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UN Jobs: Finance and HR Coordinator – Ukraine – M/F – Ukraine



Finance and HR Coordinator – Ukraine – M/F


ALIMA’S ETHOS: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and provide care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation, and the alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanity and impartiality in accordance with universal medical ethics. To gain access to patients, we undertake to act in a neutral and independent manner.

Our CHARTER defines the VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action:

  1. Patient First – Patient centered medical care
  2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine through research
  3. Responsibility and freedom: encourage decision-making by those closest to patients
  4. Commitment to a dynamic of continuous quality improvement
  5. Creating a climate of trust among colleagues
  6. Collective intelligence
  7. Environmental liability

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach to those guilty of acts of gender-based and sexual violence as well as to inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. Protecting the people who benefit and are impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Anyone working with ALIMA is committed to :

  • Respect the charter, the code of conduct, institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuses of power and gender-based and sexual violence, the policy of preventing corruption and fraud ;
  • Report any violations to policies, framework documents and proceedings to a superior, referral


Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 7 million patients. Today ALIMA works in 12 countries in Western and Central Africa. In 2020, we developed 41 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects support national health authorities through nearly 357 health structures (including 45 hospitals and 312 health centres). We work in partnership, especially with local NGOs, whenever possible to ensure that our patients benefit from the expertise wherever it is, whether in their country or the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are carrying out operational and clinical research projects, particularly in the field of the fight against malnutrition and haemorrhagic viral fevers. ALIMA is also leading operations in response to the covid-19 pandemic across all of our missions.

ALIMA’S TEAM: More than 2000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, as close as possible to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capitals of the countries of intervention. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and opening service team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams are actively working on fundraising as well as representing ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams who work on behalf of other organizations such as medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERTE Santé, SOS Médecins / KEOOGO, AMCP, research organizations PACCI, INSERM, Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen, the NGO Solidarités International and many others.

COUNTRIES WHERE WE WORK: Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea,South Sudan, Mauritania & Sudan.

THE WORK WE DO covers: Primary and Secondary Health Care, with a main focus on children and women – including treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition, maternal health, mental health, response to epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, Lassa Fever), surgery, displaced populations, and gender based violence, Covid 19.

ALIMA in Ukraine

We will focus its effort in South Ukraine to provide emergency primary health care and support to hospitals in the war zone of Mykolaiv Oblast and around. The main objective is to reduce the mortality and suffering among the population affected by the war in this area through 4 axes:

  • Reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with chronic disease and communicable diseases among the isolated population in Mykolaiv Oblast
  • Reduce mental health burden through psychological care in Mykolaiv Oblast
  • Support hospitals to deliver trauma and intensive health care in Mykolaiv City
  • Ensuring a rapid response mechanism to delivered health care support to affected population



Level 2: either the jobholder will have access to personal data concerning children and/or vulnerable adults in the course of his/her work, or he/she will occupy a « regulated » position (accountant, lawyer, legal executive); therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good conduct will be required. In situations where it is impossible to provide a criminal record or a certificate of good conduct, a declaration on honour will be requested.


He/she reports to the Head of Mission (line manager), or to the Finance Desk.

He/she manages administrators, supervisors and assistant administrators in coordination and in the field, accounting managers, archivists.

He/she works in close collaboration with the coordinators (medical, logistics and projects).


The COFIRH supports the capital and project coordinators in all matters related to the financial and administrative management of all projects that make up the country mission. He/she guarantees the proper management of funds and their transparency by ensuring the accounting and financial management of the mission in accordance with the ALIMA management framework and local legislation.

1.Budget management

  • Contribute to the definition of the mission’s strategy by developing the mission’s budgets and budget amendments
  • Consolidate and carry out budgets, in collaboration with the Coordinators (monthly general and specific)
  • To elaborate the budgetary follow-ups intended for the headquarters and the members of the country and project coordination, in order to draw their attention to the possible under- and over-consumption of the budget
  • Produce financial reports for donors so that they can be validated by the head office within the deadlines set out in the funding agreements.
  • Be the focal point for our donor audits at the mission level in conjunction with Alima’s internal audit department. Prepare the documentation, control its content and alert if necessary.


  • Ensure the existence of and compliance with financial and accounting resource management rules in the country
  • Supervise and oversee the accounting system to ensure transparency, completeness of financial information, compliance with procedures and legibility of expenditures.

3.Cash management

  • To ensure that the necessary and sufficient level of cash is always available for the smooth running of operations with maximum control of security and operational risks
  • Ensuring compliance with species management procedures on its mission
  • Ensure the archiving of the mission’s accounting document

4.General management or resources

  • Put in place the necessary elements to monitor the use of material resources
  • Participate in the development of the mission’s procurement framework (procurement plan)

5.Institutional funding

  • Ensure compliance with commitments made to institutional donors (regular meetings, monthly financial monitoring, reports, recommendations, etc.)
  • Respect of the procedures of the lessors
  • Ensure the proper management of the mission’s human resources in accordance with ALIMA’s administrative management framework and local legislation. To this end, act as ALIMA’s representative to the administrative authorities (Labor Inspectorate, Lawyer, Social Security, Taxes, etc.)
  • Define, adapt, plan and oversee the implementation of the mission’s human resources policies, ensuring that they are in line with the context, local legislation and operational issues.
  • Contribute to the definition and implementation of the mission objectives, particularly with regard to the aspects related to team sizing, the required HR profile and capacity, and the strengthening of staff skills in order to effectively achieve the mission objectives.
  • Be the focal point and advisor for HR issues to the mission’s managers

6. Administrative management of the mission, legal watch

  • Ensure the updating of legal documents for the proper functioning of ALIMA
  • In collaboration with the other members of the coordination team, notably CDM, ensure the annual registration of lease agreements and the terms of contracts for coordination houses and projects
  • Ensure the legal monitoring of the mission by creating and maintaining a network of relevant information, in particular on labor and tax legislation
  • Ensure compliance with laws and regulations within the mission in its areas of responsibility (labor law, social and tax legislation, etc.)
  • Contribute to the definition, validation, update/revision and ensure the application of HR management documents, procedures and policies on the mission (internal regulations, work contracts, recruitment policies…)
  • Follow-up of bonus or incentive personnel

7.Administrative Management of Human Resources

a. Recruiting

Ensure the rigorous application of the recruitment policy on all bases and applied to all positions (from the definition of the need to the archiving of recruitment files)

  • Train the Project Administration Managers (PAMs) in ALIMA procedures, best practices and recruitment techniques
  • Participate in the recruitment process for base managers (HR validation)
  • Participate in the recruitment process of the ETAMs of the bases on request of the CP and/or the RAP
  • Provide RAPs and team leaders with recruitment tests when required or advised and requested
  • Provide RAPs with a general induction of ALIMA and the mission, support the updating of the project section and ensure that each staff member benefits from this induction
  • Provide induction for all HQ or coordinated managers and for all positions at level 12 and above
  • Ensures that each new employee recruited to the base is briefed on the internal regulations, the code of conduct, the anti-fraud policy and the policy for the prevention of harassment and sexual and gender-based violence
  • Ensure that the induction process is understood by stakeholders and implemented on the mission (coordination and baseline).

b. Work contract and follow-up

  • Ensure that personnel files are complete and maintained in electronic format
  • Implement efficient contract monitoring tools and ensure that RAPs use them (monitoring of contract dates, leaves, etc.)

c. Payment of salaries, taxes and social contributions

  • Oversee the use of the payroll software and train RAPs on their responsibilities
  • Validate payrolls each month for each base

d. Life and team composition

  • Support the organization of monthly staff meetings
  • Participate in staff representative / coordination meetings
  • Participates in the resolution of work conflicts in collaboration with project coordinators, RAPs and team leaders

8. Operational management of Human Resources

  • Support project coordinators and department managers in defining the composition of their teams
  • Update and share mission organization charts with the bases, coordination and headquarters on a monthly basis
  • Participates in the elaboration of the mission’s budgets for the HR part (organization chart, salaries, bonuses…), international transport, rent.

9. Quality management of personnel

a. Job Profile – Performance Objective Plan – Review

  • Provide RAPs and team leaders with standard job profiles
  • Ensure that updated job profiles are available for each employee and that each employee has read and signed them, support the RAPs and team leaders in case of blockage
  • Train team leaders in the use of POP documents and reports
  • Verify that team leaders set goals at the beginning of the period and complete staff reviews at the end of the period
  • Analyzes personnel reviews from a career path perspective

b.Training and capacity building

  • Contribute to the identification of training needs for the mission’s staff
  • Compile all training needs annually and develop an annual training plan for the mission
  • Be proactive in identifying sources of funding for training, and in identifying collaborations with other NGOs and training organizations in the country
  • To be responsible for the organization of training taking place in the coordination or in the city of the coordination
  • Propose and anticipate the secondment of personnel to other ALIMA missions
  • Accompany the capacity building of all employees in support of team leaders
  • Collect data related to the training provided in the field and propose an analysis of these data
  • Apply post-training monitoring and evaluation methods to measure impact
  • Ensure the link with the Head of Training at headquarters

10. Specific management of international staff

a. Administration

  • In liaison with the administrative department in Dakar, ensure the administrative follow-up of the international staff: arrival and departure dates, paid leave, passports, visas and airline tickets
  • In collaboration with the Admin/HR Manager, ensures the renewal of expatriate visas, security visas and/or any other legal documents required by the police and the Ministry (Agreement, Convention with the Ministry of Trustees, Request for Entry Authorization…)
  • Monitor contract dates and bring to the attention of line managers at least 3 months in advance
  • Ensures the constitution of the files of the internationals and provides the necessary documents for those who do not have them (ALIMA card, mission order, residence permit…)

b. Recruitment and follow-up

  • Support the mission leader and the project coordinators in the planning of the breaks and provide a monitoring tool
  • In collaboration with the administrators, alert for interim and final reviews
  • Ensures the transmission of the end-of-assignment reports to the HR referent of the
  • Supports the Head of Mission in the management of human resources of expatriate personnel (conflict management, anticipation of recruitment, drafting of job profiles, etc.)

11.Team management and animation

  • Set up a finance department to coordinate in a spirit and operation that guarantees synergies between services. Promotes the exchange of best practices within and between departments.
  • Define job profiles and performance objective plans for team members with a view to developing skills. Participates in the reviews of his/her team in a career path approach and participates in the reviews of the project administrative managers (RAP)
  • Make training and job changes possible by strengthening their skills and developing their autonomy
  • Propose and anticipate secondments to other ALIMA missions
  • Identify the skills that team members need to acquire in order to master their positions and organize training to reinforce them OR Ensure that the organization’s needs match the know-how and motivations of its employees
  • Embodies and transmits values, ensures compliance with the code of conduct and institutional policies, the state of mind and expected individual and collective behaviors
  • Organize and facilitate team meetings

12.Team management and animation

  • Participate in training and awareness sessions
  • Provide ongoing training to all staff on the anti-fraud policy
  • Apply standards for abuse prevention
  • Ensure that team members attend training and awareness sessions and follow abuse prevention rules
  • Contribute to creating and maintaining a nurturing and protective environment

This job description is not exhaustive and may be modified as the mission evolves.

Expériences / Formation


  • Bac + 5 in Management, Finance, Accounting, business school or equivalent
  • Previous experience in the humanitarian field, in the position of Finance and Human Resources Coordinator and/or Human Resources Coordinator
  • Experience in emergency and degraded security contexts strongly preferred
  • Knowledge of humanitarian donors
  • Computer skills, including advanced level of Excel and GSuite

Qualities ot the candidate

  • Professional rigor
  • Discretion
  • Calm, excellent stress management and composure
  • Very good communication and listening skills
  • Experience in team management and supervision
  • Ability to adapt
  • Excellent comprehension skills
  • Training and coaching skills
  • Analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Organizational skills, rigor and autonomy
  • Writing skills
  • Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel…)
  • Knowledge of HOMERE software
  • Ability to prioritize and work under pressure
  • Ability to adapt and diplomacy
  • Ability to work in a team in multicultural contexts
  • Training and coaching skills


  • Fluency in French (oral and written) essential
  • Fluency in English is an asset


Contract term:

  • Contract term: contract under French law, contract length: 6 weeks.
  • Position to be filled: ASAP
  • Salary: depending on experience + per diem

ALIMA pays for:

  • travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the mission location
  • accommodation costs
  • medical cover from the first day of the contract to a month after the date of departure from the mission country for the employee
  • evacuation of the employee

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and your answers to our job page through this link https://hr.alima.ngo/jobs/detail/9381?utm_campaign=Campagne+d%27offres+&utm_medium=Website&utm_source=relief+web

Applications are processed in the order of arrival and we reserve the right to close the offer before the term initially indicated if a good application is successful. Only full applications will be taken into account. Only accepted applications will be contacted.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

UN Jobs: Ukraine crisis response – Logistics Coordinator – M/F – Ukraine



Ukraine crisis response – Logistics Coordinator – M/F

ALIMA, the international medical NGO with a human face, which places at the heart of its model the co-construction of projects and professional paths


ALIMA’S SPIRIT: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and provide care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion, or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation, and the alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanity and impartiality in accordance with universal medical ethics. To gain access to patients, we undertake to act in a neutral and independent manner.

Our CHARTER defines the VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action:

  1. Putting the Patient First
  2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine
  3. Responsibility and freedom
  4. Improve the quality of our actions
  5. Placing trust
  6. Collective intelligence
  7. Environmental responsibility

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach towards those guilty of acts of gender and sexual violence as well as towards inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. The protection of those benefiting from and impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Everyone collaborating with ALIMA is committed to:

  • Respect the charter, the code of conduct, the institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and sexist and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;
  • Report any violation of the policies, framework documents, and procedures to a superior, to a referent

CARING – INNOVATING – TOGETHER: Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 7 million patients and today deploys its operations in 12 African countries. In 2020 we developed 67 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflicts, epidemics, and extreme poverty. All of these projects are carried out in support of national authorities through nearly 357 health facilities (including 45 hospitals and 312 health facilities). Whenever possible We work in partnership with local NGOs to ensure that our patients benefit from the best and most relevant expertise wherever it is, whether within their own country or in the rest of the world.

In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are carrying out operational and clinical research projects, particularly in the field of the fight against malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

ALIMA’S TEAM: more than 2000 people are currently working for ALIMA. The field teams, closest to the patients, receive their support from coordination teams generally based in the countries’ capitals. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and opening team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams are actively working to raise funds and represent ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams working on behalf of other organizations such as medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERT Health, SOS Doctors / KEOGO, AMCP, research organizations PACCI, and INSERM, Bordeaux or Copenhagen Universities, the INGO Solidarités International, and many others.

COUNTRIES WHERE WE WORK: Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, South Sudan, Sudan, Mauritania.

THE WORK WE DO covers: Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, Lassa Fever), Hospitalization, Emergencies, Gender-Based Violence, Opening / Closing.


ALIMA aims to provide emergency health care for the populations affected by the Ukrainian crisis. The objective is to reduce mortality and suffering among the populations affected by the war. ALIMA will focus on the most affected areas to maintain access to health care and to prepare and respond to any potential disease outbreak and to support influx of wounded patients in areas directly affected by the bombings. In Moldova, ALIMA will provide health care for refugees and support the health system to manage the influx of refugees from Ukraine.


Level 3: As part of his/her duties, the incumbent will visit programs and come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where a criminal record check or character reference is not possible, a declaration on honour will be requested.


He/she reports to the Head of Mission

His/her technical referent is the Emergency Logistic Desk referent

Is the referent for the project’s Logistics Managers (s)

Collaborates with field project coordinators, coordination team, and other staff


The Logistic coordinator must define the objectives and technical orientations of the mission, propose strategies consistent to support the medical and humanitarian needs of the areas of intervention and provide technical support to all the mission’s logistics teams.


Work Location:

  • Location: Ukraine or Moldova
  • Project: giving support to the health services involved in the assistance to refugee

Management lines:

Define and implement technical and logistics strategies and support to the field under the technical support and management of the Logistics Desk Manager, dedicated for approval of the global logistics strategy, ensuring the pertinence and coherence of logistics planning & programmes, adequacy of the means provided and the compliance of ALIMA standards and protocols in order to enable the development of the mission in perfect working conditions and optimize the impact of the medical projects activities.



  • Participate actively in the elaboration and update of project planning, budgets proposals and any emergency operations, give support in strategies definition and providing advice to the HoM in the translation of the identified logistical / technical needs into objectives, priorities and resources needed for the mission.
  • Establish a mission procurement plan in accordance with validation of expenditures scale
  • Liaise will all supply chain actors (government authorities, private companies, INGO partners and clusters) and insure procurement of Drugs; NFI and others in accordance with international and local laws. Both nationally and internationally.


  • Follow up the activities and support the mission in the different sectors, which involve logistics: construction and rehabilitation, warehousing and supply of medical and non-medical material, transport, communications, water and sanitation, fleet and engines management, assets control, security and reporting, etc.
  • Implement and apply ALIMA harmonized validated procedures and documentation. Reinforce controls and enhance training on use.
  • Accountable to ensure compliance of ALIMA standards, protocols and procedures. His role requests to report to the HoM on the development of the ongoing programmes and proposing reorientation strategies, with contribution and technical approval of the Logistics Desk Manager, when needed.


  • Responsible for the proper application of HR policies and associated processes (recruitment, capacity building (induction, coaching, training), briefing/debriefing and internal communication) in order to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required for the activities he/she is accountable for.
  • Develops activities planning, action plans, appraisal & evaluation for Logistics managers and other national positions.
  • Reviews and adapts consequently and timely all jobs description for the national logistics staff.
  • Responsible for ensuring technical reference, supporting logistics teams on all technical issues in the mission, and providing basic guidelines and knowledge to programmes staff to follow procedures. He has to assume their implementation.


  • Monitors and follow up the registration, codification and tagging of all new assets, purchased or donated. Ensure that all in use equipment is recorded and tagged.
  • Sets and supervises a regular physical inventory of the assets list. Keep assets list updated.
  • Is responsible for ensuring installation and maintenance of functional office space(s) and lodging facilities in an adequate living condition as well as all the equipment required.
  • Supervises the proper use and maintenance of IT (computers, software, backups, etc.), office, communication, transportation and energy equipment.
  • Assumes and raises reports on assets for each donor as references for audit and control. Proceed to enquiries/investigations in case of damages or lost on any asset for reporting.


  • Elaborates, defines and monitors technical aspects of the risk reduction policy, transport, communication, protection, identification and preparation of the technical aspects of the mission security policy and guidelines, evacuation plan and contingency plan, performing day-to day monitoring security rules observation and reporting of any problem to the HoM.
  • Creates an appropriate environment to facilitate exchange of information on security situations and will be the security back up in the absence of the HoM.
  • Develops tools to proceed to elaborate a risk analysis report and update the different SOP’s (base, coordination and mission).
  • Collects and compiles all useful and right information from his network then to share timely within the mission or with dedicated staff.
  • She has to establish good communication means in the Mission (including numbers & frequencies), allowing permanent communication between capital, projects, bases and HQ.
  • Procures to all staff in the Mission benefits a welcome briefing on security SOP’s and from proper training on some topics like on how to use communications equipment (e.g. satellite phones, HF/VHF radios, computers, etc.),
  • Manages plannings of trainings with organizations in charge of safety and security such as INSO or UNDSS
  • The role of the logistics coordinator is to ensure the setup of security measures and their application by all ALIMA staff in the mission.


  • She analyzes monthly projects reports, comments and send feedback to all logistics managers before consolidation of the monthly mission report.
  • Provides, on weekly or monthly bases, reporting on activities from projects/mission evolution on the technical/logistics perspective and propose corrections if needed. Consult the logistics referent in case of amendment.
  • Improves contents of report, monitor closely results of procurement follow up, stocks management and value, fuel consumptions and action points.
  • Role and responsibility to ensure quality of reporting, exchanges and sharing of reliable information and data.


  • She represents ALIMA in meetings with Authorities and other NGOs for technical/logistics or security related issues.
  • Acting HoM for all issues when he is assigned as his representative in his absence


  • Participates in training and awareness sessions
  • Implements abuse prevention standards
  • Ensures that team members complete training and awareness sessions and follow abuse prevention rules
  • Helps create and maintain a nurturing and protective environment

Expériences / Formation

  • Record of working on high volume of supply chain is essential
  • Record of working in volatile security context
  • Record of management of safety and security is mandatory (analysis/context strategy + Staff management)
  • Essential, Degree/diploma: Degree and specialization in Humanitarian Logistics
  • Medical logistics knowledge (biomed equipment, wash, etc..) is an asset
  • Minimum of 2 years of demonstrable relevant logistics experience.
  • Working experience at management positions is essential.
  • Working experience with International medical NGO, an asset.
  • Fluency in English. Speaking Russian or Ukrainian is an asset
  • Essential computer literacy (word, excel, internet).
  • Strong interpersonal skills, teamwork.
  • Strong communication skills
  • Negotiation skills.


Duration and type of contract: French contract: 6 weeks

Starting position: Asap

Salary: according to ALIMA scale + experience + per diem

ALIMA supports:

  • travel expenses between the expatriate’s home country and the place of assignment
  • accommodation costs
  • 08 days off per month
  • daily per diem
  • medical coverage from the first day of the contract to one month after the date of departure from the country of assignment for the employee and his/her dependents
  • the break policy every 3 months (for 6 months of the mission)
  • evacuation for the employee.

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to our page through this link https://hr.alima.ngo/jobs/detail/9345?utm_campaign=Campagne+d%27offres+&utm_medium=Website&utm_source=Rweb.

Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the initial deadline if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + letter of motivation) will be considered.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

UN Jobs: Project Administrator– South West Project Cameroon – M/F – Cameroon


Project Administrator– South West Project Cameroon – M/F

ALIMA, the international medical NGO with a human face, which places the co-construction of projects and career paths at the heart of its model


ALIMA’S ETHOS: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and provide care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation, and the alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanity and impartiality in accordance with universal medical ethics. To gain access to patients, we undertake to act in a neutral and independent manner.

Our CHARTER defines the VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action:

  1. Putting the Patient First
  2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine
  3. Responsibility and freedom
  4. Improving the quality of our Actions
  5. Placing Trust
  6. Collective Intelligence
  7. Environmental Responsibility

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach to those guilty of acts of gender-based and sexual violence as well as to inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. Protecting the people who benefit and are impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Anyone working with ALIMA is committed to :

  • Respect the charter, the code of conduct, institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuses of power and gender-based and sexual violence, the policy of preventing corruption and fraud ;
  • Report any violations to policies, framework documents and proceedings to a superior, referral


Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 6 million patients. Today ALIMA works in 12 countries in Western and Central Africa. In 2020, we developed 41 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects support national health authorities through nearly 330 health structures (including 28 hospitals and 300 health centers). We work in partnership, especially with local NGOs, whenever possible to ensure that our patients benefit from the expertise wherever it is, whether in their country or the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are carrying out operational and clinical research projects, particularly in the field of the fight against malnutrition and hemorrhagic viral fevers. ALIMA is also leading operations in response to the covid-19 pandemic across all of our missions.

ALIMA’S TEAM: More than 2000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, as close as possible to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capitals of the countries of intervention. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and opening service team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams are actively working on fundraising as well as representing ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams who work on behalf of other organizations such as medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERTE Santé, SOS Médecins / KEOOGO, AMCP, research organizations PACCI, INSERM, Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen, the NGO Solidarités International and many others.

COUNTRIES WHERE WE WORK IN 2020: Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, South Sudan, Mauritania & Senegal.

THE WORK WE DO covers: Primary and Secondary Health Care, with a main focus on children and women – including treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition, maternal health, mental health, response to epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, Lassa Fever), surgery, displaced populations, and gender-based violence, Covid 19.

GOVERNANCE: ALIMA is governed by a Board of Directors of 10 elected positions and 4 co-opted positions from representatives of West African partner NGOs.


Cameroon is facing a complex emergency situation in the North West and the South West Regions of the country. The crisis has led to significant displacement of the population. It is estimated that the majority of the displaced are from the North West region. The affected population have a challenge in accessing humanitarian intervention notably health and nutrition amongst other needs.


Level 3: As part of his/her duties, the incumbent will visit programs and come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where a criminal record or character reference is not available, a statement of good character will be required.



Four years after the unilateral declaration of independence pronounced by Cameroonian separatists, the anglophone crisis in Cameroon’s Northwest and Southwest regions (NWSW) is experiencing volatile and unpredictable dynamics.

Since the outbreak of the conflict in October 2017, the attacks against the governmental forces have multiplied and have become also more and more complex. This has been highlighted by the strategies and means used by the belligerents (more elaborated IED, RPG, among others). Furthermore, there has been a gradual fragmentation of the security landscape, leading to more and more clashes between the different factions of the separatist groups.

As for the Lebialem Division, which is located in the Southwest region, it is controlled by a single group, the Red Dragons of Lebialem. If we look at the security incidents reported by INSO from January 14 to March 24, 2022, out of 275 incidents reported in the two English-speaking regions, there were 78 reported in the Southwest (28.4%), of which only one was in the Lebialem Division (0.4%). ALIMA and DEMTOU Humanitaire believe that the NSAG’s control of the area, which led to the exodus of a large number of State representatives, could justify this relatively low number of security incidents.

Since 2017, the crisis affecting the NWSW regions of Cameroon has significantly disrupted the health system in these regions. The crisis has impacted basic social services including health and education

Overall, access to beneficiaries remains very limited in the Southwest region, and in the Lebialem Division more particularly, due to high insecurity, recurrent lockdowns, ghost towns and to the closure of certain roads for both short and long periods of time. Besides, humanitarian workers and humanitarian activities as well as basic infrastructure (such as schools and health centers) have become targets for the NSAG’s attacks. Nonetheless, given the fact that the Lebialem Division is currently under the control of only the Red Dragons of Lebialem, negotiations for humanitarian access might be easier to maintain than in other divisions of the SW, where several armed groups are operating.

In the North West (NW), ALIMA intends to implement a project with two interventions:

  • a short-term emergency intervention and a COVID 19 response and mitigation. Whereas the exploratory mission will help the organization understand the exact medical needs of the population on the ground,
  • the second one will aim at strengthening strategies in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. The activities in the NW shall include training of health care workers as well as mitigating the affected population’s access to primary health care, obstetric & gynaecological, paediatrics and nutritional interventions. The project targets Internally Displaced Persons, the host community and other population at risk.


Mission Location:

  • Project Administrator – Mission Location: Cameroon, South West
  • Project: South West

Management lines:

  • Line Manager:
      • Project Coordinator
  • Line Management
      • Finance and HR Coordinator


The main function of the Project Administrator is to put in place the component parts of the resource management system.

He/she is responsible for managing the staff administration (contracts, employees’ files, work attendance, payroll), controlling spending commitments against the procedures of the association, monitoring the financial means raised for the project (expenditure monitoring, accounting, budget monitoring and review, follow-up of tables of allocations per donor), as well as implementing financial and HR management tools.

The project Administrator reports directly to the Project Coordinator, and to the administrative team in the Coordination (technical referents: HRCO and FINCO).

He/She supervises an administrative assistant.

Under his/her various areas of responsibility, the Project Administrator will be in charge of ensuring:

  • Compliance with the ALIMA rules and procedures applicable to the country,
  • Smooth functional organization of the project resources,
  • Monitoring of the use of the resources (expenditure and spending commitments),
  • Adequacy in terms of number, skills and allocation of human and administrative resources.

Major Responsibilities:

  • Advise the Project Coordinator on set up (org chart) and together with the HRCO, update the project’s organizational chart and job descriptions
  • In close coordination with the Project Coordinator, the HRCO and the FINCO, calculate the HR operational needs and the associated budget in order to efficiently ensure the required sizing and capabilities of the mission and to facilitate budget following-up.
  • Ensure hiring, carry out amendments and contract termination formalities for employees at project level, according to labour local laws, archiving and updating individual employee files, informing them on their rights and preparing all mandatory tax declarations, in order to ensure legal compliance;
  • Assist the Project Coordinator, and/or team leaders and supervisors to draw up annual holiday planning and staff shifts in order to forecast HR needs and to ensure HR availability for the project activities;
  • Supervise/perform payroll procedures, ensuring that all data related to monthly salary calculation of national employees of the project are correctly entered in Homere (days off, unpaid leaves, sick leaves, overtime, salary advance, etc.), in order to ensure on time and accurate salary payments;
  • Under supervision of the HRCO, ensure indexation process of national staff salary grids in order to ensure internal equity, cost-of-living adjustments and the correct application of employment conditions in the project sites;
  • Support, in close coordination with the HRCO an PC, the project line managers in detecting training needs, in properly evaluating people performance and in potential identification, in order to improve people capabilities, and their end results contribution to mission goals;
  • Plan and supervise, in close coordination with the HRCO, the associated processes (recruitment, training/induction, evaluation, potential detection, development and communication) of the staff under his/her responsibility in order to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required;
  • Together with the Project Coordinator, support the line managers in implementing the internal communication policies in order to boost staff active participation and ALIMA commitment;
  • In close collaboration with the Project Coordinator and the HRCO, applies the administrative procedures part of any Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in force between local partners (e.g. Ministry of Health, etc.) and ALIMA;
  • In close collaboration with the Project Coordinator and HRCO, looks for the best options to avoid and/or solve possible labor conflicts in the project;
  • Follow up all movements and/or accommodation of staff in the Project;
  • Implement circuits and workflows (management of cash boxes, transfers, advances, purchase procedures, payment validations, follow up of regular payments, bank conciliation) in order to anticipate expenses at project level and to optimize cash needs and its security;
  • Implement and supervise transactional procedures and systems in order to ensure transparent accounting practices and full documentary traceability (invoices, receipts, bank statements, etc.), following ALIMA guidelines and rules, and using the respective software in place;
  • Ensure that monthly accountancy closure is taking place and controlled, with due quality and on due time;
  • In close collaboration with the Project Coordinator and the FINCO, analyze and follow up the project budget, in order to ensure that funds are used according to funding contracts and to proposing corrective action;
  • Ensure all HR, Administrative and Financial reporting of the Project (Homère and SAGA monthly closure, sitreps, etc.
  • Implementation of preventive measures against abuse of power, gender-based and sexual violence:
  • Participate in training and awareness sessions
  • Apply standards relating to the prevention of abuse
  • Ensure that his team members follow training and awareness sessions and apply standards relating to the prevention of abuse
  • Contribute to create and maintain a fulfilling and protective environment.



  • University degree in finance, administration, and human resources
  • Minimum 2-year experience in Finance & HR management (project with about 250 staff)
  • Experience with medical international NGO, an asset
  • Perfect knowledge of MS Office package, especially Excel & Word
  • Knowledge of Saga (Finance software) & Homère (HR software) is an asset

Behavioral Skills

  • Strong interpersonal skills, team work.
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to work on own initiative and adaptable to changing needs and situations
  • Flexible, patient and adaptable to a changing environment.
  • Ability to work under pressure with numerous deadlines, etc.

Language Skills

  • Fluency in English. Speaking French is an asset.


• Duration and type of contract: Short term contract, 6 month

• Starting position: ASAP

• Salary: According to ALIMA salary grid + valuation of experience + Per diem

ALIMA supports:

• Travel costs between the country of origin of the expatriate and the place of mission

• Accommodation costs

• Medical coverage from the first day of contract to one month after the date of departure from the country of Mission for the employee and their dependents

• Evacuation for the employee and their dependents

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Cover Letter online by 22/08/2022 at the latest.

The link is as follows:https://hr.alima.ngo/jobs/detail/9542?utm_campaign=Campagne+d%27offres+&utm_medium=Website&utm_source=Rweb

Applications are processed in the order of arrival. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the term initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Letter of Motivation) will be considered.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged.

FTX Review: Know and don’t get fooled

What is FTX?

FTX Exchange is a leading central cryptocurrency exchange that specializes in leveraged and derivative products. The company was established in the year 2018, by MIT graduates and ex- Jane Street Capital international exchange-traded funds trader Sam Bankman-Fried. FTX offers a wide range of trading options that include derivatives and options, volatility products along with leveraged tokens. The company also offers market prices for spot markets that span over 100 trading pairs of cryptocurrency, such as BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT. FTT/USDT, and XRP, its native token FTT/USDT.

Bahamian-based FTX, as well as the FTX US affiliate, share the same management teams but different capital structures. U.S. residents can only trade via FTX US.


  • FTX is a central cryptocurrency exchange, specializing in leveraged and derivative products as well as derivatives. It can support most of the traded cryptocurrencies.
  • The primary products offered by FTX are Futures, leveraged tokens MOVE contracts, options, and spot markets.
  • FTX is located in the Bahamas and is not able to serve U.S. residents, who are able to trade with FTX US.
  • FTX, as well as FTX US, have been merged with each other with similar management teams, but with distinct capital structures.

The basics of FTX Exchange

The wide variety of FTX’s products and simple-to-use desktop and mobile trading apps attract investors of all levels, from novices to experts with years of experience or, in the language of crypto the whales, from beginners to whales. The FTX platform provides a wide assortment of different types of orders including basic market orders, to more intricate stop orders with trailing.

FTX’s competitive spot and futures fee ranged between 0.04 percent to 0.07 percent for market takers based on the maker-taker model at the time of June 2022. In addition, leveraged tokens incurred the creation and redemption fees of 0.10 percent and a daily management charge of 0.03 percent.

FTX offers nine fiat currencies that investors can transfer and deposit using wire transfers: the U.S. dollar, euro, British pound, Australian dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc, Brazilian real as well as the Argentinian peso.

FTX does not charge withdrawal or deposit fees for the majority of cryptocurrency assets. Bitcoin withdrawals of greater than 0.01 bitcoin are free, as is a withdrawal that is less than 0.01 bitcoins per day. Small bitcoin withdrawals will be subject to an additional 0.1 percent fee.

Fiat currency withdrawals of greater than $5,000 USD will be granted for free and only one weekly withdrawal lower than that amount.

FTX US trading fees for market takers varied between 0.05 percent to 0.2 percent at the time in June 2022. NFT or non-fungible token (NFT) costs are $3 for listing an NFT by using the self-service tool and 2% of the cost to the seller on every sale or trade. Fiat currency deposits are made through wire transfer ACH and debit/credit card as well as Silvergate Exchange Network, all of which (except for credit and debit cards) are able to withdraw fiat currencies. Wire transfer withdrawals that exceed $5000 USD are unrestricted. A withdrawal every week less than the threshold is also free, however, the subsequent wires are subject to the cost of $25.

There are no deposit charges for blockchain transfers. FTX US pays the withdrawal blockchain fees for all tokens, with the exception of ERC20/ETH, and bitcoin withdrawals of a small amount.

FTX US customers must prove their identities in order to gain full access to the bank under know you customers (KYC) regulations. KYC Tier 1 customers are restricted only to one deposit of $2999, ACH deposits of $500 in any 10-day rolling period, and a lifetime limit on withdrawals of $300,000. KYC Tier 2 customers are restricted to one-time deposits of $20,000 and ACH deposits up to $30,000 for a 10-day rolling period They are not restricted to lifetime or daily withdrawal limits.

Key Products

The primary products offered by FTX are the leveraged token, futures, MOVE, options, and market prices in the spot market.

Futures: Traders can place both short and long bets on top cryptocurrency markets with over 100 perpetual and quarterly futures pairs that have margins up to 101x. Stablecoins like USD and Tether (USDT) are utilized as collateral for opening and maintaining positions.

Leveraged Tokens: FTX offers tokens based on ERC20 which offer traders 3x leveraged exposure in relation to the trading pair in question. For example when a trader purchases a BULL/USD-3x length Bitcoin token. If Bitcoin rises by 10% within 10 days of purchase the leveraged token will gain 30 percent. The leveraged tokens of FTX have no minimum margin requirement.

Options: Traders may speculate on the direction that prices will take in the future and hedge their open positions using the option of calling and put options, which allow the holder to exercise the right, but no obligation to purchase or trade at a later strike price.

Move: The contracts permit traders to bet on how much the value of a cryptocurrency’s price will fluctuate over a period of time regardless of direction, effectively making them an attempt at predicting volatility. If the price of the cryptocurrency in question fluctuates over a certain dollar amount, either upwards or downwards–the contract earns profits.

Spot Markets: FTX provides more than 100 spot trade pairs, giving access to the most popular cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Chainlink, and Ripple’s XRP.

FTX US offers nearly 60 spot and spot currency trading pairs, as well as options contracts based on 0.01 bitcoin and 0.1 Ether, cryptocurrency swaps, and Bitcoin mini futures. It also runs a market for non-fungible coins.

FTX provides futures pairs that have margins that go up to 101x when it comes to the short or long-leading cryptocurrency which allows traders to profit from tiny price movements.


FTX is registered within Antigua and Barbuda and headquartered in the Bahamas following its move to the Bahamas from Hong Kong in September 2021. Their FTX Digital Markets Limited. unit is overseen through the Securities Commission of the Bahamas. The exchange doesn’t offer products or services for U.S. residents.

U.S.-based crypto traders can use FTX US, a registered money service company that is affiliated with FinCEN. In the month of October 2021, FTX US completed its acquisition of LedgerX which was rebranded under the name FTX US Derivatives. FTX US Derivatives is licensed as a Derivatives Clearing Organization, Swap Execution Facility, and Designated Contract Market by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Management and Capital Structures

FTX along with FTX US have overlapping management teams. Both companies name Sam Bankman-Fried as the chief executive officer, and Co-founder Gary Wang as chief technology officer.

FTX completed the $400 million Series C venture capital financing round in January 2022, valuing it at $32 billion. Investors who participated include Temasek, Paradigm, Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board NEA, IVP, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Steadview Capital, Tiger Global, and Insight Partners. All investors who participated in the round also took part in a series one funding round to FTX US valuing that company at $8 billion.

FTX Exchange is not regulated in the United States. U.S.-based traders have access to only the partner entity FTX US.

Celebrity Affiliations

In their marketing initiatives, in the course of their marketing, the parents of FTX along with FTX US in September 2021 signed Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry to a long-term promotional agreement, which will grant the NBA star an interest in FTX.

On August 20, 2021, these companies announced a long-term promotion collaboration with venture capitalist and TV personality Kevin O’Leary providing the “Shark Tank” host with equity stakes FTX as well as FTX US together with payments in cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrencies on FTX

FTX provides more than 300 cryptocurrency options to trade on the spot. Here’s a brief listing of the available assets on the exchange:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ether (ETH)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)

Trading Experience

FTX provides a variety of features. It also acknowledges that novice users might have a difficult time finding the features they need. To assist with this the exchange offers an overview of the features.

The most important information is provided in detail on every page of the FTX website. For instance, for those who are interested in staking the token of FTX, or FTT, the exchange clearly outlines the requirements. It states that the process of unstacking can take up to 14 days and tokens that are used to unstake won’t count towards the staking reward. Additionally, users who wish to withdraw their stakes fast can pay fees.

There’s a wealth of content posted on diverse topics that provide FTX with an explanation of its diverse offerings, terms, and regulations. For instance, consider margin trading as an instance. It is a key product offered by FTX. Because of the complexity of margin trades, FTX is a great job of explaining its terms for the transactions. The most important aspect those who are interested in margin trading would like to understand is what triggers the margin call.

FTX clarifies that an account owned by a user could be liquidated if the Margin Fraction is below its maintenance Margin Fraction. FTX makes use of the example of a user’s maintenance margin percentage of 6 percent. If the customer’s leverage is 16.66x leveraged liquidation will commence.

FTX Exchange: pros and cons

Pros Explained

It supports margin trading and trading in futures: FTX offers several advanced options, including futures trading and margins. This could be attractive to advanced traders who are able to manage the risk.

Access to markets with advanced features: FTX offers many advanced options that aren’t found with other exchanges. This includes access to markets such as shares, leveraged tokens volatility, and forex.

Pros and Cons Explained

U.S. residents can’t trade on the global platform of FTX: Due to the strict regulations that govern the crypto market within the United States, residents of the U.S. have limited access to FTX. The exchange does have one U.S. partner, FTX.US however, its offerings are less extensive than those on that of the international platform.

There isn’t a live chat option for support: FTX does not offer live chat support. While it does have the most comprehensive help desk but finding the information you require can take a long time.


FTX offers an equilibrated maker/taker fee structure. Trading fees differ based on the 30-day trade volume. FTT token holders receive discounts on their platform fee.

Here’s what you can expect from users in terms of fees for maker/taker.

FTX maker/taker fee structure

FTT token holders may receive discounts on platform fees These discounts can be categorized as follows:

Fee Discount Chart from FTX.com

FTX users could also be subject to withdrawal fees or fees for trading and creating leveraged tokens.


FTX provides industry-standard security features such as the following:

  • A custom-built hot/cold wallet solution
  • All hot wallet funds have full external backing
  • Each account will require two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • Optional 2FA and password to withdraw cryptocurrencies
  • Establishing relationships with industry-leading custodians

Opening an FTX account

It is easy to open an FTX account. The exchange guides you step-by-step through the entire process from beginning to end.

You will need to create a strong password and enter your email address twice.

FTX requires all new customers to verify their identity before they can trade crypto or deposit. To explore the platform, users who are not verified can log in to their accounts.

Users who only provide basic information such as full name, birth date, and country of residence are restricted from the platform and subject to withdrawal restrictions. FTX’s complete verification process requires users to provide proof of address, share a government-issued ID and undergo facial recognition. After this, they are granted full access to the platform and unlimited withdrawals and deposits.

Customer Service

FTX doesn’t offer live chat or 24/7 phone support. Customers who need assistance are encouraged to use its support platform. FTX doesn’t provide any information about the average time taken by its staff to respond to a support request.

You can submit a support ticket as well as reach out to FTX via Telegram.

FTX Telegram group information is public, so users need to be cautious about sharing it.

FTX also has a large library of articles that answer many questions users might have about the exchange.

Customer satisfaction

FTX has received mostly negative customer reviews, just like many other cryptocurrency exchanges. FTX’s customer support is the most common reason for user complaints. One common complaint was the time it took for customer service to respond.

As mentioned above, FTX does not provide a time frame for customers who submit tickets. Customers complained about very serious issues such as waiting months for withdrawal requests to be approved.

The FTX platform has received positive reviews for its user-friendliness, low withdrawal fees, and overall ease of use.

FTX Exchange compared

FTX vs. Binance

FTX vs. Binance at a Glance

HEADQUARTERSNo headquartersNassau, Bahamas
COMPANY TYPECryptocurrency exchange, derivatives, NFTs, Earn, DeFiCryptocurrency exchange, NFTs, TC
FEES0.01% to .5%0.00% to 0.4%
BUY/DEPOSIT METHODSACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit cardACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit card
SELL/WITHDRAW METHODSACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit cardACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit card
Binance vs FTX table summary

Beginner Friendliness

Both platforms are quite user-friendly which means it’s easy to start on both. For the beginner, the interfaces of both platforms could be to be a little intimidating since some graphs and charts come with an arduous learning curve.

An intermediate user can easily navigate the way to navigate both platforms. Binance however has advantages due to the fact that it has Binance Academy that provides many courses for beginners who need some assistance getting started with all things crypto-related.

Trade in Derivatives and Margin

Binance, as well as FTX both, provide options for derivative trading and margin for their customers. This is the process of borrowing from lenders such as banks, traders, or brokers that are on the platform to maximize the potential profits by leveraging.

Binance provides a less extensive selection of cryptocurrencies that can be borrowed for margin trading and also a restricted number in trading pairs. FTX however, contrary offers a greater choice of options as well as more trading pairs to those who wish to benefit from these options. For example, FTX goes as far as providing derivatives, such as the MOVE Contract, permanent contract, and even futures contracts.

Fee Structure

For charges, both platforms offer almost identical options. Binance charges 0.1 percent on any spot trade regardless of the currency you choose to use.

FTX also is charged an additional 0.1 percent charge for all spot trades However, it is contingent on the cryptocurrency being traded, as each comes with a different fee structure. The difference is that Binance has a significantly lower fee for withdrawals than its competitor because they are calculated on the amount of money that is withdrawn from or deposited into your account.

Each Binance and FTX have fee structures that are based on the volume of trading they receive. Makers and takers on Binance pay fees that range from 0.02 percent up to as much as 0.1 percent, while FTX makers, as well as takers, will pay anywhere from 0% and 0.4 percent.

Trust and Security

Binance along with FTX both come with security features, which ensure your funds are secure. Binance keeps around 10% of its trade fees in a secured account that serves as an insurance policy in the event in the event of an attack. This was in response to the phishing attack that occurred in the year 2019 which resulted in the platform losing $40 million.

Since the beginning, Binance has worked to bring back trust among its customers using tools, such as a 2-factor authentication system and whitelisting of wallets and IPs for all accounts.

FTX employs a variety of security measures that protect the funds of its customers. The platform utilizes SSL encryption for every data transfer, meaning that all information you transmit is secure by encryption. You can also whitelist specific IP addresses and wallets with FTX.

The Sign-Up Procedure

In either case, signing up is fairly simple as there are no strict know-your-customer (KYC) conditions. This means you don’t have to supply them with your identity card or proof of address and other vital personal information.

It is only necessary to sign up with an email address with a valid ID and select a password that is secure. In order to be eligible for more generous withdrawal limits, your account must be checked manually, particularly on Binance. It may take a few days for your account to be cleared.

Available Cryptocurrencies

Both platforms provide a broad selection of digital currency and tokens that can be traded with other users. Binance has more than 300 coins. FTX even goes further by providing 275 coins that can be traded.

But in terms of trading pairs that are available across both platforms Binance is the superior edge since its list of trading pairs is extensive compared to FTX. Here’s a breakdown of some of the top cryptocurrencies that are available across both platforms.


  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Binance Coin
  • Litecoin
  • Cardano
  • Uniswap
  • Dogecoin
  • Ripple XRP
  • Solana
  • Polygon
  • Chainlink


  • Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Chainlink
  • Solana
  • USD Tether
  • Dogecoin
  • TRON
  • SushiSwap

Highlight Characteristics

One of the best things you’ll see in both Binance and FTX is their lower transaction fees for standard transactions.

Users also have access to more generous withdrawal limits for accounts that are verified manually according to the exchange they choose to use. FTX specifically, has an ATM card that lets you make use of your cryptocurrency with a variety of merchants on the internet. Binance however, on its own is a launchpad that gives holders of crypto the opportunity to invest early in the upcoming crypto and NFT-connected projects.

Our Verdict Too close to call

Although they are relatively new to the scene and despite being relatively new, the two companies Binance along with FTX have proven to be extremely efficient. effectiveness in their business. They provide a variety of cryptocurrencies to trade and numerous security measures to ensure your money is secure. But in terms of the charges charged by both trading platforms, Binance offers a small advantage over FTX.

But, Binance has a more affordable withdrawal fee than FTX, since they are calculated on the currency being withdrawn from your account or transferred into it. The two Binance and FTX provide fairly comparable fees, and their interfaces generally are similar.

To determine the best option between the two options it is important to know your needs as an investor. If you’re all about low costs, then Binance is the best way to take. If you’re looking for greater limits on withdrawals, with more derivatives available to exchange, FTX might be better to suit your needs in terms of trade.

FTX against Crypto.com

FTX and Crypto.com at a glance

HEADQUARTERSSoutheast AsiaNassau, Bahamas
COMPANY TYPECryptocurrency exchangeCryptocurrency exchange
FEES0.036% to 0.144%0.02% to 0.07%
BUY/DEPOSIT METHODSACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit cardACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit card
SELL/WITHDRAW METHODSACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit cardACH Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal, and Credit/Debit card
Binance vs FTX table summary

Beginner Friendliness

Both FTX and Crypto.com are user-friendly for beginners. They have intuitive interfaces which make it simple for anyone, even beginners, to exchange digital currencies. They also provide many products and features that are uncommon within the crypto market.

Both exchanges can be accessed on both Android and iOS devices, which is an advantage for new traders who are on mobile. In addition, both exchanges provide the mobile application and API that is available to third-party platforms. Of the two exchanges, Crypto.com’s mobile interface is the most user-friendly and it has more customer support tools for users in the event that the user is stuck.


Both, FTX and Crypto.com, offer fairly low fees. Both exchanges have fees that are competitive that are usually less than other top cryptocurrency exchanges. Crypto.com offers commissions ranging from 0.036 percent to 0.144 percent, while FTX is charged fees that are based on a tiered fee structure that can range from zero to up to 0.07 percent.

But, Crypto.com does have advantages when it comes to charges for withdrawals and deposits. It does not charge any fee for deposits, and there are no minimum deposit requirements. However, FTX charges a 0.0004 BTC fee for BTC deposits.

When withdrawing funds, FTX will charge a small fee on BTC withdrawals less than 0.01BTC and also for all ERC-20 tokens as well as the ETH. Withdrawals over 0.01 BTC are free. Crypto.com only charges an 0.0005 BTC fee for express withdrawals. Overall, Crypto.com is the better option for fees.

However, one caveat is Crypto.com app is known to have greater spreads, which means you’re paying more for cryptocurrency.

Supported Payment Methods

FTX only supports bank transfers or wire transfers to facilitate withdrawals and deposits. For withdrawals and deposits made in crypto, FTX supports BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BCH, LINK, DOT, and TRX.

Crypto.com offers a wide range of payment options, including credit and debit cards, bank transfer wire transfers, as well as withdrawals and deposits of crypto. It also permits customers to purchase crypto using the fiat currency of their integrated exchange.

In the end, Crypto.com is the better choice for accepted payment methods.

Trust and Security

Each FTX as well as Crypto.com are well-known for their top-of-the-line security. They use the latest security measures to guard users’ funds and information.

A few of the security features that both exchanges share are 2FA, cold storage as well as SSL encryption. Furthermore, both exchanges have taken KYC measures to ensure compliance with the anti-money laundering laws.

One area in which Crypto.com stands out is its insurance policies. Crypto.com has insurance for user funds that are up at $500m. This means that customers are able to rest easy knowing that their money is safe should there be hacking and security breaches.

In the end, Crypto.com is the better option when it comes to security and trust.

A Variety of Products

Both FTX and Crypto.com provide a broad range of services and products. The exchanges provide spot trading and margin trades derivatives trading and much more. Additionally, they offer many options and services that are uncommon within the crypto world.

One area in which Crypto.com stands apart is customer support. It offers 24/7 live chat support unlike FTX offers only email assistance. This allows customers to seek help when they require assistance.

FTX’s offering of more sophisticated futures, spot market opportunities, leveraged tokens, and much more, is matched with Crypto.com’s DeFi-ready suite of products, which includes the capability to earn high yields by using their stake program.

Both platforms come complete with NFT markets.

Overall, FTX and Crypto.com provide a variety of services and products. Thus, they are in an equal position in this area.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

FTX offers a variety of cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BCH, LINK, DOT, and TRX. The exchange also lets users trade various fiat currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP, and JPY.

Crypto.com offers a broad variety of cryptocurrencies, such as BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BCH, and many more. It also permits customers to purchase crypto using the use of a fiat currency through its integrated exchange.

However, even though FTX has over 300 cryptocurrency options in comparison with Crypto.com’s 250 currencies, FTX’s collection of coins is vastly different from the ones you can find on Crypto.com along with different FTX competitors. For instance, some sought-after coins such as Cardano or Polkadot aren’t included on the list provided by FTX.

Here’s a brief overview of some currencies you can find on every platform.


  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Cardano
  • Dogecoin
  • Vechain
  • Solana
  • Terra
  • Polkadot


  • Bitcoin
  • Tether
  • Ethereum
  • Dogecoin
  • Solana
  • BNB
  • XRP

Highlight Specifications

The most notable features on FTX are more impressive than the ones on Crypto.com.

The platform has an option for margin trading with as much as 20x leverage. The platform also provides a broad variety of derivatives, including futures, options, as well as leveraged tokens.

However, Crypto.com offers a built-in exchange that lets users buy crypto using an actual currency, and its most well-known attribute, aside from the potential to earn dividends using cryptocurrency is that its users can avail protection of up 500 million dollars.

Finally! Crypto.com offers an incredible cryptocurrency-based credit card that comes with advantages such as complimentary Netflix plus up to 8% cash back in CRO.

Conclusion: FTX Better for Serious Traders

If you’re looking for the winner overall it is all about what you’re seeking. If you are looking for sophisticated traders who be equipped with all the tools needed for trading in crypto, FTX is the better option. The exchange provides a broad variety of products and features that are uncommon in the crypto world.

But, Crypto.com has the advantage of being the more well-rounded choice since it does not just offer low fees, but it also has an easy user interface, not to mention an array of DeFi features.

UN Jobs: Programme Support Trainee – Cameroon



Programme Support Trainee

Position title : Programme Support Trainee

Supervised by : Programme Manager

Reporting to : Programme Manager

Duty station : Meiganga

Area of Operation : Cameroon

Employment Period : 12 months

Type of contract (Expat/National/Trainee) : Trainee

Salary & Benefits : 10,000 DKK


The Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions. We work toward successful integration and – whenever possible – for the fulfillment of the wish to return home.

The Danish Refugee Council was founded in Denmark in 1956 and has since grown to become an international humanitarian organization with more than 7,000 staff and 8,000 volunteers. Based in Copenhagen (Denmark) and present in forty countries, the Danish Refugee Council is a non-profitmaking, politically independent, non-governmental and non-denominational relief organization.

Our vision is a dignified life for all displaced. All our efforts are based on our value compass: humanity, respect, independence and neutrality, participation, and honesty and transparency.

1. Background

DRC has been operating in Cameroon since 2018. DRC in Cameroon is providing response for protection, food security and economic recovery and shelter/NFIs needs of displaced populations and host communities in the South West and East/Adamawa regions.

2. Purpose

Based in Meiganga, Programme Support Trainee will support all projects implemented by DRC in the East and Adamawa regions of Cameroon. Under the supervision of the Programme Manager, s/he will work on project development and implementation and support the programme and MEAL teams with monitoring, evaluation and reporting (Programme Management Tool review, donor reporting). S/he will provide proofreading support for reports written in the field, play the role of communication focal point between the field-based teams and the coordination in Yaoundé and assist the field teams in producing accurate and analytical documents, in accordance with donor guidelines (interim and final reports, project proposals, etc.). S/he will also support the Programme Manager with the planning of project activities and coordination of field teams. S/he will be responsible for any other task as delegated by the Programme Manager. The Programme Support Trainee will dedicate a substantial amount of his/her time to supporting the implementation and monitoring of protection activities.

The Programme Support Trainee will work extensively with the programme department in the East/Adamawa regions and in the coordination in Yaoundé and interact with support departments.

3. Duties and Responsibilities

Under the direction of the Programme Manager, the Programme Support Officer will have the following responsibilities:

  • Lead the review of donor or activity reports (compile and proofread inputs from the field based team, coordinate with field teams to address comments made by the coordination team in Yaoundé on reports, ensure respect of deadlines).
  • Support the Programme Manager in implementing and monitoring projects:
    • Development of activity ToR when relevant
    • Update project related workplans on a regular basis
    • Provide support to programme team for activity implementation
    • Support on analyzing and managing protection data in coordination with MEAL/PIM team
    • Coordinate with the MEAL team to ensure completion of the PMT (Project Monitoring Tool)
  • Coordinate with the Yaoundé-based programme team for the development of project proposals and cost-extensions
  • Support the MEAL team responsible for all capitalization responsibilities
  • Support capacity building of the field teams (activity reports, donor reports…)
  • Support the Program Manager in building the MEAL and assessment capacity of his/her teams (Team Leader, Officer, Assistant and Coach)
  • Represent DRC in various meetings and fora when requested by the Programme Manager
  • Active participation in all project review meetings.
  • Manage archives of reports through the internal DRC system sharepoint.in collaboration with the Grants Trainee in Yaoundé

4. Required Qualifications

  • Post-graduate degree/ University Degree (Bachelor or Master) in International Development/ Development Studies, International Relations, Economics, Political Science/ Public Affairs, Business Administration or Management, agriculture, or another relevant field is required;
  • Programme management experience is an asset;
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and influencing skills with a well-developed ability to motivate and persuade at high levels;
  • Full professional fluency in French language
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English;
  • Understanding of the different contexts of the West and Central Africa Region;
  • Excellent Computer Skills (MS Office, Internet) and an advanced proficiency in Excel are required.
  • High organizational capacities

5. Required Skills & Qualities

  • Core Competencies of DRC:
    • Striving for excellence
    • Collaboration
    • Taking the lead
    • Communication
    • Demonstrating Integrity
  • Ability to work in a multinational and multicultural environment
  • Proactivity, with a sound commitment to teamwork and with a spirit of genuine collaboration
  • Excellent communication skills, as well as patience and politeness, are required
  • Multi-tasking and Organizational skills are necessary
  • Adaptable and Flexible
  • Proven analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Exemplary sense of ethics in the workplace
  • Team-oriented & good sense of humor

6. General Regulations

  • The employee shall follow DRC instructions on safety, confidentiality and ethical guidelines, including the Code of Conduct and the Humanitarian Accountability Framework
  • Employee should not engage in any other paid activity during the DRC contract period without prior authorization
  • Employee should not engage in any activity that could harm DRC or the implementation of any project during the DRC contract period
  • Employee should not give interviews to the media or publish project-related photos or other material without prior authorization
  • Employee shall return all borrowed equipment for the project to DRC after the end of the contract period or upon request

How to apply

Are you interested? Then apply for this position on line: www.drc.dk/about-drc/vacancies/current-vacancies. All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages). Both must be in English.

DRC provides equal opportunity in employment and prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability.

DRC encourages all applicants to apply and does not practice any discrimination in any recruitment process.

However, applicants must be aware that DRC cannot employ, under an international traineeship or volunteering agreement, a citizen of the country in which she/ he is going to be stationed (in such case, the Republic of Cameroon)

Applications close on 15th August 2022. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

Due to the urgency of the position, DRC has the right to recruit a candidate who matches the required profile before the above deadline.

Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: $2.2M Spiritual Yearning Research Initiative

Deadline: 19-Aug-22

The John Templeton Foundation (JTF) is inviting Online Funding Inquiry (OFI) submissions for the $2.2M Spiritual Yearning Research Initiative (SYRI), which aims at addressing the spiritual yearnings, existential concerns, and search for meaning of spiritually curious but nonreligious individuals and communities.

SYRI’s overarching Big Question is: How can those who experience a deep yearning for a meaningful spiritual life, but find traditional religion unsatisfying, fulfill that yearning? This question involves empirical, conceptual, and normative dimensions, calling for an approach that is cross-disciplinary in nature. The Foundation’s aim in this funding competition is to arrive at a better understanding of spiritual yearning and flourishing among the spiritually curious but nonreligious, by supporting research by scholars within philosophy, theology, religious studies, and the psychological sciences.

SYRI’s purpose is to support science-engaged theological scholarship of this kind on the experiences, yearnings, and possibilities for spiritual flourishing of those who either do not find themselves at home within traditional religious communities or do not find the belief systems of traditional religions compelling. Such people may describe themselves as “religious Nones,” “spiritual but not religious,” agnostic, or something else altogether. Regardless of the particular label such individuals might use to describe their spiritual orientations, the Foundation is here primarily interested in the phenomenon of spiritual yearning among the nonreligious, as opposed to those who are either uninterested in questions of existential or ultimate concern, or are otherwise unbothered by spiritual matters.

Thematic Scope
  • The current funding competition focuses on the two broad themes of spiritual yearning and meaning-making for the nonreligious, with each of these themes covering a number of possible empirical and conceptual research questions. They invite proposals that make use of a variety of research methods, including but not limited to qualitative research, theory-construction, conceptual clarification, surveys, experimental research, and normative argument. While they anticipate funding at least one project consisting primarily or exclusively of new empirical research (i.e., data collection, data analysis, and/or experimental work), the majority of the successful proposals will include conceptual or cross-disciplinary dimensions.
  • The following questions illustrate (but do not exhaust) the thematic scope of this Funding Competition:
    • The Nature of Spiritual Yearning: What kind of phenomenon is spiritual yearning? How can it be operationalized and measured? What do the spiritually yearning nonreligious describe as the object of their yearning? What are the differences between spiritual longing, spiritual questing, and spiritual curiosity? Is spiritual yearning a persisting phenomenon, or does it tend towards resolution or dissolution? How should they understand the role of spiritual struggles in meaning-making and spirituality among the nonreligious? To the degree that nonreligious individuals experience or report a lack of spiritual meaning, what is it they report lacking (e.g., community, ritual, grounds for morality, sacred spaces)?
    • The Value of Spiritual Yearning: Is it good or bad to experience spiritual yearning? How should such experiences be assessed? Does spiritual yearning present a problem to be solved, or rather an experience that is in some way important for human flourishing? What are good and bad ways to address one’s spiritual yearning?
    • The Potential Causes and Effects of Spiritual Yearning: Are there differences between people for whom spiritual yearning contributes to flourishing and those for whom it contributes to comparatively poorer outcomes? What are the differences between nonreligious individuals who experience spiritual longings and those who do not? Is there a difference between nonreligious people who approach existential or spiritual concerns with a growth mindset, and those who are more inclined toward a security-focused mindset? How might specific values or virtues such as hope mediate assessments of—or actions in relationship to—spiritual yearning? How does spiritual yearning relate to a person’s well-being, happiness, or flourishing? How does it relate to the way a person conceives of spiritual realities or their own life’s meaning?
    • Addressing Spiritual Yearning: How might various theological or philosophical resources be made useful to spiritually yearning nonreligious people? How is spiritual yearning shaped by one’s past religious identity, practice, beliefs, and commitments? For example, how are ex-Christians, ex-Muslims, ex-Jews, ex-Buddhists, and ex-Hindus similar to and different from one another? How and to what extent can people experience the benefits of traditional religion without holding traditional religious beliefs?
    • Spiritual Yearning in Practice: Which practices, experiences, and settings are most effective at facilitating meaningful spirituality among the nonreligious? Can ethical or moral commitments create or enhance spiritual meaning for the nonreligious? What is the role of community in meaning-making and spirituality among the nonreligious? What contributes to meaningful spiritual communities among the nonreligious, and what challenges do such communities face? What role might various spiritual technologies (e.g., social media, intentional experiences of nature, psychedelics) play in the formation of meaningful spirituality among the nonreligious?
Funding Information
  • The Foundation will award up to $2,200,000 in grants in this competition, and they expect to fund between six and ten projects.
  • Project length may not exceed three years (or 33 months in the case of organizations that do not have US public charity status).
Eligibility Criteria

They welcome proposals from a wide range of organizations. They anticipate a significant majority of the awardees will have a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status or an equivalent nonprofit status recognized by a non-US government.

For more information, visit https://www.templeton.org/internal-competiton-fund/the-spiritual-yearning-research-initiative-the-search-for-meaning-among-the-nonreligious


Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: $2.2M Spiritual Yearning Research Initiative

Deadline: 19-Aug-22

The John Templeton Foundation (JTF) is inviting Online Funding Inquiry (OFI) submissions for the $2.2M Spiritual Yearning Research Initiative (SYRI), which aims at addressing the spiritual yearnings, existential concerns, and search for meaning of spiritually curious but nonreligious individuals and communities.

SYRI’s overarching Big Question is: How can those who experience a deep yearning for a meaningful spiritual life, but find traditional religion unsatisfying, fulfill that yearning? This question involves empirical, conceptual, and normative dimensions, calling for an approach that is cross-disciplinary in nature. The Foundation’s aim in this funding competition is to arrive at a better understanding of spiritual yearning and flourishing among the spiritually curious but nonreligious, by supporting research by scholars within philosophy, theology, religious studies, and the psychological sciences.

SYRI’s purpose is to support science-engaged theological scholarship of this kind on the experiences, yearnings, and possibilities for spiritual flourishing of those who either do not find themselves at home within traditional religious communities or do not find the belief systems of traditional religions compelling. Such people may describe themselves as “religious Nones,” “spiritual but not religious,” agnostic, or something else altogether. Regardless of the particular label such individuals might use to describe their spiritual orientations, the Foundation is here primarily interested in the phenomenon of spiritual yearning among the nonreligious, as opposed to those who are either uninterested in questions of existential or ultimate concern, or are otherwise unbothered by spiritual matters.

Thematic Scope
  • The current funding competition focuses on the two broad themes of spiritual yearning and meaning-making for the nonreligious, with each of these themes covering a number of possible empirical and conceptual research questions. They invite proposals that make use of a variety of research methods, including but not limited to qualitative research, theory-construction, conceptual clarification, surveys, experimental research, and normative argument. While they anticipate funding at least one project consisting primarily or exclusively of new empirical research (i.e., data collection, data analysis, and/or experimental work), the majority of the successful proposals will include conceptual or cross-disciplinary dimensions.
  • The following questions illustrate (but do not exhaust) the thematic scope of this Funding Competition:
    • The Nature of Spiritual Yearning: What kind of phenomenon is spiritual yearning? How can it be operationalized and measured? What do the spiritually yearning nonreligious describe as the object of their yearning? What are the differences between spiritual longing, spiritual questing, and spiritual curiosity? Is spiritual yearning a persisting phenomenon, or does it tend towards resolution or dissolution? How should they understand the role of spiritual struggles in meaning-making and spirituality among the nonreligious? To the degree that nonreligious individuals experience or report a lack of spiritual meaning, what is it they report lacking (e.g., community, ritual, grounds for morality, sacred spaces)?
    • The Value of Spiritual Yearning: Is it good or bad to experience spiritual yearning? How should such experiences be assessed? Does spiritual yearning present a problem to be solved, or rather an experience that is in some way important for human flourishing? What are good and bad ways to address one’s spiritual yearning?
    • The Potential Causes and Effects of Spiritual Yearning: Are there differences between people for whom spiritual yearning contributes to flourishing and those for whom it contributes to comparatively poorer outcomes? What are the differences between nonreligious individuals who experience spiritual longings and those who do not? Is there a difference between nonreligious people who approach existential or spiritual concerns with a growth mindset, and those who are more inclined toward a security-focused mindset? How might specific values or virtues such as hope mediate assessments of—or actions in relationship to—spiritual yearning? How does spiritual yearning relate to a person’s well-being, happiness, or flourishing? How does it relate to the way a person conceives of spiritual realities or their own life’s meaning?
    • Addressing Spiritual Yearning: How might various theological or philosophical resources be made useful to spiritually yearning nonreligious people? How is spiritual yearning shaped by one’s past religious identity, practice, beliefs, and commitments? For example, how are ex-Christians, ex-Muslims, ex-Jews, ex-Buddhists, and ex-Hindus similar to and different from one another? How and to what extent can people experience the benefits of traditional religion without holding traditional religious beliefs?
    • Spiritual Yearning in Practice: Which practices, experiences, and settings are most effective at facilitating meaningful spirituality among the nonreligious? Can ethical or moral commitments create or enhance spiritual meaning for the nonreligious? What is the role of community in meaning-making and spirituality among the nonreligious? What contributes to meaningful spiritual communities among the nonreligious, and what challenges do such communities face? What role might various spiritual technologies (e.g., social media, intentional experiences of nature, psychedelics) play in the formation of meaningful spirituality among the nonreligious?
Funding Information
  • The Foundation will award up to $2,200,000 in grants in this competition, and they expect to fund between six and ten projects.
  • Project length may not exceed three years (or 33 months in the case of organizations that do not have US public charity status).
Eligibility Criteria

They welcome proposals from a wide range of organizations. They anticipate a significant majority of the awardees will have a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status or an equivalent nonprofit status recognized by a non-US government.

For more information, visit https://www.templeton.org/internal-competiton-fund/the-spiritual-yearning-research-initiative-the-search-for-meaning-among-the-nonreligious


Grant Opportunities: UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences

Deadline: 15-Nov-22

Nominations are now open for the UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences that rewards significant efforts of individuals or institutions through scientific research towards improving the quality of human life.

Life sciences hold the key to a better future, as they contribute to poverty eradication, improved health, and food and water security. The core objectives of the Prize is to encourage research, enhance collaboration amongst researchers and reinforce networks of centers of excellence in the life sciences towards these goals.

The Prize, funded by the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, is given annually to a maximum of three laureates.

The Prize was established by UNESCO’s Executive Board, to support the achievement 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as UNESCO’s global priorities.

Prize Details

They receive a monetary award of USD 350,000 divided equally among laureates, to help further their research, together with a certificate and the “Integracion Tribal” statuette by Equatorial Guinean artist Leandro Mbomio.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Individual(s) or Institutions endorsed by:
    • Either Member States in consultation with their National Commissions; or
    • Non-governmental organizations in official partnership with UNESCO active in a field covered by the Prize.
  • Each can endorse up to 5 candidates no later than the deadline set each year. Self-nominations will not be considered.
Selection Process
  • The Secretariat reviews all applications received before the deadline and transmits the eligible applications to the International Jury of the Prize.
  • The International Jury meets in Paris, France to assess the applications.
  • The Director-General selects the winners based on the recommendation of the International Jury.
  • The Prize is awarded to the winner(s) during an official ceremony organized by UNESCO.

For more information, visit https://www.unesco.org/en/prizes/equatorial-guinea#apply

Grant Opportunities: UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences

Deadline: 15-Nov-22

Nominations are now open for the UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences that rewards significant efforts of individuals or institutions through scientific research towards improving the quality of human life.

Life sciences hold the key to a better future, as they contribute to poverty eradication, improved health, and food and water security. The core objectives of the Prize is to encourage research, enhance collaboration amongst researchers and reinforce networks of centers of excellence in the life sciences towards these goals.

The Prize, funded by the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, is given annually to a maximum of three laureates.

The Prize was established by UNESCO’s Executive Board, to support the achievement 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as UNESCO’s global priorities.

Prize Details

They receive a monetary award of USD 350,000 divided equally among laureates, to help further their research, together with a certificate and the “Integracion Tribal” statuette by Equatorial Guinean artist Leandro Mbomio.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Individual(s) or Institutions endorsed by:
    • Either Member States in consultation with their National Commissions; or
    • Non-governmental organizations in official partnership with UNESCO active in a field covered by the Prize.
  • Each can endorse up to 5 candidates no later than the deadline set each year. Self-nominations will not be considered.
Selection Process
  • The Secretariat reviews all applications received before the deadline and transmits the eligible applications to the International Jury of the Prize.
  • The International Jury meets in Paris, France to assess the applications.
  • The Director-General selects the winners based on the recommendation of the International Jury.
  • The Prize is awarded to the winner(s) during an official ceremony organized by UNESCO.

For more information, visit https://www.unesco.org/en/prizes/equatorial-guinea#apply

Grant Opportunities: Applications Open for Getty Scholar Grants

Deadline: 3-Oct-22

The Getty Foundation is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Getty Scholar Grants for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields.

Residential grants also include an office at the Getty Research Institute or the Getty Villa, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, airfare to and from Los Angeles, and an available healthcare option.

Recipients may be in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from work-related obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly lecture devoted to an annual research theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.


  • Getty Scholars may be in residence from three to nine months:
    • Three-month residency: September to December, January to April: $21,500
    • Six-month residency: September to April, January to June: $43,000
    • Nine-month residency: September to June: $65,000

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applications are welcome from researchers of all nationalities who are working in the arts, humanities, or social sciences.

Review Process

  • Getty Scholar Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications are evaluated based on the following:
    • the overall quality of the application;
    • how the proposed project bears upon the annual research theme;
    • the applicant’s past achievements; and
    • how the project would benefit from the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.

For more information, visit https://www.getty.edu/foundation/initiatives/residential/getty_scholars.html