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Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: 29th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors Program

Deadline: 15-Aug-22

The Tunza Eco-generation is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 29th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors Program.

Eco-generation Regional Ambassador is an influential position awarded to youth aged between 13 and 24 qualified to represent Tunza Eco-generation, an environmental networking platform for children and youth around the world. Eco-generation Regional Ambassador Program provides exceptional experiences with the opportunities to actively plan, to execute or participate in various environmental awareness programs in each region and country.

As a representative to Tunza Eco-generation, Eco-generation Regional Ambassador must embody the spirit and values ​​of Tunza Eco-generation. Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors must take on various roles to promote and raise environmental awareness for each region and country they represent.

Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors would carry the voice of the future generations at an international level.

  • Improvement of personal environmental leadership skills.
  • Enhancement of promotions for one’s organization and (or) environmental awareness programs.
  • Online mentoring provided by mentors to their Ambassador Reports.
  • Promotional goods can be provided for environmental awareness campaigns to be planned and executed by the Ambassador:
  • Ambassadors who successfully posted 4(Four) mandatory reports by the end of second month can request Ambassador Goods and Promotional Goods.
  • Eco-generation doesn’t take responsibility of tax payment including tariff on the requested goods.
  • There are countries which up to 2kg of promotional goods can be sent.
  • The 29th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors (hereinafter referred to as ‘Ambassador’) shall be in the position for six (6) months from September 2022 until February 2023.
Eligibility Criteria

All Tunza Eco-generation members aged between 13 and 24 who are enthusiastic to spread news and stories about their local environmental issues at a global level.

  • 60% Application Form + 40% Activity Points
  • Six (6) month of coverage plan should be stated based on concrete action plans.
  • Any false information on an application form can cause disqualification or cancellation of position even after being selected.
  • Any unfair practice in gathering activity points can cause disqualification.

For more information, visit https://tunza.eco-generation.org/ambassadorInfoView.jsp

Grant Opportunities: Call for Applications: 29th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors Program

Deadline: 15-Aug-22

The Tunza Eco-generation is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 29th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors Program.

Eco-generation Regional Ambassador is an influential position awarded to youth aged between 13 and 24 qualified to represent Tunza Eco-generation, an environmental networking platform for children and youth around the world. Eco-generation Regional Ambassador Program provides exceptional experiences with the opportunities to actively plan, to execute or participate in various environmental awareness programs in each region and country.

As a representative to Tunza Eco-generation, Eco-generation Regional Ambassador must embody the spirit and values ​​of Tunza Eco-generation. Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors must take on various roles to promote and raise environmental awareness for each region and country they represent.

Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors would carry the voice of the future generations at an international level.

  • Improvement of personal environmental leadership skills.
  • Enhancement of promotions for one’s organization and (or) environmental awareness programs.
  • Online mentoring provided by mentors to their Ambassador Reports.
  • Promotional goods can be provided for environmental awareness campaigns to be planned and executed by the Ambassador:
  • Ambassadors who successfully posted 4(Four) mandatory reports by the end of second month can request Ambassador Goods and Promotional Goods.
  • Eco-generation doesn’t take responsibility of tax payment including tariff on the requested goods.
  • There are countries which up to 2kg of promotional goods can be sent.
  • The 29th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors (hereinafter referred to as ‘Ambassador’) shall be in the position for six (6) months from September 2022 until February 2023.
Eligibility Criteria

All Tunza Eco-generation members aged between 13 and 24 who are enthusiastic to spread news and stories about their local environmental issues at a global level.

  • 60% Application Form + 40% Activity Points
  • Six (6) month of coverage plan should be stated based on concrete action plans.
  • Any false information on an application form can cause disqualification or cancellation of position even after being selected.
  • Any unfair practice in gathering activity points can cause disqualification.

For more information, visit https://tunza.eco-generation.org/ambassadorInfoView.jsp



, Consultant ,


This is a National Consultant contract. More about National Consultant contracts.



I. Contexte et justification

Depuis l’apparition des premiers cas de Sida au Cameroun en 1985, le Gouvernement du Cameroun a fait de la lutte contre le VIH et le Sida une prioritĂ© nationale. Cet engagement au plus haut niveau de l’Etat s’est matĂ©rialisĂ© par la mise en Ɠuvre des Plans d’urgences de lutte contre le VIH et le Sida des annĂ©es 90 et de trois Plans StratĂ©giques Nationaux (2000-2005 et 2006-2010). Cette politique volontariste de l’Etat, avec le soutien des partenaires au dĂ©veloppement et l’implication effective du secteur privĂ©, de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, des organisations confessionnelles et des PVVIH, a abouti Ă  des rĂ©sultats concrets, notamment l’accroissement de l’offre de services de prĂ©vention du VIH et de prise en charge des personnes infectĂ©es et affectĂ©es par cette pandĂ©mie.

Selon la derniĂšre Ă©tude d’envergure nationale (CAMPHIA 2017), le Cameroun continue d’ĂȘtre en situation d’épidĂ©mie gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e caractĂ©risĂ©e par une prĂ©valence moyenne du VIH de 3,4% dans la population des 15-49 ans (Rapport prĂ©liminaire CAMPHIA 2017). La prĂ©valence du VIH dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale est en baisse depuis 2004, allant de 5,5% en 2004 Ă  4,3% en 2011 puis Ă  3,4% en 2017. Cette tendance Ă  la baisse est probablement liĂ©e d’une part, Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de l’accĂšs aux ARV et d’autre part Ă  la constance des interventions de prĂ©vention auprĂšs de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale et des populations les plus exposĂ©es au risque. La baisse observĂ©e est davantage prononcĂ©e chez les hommes par rapport aux femmes.

L’inĂ©galitĂ© entre les sexes contribue Ă  la propagation du VIH/sida. Elle peut augmenter les taux d’infection et rĂ©duire la capacitĂ© des femmes et des filles Ă  faire face Ă  l’Ă©pidĂ©mie. Celles-ci disposent souvent de moins d’informations sur le VIH/sida et de moins de ressources pour adopter des mesures de prĂ©vention. Du fait des rapports de force inĂ©gaux entre les hommes et les femmes, elles sont confrontĂ©es Ă  des obstacles Ă  la nĂ©gociation qui permettrait l’adoption de pratiques sexuelles Ă  moindres risques. Les violences sexuelles, qui constituent une violation trĂšs rĂ©pandue des droits des femmes, exacerbent le risque de transmission du VIH/sida. Il apparaĂźt que le mariage peut reprĂ©senter un facteur de risque, en particulier pour les jeunes femmes et les jeunes filles.

De nombreuses femmes atteintes du VIH/sida luttent contre la stigmatisation et l’exclusion sociale, aggravĂ©es par l’insuffisance de leurs droits. Il n’est pas rare que des femmes dont le mari est dĂ©cĂ©dĂ© du sida ou qui en sont atteintes se retrouvent aux prises avec des litiges patrimoniaux les opposant Ă  leur belle-famille, rendus d’autant plus difficiles qu’elles ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient que d’un accĂšs limitĂ© Ă  la justice pour dĂ©fendre leurs droits. IndĂ©pendamment du fait qu’elles-mĂȘmes soient ou non atteintes du VIH/sida, les femmes assument habituellement un fardeau disproportionnĂ© en matiĂšre de soins en faveur des autres personnes qui sont malades ou mourantes du sida, et elles s’occupent des orphelins engendrĂ©s par la maladie. Cette situation tend Ă  amenuiser leurs chances en matiĂšre d’Ă©ducation et d’emploi.

ONU Femmes appuie le gouvernement Camerounais dans ses interventions visant Ă  accompagner les femmes infectĂ©es ou affectĂ©es par le VIH/sida. Au nombre des prioritĂ©s de ces interventions, la prise en compte des stratĂ©gies qui Ă©tablissent clairement les liens entre l’Ă©pidĂ©mie et les facteurs qui la favorisent, tels que la violence Ă  l’égard des femmes, le non-respect de leurs droits juridiques et la participation limitĂ©e des femmes Ă  la prise de dĂ©cisions.

C’est pour rĂ©pondre Ă  l’offre de prise en charge en matiĂšre de VIH/Sida en direction des femmes et des familles qu’ONU Femmes recrute un consultant qui sera mis Ă  la disposition du MinistĂšre de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille pour Ă©laborer le plan sectoriel « femmes-familles » contre le VIH/Sida et les IST.

  1. Objectifs

  2. Objectif général

Contribuer d’un point de vue Femme – Famille, Ă  la lutte contre la fĂ©minisation du VIH/Sida et la mitigation des risques liĂ©s Ă  cette fĂ©minisation.

  1. 1 Objectifs spécifiques

SpĂ©cifiquement, il s’agira de :

  • Commettre une assistance technique pour la rĂ©vision du plan sectoriel de riposte au VIH et au sida du secteur « femme et famille »
  • Faire une analyse situationnelle du VIH dans le secteur « femme et famille » ;
  • Identifier les prioritĂ©s de planification stratĂ©giques et opĂ©rationnelles ;
  • Elaborer le cadre de performance programmatique ainsi que le budget ;
  • Tenir des sessions de brainstorming sur le lien VBG/VIH.

    1. 2. RĂ©sultats attendus

Au terme des travaux il est attendu du consultant :

  • Une assistance technique pour la rĂ©vision du plan sectoriel de riposte au VIH et au sida du secteur « femmes et familles » ;
  • Une analyse situationnelle du VIH dans le secteur « femme et famille » ;
  • Une identification des prioritĂ©s de planification stratĂ©giques et opĂ©rationnelles;
  • Le cadre de performance programmatique et le budget sont Ă©laborĂ©s ;

Duties and Responsibilities

II. Fonctions et responsabilités

Sous la supervision du responsable du programme, le consultant (e) devra recueillir et consolider les interventions retenues, faciliter la tenue des rencontres prévues et élaborer les documents attendus ;

ConcrĂštement, il s’agira pour le consultant (e) d’un travail en 05 (cinq Ă©tapes) repartis ainsi qu’il suit :



  1. ProcĂ©der Ă  une analyse de la contribution du secteur « Femme et Famille » dans la rĂ©ponse nationale et dĂ©terminer les Forces les Faiblesse les OpportunitĂ©s et les Menaces (FFOM) Le consultant et son Ă©quipe font le point sur le niveau de contribution secteur « Femme et Famille » en identifiant de façon exhaustive l’ensemble des acteurs jouant un rĂŽle important dans la rĂ©ponse au niveau. Cette phase est rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  travers une revue documentaire et des entretiens auprĂšs d’institutions / personnes ressources. Une grille de recensement des structures Ă  inclure dans cette phase diagnostique est Ă©laborĂ©e et l’ensemble des informations recueillies permet de rĂ©aliser une cartographie. Cette phase va permettre d’analyser les dĂ©terminants de la riposte nationale au VIH/Sida dans le secteur « Femme et Famille » au Cameroun et de mettre en lumiĂšre les forces, les faiblesses, les opportunitĂ©s et menaces inhĂ©rentes Ă  la lutte contre le VIH/Sida dans ce secteur;

20 J

  1. Concertation /élaboration du Plan Opérationnel

La planification opérationnelle étant le processus qui consiste à déterminer comment les objectifs décrits dans le plan stratégique seront atteints « sur le terrain ». Il sera question dans ce processus de procéder à :

Au cours de cette phase, des solutions prĂ©cises seront proposĂ©es en lien avec les problĂšmes majeurs dĂ©celĂ©s pendant les phases de revue d’analyse et diagnostic. Elle aboutira par la suite Ă  la formulation des orientations notamment :

  • La vision et les principes directeurs qui guideront les interventions de la lutte contre le VIH/Sida ;
  • Les rĂ©sultats escomptĂ©s ;
  • Les stratĂ©gies prioritaires.
  • L’Élaboration du draft 0 du plan opĂ©rationnel

Sur la base de ce qui prĂ©cĂšde, le draft 0 du plan opĂ©rationnel sera Ă©laborĂ©. Pour chaque activitĂ©, il sera associĂ© un coĂ»t par annĂ©e, les responsables ainsi que les partenaires de la mise en Ɠuvre.

20 J

  1. La Consolidation, finalisation et validation du cadre stratégique de la riposte nationale au VIH/sida.

    AprĂšs l’intĂ©gration des contributions issues des Ă©changes pendant la consolidation, un atelier national regroupant l’ensemble des experts et acteurs clĂ©s issus de diffĂ©rents secteurs (public, sociĂ©tĂ© civile, communautĂ© des adolescents et des jeunes, PTF) il sera question de procĂ©der Ă  la validation du plan opĂ©rationnel. ConformĂ©ment aux prĂ©occupations et contributions des acteurs intervenant dans ce secteur


  1. Traduction, édition et présentation officielle du plan sectoriel « Femmes-Familles » de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et des IST 2021-2026.


  1. Vulgarisation et dissémination du plan sectoriel « Femmes-Familles » de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et des IST 2021-2026 couplé aux sessions de brainstorming sur le terrain sur le lien entre les VBG et le VIH dans le secteur.


III. Livrables

1. Rapport d’analyse situationnel couplĂ© Ă  l’évaluation du plan sectoriel 2016-2020.

2. Draft du Plan sectoriel incluant le plan opérationnel.

3. Plan sectoriel validĂ© « Femmes-Familles » de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et des IST 2021-2026 en français et en anglais prĂ©sentĂ© officiellement a l’occasion du mois camerounais de lutte contre le VIH et le Sida.


Valeurs CORE

  • Respect de la diversitĂ©
  • IntĂ©gritĂ©
  • Professionnalisme

Compétences CORE

  • Sensibilisation et sensibilitĂ© en ce qui concerne les questions de genre
  • Responsabilisation
  • Donner l’exemple
  • RĂ©soudre les problĂšmes de façon crĂ©ative
  • Communication Efficace
  • Collaboration inclusive
  • Engagement des parties prenantes

Compétences fonctionnelles :

  • CompĂ©tences analytiques (Excellentes aptitudes analytiques, de synthĂšse, de rĂ©daction et de prĂ©sentation de documents ;
  • CapacitĂ©s de communications (Excellentes aptitudes interpersonnelles et de communication orale et Ă©crite);
  • Avoir une bonne connaissance des questions de genre, VBG et VIH/SIDA
  • Travail en Ă©quipe (CapacitĂ© Ă  travailler de maniĂšre autonome et en Ă©quipe);
  • Être disponible pour commencer immĂ©diatement aprĂšs la sĂ©lection
  • Maitrise de collectes de donnĂ©es
  • MaĂźtrise de l’approche participative

Required Skills and Experience

V. Qualifications Techniques :

Education :

  • Avoir au moins 01 diplĂŽme universitaire de Master en SantĂ© Publique ou en sciences sociales;

Expérience :

  • Un minimum de 06 ans d’expĂ©rience professionnelle dans le domaine de la programmation et / Analyse stratĂ©gique ou de la mise en Ɠuvre des projets ;
  • Un minimum de 5 ans d’expĂ©rience dans la riposte au VIH/Sida ;
  • ExpĂ©rience des processus de planification complexes hautement souhaitable ;
  • Avoir occuper un poste de coordination des interventions de sante publique ;
  • Avoir des connaissances dans le domaine du genre et de son implĂ©mentation ;
  • Connaissances informatiques en MS-Word, MS-Excel et MS-Powerpoint ;

Langues requises :

  • Excellentes compĂ©tences en communication Ă©crite et orale en anglais et en français, sensibilitĂ© culturelle, souplesse et capacitĂ© d’improvisation.

Durée de la consultation

La durée totale de la consultation est de (4) mois pour une durée de 60 jours à compter de la date de recrutement mentionnée dans le contrat

Modalités de paiement

Le/La Consultant(e) sera payé(e) Conformément à la grille des consultants du SNU au Cameroun, en fonction des compétences et expériences professionnelles avérées. Le paiement des émoluments du/de la consultant(e) se fera en trois tranches et de la maniÚre suivante :

  • Trente pour cent (30%) aprĂšs la remise et approbation du Rapport d’analyse situationnel couplĂ© Ă  l’évaluation du plan sectoriel 2016-2020.
  • Trente pour cent (30%) aprĂšs la remise du draft du Plan sectoriel incluant le plan operationnel ;
  • Quarante pour cent (40%) aprĂšs la remise du Plan sectoriel validĂ© « Femmes-Familles » de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et des IST 2021-2026 en français et en anglais dĂ»ment approuvĂ© par ONU Femmes et prĂ©sentĂ© officiellement a l’occasion du mois camerounais de lutte contre le VIH et le Sida.

VII. Dossier Ă  soumettre

Le consultant (e) doit joindre les documents suivants :

  • Une lettre de motivation dĂ»ment signĂ©e adressĂ©e Ă  ONUFEMMES ;
  • Un curriculum vitae faisant ressortir les compĂ©tences et l’expĂ©rience professionnelle du/de la candidate;
  • Une offre technique constituĂ©e d’une brĂšve prĂ©sentation (5 pages maximum) sur la comprĂ©hension de la mission, la mĂ©thodologie, le plan de travail
  • La prĂ©sentation des produits ou des attestations pour des travaux similaires constituerait un atout dans l’offre technique.

Note : Veuillez scanner toutes les piÚces demandées en un seul document et soumettre en ligne dans le site du PNUD au plus tard le 10 août 2022 à 23h59, date limite de dépÎt des candidatures.

Les candidatures féminines sont fortement encouragées.

Grille d’évaluation des dossiers de candidature



Master en santé publique ou en sciences sociales

Oui = 20 Non = 0

Connaissance attestée des problématiques liées au genre et au VIH et du contexte national sur les questions relatives au Genre, VBG, VIH/Sida, auprÚs des populations vulnérables notamment les femmes et les filles ;

Bonne = 20 Moyenne = 10 Faible = 5

ExpĂ©rience attestĂ©e dans l’élaboration des plans et autres documents d’orientation en sante et sur le VIH/Sida

Bonne = 20 Moyenne = 10 Faible = 5

Connaissance des directives nationales de prise en charge psychosociale des femmes, des filles et des familles infectées et/ou affectées

Bonne = 10 Moyenne = 5 Faible = 0

Connaissance des milieux institutionnels et communautaires

Bonne = 10 Moyenne = 5 Faible = 0

Offre technique faisant une analyse critique des termes de rĂ©fĂ©rence et prĂ©sentant de façon dĂ©taillĂ©e l’approche mĂ©thodologique pour la rĂ©alisation de la mission

Bonne = 20 Moyenne = 10 Faible = 5

VIII. Chronogramme de la Mission

La mission démarrera dÚs la notification du contrat et selon le calendrier ci-dessous :



Procéder à une analyse de la contribution du secteur « Femme et Famille » dans la réponse nationale et déterminer les Forces les Faiblesse les Opportunités et les Menaces (FFOM)

Concertation /élaboration du Plan Opérationnel :

  • La Formulation des orientations
  • L’Élaboration du draft 0 du plan opĂ©rationnel

La Consolidation, finalisation et validation du cadre stratégique de la riposte nationale au VIH/sida.

Traduction, édition et présentation officielle du plan sectoriel « Femmes-Familles » de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et des IST 2021-2026;

Vulgarisation et dissémination du plan sectoriel « Femmes-Familles » de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et des IST 2021-2026 couplé aux sessions de brainstorming sur le terrain sur le lien entre les VBG et le VIH dans le secteur.

IX. Conditions restrictives en matiÚre de droit de propriété

Tous les documents relatifs aux travaux du/de la consultante deviendront la propriĂ©tĂ© du MinistĂšre de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille et d’ONU Femmes. Le/la consultante sera tenue au respect de l’interdiction de tout partage ou divulgation des donnĂ©es ou des informations obtenues au cours de sa mission sans autorisation expresse.

, Apply now , Added 17 hours ago – Updated 11 minutes ago – Source: jobs.undp.org

Grant Opportunities: Environmental Photographer of the Year Competition 2022

Deadline: 31-Aug-22

Applications for Environmental Photographer of the Year (EPOTY) Competition 2022 is now open to celebrate humanity’s ability to survive and innovate and showcases thought-provoking images that call attention to their impact and inspire them to live sustainably.

Now in its 15th year, The Environmental Photographer of the Year competition showcases the most inspirational environmental photography from around the world.

  • Environmental Photographer of the Year
  • Young Environmental Photographer of the Year
  • Vision of the Future
  • Recovering Nature
  • Keeping 1.5 Alive
  • Adapting for Tomorrow
Funding Information
  • The Environmental Photographer of the Year and The Young Environmental Photographer of the Year prizes:
    • Environmental Photographer of the Year
      • The top award will be granted to a single image that furthers people’s understanding of the causes and effects of environmental change and social inequality, highlights solutions to the climate and ecological emergency, and inspires us to live sustainably.
      • This category is open to professional and amateur photographers of all ages, from all over the world. The winner will receive a ÂŁ5,000 cash prize in addition to an interview in CIWEM’s Environment Magazine, a profile on WaterBear’s website, and a feature on Nikon Europe’s website.
    • Young Environmental Photographer of the Year
      • In partnership with Nikon, this award showcases the best in environmental photography through the lens of young photographers aged 21 and under.
      • This category recognises rising talent and is open to photographers aged 21 years or younger. The winner will receive a Z Series Mirrorless camera and two NIKKOR Z lenses of their choosing, as well as an interview in CIWEM’s Environment Magazine and a feature on the Waterbear and Nikon platforms.
  • Additional Prizes
    • Additional ÂŁ1,000 cash prizes are awarded in the following four categories:
      • Vision of the Future
      • Recovering Nature
      • Keeping 1.5 Alive
      • Adapting for Tomorrow
  • The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers of all ages and from around the world.
  • Each entrant may submit up to three (3) still photographs.
  • All photographs submitted must have been taken after 01 Jan 2021.
  • Each photo must be submitted under one of the categories published on the competition website.
  • Each photo must be submitted with a completed form in English answering the below requirements:
    • details about the date and location where the photo was captured;
    • information (optional) about the photographic equipment and camera settings used at the time the photo was taken (ISO, shutter speed, aperture, focal length);
    • description of the photo’s content, its context or background (including declaring any staging for artistic or creative ends);
    • a clear explanation on how this work fits the selected category’s criteria;
    • an ethics statement (optional), describing any ethical considerations encountered when taking the photo.
  • All entries should be a faithful representation of the original scene and maintain integrity of the photo’s content and context. Some digital adjustments and editing is allowed, but entrants should understand that the objective is to remain faithful to the original scene, and to never deceive the viewer or misrepresent reality.
  • Entries with overlay signatures, watermarks or stencils will be disqualified automatically.
  • Entries must be submitted as digital files only, in a high-res JPEG format with a maximum file size of 199MB. If selected, entrants must be able to supply images as RAW files or original JPEGs.
  • CIWEM takes no responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed or incomplete or cannot be delivered or entered for any technical or other reason. Proof of delivery of the entry is not proof of receipt.

For more information, visit https://epoty.org/

Grant Opportunities: Nominations Open for Go Global Awards

Deadline: 15-Sep-22

The International Trade Council’s Go Global Awards is now open to celebrate the companies that are driving the economy forward through their innovations, technologies and strategies.

The Awards bring together hundreds of senior executives from some of the world’s most innovative manufacturers, re-manufacturers and exporters, along with representatives from government bodies, trade associations, venture capital firms and financial institutions.

While the Go Global Awards offer the opportunity to be recognized and honored by their peers it also goes beyond winning trophies and citations. The program aims to build a community of manufacturers, exporters and related service providers to support one another, share ideas, create partnerships and build on their existing knowledge and connections.

The International Trade Council has partnered with the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency to launch this year’s Go Global Awards!

This year’s Go Global Awards are dedicated to those organizations who, despite challenging times display innovation and resilience. This year’s Global Awards finalist events will be held in Tallinn, Ionia, from the 19th— 21st October 2022.

Why Enter?
  • Generates Brand Awareness
    • Winning a Go Global Award is a great way to boost marketing’s internal reputation – it brings attention to an area where the business is truly outperforming its competitors and can be directly linked to increased business results.
    • Just being shortlisted can improve brand awareness and promote your business to new customers via local or national PR.
  • Separates you from your competition
    • Winning a Go Global Award, being a finalist, or being nominated can act as a 3rd party endorsement for your business and is a positive way of differentiating yourself from your competitors.
    • The trust and credibility that comes with Go Global Awards recognition can play a key part in a potential new customer’s decision to choose you.
  • Improves Organizational Value
    • Winning a Go Global Award boosts your stature among shareholders, partners, customers and employees. If you are the best, the best will want to work with you.
    • Participating in the Go Global Awards sends a positive messages to customers, investors and partners; reassuring them that they’re making the right choice.
  • Improves Employee Moral
    • Entering the awards is a fantastic way to recognize the hard work of your employees and partners.
    • Even if you’re not a final winner, the mere act of entering will go some way to letting your employees know you truly value their work, which can be a huge confidence boost.
  • Creates New Business Opportunities
    • Entering the Go Global Awards offers your organization a ticket to a world of new business opportunities. There are plenty of opportunities to meet like-minded people providing plenty of business networking potential at the finalist rounds, judging events and awards dinner.
    • If your organization is growth oriented, and you are looking to make exporting a reality, or to take you ambitions to the next level, participating in these awards can introduce you to people that can help make it happen.
  • It’s Free to Enter
    • Simply complete the online entry form and if your business is a finalist you will be invited to participate in the Council’s Go Global Awards Program where you can pitch in front of judges, investors and potential customers.

For more information, visit https://goglobalawards.org/about/

UN Jobs: Regional Communication Manager – West Africa – Senegal


Regional Communication Manager – West Africa

The IRC has country programs in eight West Africa countries—Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Chad—and implements programs through the arc of crisis, emergency, humanitarian and development contexts. As an organization and within the West Africa region, the IRC wishes to use its influence and raise the voice of our clients so as to affect meaningful change alongside the direct program delivery. The Regional Communication Manager will work with the Regional Advocacy & Communication Coordinator, in-country Communication colleagues, the Senior Officer of Global Communication, and other key personnel to position and effect change in the communication sphere. When required, the Communication Manager will work closely with the Grants and Business Development team to ensure that proposed communication materials are in line with donors’ rules and regulations.

Job Overview / Summary:

The Regional Communication Manager will be the focal point for development and execution of the West Africa regional communication & visibility strategy, supporting communication efforts at a country, regional, and international level. The role will contribute into global, regional and sub-regional themes and will make key contributions to strengthen IRC’s positioning in international and regional forums and media, convening multiple stakeholders to deliver breakthrough communication results.

By scanning regional media coverage, internal blogs, regional thematic factsheets, identifying and nourishing networking within the media, talking points for spokespersons, and developing other communication materials as necessary, this position will enhance the effectiveness of the IRC’s policy and advocacy initiatives, programs, and operations undertaken to assist those affected by the conflict and catastrophe in the Region. Based on the IRC’s existing resources, the WA Regional Communication Manager will provide communication training sessions to in-country communication colleagues.

The Regional Communication Manager produces outstanding content that brings the IRC’s life-saving work in West Africa to life for external audiences. He/she covers breaking humanitarian emergencies and also develops information and content assets that showcase the IRC’s on the ground impact. He/she will also seek out information from country teams to develop feature pitches and land earned media coverage in top-tier international news outlets in collaboration with the regional Senior Global Communications officer.

The Regional Communication Manager will receive direct technical support from the Senior Global Communications Officer on storytelling, media engagement and press release writing, photography and video tips, informed consent and communication strategy. The Regional Communication Manager will receive career skills and guidance in the communications field for their personal growth and development.


The WA Regional Communication Manager reports to the WA Regional Advocacy & Communication Coordinator and Senior Officer Global Communications.

Major responsibilities

The Communication manager will support the Region and Country Offices as needed on defining and implementing the WA communication strategy and will be responsible for supporting global communication initiatives where relevant. The position also includes providing back-up support and capacity for the Country Offices.

1. Strategic outcomes

‱ Develop the WA regional communication strategy with support from the Regional Advocacy & Communication Coordinator and the IRC Senior Officer Global Communications, in line with the Strategy 100 ambitions and the regional advocacy strategy, and to drive awareness of the IRC’s impact and advocacy, enhancing the IRC’s reputation, supporting fundraising objectives, and influencing target policy makers. This will require the approval and buy-in from regional and in-country leadership.

‱ Work with communication colleagues across the IRC and advocacy & communication Coordinator to facilitate and support dynamic communications tactics, including innovative media outreach, top tier op-eds, creative digital content and dynamic, audience-driven social media output, and support advocacy campaigns.

2. Internal coordination & external networking

‱ Strengthen IRC internal communication efforts by attending meetings of the global communication teams to strengthen coordination and communication across the IRC, and increase internal visibility of IRC’s work in West Africa.

‱ Analyze current internal communication channels and content, lead a review and governance process to improve channel and content quality and impact.

‱ Deliver strategic proactive and reactive media relations, leveraging regional insights and expertise in both international and humanitarian media to increase the IRC’s media share of voice and digital engagement.

3. Communication materials

‱ In support of the Regional and Country leadership, work closely with the IRC Senior Officer Global Communications, collect of response information and authentic story-led content suitable for IRC HQ communications, including media, social media and stories and updates for the website, as well as support efforts to proactively engage with international and regional media to pitch stories about IRC’s response, advocacy priorities and partnerships, resulting in high-quality, top-tier coverage.

‱ Support the Regional and Country Program teams to present information about project activities and the needs of displaced people in the form of case studies and other content in an attractive and engaging format that can be shared with the public, media, regional level stakeholders, partners and donors.

‱ Work with country teams to develop country communications strategies that advance their communications and advocacy objectives reflected in their strategy100.

‱ Collaborate with IT and other colleagues to ensure the West Africa Team page is maintained up to date

‱ Partner with in house and external experts to produce Digital Content and Communications outputs that are integrated with strategic external relations objectives, aligned to clear distribution, and measurement.

‱ Gather content through multiple digital mediums — photo, video, audio etc. — using industry standard practices and equipment.

‱ Deploy excellent writing skills to deliver press release and pitches that land IRC-led features, high-level IRC messages for cross-organizational use, top tier op-eds placement, and talking points for spokespeople.

4. Country Office Support

‱ Conduct field visits to COs to support on the development of their Communication strategy aligned with their Strategy 100 ambition, global communication materials, and support COs in their needs or communication requirements.

‱ Provide communication training for field communication staff and media training to field spokespeople as needed.

Key working relationships

– Position Reports to: WA Regional Advocacy & Communication Coordinator, this management in Partnership (MIP) with the Senior Officer Global Communications in the Global Crisis and Response Communications (GCRC) team.

– Key internal relationships: Country Directors and Deputy Director -Programs IRC US/EU Policy & Advocacy and External Relation colleagues, Grants Managers and Coordinators, and relevant subject matter experts including Technical Advisors, key communications and content gathering staff on the Public Affairs, Digital Engagement and Content and Creative Studio teams.

– Key external relationships: With in-country freelancers; international reporters and foreign correspondents and some IRC corporate partners.



‱ Undergraduate degree, preferably in communications, marketing or public relations

‱ Fluency in French & English is essential both oral and written.

‱ Good knowledge of another language spoken in West Africa would be considered an asset.

Work experience:

‱ More than five years of communications experience in internal/corporate communications, marketing or social media

‱ Demonstrated experience supporting communications efforts in relevant organizations and contexts.

Demonstrated skills and competencies:

‱ Excellent research and writing skills with deep understanding of grammar, strong attention to detail and fine-tuned editorial skills and, the ability to translate complex material and data into coherent narratives.

‱ Strong communication skills with a demonstrated ability to communicate successfully in easily understandable language with diverse individuals and groups.

‱ Demonstrated ability to identify emerging trends in communications, develop related strategies and effectively translate them into actionable plans

‱ Excellent networking, interpersonal, communication, relationship-building skills and an ability to cultivate and maintain a personal network of sources and contacts working in similar or related fields.

‱ Easily navigates technology; proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and other desktop publishing tools. Experience managing an intranet is desirable.

‱ Comfortable with (or desire to learn) basic video and visual content creation / editing tools

‱ Understanding of international relief and development issue.

‱ Ability to think strategically and work independently quickly and effectively under pressure, including the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects simultaneously

‱ Proactive and able to work independently and as part of a team

‱ Culturally sensitive – able and interested in working with a multi-diverse team.

Standards of Professional Conduct: The IRC and the IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way – Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Equality and Accountability. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti Workplace Harassment, Fiscal Integrity Anti-Retaliation and Combating Trafficking in Persons.

Gender Equality: The IRC is committed to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offer benefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and other supportive benefits and allowances.

Working Environment:

Standard office work environment and/or remote work. Up to 30% travel required.

Other Information:

The position is based in Dakar. Dakar is currently not assessed as a high-risk environment and it remains a generally safe city as long as the IRC security protocols are observed.

How to apply


Grant Opportunities: Minority Serving Institutions Humanitarian Fellowship Program

Deadline: 16-Sep-22

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Humanitarian Fellowship Program.

Goal and Program Objectives
  • USAID/BHA is soliciting applications to support and implement the MSI Humanitarian Fellowship program. This program is designed to benefit the broader humanitarian community, and will enable organizations to better reflect the beneficiaries the humanitarian system serves, as more diverse voices and perspectives are brought into the system.
  • This program has the following overarching goal, and two objectives which support this goal.
    • Overarching Goal: To promote and advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) within the international humanitarian system, with the ultimate aim of better serving a diversity of beneficiaries.
    • Objective 1: Increase diversity within the international humanitarian system. This will be accomplished by contributing to a medium/long-term recruitment pipeline of diverse graduating college seniors for entry level positions in the international humanitarian system. By creating this pipeline, the Fellowship program will enhance DEIA within the NGO community, and the broader humanitarian system. Increased diversity will ultimately improve provision of assistance to beneficiaries, as diverse staff will be more representative of the populations served.
    • Objective 2: Foster linkages between academic MSIs and international NGOs (INGOs), thereby providing avenues for MSIs to benefit from existing learning opportunities, technical resources, panel events and discussions, and professional networks offered by the INGO community. As MSIs strengthen ties with INGOs, the staffing opportunities and pipeline for these INGOs will become more diverse.
Funding Information
  • Through this NOFO, USAID/BHA intends to award one cooperative agreement, but reserves the right to award any other form of assistance agreement. For this NOFO, USAID/BHA intends to award up to $15 million in total USAID funding.
  • The anticipated start date of the new award is to be determined (TBD) based on the final award date. The awards will be issued for a period of performance of up to thirty six (36) months from the date of award.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Eligibility is restricted to qualified U.S. and non-U.S. non-profit organizations which may apply for funding for an assistance award under this NOFO. Foreign government-owned parastatal organizations from countries that have certain legal restrictions for receiving assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act or related appropriations acts are ineligible.
  • This restriction of eligibility is necessary for programmatic purposes as the MSI Humanitarian Fellowship program is intended to stimulate a public purpose, and the direct linkage to non-profit organizations with a humanitarian mandate is critical for the goal and objectives of this program, including the development of a diverse pipeline of talent for the humanitarian sector.
  • Non-U.S. non-profit organizations that apply must have a physical office in the U.S. with sufficient internal capacity and financial ability to host one (1) to two (2) humanitarian fellows. Interested non-profit organizations must apply as a consortium, comprised of at least five (5) NGOs, and not more than ten (10) NGOs.
  • For purposes of this NOFO, the consortium must have one lead organization that will serve as the applicant organization. The application must identify any other members of the consortium tied to the implementation of the activity as described in the application.
  • USAID/BHA welcomes applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID.
  • USAID welcomes applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID.
  • Faith-based organizations are eligible to apply for federal financial assistance on the same basis as any other organization and are subject to the protections and requirements of Federal law.

For more information, visit https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=342533

Grant Opportunities: Apply for Global COP27 Journalism Fellowship (in-Person or Virtual)

Deadline: 19-Aug-22

Climatetracker.org is excited to announce its 2022 climate justice journalism fellowship for young reporters to cover the COP27, happening in Egypt.

The world is already turning its gaze to the city of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, where the UN Climate Negotiations (COP27) will be taking place this year, from 7-18 November 2022. This conference could be a chance to turn the Glasgow outcome into action, through the implementation of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and financial strategies.

So, this year, they’re happy to let you know that there are two ways you can join their fellowship to get training and cover the critical issues for your country and region throughout the negotiations. You could be with the team in Egypt or you could opt to be part of their virtual team. Either way, you’ll be receiving training from climate reporters with years of experience telling the COP stories!

  • Your commitments as an in-person fellow
    • Once selected, they will get the ball rolling really quickly! Here’s a taste of what you’ll be jumping straight into:
      • Publishing pre-COP27, during COP27, and after the negotiations have ended
      • Participating in all training sessions on the climate negotiations
      • Providing updates and relevant information on the proceedings to the global team of 12 online reporters also covering COP27
  • Join their global team of virtual reporters
    • Would you rather have the freedom to publish your stories remotely by joining their team of 12 online fellows? Then apply for this opportunity!
  • Your commitments as an in-person fellow
    • Stipend
    • Full travel and accommodation coverage
    • Work and live with journalists from around the world, in Egypt
    • Be part of well-known COP Climate Tracker team
    • Interview and network with leading environment voices in the world
    • Track your country’s negotiations live and directly
    • 1 month of pre-COP27 online training in the lead up to the conference
    • Small group and individual mentoring throughout COP27
    • Support to edit and pitch your stories throughout COP27
    • Opportunities to work on collaborative stories with other reporters from around your region, and the world
    • Global publicity!
  • Join their global team of virtual reporters
    • €250 stipend
    • 1 month of pre-COP27 online training in the lead up to the conference
    • Small group and individual mentoring throughout COP27
    • Support to edit and pitch your stories throughout COP27
    • Opportunities to work on collaborative stories with other reporters from around your region, and the world
    • Global publicity!
    • This chance could be for you if you

      • Are willing and able to pitch and publish stories in your national media
      • Have a willingness to learn about climate politics
      • Have a good wifi connection
      • Can engage in some English-based trainings (though mentoring, publishing and individual training will be multilingual)
      • Are from or living in a developing country
      • Are keen to join the Climate Tracker family
Eligibility Criteria

Ideal candidates will

  • Be 18-35 years old
  • Have at least 1 year of journalism experience
  • Have a hunger to improve as a journalist
  • Have a proven history of writing quality climate stories (show that you’ve published a climate or environmental story in the past 3 months)

For more information, visit https://climatetracker.org/apply-for-our-global-cop27-journalism-fellowship-in-person-or-online-2/

Grant Opportunities: Apply for Global COP27 Journalism Fellowship (in-Person or Virtual)

Deadline: 19-Aug-22

Climatetracker.org is excited to announce its 2022 climate justice journalism fellowship for young reporters to cover the COP27, happening in Egypt.

The world is already turning its gaze to the city of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, where the UN Climate Negotiations (COP27) will be taking place this year, from 7-18 November 2022. This conference could be a chance to turn the Glasgow outcome into action, through the implementation of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and financial strategies.

So, this year, they’re happy to let you know that there are two ways you can join their fellowship to get training and cover the critical issues for your country and region throughout the negotiations. You could be with the team in Egypt or you could opt to be part of their virtual team. Either way, you’ll be receiving training from climate reporters with years of experience telling the COP stories!

  • Your commitments as an in-person fellow
    • Once selected, they will get the ball rolling really quickly! Here’s a taste of what you’ll be jumping straight into:
      • Publishing pre-COP27, during COP27, and after the negotiations have ended
      • Participating in all training sessions on the climate negotiations
      • Providing updates and relevant information on the proceedings to the global team of 12 online reporters also covering COP27
  • Join their global team of virtual reporters
    • Would you rather have the freedom to publish your stories remotely by joining their team of 12 online fellows? Then apply for this opportunity!
  • Your commitments as an in-person fellow
    • Stipend
    • Full travel and accommodation coverage
    • Work and live with journalists from around the world, in Egypt
    • Be part of well-known COP Climate Tracker team
    • Interview and network with leading environment voices in the world
    • Track your country’s negotiations live and directly
    • 1 month of pre-COP27 online training in the lead up to the conference
    • Small group and individual mentoring throughout COP27
    • Support to edit and pitch your stories throughout COP27
    • Opportunities to work on collaborative stories with other reporters from around your region, and the world
    • Global publicity!
  • Join their global team of virtual reporters
    • €250 stipend
    • 1 month of pre-COP27 online training in the lead up to the conference
    • Small group and individual mentoring throughout COP27
    • Support to edit and pitch your stories throughout COP27
    • Opportunities to work on collaborative stories with other reporters from around your region, and the world
    • Global publicity!
    • This chance could be for you if you

      • Are willing and able to pitch and publish stories in your national media
      • Have a willingness to learn about climate politics
      • Have a good wifi connection
      • Can engage in some English-based trainings (though mentoring, publishing and individual training will be multilingual)
      • Are from or living in a developing country
      • Are keen to join the Climate Tracker family
Eligibility Criteria

Ideal candidates will

  • Be 18-35 years old
  • Have at least 1 year of journalism experience
  • Have a hunger to improve as a journalist
  • Have a proven history of writing quality climate stories (show that you’ve published a climate or environmental story in the past 3 months)

For more information, visit https://climatetracker.org/apply-for-our-global-cop27-journalism-fellowship-in-person-or-online-2/

UN Jobs: Business Development Manager | ReliefWeb

Business Development Manager

The Organisation

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected.

Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries.

The Role

The conflict in Ukraine is resulting in a major humanitarian crisis with over 3 million people having fled to neighboring countries, and millions displaced within Ukraine. Plan International is responding to the crisis and working in partnership with civil society organisations in Poland, Romania, and Moldova to meet the key needs of those affected by the crisis as well as host communities.

This position will play a key role in the support to country level activities and will provide technical support and guidance to Plan International teams and partners in Poland, Romania, and Moldova. The position will initially be remote but may well be based in one of the 3 countries in the future.

The Ukraine Hub is a service-oriented structure to support initiation of activities, and to help find solutions to problems as and when arise. Creative thinking and identifying work arounds to problems faced will be a critical element of the role.

You will be responsible for;

  • Maintaining a strong donor portfolio
  • Proactively working with National Organisation (NO) counterparts to identify and win appropriate grant opportunities.
  • Overseeing and coordinating the development, writing and packaging of successful grant proposals from concept through to award.
  • Developing and maintaining links with institutional donors, UN agencies ensuring Plan International is recognised as a go to agency for gender equity programming in humanitarian crises.

The Requirements


  • Extensive experience in humanitarian fundraising, quality proposal development and networking.
  • Demonstrated experience in designing and leading strategic planning processes
  • Knowledge of key humanitarian programme areas including, Child protection in emergencies, education in emergencies, cash and voucher assistance, partnerships.
  • Knowledge and Experience in project management cycle.
  • Ability to prioritize work effectively.
  • Ability to work independently without close supervision.
  • Strong planning and organizational skills.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Communication skills.
  • High level advocacy skills.
  • Facilitation and negotiation skills.
  • Proficient in computer skills and use of relevant software and other applications.
  • Excellent English oral and written communication skills.
  • Advanced negotiating skills.


  • Language skills in Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, or Moldovan are advantageous.

For the full Job Description please click HERE

Location: Flexible where Plan International has a legal entity and you have the pre-existing right to work. Some travel to Poland, Moldova and/or Romania will be required

Applicable locations may include: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Type of Role: Fixed Term

Duration: 3 months

Reports to: Ukraine Response Operations Manager

Closing Date: 16th August 2022

Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan International stands for.

We want Plan International to reflect the diversity of the communities we work with, offering equal opportunities to everyone regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Plan International is based on a culture of inclusivity and we strive to create a workplace environment that ensures every team, in every office, in every country, is rich in diverse people, thoughts, and ideas.

We foster an organisational culture that embraces our commitment to racial justice, gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion.

Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. This means that we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with and we must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk.

A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International’s Safeguarding Children and Young People policy. Plan International also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this scheme we will request information from applicants previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

How to apply

For further information and to apply for this role please follow this link; https://jobs.plan-international.org/job-invite/43130/