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UN Jobs: Case Management Child Protection Assistant


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Job Description

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) rĂ©pond aux pires crises humanitaires du monde et aide les gens Ă  survivre et Ă  reconstruire leur vie. FondĂ© en 1933 Ă  la demande d’Albert Einstein, l’IRC offre des services de soins vitaux et d’aide Ă  la survie aux rĂ©fugiĂ©s forcĂ©s de fuir la guerre ou une catastrophe. Travaillant aujourd’hui dans plus de 40 pays, nous redonnons sĂ©curitĂ©, dignitĂ© et espoir Ă  des millions de personnes dĂ©placĂ©es qui luttent pour survivre. La mission de l’IRC est d’aider les personnes dont les vies et les moyens de subsistance sont brisĂ©s par un conflit ou une catastrophe Ă  survivre, Ă  se remettre et Ă  prendre leur avenir en main.


L’IRC a commencĂ© ses opĂ©rations au Cameroun en 2016 pour rĂ©pondre aux prĂ©occupations croissantes pour les personnes affectĂ©es par la violence liĂ©e Ă  Boko Haram, dans l’extrĂȘme nord du pays. L’assistance aux populations dĂ©placĂ©es s’Ă©tend Ă  l’ensemble de l’ExtrĂȘme-Nord, notamment Ă  Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga et Logone & Chari, en mettant en Ɠuvre des programmes vitaux visant Ă  accroĂźtre l’accĂšs Ă  l’eau et Ă  amĂ©liorer les pratiques d’hygiĂšne dans les communautĂ©s vulnĂ©rables dĂ©placĂ©es et d’accueil, des programmes d’aide financiĂšre pour permettre aux familles pauvres de satisfaire leurs besoins de base et d’amĂ©liorer leur sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, et des programmes de protection, y compris la rĂ©ponse aux besoins spĂ©cifiques des femmes et des filles. Le bureau de coordination est situĂ© Ă  Maroua, avec une base de terrain Ă  Kousseri et un bureau de reprĂ©sentation Ă  YaoundĂ©.

Suite Ă  la crise croissante dans les rĂ©gions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest du Cameroun, l’IRC a Ă©tendu ses opĂ©rations Ă  la rĂ©gion du Sud-Ouest en aoĂ»t 2018. L’IRC fournit une aide humanitaire vitale aux personnes dĂ©placĂ©es Ă  l’intĂ©rieur du pays, avec une base de terrain Ă  Buea.

Dans son plan d’action stratĂ©gique 2020, l’IRC Cameroun s’est engagĂ© Ă  continuer Ă  fournir des services humanitaires essentiels, en mettant l’accent sur la sĂ©curitĂ© dans les communautĂ©s et en veillant Ă  ce que les populations affectĂ©es puissent satisfaire leurs besoins de base, tout en renforçant la rĂ©silience des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires, en particulier les femmes et les filles, et en rĂ©pondant aux besoins des jeunes. L’IRC Cameroun est financĂ© par des bailleurs de fonds europĂ©ens et amĂ©ricains.

Protection de l’enfant

Sous la supervision directe de l’officier de protection de l’enfant, l’assistant(e) de protection de l’enfant gestionnaire de cas s’assurera que les enfants exposĂ©s ou victimes de Violences, exploitation, discrimination, abus et nĂ©gligence sont identifiĂ©s et bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’un accompagnement individuel. Il/elle apporte Ă©galement un soutien aux parents et aux familles. Il/elle devra travailler en coordination avec les autres travailleurs sociaux, les autres dĂ©partements de l’IRC et les services prĂ©sents dans les communautĂ©s afin d’’apporter une rĂ©ponse intĂ©grĂ©e aux divers besoins de l’Enfant. L’assistant de protection travaillera Ă©troitement avec les relais communautaires, les comitĂ©s parents, les structures communautaires et les enseignants pour l’identification des cas en communautĂ© et en milieu scolaire. L’assistant de protection dĂ©veloppera et maintiendra des relations avec les autres partenaires humanitaires du milieu et les autoritĂ©s locales par rapport Ă  la facilitation d’accĂšs aux services de base.

Description du poste

L’assistant Gestion de cas s’assure que les enfants qui subissent des violences ou qui sont exposĂ©s au risque de violences sont identifiĂ©s et bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’un accompagnement individuel. Il/elle apporte Ă©galement un soutien aux parents et aux familles. Il/elle devra travailler en coordination avec les autres travailleurs sociaux, les autres dĂ©partements de l’IRC (SantĂ©, Nutrition, Soutien Economique) et les services prĂ©sents dans les communautĂ©s afin d’’apporter une rĂ©ponse intĂ©grĂ©e aux divers besoins de l’Enfant.

Il/elle est sous la supervision de l’Officier de Protection. Il/elle sera basĂ© sur le terrain (Afade)

Durée : 3 Mois


Apporte un suivi individuel et appropriĂ© aux enfants exposĂ©s Ă  des violences, abus, de la nĂ©gligence ou Ă  l’exploitation

Responsable de chaque Ă©tape de la gestion de cas : Ă©valuer les besoins et les risques des enfants et de leur famille, dĂ©velopper des plans d’action, apporter un soutien direct, rĂ©fĂ©rer les cas, et assurer le suivi pour tous les cas qui lui sont assignĂ©s. Il/elle documentera chaque Ă©tape et action prise.

Apporte un soutien psychosocial aux parents, aux familles ainsi qu’aux familles d’accueil et autre systùme d’accueil alternatif.

Respecte strictement les principes fondamentaux de la protection de l’enfance et de la gestion de cas : la confidentialitĂ©, la participation de l’enfant, l’intĂ©rĂȘt supĂ©rieur de l’enfant, la non-discrimination et le « Do No Harm ».

Assure une communication effective et rĂ©guliĂšre avec l’Officier de Protection de l’Enfance


Communique de maniĂšre effective et rĂ©guliĂšre avec les autres travailleurs sociaux ainsi que les autres programmes de protection de l’enfance d’IRC (SHLS, Groupe de ParentalitĂ©)

Participe aux rĂ©unions de coordination hebdomadaires interne ainsi qu’aux rĂ©unions de coordination inter-organisations si nĂ©cessaire

Travaille en coordination avec les autres acteurs et services existant dans les zones d’intervention pour apporter une meilleure rĂ©ponse aux besoins des enfants et de leurs familles

DĂ©veloppe et maintien de bonnes relations de travail avec les relais communautaires et les structures communautaires dans la zone d’intervention

Suivi et rapportage

Gestion du systÚme de documentation et des données et application des outils de suivi

Contribue au dĂ©veloppement d’activĂ©s pour les futurs projets et subventions

Produit des rapports et contribue aux rapports mensuels et d’avancement du projet

Autres responsabilités

Evalue de façon proactive et rĂ©guliĂšre la suretĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© des Ă©quipes sur le terrain et rapporter tout incident ou inquiĂ©tude Ă  l’Officier de Protection.

Toute autre tùche demandée par son superviseur permettant la bonne avancée du programme


· DiplÎme technique ou diplÎme en travail social, psychologie, science humaine ou diplÎme connexe désiré

· Au moins 1 an d’expĂ©rience dans la mise en Ɠuvre de programmes de protection de l’enfance, de soutien psychosocial ou de gestion de cas

· Expérience de travail dans des contextes humanitaires ou de développement souhaitable

· Compréhension avérée du travail avec les enfants et les enfants vulnérables

· MaĂźtrise du français indispensable, connaissance pratique d’autres langues locales est un atout

· ExpĂ©rience antĂ©rieure en prĂ©paration et intervention d’urgence prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e

Qualités requises

· Créativité

· Flexibilité

· Faire preuve d’une trĂšs grande autonomie, une capacitĂ© d’organisation

· Gestion du stress et de la pression

· Qualité dans les relations interpersonnelles

· Aptitudes à la communication

· Esprit d’équipe

· Attentif et curieux

· Ouvert à de nouvelles idées

· Lettre de motivation adressée à la Directrice Pays de IRC Cameroun ;

· CV

· Photocopie(s) du/des diplÎmes exigé(s) ;

· Photocopie de la carte nationale d’identitĂ© ;

· Photocopies des documents qui justifient l’expĂ©rience du candidat (attestations de stage et d’emploi, certificat de travail) ;

Lieu de DĂ©pĂŽt des Candidatures

Les dossiers complets seront déposés dans une enveloppe anonyme portant la mention :

« Candidature pour le poste de : _______titre du poste sollicité________ Kousseri- International Rescue Commitee- » Au Bureau de IRC Kousseri ou Maroua

Ou à l’adresse Email suivant : [email protected]

NB : Date limite de recevabilité des dossiers : 31 Juillet 2022 .

Les candidatures féminines sont fortement encouragées. Seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés

, Apply now , Added 19 hours ago – Updated 1 hour ago – Source: rescue.org

UN Jobs: Human Resources Manager, P-4, Fixed Term, Yaoundé, Cameroon


, Mid Human Resources ,


This is a P-4 contract. This kind of contract is known as Professional and Director staff. It is normally internationally recruited only. It’s a staff contract. It usually requires 7 years of experience, depending on education.


The salary for this job should be between 124,447 USD and 160,449 USD.

Salary for a P-4 contract in Yaoundé

The international rate of 90,970 USD, with an additional 36.8% at this the location, applies.

Please keep in mind that the salary displayed here is an estimation by UN Talent based on the location and the type of contract. It may vary depending on the organization. The recruiter should be able to inform you about the exact salary range. In case the job description contains another salary information, please refer to this one.

More about P-4 contracts and their salaries.


UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, a childhood

UNICEF has been working in Cameroon since 1975 to allow women and children to fully realize their rights to development without restriction, as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF provides financial and technical support to Cameroon across seven areas to fully realize the rights of women and children. These areas include Health, HIV/AIDS, Water-sanitation-Hygiene, nutrition, education, child protection, and social inclusion. UNICEF focuses mainly on children and the most vulnerable and excluded families. Cameroon’s 2020 population is estimated at 26,545,863 people according to UN data. The population is young and generates strong socioeconomic demand. In rural areas, limited access to basic social services and the effects of climate change led to household impoverishment and severe child deprivations. The task is immense but not insurmountable; it requires the energy of all stakeholders in Cameroon and out of Cameroon: also, women, men, youth and children, government, technical and financial partners, donors, civil society, the private sector, parliamentarians, communities. Everyone is invited to take part in the struggle to meet the challenges that lie ahead. It is together that we will act for Cameroon, a country that summarizes the challenges and hopes of Africa.

For more information about UNICEF Cameroon, please click: here.

How can you make a difference?

Reporting to the Deputy Representative Operations (P-4), the Human Resources Manager, within their area of responsibility, is accountable for implementing HR services that enhance the capacity of their clients to deliver on their business goals and objectives. In doing so, the incumbent demonstrates the ability to anticipate HR-related needs and develop subsequent plans and solutions that align HR management with business objectives.

Summary of key functions/accountabilities:

  • Management of the HR Unit
  • Technical HR Leadership
  • Business Partnering
  • Strategic Human Resources
  • Implementation of assigned Human Resources Services
  • Learning and Capacity Development
  • HR Data Analytics

Please follow the link below to see the full job description JD Human Resources Manager Level 4.doc

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have

  • An Advanced University Degree in human resource management, business management, international relations, psychology or another related field is required.
  • Eight years of professional experience in human resource management in an international organization and/or large corporation is required.
  • Fluency in both English and French is required.
  • Previous experience with the UN system, as an asset.

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.

The UNICEF competencies required for this post are…

  • Nurtures, Leads and Manages People (2)
  • Demonstrates Self Awareness and Ethical Awareness (2)
  • Works Collaboratively with others (2)
  • Builds and Maintains Partnerships (2)
  • Innovates and Embraces Change (2)
  • Thinks and Acts Strategically (2)
  • Drives to achieve impactful results (2)
  • Manages ambiguity and complexity (2)

To view our competency framework, please visit here.

Click here to learn more about UNICEF’s values and competencies.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.

Remarks: Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

, Apply now , Added 21 hours ago – Updated 3 hours ago – Source: unicef.org

Grant Opportunities: Apply Now! Young Professionals Program

Deadline: 15-Jul-22

Applications are now open for the World Bank Group Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP) to recruit and develop future leaders to collaborate effectively across the institutions on joint WBG solutions to development challenges.

WBG is looking for applicants who demonstrate a passion for international development, graduate education, relevant professional experience, and the potential to grow into impactful leadership roles across the institutions.

The WBG YPP is a two-year leadership development program at the start of a five-year employment contract with the World Bank, IFC or MIGA. Young Professionals (YPs) start the program in Washington, DC, where they engage in intensive training—on-the-job and in the classroom—learning the fundamentals of leadership and development operations across institutions, and how to identify opportunities for joint impact.

Key Program Features
  • Professional Experience YPs are full-time employees, making significant contributions to their respective unit’s work program, while building networks and knowledge across the Bank Group through the YPP. They often join field missions, where they work on the frontlines of WBG operations, learning key aspects of their work and directly engaging with their clients.
  • Leadership Development Through the WBG YPP curriculum, YPs develop the foundational knowledge to contribute to their business and the competencies to lead. Activities range from leadership and professional development workshops to networking, mentorship and conversations with WBG leadership.
  • Training on WBG Policies, Products & Operations YPs engages in intensive training on the policies, products and operations of the World Bank, IFC and MIGA. This aspect of the WBG YPP curriculum ensures that YPs know how to operationalize joint WBG solutions to development challenges, and how to retain and apply this knowledge for years to come.
  • Global Rotations across WBG YPs participate in at least one rotation within their home institution, with some engaging in additional rotations at another institution, with the goal of developing and applying skills across the business. Rotations are a core component of the curriculum, providing YPs the exposure to understand how their institutions work (and can work together) as well as how to align their skills to priority areas, like countries affected by fragility, conflict and violence (FCV), and other challenging environments.
  • Coaching & Mentoring YPs are assigned several mentors at the peer and departmental level. Mentors can provide advice on various topics ranging from settling into Washington, DC to identifying career opportunities throughout the YP experience, and beyond.
  • Networking Events In addition to the program orientation and graduation ceremonies, the WBG YPP office organizes regular events for YPs to stay in touch with program alumni, stakeholders and broader WBG staff.
  • Management Supported Rotations & Job Placements YPs are provided management-level support in their transitions to rotations and post-YPP job placements, ensuring their skills are best placed across the business.

The WBG YPP offers a competitive salary and benefits package as part of a 5-year term contract. Benefits include health, life and accident insurance, a pension plan and possible relocation and mobility benefits depending on WBG guidelines.

Eligibility Criteria

Young Professionals are recruited from around the world, with preference to nationals of WBG member countries and countries of operations. They welcome all qualified individuals from diverse professional, academic, and cultural backgrounds to apply.

To be considered for the WBG YPP, applicants must:

  • Be born on or after October 1, 1990
  • Have a master’s or doctoral degree
  • Specialize in a field relevant to YPP Business Areas
  • Demonstrate relevant professional experience or continued study at the doctoral level
  • Be fluent in English
  • The Bank’s Group recruitment policy is to hire staff of the highest caliber, on as wide a geographical basis as possible, with preference to nationals of WBG member countries or countries of operations.
  • Graduate degree requirements:
    • For World Bank placement: Complete a relevant master’s degree by September 2022 or PhD before September 2023. Fields of study should be related to a World Bank Business Area.
    • For IFC & MIGA placement: Complete a relevant graduate degree by September 2023. Fields of study should be related to an IFC or MIGA Business Area, including but not limited to a Master’s of Business Administration (or equivalent), Economics, Finance, International Relations , Science and Engineering.
  • Professional experience requirements:
    • For World Bank placement: Demonstrate 3+ years of relevant experience, or the equivalent in continued study at the doctoral level.
    • For IFC & MIGA placement: Demonstrate 4+ years of relevant experience in finance, political risk insurance and credit enhancement, project/program development, economic development a nd/or consulting. Certifications such as the CFA are a plus.

To be competitive, applicants should additionally:

  • Display a commitment and passion for international development
  • Possesses outstanding academic credentials
  • Exhibit excellent client engagement, communication and team leadership skills
  • Demonstrate rate of knowledge of relevant sector trends

The following attributes are a plus:  

  • Work experience in emerging markets or developing countries
  • Full proficiency in one of the following official WBG languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spa nish

For more information, visit https://www.worldbank.org/en/about/careers/programs-and-internships/young-professionals-program#3

Grant Opportunities: Call for Proposals for Development Finance Institutions

Deadline: 9-Sep-22

The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility is pleased to announce a call for proposals to provide national and regional development finance institutions (DFIs) with the opportunity to request tailor-made technical assistance is now open.

This Call for Proposals is a one-time call, and up to six banks will be selected to benefit from assistance from September 2022 to August 2025. Interested institutions can submit a proposal for a set of activities, of which the majority should be related to WOMEN ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT (WEE) and gender-lens investing (GLI).


Capacity building can be provided in following areas:

  • Management processes and investment pipelines (Credit risk management, Development impact finance, Management trainings, PPPs, Market research)
  • Access to and leverage of international funding (Private sector lending approaches, including blended finance, Access to international and/or bilateral funds, and guarantee instruments)
  • Strengthening institutional structures (Risk frameworks, M&E, ESG standards, strategies, reporting and governance)
  • Specific financial instruments (Social Impact Bonds, Project Finance, Private Equity and Venture Capital Financing, Trade Finance instruments)
  • Policy dialogue (DFI engagement in political processes/ Public-Private Dialogues (PPDs), including promoting WEE/GLI in political agenda, Implementation of national gender policies, Peer-to-peer dialogue on public policies)

Guiding examples of gender-related support that can be covered include:

  • Conducting institutional gender assessments
  • Development of gender policies, gender strategies and/or gender action plans
  • Market research on the needs of women entrepreneurs
  • Support in building a business case and developing advisory services for women entrepreneurs
  • Refinement of financial products to cater to the needs of female clients
  • Designing gender-responsive M&E systems
Eligibility Criteria
  • This Call for Proposals is open to applications from national or regional development finance institutions (DFIs) that are fully or partly publicly funded and have a development mandate. Commercial financial insitutions are not eligible.
  • Requests must come from a DFI based in a member state of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS).
  • Given the ICR Facility’s focus on women economic empowerment (WEE) and gender-lens investing (GLI), the majority of activities proposed should have a direct or indirect impact on WEE and/or GLI.

Please note that institutions from Cuba and South African are not eligible to receive funding from the European Development Fund.

Selection Criteria
  • Proposal itself
    • Clarity and structure of the submission
    • Do proposed activities relate to the DFI’s strategic plan?
    • Are proposed activities complementary to other activities of the DFI and/or support the DFI receives from other donors?
  • Set-up and thematic focus of the DFI
    • Does the DFI support and promote the national/ regional investment climate?
    • Does the DFI promote private sector development?
    • Previous engagement of the DFI in WEE/GLI (for example through specific programmes or internal measures) OR
    • In case DFI has not been previously engaged in WEE/GLI: Comprehensive explanation for interest in engaging more in WEE/GLI (e.g. operationalization of a gender strategy, support of the national government in achieving gender-related national policies, or other demonstration of commitment to improving WEE/GLI)
  • Potential impact of support
    • Potential impact of technical assistance on the work processes of the DFI, its internal structures
    • Potential impact of technical assistance on the work processes or internal structures of the DFI in improving DFIs’ internal gender performance, for instance in terms of recruitment, management, internal gender strategy, or its service offer for women
    • Is the majority of proposed activities directly or indirectly targeting WEE/ GLI? (priority will be given to higher WEE/GLI content)
  • Collaboration with ICR Facility
    • Has the DFI already benefitted from tailor-made support from the ICR Facility (priority will be given to new institutions)?
    • Commitment to actively collaborate with the ICR Facility to implement activities over the period 2022-2025
    • Identification of the responsible department that will implement the ICR Facility’s support and of two individual persons as focal points

For more information, visit https://www.icr-facility.eu/technical-assistance/tailored-support-to-dfis/call-for-proposals

Grant Opportunities: Cameroon Archives – Page 6 of 351

Deadline: 8-Jul-22 Applications are now open for the 2022 Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program. The Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program – a collaboration between the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) – is a year-long non-residential leadership program that empowers emerging leaders from across the globe to build their advocacy and organizing skills to protect 
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Deadline: 15-Jul-22 Applications are now open for the World Bank Group Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP) to recruit and develop future leaders to collaborate effectively across the institutions on joint WBG solutions to development challenges. WBG is looking for applicants who demonstrate a passion for international development, graduate education, relevant professional experience, and the potential to grow into impactful leadership roles across the institutions. The WBG YPP is a 
 [Read more…] about Apply Now! Young Professionals Program


Deadline: 9-Sep-22 The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility is pleased to announce a call for proposals to provide national and regional development finance institutions (DFIs) with the opportunity to request tailor-made technical assistance is now open. This Call for Proposals is a one-time call, and up to six banks will be selected to benefit from assistance from September 2022 to August 2025. Interested institutions can submit a proposal for a set of activities, of which the 
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Deadline: 15-Jul-22 Applications are now open for the 2022 Findhelp fellowship Program. The Findhelp fellowship Program believes that people working within their own communities have the greatest impact. That’s why they are proud to bring together people from across the nation that are committed to making a difference in the neighborhoods through their fellowship program. The purpose of the fellowship program is to support and enhance the work of social care champions in their 
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Deadline: 23-Sep-22 Applications are now open for the 8th Edition of the Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge, the world-renowned early-stage, deep tech startup competition to address the needs of early-stage deep tech startups across all industries. The Challenge gives deep tech and science-based entrepreneurs around the globe a platform for their projects, providing opportunities for equity-free funding, global visibility and connections with key players in the deep tech ecosystem. To date, 
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Deadline: 14-Jul-22 Nominations are now open for the AfriSAFE 2022 Award. For this Among other things, the judges are more concern on how nominees have impacted the society at large while keeping their workplace safe. add prize info and eligibility Africa Safety Award For Excellence (AfriSAFE) is an annual award project raising awareness in all areas of Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE), while also celebrating and showcasing the efforts and achievements of organizations, 
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Deadline: 26-Aug-22 Applications are now open for the THRIVE Global Impact Challenge, a global search for the most innovative startups who are advancing a more sustainable future for agriculture. Aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Impact Challenge is focused on three key themes each one central to supporting the transition to a net-zero future for agriculture. Themes Startups should be Seed to Series A with technologies focused in the following areas: 
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Deadline: 30-Jun-22 The Environmental Reporting Collective (ERC) is inviting media outlets, journalists, and freelancers for the Collaborative Investigation Grants. The Collaborative Investigation grants are specifically aimed at promoting collaboration, and allowing journalists from different countries to work together to fill in gaps in each others’ reporting, especially when tracing environmental crimes across borders. Funds can be used creatively, and there is no travel 
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Deadline: 1-Jul-22 Applications are now open for the Getty Images Creative Grant to provide financial support and mentorship to artists who are committed to authentically representing members within the disability community. With Getty Images’ mission to move the world, they are partnering with Verizon and the National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA) to promote diversity within creative commercial photography and videography, elevating the work and voices of people within disability 
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Deadline: 31-Jul-22 Applications are now open for the Palladium Challenge Fund which brings in ideas from their network in over 90 countries and partnership with over 1,600 organisations globally to source innovative responses to global challenges. The fund organisations and initiatives that: Pilot new technologies and innovative approaches De-risk start-up ventures Deliver outcomes from innovative financial mechanisms Support the convening of innovative 
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Deadline: 29-Jul-22 AGRF and Heifer International have launched the Pitch AgriHack 2022, a digital agriculture competition focused on accelerating entrepreneurial growth and job creation in the agriculture sector by leveraging advanced technologies and youth participation in Africa’s food security agenda. This seventh edition of Pitch AgriHack invites African businesses to pitch their approach to driving technological innovation in the agriculture sector. Generation Africa, a thematic 
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Deadline: 4-Nov-22 If you’re aged between 5 and 19, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations wants to hear from you! Use your imagination and create a poster showing a world where no one is left behind, and everyone has access to healthy and affordable food. Everything in our world is connected – from our food to our cultures, environment and economies. Today, many people continue to face global challenges like poverty and hunger, climate change, conflict and 
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Deadline: 14-Aug-22 Under the banner of Generation Restoration, the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) are launching the third edition of the Restoration Stewards program to support and highlight the work of young restoration practitioners and their teams, who represent the next group of ‘Restoration Stewards’. The year-long program provides funding, mentorship, and training to deepen the impact of youth-led restoration projects. During the 
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Deadline: 5-Aug-22 The Innovations for Poverty Action’s (IPA) Human Trafficking Research Initiative (HTRI) has launched its second Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for full randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and other rigorous impact evaluations to assess the impact of counter-trafficking programs. HTRI welcomes proposals to assess counter-trafficking interventions that fall into any or all of the “4P’s” (prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership). Funding priorities are 
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Deadline: 29-Jul-22 The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) is pleased to announce the ninth edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2022 (FIFAfrica22). The Forum is set to take place in Lusaka, Zambia on September 26-29, 2022, offers a platform for deliberation on gaps and opportunities for advancing privacy, free expression, inclusion, free flow of information, civic participation, and innovation online. As part of the registration, 
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Deadline: 31-Jul-22 Nominations are now open for the 2023 Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders to honor individuals and organizations who have shown exceptional commitment to defending human rights, despite the risks involved. The Martin Ennals Award (MEA) is an international Award given to human rights defenders in urgent need of protection. Many defenders who are nominated for the Award face serious risks – for example, they are in jail or at risk of detention; they have been 
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Deadline: 12-Aug-22 With financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, the #Youth4Disarmament initiative invites young people, aged 13-29, to share what disarmament means to them and their communities by creating their own music. The Pitching Peace Youth Music Challenge has been inspired by the uniting and healing power of music that can support efforts for Securing their Common Future. Pillars The original scores should also reflect one of the four 
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Deadline: 7-Sep-22 The Smart City Expo World Congress is currently seeking nominations for the World Smart City Awards (WSCA) 2022 to recognize and support innovative city strategies, projects and ideas that can potentially make an impact on citizens’ lives and turn the cities into more sustainable and inclusive places to live in. The aim of the Call for Awards is to recognize, promote and support innovative solutions or strategies that can potentially change citizen’s lives by increasing 
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Deadline: 27-Jun-22 Sanofi is pleased to partner with One Young World to offer the Future Women in Tech Scholarship. This global program will enable five women leaders to participate in the One Young World Summit 2022 as part of Sanofi’s global delegation; have a fast-tracked opportunity to join Sanofi’s early careers program and receive 1:1 mentoring to support their first career steps in Sanofi. What does the scholarship provide? Delegate access to the One Young World Summit 2022 
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Deadline: 31-Jul-22 The Financial Times and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, are proud to announce the 2022 edition of the Transformational Business Awards. The FT/IFC Transformational Business Awards are a leading global initiative that highlights and promotes ground-breaking, long-term private sector solutions to major development challenges. This year’s program marks 17 years of collaboration between the Financial Times and the 
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Grant Opportunities: 2022 Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program

Deadline: 8-Jul-22

Applications are now open for the 2022 Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program.

The Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program – a collaboration between the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) – is a year-long non-residential leadership program that empowers emerging leaders from across the globe to build their advocacy and organizing skills to protect internet freedom.

The Open Internet for Democracy Leaders are a unique cohort of global advocates from civic organizations, media, and the private sector who are passionate about protecting and promoting an open internet.

  • Empower emerging open internet advocates to advance internet policy discussions and organize for change in their country and/or region.
  • Strengthen the Open Internet for Democracy Community by connecting emerging open internet advocates with their global peers.

2022-2023 THEME: Uniting Grassroots Voices for Digital Democracy in an Era of Rapid Policy Change 

Ensuring that the internet is governed in a way that protects human rights and fosters inclusive civic and economic participation is essential for democracy to survive in the digital era. Yet, over the past decade, there has been a global decline in internet freedom, and it has become easier for governments and non-state actors to close the digital space. Over the past year alone, at least 48 countries have proposed laws or new policy directives aimed at regulating social, economic, and political engagement online, according to research from Freedom House. Change in the digital policy landscape is accelerating as governments and policymakers feel compelled to develop and implement laws as quickly as possible.

It has become increasingly difficult for diverse stakeholder groups to quickly provide meaningful input at the national, regional, and international level. Without broad-based multi-stakeholder engagement, there is a higher chance that new policies will be poorly conceived or infringe upon internationally recognized human rights.

This year, the Open Internet for Democracy Initiative seeks to adapt and strengthen digital rights advocacy tactics in a context of rapid digital policy change. The Leaders Program is looking for advocates from diverse stakeholder groups (media, civil society, the technical community, and the business sector) who are defending digital democracy by pushing back against harmful legislation impacting the digital space in their countries and regions. Leaders will connect and collaborate with peers and mentors around the world to discuss how they are grappling with these rapid policy challenges.

The Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program is looking for applicants who pinpoint a particular digital rights policy issue occurring in their country or region that, if left unaddressed, poses a direct threat to democracy. In particular, they are looking for applicants who are interested in building connections and close collaborations with other stakeholders to address these problems. Collaboratively, they will develop a research product to raise awareness about these policy developments in a global context, contributing case studies from their own country’s experience with the issue. This research product will take a novel approach to tackling these rapid digital policy developments and share findings at regional and global forums. Following this publication, each Leader will conduct an advocacy campaign to raise awareness of the policy or policies threatening an open and democratic internet in their country or region.

  • Selected applicants will be joining a community of like-minded advocates in which they will have opportunities for peer learning and sharing their work. During the program, Open Internet Leaders will:
    • Receive an honorarium of $2000 USD for completing their required activities
    • Learn from leaders in the digital rights and advocacy community during presentations and workshops
    • Access mentorship and soft skills training opportunities
    • Connect with cohort of Leaders during an in-person project design sprint
    • Participate as Open Internet for Democracy representatives at international conferences such as the Internet Governance Forum and RightsCon
Core Responsibilities
  • Create a joint policy paper on ways to strengthen digital governance
    • Together, the cohort will collaborate on a joint policy paper to produce recommendations and case studies that identify opportunities and threats around a specific policy trend with significant impact on an open, and democratic online space.
    • The cohort will select the topic during a four day in-person project design sprint (anticipated to take place in late January 2023, location TBD). The policy paper will be further developed and finalized through on-going virtual engagement with the cohort throughout the remainder of the Leaders program.
  • Conduct national or regional advocacy to strengthen digital governance
    • Individually, Leaders will be responsible for organizing a local or regional activity with diverse stakeholders (e.g. civil society, independent media, and local business) to disseminate the findings from the policy paper produced as a cohort (see first bullet point). Some examples of possible advocacy activities include:
      • An advocacy campaign to raise awareness among policymakers about the pitfalls of policies that would contribute to the spread of digital authoritarianism.
      • Training modules or videos that explain the implications of digital authoritarianism for civil society, media, and/or the private sector.
      • A multi-stakeholder workshop or roundtable discussion (with civil society, media, and/or the private sector) to discuss a proposed government action that threatens digital rights.
      • A clear strategy for engaging local and regional open internet advocates and groups to collaborate on future efforts.
  • Communications and Outreach
    • Produce at least 1 blog post or article
    • Actively engage in conversations on open internet issues
  • Community Collaboration & Thought Leadership
    • Participate at the 2022 Internet Governance Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (virtually or in-person – TBD)
    • Contribute to knowledge and awareness of the Open Internet for Democracy Community about local/regional/national threats to an open internet through participation in relevant events and ongoing information sharing.
Selection Criteria
  • Demonstrated interest or experience working on digital rights and open internet issues, with preference given to those focused on media, local private sector/business, or civic/political participation.
  • Experience in one or more of the following areas: policy, activism, research, or technical expertise.
  • Strong writing skills.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision in collaboration with colleagues across different time zones.
  • Strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.
  • Demonstrated public speaking experience speaking a plus.
  • Ability to travel to at least one international conference (location TBD; costs covered; In-person participation in such events is contingent on health considerations related to the COVID-19 pandemic) a plus.
  • Access to reliable internet connection that will enable participation in video or virtual workshops or conferences .
  • Ability to actively participate in regular check-in calls with program organizers and in virtual orientation sessions.
  • Applicants must live and work in an OECD-DAC eligible country.

For more information, visit https://openinternet.global/call-for-applications

Plan International jobs: Project Coordinator (Integrated project: Grants projects)

Project Coordinator (Integrated project: Grants projects)

Date: 21-Jul-2022

Location: Bertoua, Cameroon

Company: Plan International

The Organisation


Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected.


Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.


We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.


We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 85 years, and are now active in more than 75 countries.



Project Coordinator (Integrated project: Grants projects)

Functional Area

 East Region

Reports to




Travel required


Effective Date





Dimensions of the Role


The Integrated, Protection, Sexual Reproductive health, Education, and livelihood Project Coordinator will be responsible for the integrated implementation of all components of project activities. The incumbent, with the support of the Monitoring & Evaluation, supply chain, finance, safeguarding and security departments to ensure the implementation/operation and overall management of the project. While coordinating and implementing the project, he/she will ensure that implementation is on schedule and within budget. The incumbent will also interface with and support the project team members.

Project Management

– Provide technical advice and capacity for project management, including implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities;

– In collaboration with the Component Managers, ensure timely and quality implementation of project activities in accordance with Plan International and donor standards and requirements;

– Organize and manage appropriately the planning, implementation and evaluation of the Protection component of the project, as the parent component;

– Design, develop and implement any strategy, mechanism, tool and guidance material to ensure successful implementation of the project’s activities

– Preparation, in collaboration with the different component managers, of financial documents to be submitted to the supervisor for approval;

– Leadership/organization of regular monitoring visits and, if necessary, review and modify project action plans;

– Responsible for the preparation of all narrative and financial reports (with support from the Finance and Grants departments, as well as the CPiE Specialist’s technical review) in accordance with donor and Plan International requirements;

– Ensure compliance with donor requirements (rules, procedures):

  • Tracking and management of project budget, including procurement and distribution of resources, time management, work plans and records;
  • Timely and accurate monitoring and financial and narrative reporting.
  • Develop concepts notes and projects proposals for resources mobilization


Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

– Management of project monitoring and evaluation operations in accordance with Plan International and donor policies and procedures;

– Establish the project memory by organizing the collection, consolidation, and archiving of project-related data, as well as the establishment and operationalization of databases necessary for the capitalization of the project, in collaboration with the Data Management and Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator;

– Identify and share with the Programme Influencing and Implementation Area Manager, any opportunities, constraints or readjustment needs related to the project;

– Manage project reporting by preparing and submitting to the Programme Influencing and Implementation Area Manager the various required reports on time, namely weekly, monthly and quarterly program reports, as well as any useful report requested by the supervisor and the donor.

– Coordinate with M&E to conduct needs assessments, baseline studies, document lessons learned and share best practices to improve on programme/ project quality.


Information and Coordination

– Management of partnership relations with various stakeholders in the implementation of the project, including state structures, communes, committees,

– Organize monthly and quarterly meetings of the project team, validate reports and action plans of the components;

– Representation of Plan International Cameroon in coordination mechanisms related to the Project’s areas of intervention, including meetings of the protection sector group (child protection working group and SGBV working group).


Human Resource Development

– Facilitation, management, supervision and capacity building of the Project team, partners and communities (community relays and social workers, focal points…) in strategies, approaches and protection of children;

– Mentor and supervise the project team, including performance reviews of all project staff;

– Support the integration of activities across project components.

Resource Mobilization

– In collaboration with Data Management and the M&E Coordinator,  Specialist and/or Livelihood Specialist develop project summaries, lessons learned and best practice documents that could inform new project ideas;   

– With technical support from the CPiE Specialist, the EiE Specialist and/or Livelihood Specialist develop Concept Notes and new funding proposals, particularly in the areas of Protection (Child Protection and SGBV), Livelihoods and Education;

– Perform any other tasks assigned by the supervisor.



Key end results and typical responsibilities:

“Work” done (what) and “why” (why), but not “actions” or “how” (how); include indicators of success.

Monitor the implementation of activities to ensure compliance with project planning, objectives, and donor and Plan International Cameroon strategies and procedures;

Ensure in particular the planning, proper implementation and evaluation of all project components of the project.

Ensure the development of initiatives and strategies to ensure a good fit with the humanitarian context and the effective and efficient implementation of activities of all project components;

Ensure full participation of stakeholders in all stages of the Project and maintain good relations between them;

Conduct visits, host communities and partners to monitor and supervise the implementation of project activities;

Organize the meetings of the project team, validate the reports and action plans of the different components of the project;

Animate, supervise and monitor the Project team and ensure capacity building as needed;

Write and submit weekly, monthly and quarterly Project reports in a timely manner, as well as any useful reports requested by the supervisor and the donor;

Organize monthly project management meetings with the team and quarterly progress meetings with donors, beneficiaries and partners;

Facilitate the evaluation of the project according to the principles and procedures of the donors;

Ensure that the results of evaluations and recommendations from management and partners are taken into account in the implementation of the Project;

Review the financial reports of the Project in accordance with the narrative reports;

Coordinate the elaboration of the ToR of the activities with the component managers;

Facilitate the collection, consolidation and archiving of data related to the Project;

Ensure the establishment of a database on the achievements of the Protection component; as well as the operationalization and exploitation of all the databases set up within the framework of the project, in collaboration with the Data Management and Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator;; 

Ensure the management of partnership relations with the various parties;

Represent Plan International Cameroon in coordination mechanisms and working groups related to the Project’s areas of intervention, with a particular focus on the Protection sector working groups

Ensure that gender, child protection, risk reduction, resilience and conflict sensitivity issues are taken into account in the implementation of the Project;

Contribute to the mobilization of additional resources through the development of Concept Note and Proposal

Carry out any other task assigned by the hierarchy.

Managing Problems:

Application of the knowledge required for the position, complexity of the problems managed and the degree of investigation, analysis and creative thinking required to solve them.


The major challenge will be to ensure ownership of the approaches promoted by the donor and Plan International in terms of protection (including child protection and the fight against GBV), early childhood care and development, and empowerment of displaced persons (both refugees and IDPs), and community mobilization. To do this, the Project Coordinator will demonstrate

Proactivity resulting in a strong capacity to analyze and propose solutions;

A high sense of discernment;

Ability to work under pressure;

Ability to work under pressure; Ability to meet deadlines of the established schedule;

Team spirit and coordination.


Communication and working relationships:

Working contacts inside and outside the organization; Includes purpose and level (high, medium, low) of contact.


– Maintain high level contact with the, Programme Influencing and Implementation Area Manager as well as Plan International Cameroon’s Technical Advisors involved in achieving project results (Child Protection in Emergency Specialist, Livelihood Advisor, Education Advisor, Gender Advisor,)

– Maintain relationships with the Component Managers, the Accountant, the Data Management and Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator and all project staff for discussions, planning and evaluation of project activities.



– Collaborate with communities, refugee committees and leaders, IDP representatives, traditional leaders of host communities, and other community leaders to facilitate monitoring of project beneficiaries;

– Collaborate closely with donor focal points;

– Collaborate with United Nations agencies and other NGOs involved in assisting refugees and IDPs and maintain an exemplary partnership with the decentralized services of the State, particularly with the regional and departmental delegations of the : MINAS, MINPROFF, MINEDUB, MINADER, MINADT).

Technical expertise, skills and knowledge



– Masters or University degree in social sciences, Education, legal sciences, rural economics, rural development, project/program management or similar fields;

– At least 5 years of experience in the design and planning of projects on Child Protection, Education, Sexual and Reproductive Health, and/or Gender Based Violence as well as the management and implementation of this type of project, with a perfect knowledge of the planning, programming and monitoring/evaluation procedures of projects;

The candidate should hold a PMP, CAPM or Prince 2 certification (mandatory)

– Have experience in the implementation of integrated projects with several components;

– At least 5 years of continuous experience in humanitarian project management;

– Practical and relevant experience in emergency interventions;

– Solid experience in project management with large budgets;

– Strong experience working with vulnerable people;

– Skills in statistical data analysis, evaluations, social impact assessments, or similar;

– Bilingual (well read and written English or French) plus experience working with one of the two languages)

– Be computer literate and have good reporting skills;

– Have a good knowledge of international texts on children’s rights and the rights of displaced populations (refugees and IDPs);

– Knowledge of the texts on refugee status, Plan International’s policy on protection, community mobilization, gender, the fight against GBV, education and health would be an additional asset;

– Good knowledge and understanding of established humanitarian principles, the humanitarian code of conduct and international child protection standards.

– Demonstrable technical expertise in the implementation of child protection responses at the community level;


Personnel management:

  • Practice excellent human resources management, supporting the development, promotion and retention of a motivated team, made up of qualified and experienced personnel.
  • Team building and maintenance: establish, agree, communicate and monitor standards of performance and behaviors for the operations support unit. Team’s JDs, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPI’s) are agreed annually, and monitored and updated quarterly
  • Identify gaps in staff and / or skills and ensure that these gaps / needs are met, support the recruitment of all staff in the supply chain area and oversee the department on a day-to-day basis.
  • Provide feedback through regular performance reviews.
  • Ensure that the disciplinary rules imposed on staff follow a progressive methodology that allows for clear and structured improvement.
  • Develop a long-term, sustainable quality leadership plan, by implementing staff development plans and succession plans.

Compliance and management of country operation related policies:

  • Policies and procedures: coordinates with relevant heads of Department/Section so that systems and processes are in place to comply with Plan global policies, standards and procedures and legal requirements in the areas of finance, administration & logistics, ICT and security.
  • Security: oversee security planning and management in the country and ensure that all Plan offices (CO and PIIAs) have developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) and contingency plans consistent with global security policy and procedures.
  • Health and Safety: oversees the development and implementation of health and safety standards in compliance with the host country laws and Plan’s global health and safety policy;
  • Loss and Incident reporting: report timely and consistently all losses and incidents, including updates, to the International Headquarters

Strategic planning, reporting and support to programs delivery

  • Strategic planning: contribute to the strategic development and management of the country Support to programs: Oversee the planning and delivery of all general services and logistical requirements of program work in line with established procedures e.g.: procurements, storage, transportation and distribution;
  • Ensures there is an effective procurement plan designed and implemented for each project, from planning stage, to procurement and distribution to final beneficiaries.
  • Budgeting: Participate in the coordination of the preparation, consolidation, analysis and submission of country and PIIAs budgets.
  • Reporting: coordinate the reporting process, in particular quarterly and annual reports, including timely submission of all required reports and implementation of follow-up actions and recommendations.
  • Dealing with Problems/Problem solving : Complexity of problems handled & the degree of investigation, analysis, & creative thinking required to solve them
  • Ability to quickly understand and assimilate the complexity of Plan’s business model, systems and procedures, organizational structures and decision-making processes;
  • Legal and regulatory: oversees the review of agreements and contracts and ensure compliance with the host country laws and regulation, ensure the interface with the legal advisors, timely report all potential legal cases to legal advisors as relevant;



– Communication Skills;

– Great planning and organizational skills;

– Influence and persuasion;

– Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;

– Excellent writing skills (English and French);

– Strong synthesis skills;

– Ability to work in a team environment;

– Ability to work independently and under pressure;



– Promote the spirit of high performance;

– Be open to criticism;

– Lead by example and respect partners;

– Be focused on achieving program objectives;

– Have a good approach to time and priority management;

– Communicate in a style that inspires confidence and professionalism and builds credibility with current and future employees;

– Be discreet and maintain confidentiality;

– Be flexible and dedicated.


Physical Environment and Requirements:

This may be a “typical administrative environment”; Note if the position includes heavy lifting, climbing, extensive travel, etc.

– Mature and personally balanced to deal with distress, patient and optimistic;

– Be able to handle discontent;

– Be available and physically fit to perform the job;

– Ability to work in a multicultural environment.

– Ability to work under pressure and at any time of the day or night.

– Work both in the office and in the field through frequent visits: the Project Coordinator will spend at least 60% of his/her time in the field coordinating and monitoring activities during the period.

– Ability to work in multiple locations and on the move.


Plan International’s Values in Practice

We are open and accountable

  1. Promotes a culture of openness and transparency, including with sponsors and donors.
  2. Holds self and others accountable to achieve the highest standards of integrity.
  3. Consistent and fair in the treatment of people.
  4. Open about mistakes and keen to learn from them.
  5. Accountable for ensuring we are a safe organisation for all children, girls & young people

We strive for lasting impact

  1. Articulates a clear purpose for staff and sets high expectations.
  2. Creates a climate of continuous improvement, open to challenge and new ideas.
  3. Focuses resources to drive change and maximise long-term impact, responsive to changed priorities or crises.
  4. Evidence-based and evaluates effectiveness.

We work well together

  1. Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
  2. Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
  3. Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
  4. Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.


We are inclusive and empowering


  1. Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
  2. Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
  3. Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
  4. Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.


Physical Environment

The position holder will work in a typical office environment with some of his/her colleagues in the same office environment and others in the field.

Level of contact with children


Mid contact- the job responsibilities of this position does will require the post holder to occasionally have any one-to-one contact with children.

We strongly encourage female applicants.


Location:  Bertoua


Closing Date: 04th August 2022


Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan International stands for.


We want Plan International to reflect the diversity of the communities we work with, offering equal opportunities to everyone regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.


Plan International is based on a culture of inclusivity and we strive to create a workplace environment that ensures every team, in every office, in every country, is rich in diverse people, thoughts, and ideas.


We foster an organisational culture that embraces our commitment to racial justice, gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion.


Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. This means that we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with and we must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk.


A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International’s Safeguarding Children and Young People policy. Plan International also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this scheme we will request information from applicants previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Please note that Plan International will never send unsolicited emails requesting payment from candidates. 

Grant Opportunities: Elevating the Voices of Women in Agriculture Campaign (Africa)

Deadline: 10-Jul-22

Are you an African national between the ages 18 and 30? Are you leading a project that directly works with and empowers women farmers in Africa? If yes, then apply for Elevating the Voices of Women in Agriculture (EVWA) Campaign!

The Elevating the Voices of Women in Agriculture (EVWA) Campaign aims to raise awareness of the lived realities of women farmers in Africa. The goal of EVWA is to raise awareness for the need to empower women farmers on the ground.

  • EVWA Changemakers is an annual 30 under 30 campaign, which recognizes and gives a platform to exceptional young Africans, who lead projects that contribute to the empowerment of women farmers.
  • Through a call for nomination, inspiring young leaders in the field of women farmers’ empowerment will be selected as EVWA Changemakers and spotlighted on the EVWA webpage.
  • The EVWA Changemaker, leading the most innovative and inspiring project will be announced and recognized as the EVWA Champion.
  • With the title of EVWA Champion comes a 5.000 USD seed-funding award to scale the impact of this project.
  • The EVWA Champion will also receive the unique opportunity to be part of an exciting multimedia documentary production.
  • They will publish this documentary on their promotional channels to spotlight the EVWA Champion as a best practice example.
  • In 2022, the EVWA Champion will be highlighted at or around COP27 in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt to gain global attention and build a network with high-potential partners.
  • In 2024, they will curate an impactful virtual exhibition, spotlighting the EVWA Champions of 2022, 2023 and 2024.
What kind of projects will be considered?

They consider projects of any size, whether they are implemented by only one person or a team. They could be community volunteer projects, freelance projects, NGO projects, or entire startups dedicated to women farmer empowerment. The list is long, and they are open to innovative approaches! Legal registration is not required to qualify as a project. However, you should be able to back the existence and validity of your project through website links, social media profiles, photos, videos, etc.

For more information, visit https://bankimooncentre.org/leadership/evwa

Grant Opportunities: Sustainable Development Goals Award – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: 22-Jul-22

Clifford Chance has opened applications for its annual global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) Award, which this year has an educational focus.

The award is aligned with the UN SDGs, which also inform Clifford Chance’s pro bono and community outreach efforts. The intention of the award is to recognize and support outstanding achievement in contributing towards the achievement of the UN SDGs.

Focus Area

This year the award has an Educational focus. 

Award Information

Clifford Chance will provide the winning organization with a £50,000 donation (or the local currency equivalent) and 500 pro bono hours. 

Eligibility Criteria
  • In 2022 they are welcoming applications for the award from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and educational institutions, including schools and universities, around the world, whose work contributes towards the achievement of SDG 4, which is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • The judges are particularly interested in award submissions that demonstrate a commitment to innovative approaches towards the achievement of SDG 4 and those which show potential to be replicated and scaled.

For more information, visit https://bit.ly/3OfwIdq

UN Jobs: Project Coordinator- Katsina – Nigeria – M/F – Nigeria



Project Coordinator- Katsina – Nigeria – M/F

The ALIMA SPIRIT: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion, or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation and the alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanism, impartiality and respect for universal medical ethics. In order to access patients, we are committed to intervening in a neutral and independent manner.

THE VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action, inscribed in our CHARTER :

  1. The patient first
  2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine
  3. Responsibility and freedom
  4. Improve the quality of our actions
  5. To trust
  6. Collective intelligence

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach to perpetrators of gender-based and sexual violence and to inaction in the face of suspected or actual violence. The protection of those who benefit and are impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Everyone who collaborates with ALIMA is committed to :

  • Respect the charter, the code of conduct, the institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and gender and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;
  • Report violations of policies, framework documents, and procedures to a supervisor, manager or referral agent or to alert@alima.ngo


Since its inception in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 6 million patients, and today deploys its operations in 12 countries in Africa. In 2019, we have developed 41 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects are in support of national health authorities through 330 health facilities (including 28 hospitals and 300 health centers). We work in partnership with local NGOs whenever possible to ensure that our patients benefit from expertise wherever it is available, whether in their country or in the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we conduct operational and clinical research projects, particularly in the areas of malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers. ALIMA also conducts operations in response to the covid-19 pandemic in all our missions.


Malnutrition, Sexual and reproductive health including gender-based violence, Primary and secondary health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Hemorrhagic fevers, meningitis, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, Covid-19).


Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, South Sudan, Mauritania, Senegal, and Ukraine.


Nigeria’s northwest region – particularly the State of Katsina – is facing a nutrition emergency aggravated by multiple crises. ALIMA conducted a rapid needs assessment mission in Katsina State during the month of December 2020 and 4 nutrition surveys between March to May 2022.

The very acute malnutrition prevalence found before the lean season coupled with multiple crises (violence against civilians, armed conflict, COVID consequences, and inflation leading to food insecurity and collapse of nutrition programs) in the State, makes us fear an unprecedented number of SAM cases and associated deaths among children under 5 during this 2021 year. Based on these surveys and population figures in Kaita LGA we can expect for the next 6 months nearly 10,000 children at immediate risk of death due to severe acute malnutrition, including 2,000 who will require hospitalization for intensive care. It requires an immediate surge of national and international support to Katsina State MOH before the lean season to reduce mortality through:

  • Immediate scaling up of RUTF coverage (current shortage) and urgent validation of RUTF factory in Kano
  • Immediate scaling up of outpatient therapeutic program to catch up on as much as SAM cases as possible in Kaita LGA
  • Immediate increase of inpatient care for complicated SAM cases in Kaita LGA

ALIMA proposes to focus on the outpatient and inpatients program, in close collaboration with the Katsina ministry of health, by deploying a dedicated emergency team in the targeted areas of intervention to deliver life-saving health care during the lean season, from June 1st to September 30th.

Mission Location: Nigeria, Katsina State


Level 3: As part of his/her duties, the incumbent will visit programs and come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where a criminal record or character reference is not available, a statement of good character will be required.


Report to (Direct): Head of Mission

Report to (Functional): Head of Mission

Staff Reporting to him: 4


The Project Coordinator is responsible for ALIMA’s operational response to the Project. In close collaboration with the mission coordination team, define and plan the project objectives and priorities, identify the population’s health and humanitarian needs, analyze the context and the humanitarian issues at stake, the risks and constraints and calculate human and financial needs. Coordinate, in close collaboration with the Head of Mission, its implementation in order to efficiently ensure the goals as well as to improve the targeted population’s health conditions and humanitarian situation.

  • Monitor the political and humanitarian situation in the project’s area in order to ensure that ALIMA’s charter, policies, and image are respected with regard to national employees, populations, authorities, and partners.
  • Together with the project team, evaluate needs by identifying the population’s health status, by analyzing the context (environment, actors involved, negotiations for access etc.), networking, and associated risks and constraints in order to define priorities and projects goals and to calculate material, human and financial resources needed.
  • Together with the project team and the Head of Mission monitor the security situation in the area of intervention, propose security guidelines and guarantee their implementation in order to ensure the security of the project team.
  • Propose and carry out exploratory missions, according to the Head of Mission’s indications, in order to better comprehend context, priorities, constraints, and population needs.
  • Ensure a data collection and epidemiological surveillance system, in agreement with the Medical Coordinator, in order to define medical and technical programs and preventive protocols for the targeted population.
  • Steer and supervise the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project in collaboration with the project team and according to the internal and donor indicators in order to evaluate the level of achievement of the project objectives.
  • Provide reporting to the coordination team on the project’s evolution and propose corrections if needed.
  • Elaborate on the Project’s institutional memory, keeping written records (and filing them) on its development, in order to broadcast ALIMA achievements and improve awareness.
  • In coordination with the Administration Manager and Activity Managers, plan and organize the organizational charts, plan and distribute tasks and workload among the teams, guiding their understanding of the issues linked to the Project and the Mission through regular working meetings and feedback, in order to ensure an efficient deployment of the resources and the achievement of the expected goals.
  • Inform the field team on the instructions given by the mission coordination promoting fluent, smooth written and oral communication and information flow and ensuring confidentiality and full compliance with security rules and medical ethics.
  • Supervise the full implementation of safety and health protocols, reporting the Medical Coordination on risky behaviors, in order to ensure safe working conditions for the project staff.
  • Be responsible for the proper application of HR policies and associated processes (recruitment, training, briefing/debriefing, evaluation, potential, detection, staff development, and internal communication) in order to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required for the activities he/she is accountable for.
  • In coordination with the Administration Manager and Activity Managers, identify training needs, provide individual follow-up and coaching, carry out an end-of-mission evaluation of the team members and lead internal communication initiatives in order to facilitate people’s integration and professional development and to maximize their capabilities and commitment to ALIMA values and project’s goals.
  • Supervise the project material resources put at ALIMA’s disposition in order to ensure correct use and longevity.
  • Supervise all orders (medical and logistical) and the Project’s purchases as well as the financial indicators, with the support of the coordination, in order to ensure efficiency and early detect deviations and their causes.

Implementation of preventive measures against abuse of power, gender-based and sexual violence

  • Ensures that his/her team, partners, and community members are aware of ALIMA’s policy and have access to information (complaints mechanism, focal point…).
  • Facilitates the organization of training and awareness sessions.
  • Applies standards relating to the prevention of abuse of power, gender-based violence, and sexual violence.
  • Ensures that the members of his/her team and those of the partners involved in the project (Ministry of Health, national partners, etc.) follow the training and awareness-raising sessions and apply the rules for preventing abuse.
  • Contributes to creating and maintaining a nurturing and protective environment for his/her team, community members, and partners involved in the project.


  • University degree or paramedical diploma/degree desirable.
  • Previous experiences in humanitarian aid
  • Experiences with international medical NGOs & experience in project management are desirable.
  • Experience in security management is highly desirable.
  • English Speaking, reading, and writing are mandatory. French is an asset.
  • Essential computer literacy (word, excel & internet).
  • Negotiation skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills


  • Contract term: Contract under French law; contract length: 6 months, renewable.
  • Position to be filled: ASAP
  • Salary: depending on experience
  • ALIMA pays for:
    • Travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the mission location

accommodation costs

  • Medical cover from the first day of the contract to a month after the date of departure from the mission country for the employee and his/her family
  • Evacuation of the employee

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to candidature@alima.ngo with the reference “Project Coordinator – Nigeria/Katsina” in the subject line.

Or apply online through the link below:
