Books), des bases de données, des feuilles de calcul et/ou du traitement de texte. Les progiciels comprennent : Microsoft Outlook, Access, Excel et Word ;
  • Expérience de la gestion financière de sous-contrats ou accords de sous-traitance ;
  • Expérience de la gestion des ressources humaines et des marchés publics pour des projets au Cameroun
  • Maîtrise de l’anglais ;
  • Excellentes aptitudes interpersonnelles, rédactionnelles et de présentation orale ;
  • Compétence en matière de rédaction et d’édition de lettres, de rapports et de documents ;
  • Capacité avérée à établir et maintenir des relations interpersonnelles et professionnelles avec les donateurs, les homologues du pays hôte et les représentants d’autres parties prenantes clés telles que les ONG, les OSC et le secteur privé.
  • Capacité à voyager au niveau national et international jusqu’à 30 % de son temps.

How to apply

Les candidat(e)s intéressé (e)s par ce poste et répondant au profil recherché sont prié (e)s d’envoyer uniquement une lettre de motivation précisant en objet le poste à pouvoir, un curriculum vitae, copies scannées des diplômes, les noms et adresses de trois (03) personnes de référence dans le domaine professionnel par courriel à

Jhpiego-CameroonJobs@jhpiego.org au plus tard le 19 Août 2022.

En indiquant l’intitulé du poste en objet : Finance & Admin Manager

NB :

  • Le candidat sélectionné pour ce poste fera l’objet d’une enquête sur ses antécédents professionnels avant l’embauche.
  • Les candidats retenus devront compléter leur dossier avec toutes les pièces attestant leurs déclarations contenues dans le CV ;
  • Les candidatures féminines sont fortement encouragées.
  • Pour plus d’informations sur Jhpiego, visitez notre site Web à l’adresse : www.jhpiego.org

UN Jobs: Integrity Officer, P3, Yaounde – Cameroon



Integrity Officer, P3, Yaounde

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships Preventing, identifying, and responding to fraud and corruption in the context of protection processes is integral to the management of UNHCR’s operations; all of UNHCR’s protection functions must be implemented with efficiency, integrity, and transparency. Effective prevention and response to fraud enhances UNHCR’s ability to execute its mandated responsibilities, ensuring confidence by persons of concern, donors, and host and resettlement states.

The incumbent of the position of Integrity Officer engages in a scope of activities related to prevention, identification, and response to fraud committed by persons of concern, in line with the obligations and requirements set forth in the 2017 Policy on Addressing Fraud Committed by Persons of Concern and the relevant framework.

The incumbent undertakes tasks which support the Operation¿s activities in this area, in close contact and coordination with other protection, assistance and solutions functional units and relevant partners, both at the level of providing guidance on questions of fraud arising in individual cases, but also in terms of developing appropriate and context specific operational anti-fraud and integrity strategies and responses where UNHCR’s protection work gives rise to potential reputational and other risk. The incumbent builds the overall capacity of the Operation to prevent, identify, and respond to fraud committed by persons of concern through the delivery of formal training programs, and on the job coaching and advice to colleagues in the Operation, in particular the Heads of Functional Units, and through ensuring the functionality of systems and processes to support the integrity of protection procedures overall. With the support of senior protection staff in the operation, the incumbent consults the Division of International Protection and other relevant entities in Headquarters on complex questions and challenges vis-à-vis the implementation of the Policy and responses to individual cases, as needed.

The incumbent works closely with the senior management of the operation to identify vulnerabilities to fraud and develop associated risk mitigation and treatment measures. The incumbent ensures timely and appropriate reporting and undertaking of responses to specific situations. The incumbent is normally supervised by Deputy/Assistant Representative, or Snr Protection Coordinator or Snr Protection Officer and may have alternative reporting relationships depending on the structure of the organizational entity where the position exists.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

Duties – Support the implementation of the 2017 Policy framework (Policy) on Addressing Fraud Committed by Persons of Person in the area of responsibility (AoR). – Provide prompt and accurate advice, guidance and operational support on issues concerning risk identification, protection oversight, fraud prevention and response in the context of the Policy. – Assist the operations in the AoR with the implementation of the Policy by providing support to anti-fraud focal points and provision of trainings and guidance, or otherwise undertake the role of the anti-fraud focal point, depending on the operational context. – Identify any areas of systemic weakness, vulnerability and risk of potential fraud committed by persons of concern and propose actionable responses as appropriate. – Provide support and guidance and in some instances undertake investigations of complex fraud cases. – Establish a liaison role with relevant counterparts involved in anti-fraud matters and investigations as required and depending on the operational context; this would likely engage colleagues across the operation and/or external stakeholders as required and with the support of senior managers.. – Provide support, guidance and advice to operations under the AoR on fraud prevention and deterrence and related matters as concerns the implementation of the 2017 Policy. – Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Years of Experience / Degree Level For P3/NOC – 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education Law; Political Science; International Affairs; Social Sciences; or other relevant field. (Field(s) of Education marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Certificates and/or Licenses Specific learning programmes such as PLP or RSD-RS LP UNHCR Management Learning Programme (Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience Essential Broad protection competencies developed through previous assignments are required. The candidate must have worked in a registration, RSD, resettlement, or case management function, and should preferably benefit from the experience of having held several such roles in the field. The capacity building nature of the position calls for previous protection training and facilitation experience, which are considered mandatory for the role. Demonstrated superior knowledge of and application of international protection principles and the international legal framework. Superior written and oral skills.

Desirable Previous experience in and application of UNHCR procedures and guidance related to fraud committed by refugees is highly desirable, particularly as relating to the implementation and operationalization of UNHCR’s 2017 Policy on Addressing Fraud Committed by Persons of Concern. Knowledge of application of UNHCR’s broader risk management framework is an asset. Experience in using and thus a strong understanding of UNHCR’s case management systems and software (proGres v3, proGres v4, PRIMES, etc.) is highly desirable. Experience in interviewing, preferably in a refugee or investigative context.

How to apply

For a full job description and to apply, interested candidates are requested to visit the UNHCR career page at www.unhcr.org/careers – click on the Vacancies tab and enter job ID 39151.

The UNHCR workforce consists of many diverse nationalities, cultures, languages and opinions. UNHCR seeks to sustain and strengthen this diversity to ensure equal opportunities as well as an inclusive working environment for its entire workforce. Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction on grounds of race, colour, sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

Please note that the closing date for positions advertised in this Resettlement Scale-Up Exercise is Tuesday 9 August 2022 (midnight Geneva time).

Grant Opportunities: ISPA’s 2023 Global Fellowship – Apply Now!

Deadline: 2-Sep-22

The International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) is now accepting applications for its 2023 Global Fellowship to provide emerging and mid-career performing arts professionals with the opportunity to expand their international networks through membership and attendance at ISPA Congresses.

USAID Concept Note to Proposal Training Video for NGOs

The International Society for the Performing Arts’ (ISPA) Global Fellowship provides one-year access to ISPA’s extensive international network of arts professionals to emerging and mid-career leaders from the global performing arts community, with particular attention paid to applicants from developing economies.

Participants join the ISPA membership and participate in the New York ISPA Congress (in-person or online) where they engage in the development and exchange of ideas with leaders from some of the world’s most significant presenting organizations, performing arts organizations, artist management agencies, cultural policy groups, foundations, festivals and related professionals.

This opportunity is intended for those working in the management of the professional performing arts. Performing arts professionals who are deeply committed to increasing the global connectivity of the performing arts industry, as well as those who take initiative in their own professional development, are most likely to benefit.

  • Membership in ISPA: Fellows gain access to all ISPA member benefits including year-round online programming (ISPAconvenes and Genius Bar) and exclusive content on the ISPA website and newsletters.
  • ISPA Congress: Fellows participate in the New York ISPA Congress where they get the opportunity to engage in the development and exchange of ideas with an extensive global community of arts leaders.
  • Fellows Seminar: Fellows participate in Fellows-specific programming. This programming aims to cement a Fellows network through a series of peer to peer conversations and workshops.
  • Ongoing Networking: Fellows are paired with a current ISPA member as part of ISPA’s Community Building Program. Current members welcome Fellows to ISPA and help facilitate their participation.

Fellows receive:

  • One-year ISPA membership with access to all member benefits
  • Full Pass registration to the New York 2023 ISPA Congress (January 10 – 12, 2023)
  • Travel subsidy which may include per diem, flights, and accommodation to support expenses related to attending the congress
  • Introduction to a current ISPA member who will welcome the Fellow to ISPA and help facilitate their participation as part of ISPA’s Community Building Program
Eligibility Criteria

The Global Fellowship Program seeks to engage leaders working in the management of all professional performing arts. ISPA accepts applicants from all regions of the world, with particular attention paid to applicants from developing economies. Applicants must:

  • Be currently employed/working in the professional performing arts
  • Have a minimum of five years professional experience in the performing arts field
  • Demonstrate a need for financial assistance
  • Ability to fully participate in the New York 2023 ISPA Congress, January 10 – 12, 2023
  • Have received no more than two ISPA Global Fellowships in the past*

Note: If one or more of an applicant’s past Fellowships was impacted by the pandemic, an additional term may be considered

For more information, visit https://www.ispa.org/page/fellowship_landing

USAID Concept Note to Proposal Training Video for NGOs

Grant Opportunities: Call for Submissions: 2022 UN Correspondents Association Awards


Deadline: 30-Sep-22

The United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA) invites media worldwide to submit entries for its 26th annual UNCA Awards for best print, broadcast (TV & Radio) and online, web-based media coverage of the United Nations, UN agencies and field operations.

USAID Concept Note to Proposal Training Video for NGOs

Awards Categories
  • The Elizabeth Neuffer Memorial Prize , sponsored by the Alexander Bodini Foundation, for written media (including online media). The prize is for print and online coverage of the UN and UN agencies, named in honor of Elizabeth Neuffer, The Boston Globe bureau chief at the UN, who died while on an assignment in Baghdad in 2003.
  • The Ricardo Ortega Memorial Prize , sponsored by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), for broadcast (TV & Radio) media. The prize is for broadcast coverage of the UN and UN agencies, named in honor of Ricardo Ortega, formerly the New York correspond for Antena 3 TV of Spain, who died while on an assignment in Haiti in 2004.
  • The Prince Albert II of Monaco and UNCA Global Prize for Climate Change. The prize is for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio) for coverage of climate change, biodiversity, and water.
  • The judges will look for entries with impact, insight, and originality, and will consider the courage and investigative and reporting skills of the journalists. Entries from the developing world media are particularly welcome.
  • Entries can be submitted in any of the official UN languages ​​(English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, and Russian), however a written transcript in English or French is necessary to facilitate the judging process.
  • Each candidate can submit to no more than two (2) prize categories, with a maximum of two (2) stories in each. Joint entries are accepted.

For more information, visit https://unca.com/awards-call-for-submissions/

USAID Concept Note to Proposal Training Video for NGOs





  1. Contexte :

Le Cameroun fait face à une épidémie du VIH de type mixte (généralisée et concentrée). Dans la population générale des adultes de 15 à 49 ans, la prévalence est de 3,4% [CAMPHIA 2017]. Au sein des groupes des populations clés, la prévalence est plus élevée : 24,3% chez les professionnelles du sexe et 20,6% chez les hommes qui ont des rapports sexuels avec d’autres hommes [IBBS 2016]. En 2021, le nombre de personnes vivant avec le VIH était estimé à 499 330 dont 332 354 femmes [Spectrum 2021]. L’épidémie est féminine et urbaine, et les jeunes et les adolescents sont plus vulnérables. Le Cameroun est en voie d’atteindre les objectifs ambitieux 95-95-95. Avec la mise en œuvre de la stratégie « Tester et traiter », la délégation de tâches et la décentralisation ainsi que la responsabilisation de la communauté pour offrir des services différenciés, le pays a atteint 95-75-82 des 95-95-95 en 2021.

La réponse à l’épidémie repose sur un trépied : (i) un engagement politique fort, constant et affirmé ; (ii) un cadre d’action unique à large spectre qui prenne en compte les cibles prioritaires et un financement constant et permanent, même s’il est insuffisant. Le financement de la réponse, surtout à travers les fonds domestiques, reste et demeure le défi majeur du Cameroun. Relever ce défi permettrait au pays d’asseoir à plus ou moins long terme une viabilité financière pour la réponse au VIH. C’est là toute l’importance et l’intérêt de monitorer les dépenses liées au VIH/SIDA.

Dans le cadre d’un financement de l’Agence américaine pour le développement international (USAID), Jhpiego conduit un projet mondiale de lutte contre le VIH dénommé Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE), d’une durée de 5 ans, qui travaille avec les pays pour atteindre une vision partagée de l’atteinte et du maintien du contrôle des épidémies, avec des partenaires locaux plus forts capables de gérer et d’obtenir des résultats par le biais de systèmes de santé durables, autonomes et résilients d’ici 2024. Au Cameroun, RISE fournit une assistance technique ciblée pour soutenir le Ministère de la santé publique (MSP) et le mécanisme de riposte au COVID-19 du Fonds Mondial, les principaux bénéficiaires, les partenaires de mise en œuvre et les sous-bénéficiaires pour mettre en œuvre une réponse coordonnée dans le pays. Une activité clé est l’analyse du flux des ressources financières et des dépenses liées au VIH/sida, bien que n’étant pas routinière comme les données programmatiques, participe au développement de l’information stratégique pour guider la réponse. Les Ressources et Dépenses de la lutte contre le Sida (REDES) 2020-2021 du Cameroun va se dérouler à un moment crucial de la réponse au VIH marqué par : (i) la revue finale du Plan Stratégique National 2020-2023 (PSN) en 2023 ; (ii) l’élaboration d’une note conceptuelle pour mobiliser les ressources auprès du Fonds Mondial et (iii) la réflexion sur le plan de viabilité financière de la réponse au VIH.

Le REDES 2020-2021 permettra, d’une part, d’apprécier les ressources effectivement mobilisées et dépensées au cours des deux premières années de mise en œuvre du PSN, de les rapprocher avec les besoins et d’en analyser les gaps financiers, et d’autre part d’analyser l’adéquation entre les dépenses par thématiques avec les priorités initialement fixées. L’analyse servira de base pour la planification et pour l’analyse de l’efficacité allocative des ressources à demander au Fonds Mondial. Enfin, les dépenses 2020-2021 du VIH/sida seront analysées avec celles des années antérieures pour voir les capacités de mobilisation des ressources domestiques et servir de données de base pour envisager un plan de viabilité financière.

2. Mission & Responsabilités :

1. Mission :

L’objectif général est de réaliser une évaluation des dépenses consacrées au VIH et au sida décrivant les flux de financement depuis l’origine des ressources, la fourniture de services et l’utilisation finale des services fournis pour les années 2020 et 2021.

Les résultats attendus sont :

  • Les capacités des responsables financiers des entités clés intervenant dans la réponse au VIH/sida sont renforcées sur la nomenclature révisée de REDES et le mécanisme de collecte et de classification des dépenses liées au VIH,
  • Les données financières sont collectées dans toutes les structures identifiées tant au niveau central qu’au niveau régional,
  • Les données sont traitées et analysées,
  • Le rapport détaillé est produit prenant en compte les données 2020 et 2021
  • Le rapport est validé, disséminé.
  1. Méthodologie

Le programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH / Sida (ONUSIDA), sera appliquée, avec la collecte primaire de données de dépenses auprès de fournisseurs/prestataires de services et de sources de financement. Les méthodes d’établissement des coûts, par exemple pour le traitement à l’hôpital des infections opportunistes, seront appliquées pour compléter les dépenses manquantes. L’approche d’estimation la plus logique sera appliquée, sur la base des données disponibles.

Le processus va se dérouler en trois phases :

  • Phase 1 : Planification, cartographie des structures et renforcement des capacités des acteurs;
  • Phase 2 : Collecte des données et contrôle qualité;
  • Phase 3 : Analyse des données, validation et édition du rapport.

Travaux préliminaires

En prélude à la réalisation de l’activité, la liste des institutions devant être enquêtées sera dressée et des lettres leur seront adressées afin que les éléments demandés au cours de l’enquête soient préparés. Une Task force sera mise en place pour le suivi de cette activité. De même les responsables chargés d’accompagner les institutions à la réalisation des flux et ressources et dépense seront identifiés. Un consultant sera commis pour accompagner ce processus.

  1. Principaux livrables attendus :

Le consultant doit fournir les résultats suivants :

  • Cartographie (base de données) des acteurs clés de la riposte au VIH, avec les personnes de contact et les détails;
  • Plan de collecte de données – équipes, horaires, enregistrement des rendez-vous, etc.
  • Formulaires de collecte de données finaux;
  • Rapports de mise à jour réguliers;
  • Données nettoyées et saisies dans l’outil de consolidation de données;
  • Rapport de réunion de validation avec les modifications clés identifiées / requises;
  • Projet de rapport REDES;
  • Prise en compte des commentaires des examinateurs dans le rapport provisoire;
  • Rapport final du REDES – conformément au plan de rapport suggéré, avec suffisamment de détails sur les méthodes, les estimations, la qualité des données et les limites, les résultats (répondant à toutes les questions de la recherche), le récit / l’analyse / interprétation;
  • Recommandations pour une évaluation plus poussée et pour les démarches en vue de l’institutionnalisation, annexes (incluant tous les répondants et ceux qui n’ont pas répondu);
  • Toutes les matrices du REDES (ou minimum de base, conformément au plan du rapport);
  • L’outil de consolidation de données du REDES, achevé et nettoyé pour 2020 et 2021;
  • Copies électroniques de tous les fichiers utilisés lors de la collecte et du traitement des données ;
  • Le fichier de projet RTT3 final, complet, nettoyé et correct, ainsi que le fichier de consolidation de données Excel à chaque transaction.
  1. Profil & Qualifications du consultant :

Diplôme universitaire en économie, en statistique, en économie de la santé ou en sciences sociales avec une solide expérience dans le domaine de la recherche dans la collecte et l’analyse de données, de préférence dans le domaine du VIH/ sida, et avec une expérience dans la réalisation des enquêtes EF-REDES.

Compétences et expériences requises :

  • Bonne connaissance des politiques et de la fourniture de services / programmes / acronymes relatifs au VIH/sida dans les pays ;
  • Expérience de la méthode du REDES ou de l’approche des comptes nationaux de la santé (NHA / SHA) ;
  • Solide expérience des méthodes de recherche et expérience de la conception, de la conduite, de la gestion et de l’analyse des processus de recherche et de collecte de données ;
  • Expérience dans la gestion d’une équipe de collecteurs de données pour des produits de recherche à l’échelle nationale ;
  • Bonnes compétences en gestion, analyse, compte rendu et présentation ;
  • Excellentes compétences en Excel.

How to apply

Le processus de recrutement sera conduit en collaboration avec la CNLS.

Le dossier de candidature à soumettre sera constitué de :

  • Une lettre de motivation ;
  • Un Curriculum vitae basé sur les réalisations et comprenant les coordonnées de contact (adresse physique, numéros de téléphone fixe et cellulaire ;
  • Tout autre document démontrant d’une expertise en planification stratégique ou renseignant sur la carrière du candidat.

Envoyer uniquement par courriel à Jhpiego-CameroonJobs@jhpiego.org au plus tard le 19 Août 2022. En indiquant l’intitulé du poste en objet : Consultant National_Etudes Redes

NB :

  • Le candidat sélectionné pour ce poste fera l’objet d’une enquête sur ses antécédents professionnels avant l’embauche.
  • Les candidats retenus devront compléter leur dossier avec toutes les pièces attestant leurs déclarations contenues dans le CV ;
  • Les candidatures féminines sont fortement encouragées.
  • Pour plus d’informations sur Jhpiego, visitez notre site Web à l’adresse : www.jhpiego.org

UN Jobs: Intern – Humanitarian Programming Evaluation – United States of America



Intern – Humanitarian Programming Evaluation

Job Title: Fall Intern – Humanitarian Programming Evaluation

Department/Location: CARO (Central Africa Regional Office) / Virtual FLSA: Non-Exempt, part time, 10 hours/week

Reports To: CARO Learning Regional Technical Advisor Duration: Fall (September – December)

About CRS: Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. We welcome as a part of our staff and as partners people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need.

As an organization that celebrates and promotes diversity and inclusion, and which is committed to the ongoing work of racial equity and anti-racism, we welcome applicants of all backgrounds.

Background: CRS’ Central Africa Regional Office (CARO) supports ten country programs – Benin, Burundi, CAR, Chad, Cameroon, DRC, Nigeria, RoC, Rwanda, and Togo – under a unified regional strategy while addressing unique needs in each context. Several country programs have sustained significant humanitarian portfolios in recent years, implementing life-saving and early recovery interventions with vulnerable communities. The regional team comprised of various technical advisors assists and accompanies these teams to improve the quality of programming and capture learning that enhances our impact. This internship seeks a graduate student seeking to obtain work experience that aligns with his/her studies in international development, monitoring & evaluation, or a similar field and/or to fulfill requirements for an academic course or degree.

Primary Function: This intern will support CARO’s regional learning agenda, with a focus on the learning question: What multi-sectoral approaches best enable disaster-affected communities to progress from surviving to thriving? The intern will lead metanalysis of a collection of final evaluation reports written by external consultants during the close-out of CRS-led humanitarian projects. The aim of this effort is to identify trends in CRS’ programmatic strengths (which approaches appear to be most impactful, agile, cost-efficient, etc.) across the region as well as to document knowledge gaps which future evaluations could be designed differently to address. Additionally, the intern will support efforts to document Covid-19 responses across the region, ranging from stand-alone responses to integration of emergency interventions into existing development programs.

Leveraging this opportunity, the intern will gain the following:

  • Practical monitoring and evaluation experience with a focus on metanalysis as well as development of recommendations for future evaluation design
  • Practical communications experience learning to articulate conclusions and recommendations for an external audience including NGOs and donors
  • Nuanced insights on the latest trends within humanitarian programming (in response to chronic conflict, natural disasters, and the Covid-19 pandemic)
  • Cross-cultural experience working with development professionals (country program staff and regional technical advisors) in an international NGO setting

Job Responsibility:- Read and analyze a series of program final evaluations (including original datasets), synthesizing information to identify trends and knowledge gaps

  • Draw and cohesively present actionable conclusions in a professionally written humanitarian portfolio metanalysis report and executive summary
  • Develop a learning brief documenting CRS/CARO’s Covid-19 portfolio from the start of the pandemic to-date for external sharing
  • Support the Learning RTA with other tasks related to advancing regional learning related to strengthening our humanitarian solutions

Key Working Relationships:- Internal: CARO Learning Regional Technical Advisor (supervisor), CARO Deputy Regional Director, CARO Heads of Programming, CARO Project Managers or MEAL Advisors, other CARO Technical Advisors as relevant

  • External: N/A

Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. We welcome as a part of our staff and as partners people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need.

How to apply


UN Jobs: Senior Program Development Advisor, West Africa – Germany


Germany + 3 more

Senior Program Development Advisor, West Africa

The Awards Management Unit (AMU)

Established in January 2016, the Awards Management Unit (AMU) is a global department with the responsibility for identifying, securing, and managing all funding from statutory/government donors. The department is includes the following teams: Program and Award Support, Strategic Partnerships, Compliance and Policy, Business Development, and Training.

The AMU is a bridge between donors and country programs: providing expert technical advice to the country teams, while maintaining portfolio-level visibility to ensure consistency and compliance, and manage risk. This unit ensures that donor compliance policies and procedures are implemented consistently, and supports all staff working across the award management cycle for all restricted funding from global government sources.

The Crisis Response, Recovery and Development (CRRD) Department

The Crisis Response, Recovery and Development (CRRD) Department has a growing portfolio of humanitarian relief, post-crisis recovery, and development programs under their remit. This work focuses support in five key areas: ensuring safety from harm, improving health, increasing access to education, improving economic well-being and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. In all these programs, there is a drive to address the unique needs of women and girls (who represent the majority of those displaced) – and the universal barriers they face.

The CRRD works across 6 regions globally, including West Africa, East Africa, Great Lakes, Middle East and North Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The regional teams are the links between country offices and key HQ departments, and aim to support and provide advice to country programs with a range of issues from strategic planning, business development to compliance, awards management and partnerships management.

The Purpose of the Role

The Senior Program Development Advisor (SPDA), West Africa leads IRC’s new business development efforts in support of West Africa’s country programs, in line with IRC’s Business Development Strategy and country Strategy Action Plans (SAPs). Support includes all phases of the business development process, from opportunity identification to contract signature, including pre-positioning and capture, partnerships, proposal development, and due diligence phases.

The SPDA serves as the regional focal person for all business development for institutional donors in the IRC’s West Africa region, which comprises country programs in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote D’Ivoire, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone.

Key Working Relationships

Reports to the Director, Awards Management, West Africa, and the Director of Business Development, Regional. Works closely with team members of Regional Program and Award Support, Business Development, and across all teams within Awards Management Unit, Crisis Response Recovery and Development Department, Finance, and other key departments within IRC. Donor and partner point of contact as applicable per region.

Key accountabilities

• Maintain up to date knowledge of donor funding priorities and geographical interests relevant to IRC’s area of work, collaborate with country programs to successfully position for new funding.

• Lead and assist country teams in the identification, tracking and updating of new business opportunities across a variety of technical sectors and donors, including facilitating technical brainstorming, partner and competitor landscape analysis, and win theme sessions with technical and country staff.

• Serve as a member of the Regional Program and Awards Support Team (RPAS), serving as the business development point of contact for the region’s Senior Management Team (SMT) and participating in RPAS team initiatives to best support the region and country programs.

• Serve as a member of the regional Program Development (PD) team, coordinating with other S/PDAs to share best practices and lessons learned to ensure high quality proposal submissions globally.

• Provide strategic planning support to country office teams in the setup of funding priorities and targets and supporting the achievement of the regional and country targets.

• Drive business development in the region by providing effective proposal support, ranging from proposal management to comprehensive support and quality assurance.

• Coordinate concept note and proposal development, including sharing initial assessment of new opportunities, preparing timelines, ensuring the proposal team adheres to deadlines, supporting recruitment, assisting in budget development, ensuring document completion, organizing meetings and compiling notes, and drafting and proofreading proposal sections. This includes support to country office teams in the management and maintenance of IRC’s awards management system.

• Collaborate with technical units, country offices, and other colleagues to support conceptualization of winning program and bid designs for new project activities and/or amendments to current projects. Provide guidance on USG, FCDO, EU, and other donor policies and ensure project design is responsive and compliant with donor expectations, rules and regulations.

• Coordinate and communicate with consortium partners. Negotiate and finalize teaming agreements with partners and ensure vetting of partners is performed by country offices as per IRC’s requirements. Compile inputs from proposal team members, including consultants and partners. Identify partners, consultants, and other proposal development support as needed.

• Provide quality assurance and quality compliance support on proposals. Ensure responsiveness to and compliance with solicitation documents and with IRC’s requirements.

• Support in building IRC’s visibility with donors, peers, and partners.

• Support country programs in increasing local ownership of projects in alignment with IRC’s partnership strategy and internal subaward management system, through growing IRC’s collaboration with and support to local organizations in West Africa’s country programs.

• Facilitate the identification of consultants and/or additional support for opportunities in collaboration with the country and regional teams.

• Contribute to business development systems, tools, and process improvement initiatives.

• Facilitate internal post-submission debrief sessions with country teams, technical units, regional team and other relevant stakeholders to collect lessons learned.

• Work with RPAS colleagues to incorporate lessons learned from implementation at the proposal stage.

• Participate in developing, updating, and delivering proposal training for the organization.

• Develop, strengthen, and share capacity of other IRC staff (including direct reports, IRC country and regional teams) to identify opportunities and develop strong program design and proposals.

• Maintain complete and accurate electronic files, including final submission packages, and internal trackers.

Staff Management, Learning & Development

• Coach, train, supervise and mentor direct reports, including communicating clear expectations, providing regular and timely performance feedback, document/discuss performance issues if needed, and deliver high-quality documented annual performance reviews.

• Ensure direct reports are trained on all relevant IRC processes and donor regulations.

• Support direct reports in achieving annual objectives, acting as a trusted and accountable manager, mentor and professional resource, including promoting collaboration, enabling adequate resourcing and ensuring accountability.

Other Responsibilities

• Contribute to AMU and regional strategic priorities and initiatives.

• Liaise with communications and external relations staff to inform IRC media products as needed.

• Participate in special projects as needed and other tasks as assigned.


Skills, Knowledge and Qualifications:

• A strong track record of working on new funding opportunities in humanitarian and international development with a range of multilateral and bilateral donors (USAID, US Department of State, FCDO, EU and ECHO, GFFO, BMZ, Sida, SDC, World Bank, etc.), as well as experience collaborating with local partner organizations.

• Substantial experience and a successful track record leading large proposal teams on complex subject, multi-year, multi-partner proposals with minimal supervision.

• Experience in developing and supporting humanitarian and development proposals for NGOs.

• Experience with strategies and proposal processes of key government/statutory donors: US Government (USAID, OFDA, BPRM, etc.), FCDO, EU institutions (ECHO, EUTF), and other donors (GAC, Sida, FCDO, GFFO, SDC, etc.).

• Experience in collaborating with and supporting national and community-based partners.

• Experience in proposal budgeting a plus.

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to effectively collaborate across a variety of relationships in a multicultural environment.

• Demonstrated ability to collaborate equally effectively with colleagues in remote and diverse teams, including as team leader for proposals.

• Clear, compelling writing skills, preferably with previous experience with proposal writing.

• Ability to multi-task and prioritize effectively.

• Ability to travel internationally (approximately 20% of time).

• Fluency in English and French.

• Candidates who are from the region and/or have significant experience in the region are strongly encouraged to apply.


• Experience in working at a distance and supporting country-based staff

• Experience writing, reviewing and editing proposals and excellent attention to detail

US Benefits: We offer a comprehensive and highly competitive set of benefits. In the US, these include: 10 sick days, 10 US holidays, 20-25 paid time off days (depending on role and tenure), medical insurance starting at $145 per month, dental starting at $7 per month, and vision starting at $5 per month, FSA for healthcare, childcare, and commuter costs, a 403b retirement savings plans with up to 4.5% immediately vested matching contribution, plus a 3-7% base IRC contribution (3 year vesting), disability & life insurance, and an Employee Assistance Program which is available to our staff and their families to support counseling and care in times of crisis and mental health struggles.

COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement: In accordance with IRC’s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards and our commitment to safeguard the health of our employees, clients, and communities, IRC requires new hires to furnish proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in order to be considered for any in-office or hybrid positions. All IRC US offices require full vaccination to attend any in-office functions (e.g., meetings, trainings).

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusivity: IRC is committed to building a diverse organization and a climate of inclusivity. We strongly encourage applications from candidates who can demonstrate that they can contribute to this goal.

Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation.

Standards of Professional Conduct: The IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in IRC Way – Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Accountability and Equality. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti Workplace Harassment, Fiscal Integrity, and Anti-Retaliation

How to apply


UN Jobs: Chief Field Operations, P-4, Fixed Term, Yaoundé, Cameroon #96666 (open to non Cameroonian)


, Mid Crisis & Emergency Response ,


This is a P-4 contract. This kind of contract is known as Professional and Director staff. It is normally internationally recruited only. It’s a staff contract. It usually requires 7 years of experience, depending on education.


The salary for this job should be between 124,447 USD and 160,449 USD.

Salary for a P-4 contract in Yaoundé

The international rate of 90,970 USD, with an additional 36.8% at this the location, applies.

Please keep in mind that the salary displayed here is an estimation by UN Talent based on the location and the type of contract. It may vary depending on the organization. The recruiter should be able to inform you about the exact salary range. In case the job description contains another salary information, please refer to this one.

More about P-4 contracts and their salaries.


UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, a childhood

UNICEF has been working in Cameroon since 1975 to allow women and children to fully realize their rights to development without restriction, as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF provides financial and technical support to Cameroon across seven areas to fully realize the rights of women and children. These areas include Health, HIV/AIDS, Water-sanitation-Hygiene, nutrition, education, child protection, and social inclusion. UNICEF focuses mainly on children and the most vulnerable and excluded families. Cameroon’s 2020 population is estimated at 26,545,863 people according to UN data. The population is young and generates strong socioeconomic demand. In rural areas, limited access to basic social services and the effects of climate change led to household impoverishment and severe child deprivations. The task is immense but not insurmountable; it requires the energy of all stakeholders in Cameroon and out of Cameroon: also, women, men, youth and children, government, technical and financial partners, donors, civil society, the private sector, parliamentarians, communities. Everyone is invited to take part in the struggle to meet the challenges that lie ahead. It is together that we will act for Cameroon, a country that summarizes the challenges and hopes of Africa.

For more information about UNICEF Cameroon, please click: here.

How can you make a difference?

Under the overall guidance of the Deputy Representative of the Cameroon Country Office, the Chief Field Operations is responsible for the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of activities relating to emergency preparedness and response; manages the UNICEF Cameroon field operations including the supervision of the Chief of Zonal offices.

Summary of key functions/accountabilities:

  • Under the overall guidance of the Deputy Representative, undertake an assessment of conditions resulting from emergency situations affecting children and women in Cameroon, determine priority for interventions, and identify problems and constraints in order to ensure effective response and service delivery; prepare project proposals and contribute to the preparation of the consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal, Humanitarian Workplan, CERF submission and other related documentation as necessary. Participate in the development of strong donor contacts and relations, monitoring and updating emergency programme funding priorities and provide support to Representative in fundraising activities;
  • As an interface to the Deputy Representative, provide overall leadership, guidance and direction for the development of appropriate operational strategies, day-to-day programme implementation, and in consultation with the Chief Social Policy, M&E, continuous monitoring and regular reporting by zonal offices for programme implementation and management;
  • Support two zonal offices in effective work planning, implementation of activities, office organization, regional operations and logistics; including creating a strong link to UN security functions including DSS and facilitate the use of the UN Security Management System for UNICEF staff; meet with government officials to facilitate operations of the zonal offices. Supervise Chiefs of Field Offices;
  • As part of the senior management team, and taking into consideration field realities, ensure the integration of regular and emergency programme sectors in all stages of the programming process, i.e., the situation analysis/annual needs assessments, CPD and CPAP, Zonal offices work plans whenever applicable, programme strategy, planning monitoring and evaluation, and courses for action for achievement of emergency, early recovery and development programmes objectives;
  • In coordination with the programme cluster and Chiefs of Zonal offices, participate with government and NGO partners in the development of strategies, methodologies and identification of new operational approaches for improving programme delivery in emergencies, early recovery and development activities;
  • Develop contingency plans together with Programme and Operations sections, and facilitate the operationalization of the plan including monitoring its implementation and follow up on agreed actions. Coordinate and support the efforts of the Programme section Emergency Focal Persons through regular emergency meetings, to handle specific emergency issues in support of the Government preparedness and response efforts.
  • Under the overall guidance of the Deputy Representative, interact with government and other partners, donors, NGOs, UN and bilateral agencies in the different stages of emergency programme preparedness and field implementation; follow up on implementation of recommendations and agreements related to field implementation.
  • Contribute to the Knowledge Management function of the office by assisting in coordination and inter-sectoral exchange of field information and experience between programme sections and zonal offices including the identification of specific advocacy issues and approaches with counterparts, NGOs and donors.

For more details, please open the JD: JD Chief Field Operations P-4 FT Yaounde update_.pdf

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • Advanced University Degree in Social Sciences, Public Administration, International Relations, Business Administration, Public Health, Education, or other related technical fields.
  • 8 years of progressive experience at national and international levels in field operations management with a strong background in complex humanitarian operations.
  • Fluency in French and English.

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.

The UNICEF competencies required for this post are…

  • Nurtures, Leads and Manages People (2)
  • Demonstrates Self Awareness and Ethical Awareness (2)
  • Works Collaboratively with others (2)
  • Builds and Maintains Partnerships (2)
  • Innovates and Embraces Change (2)
  • Thinks and Acts Strategically (2)
  • Drives to achieve impactful results (2)
  • Manages ambiguity and complexity (2)

To view our competency framework, please visit here.

Click here to learn more about UNICEF’s values and competencies.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.

Remarks: Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

“The VA is open to all (internal and external candidates)” Talented Female candidates are vividly encouraged to apply.

, Apply now , Added 1 hour ago – Updated 1 hour ago – Source: unicef.org