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UN Jobs: Spécialiste Finance et Conformité – Cameroon



Spécialiste Finance et Conformité

Titre de la position : Spécialiste Finance et Conformité

Répondant à : Chef de Consortium

Supervisé par : Chef des services supports

Supervise : NA

Lieu d’affectation : Yaoundé avec déplacement fréquent sur le terrain

Zone d’intervention : Cameroun

Période considérée : 12 mois

Type de contrat : Contrat national (uniquement réservé aux ressortissants Camerounais)

Salaire et avantages : Non management, band G


Le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (DRC) porte assistance aux réfugiés et aux personnes déplacées à travers le monde : nous fournissons une aide d’urgence à ces personnes, nous combattons pour leurs droits et nous renforçons leurs opportunités pour un meilleur futur. Nous travaillons dans des zones affectées par les conflits, ainsi que le long des routes de déplacements, et au sein des pays dans lesquels les réfugiés s’établissent. En coopération avec les communautés locales, nous nous efforçons d’atteindre des solutions responsables et durables. Nous travaillons pour une intégration réussie des communautés vulnérables et, lorsque cela est possible, à la réalisation de leur souhait de retour chez eux.

Le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (DRC en sigle, pour Danish Refugee Council) a été fondé au Danemark en 1956 et est depuis devenu une organisation humanitaire internationale avec plus de 7,000 employés et de 8,000 volontaires. Ayant son siège établi à Copenhague, et présent dans 40 pays, le DRC est une organisation d’aide non gouvernementale, à but non-lucratif, politiquement neutre et indépendante et non-confessionnelle.

Notre vision est une vie avec dignité pour toutes les personnes déplacées dans le monde. Tous nos efforts reposent sur notre boussole morale : l’humanité, le respect, l’indépendance, la neutralité, la participation, l’honnêteté et la transparence.

1. Contexte

DRC Cameroun a commencé ses opérations au Cameroun en 2018 en répondant aux besoins humanitaires des réfugiés de la République centrafricaine (RCA) et des Camerounais vulnérables dans la région de l’Adamawa. Actuellement, DRC opère avec un bureau régional à Meiganga et deux bureaux auxiliaires à Djohong (région de l’Adamawa) et Garoua-Boulai (région de l’Est). Les interventions se concentrent sur la recherche de solutions durables pour les plus vulnérables, en utilisant l’approche holistique de graduation pour améliorer à la fois la protection et le redressement économique. Par la suite, fin 2018, DRC a commencé ses activités dans la région du Sud-Ouest du Cameroun fin 2019 pour répondre aux besoins des personnes déplacées de force dans le contexte de la crise anglophone, en commençant les activités humanitaires en janvier 2019. DRC opère dans les divisions de Meme, Fako, Kupe-Manenguba et Ndian avec un bureau à Buea et une sous-base à Kumba. La programmation se concentre sur les zones rurales et difficiles d’accès afin de répondre aux besoins fondamentaux des populations en matière de nourriture, d’abris et de NFI, tout en améliorant l’environnement de protection et en offrant des opportunités génératrices de revenus.

DRC est enfin présent dans la Région de l’Extrême Nord avec un sous-bureau à Kousseri depuis 2023 pour répondre aux besoins de personnes victimes d’inondations et de conflits intercommunautaires et un bureau régional à Maroua (opérationnel depuis Septembre 2024) notamment pour la réponse aux besoins des réfugiés nigérians et des communautés hôtes.

2. Objet

DRC Cameroun cherche à recruter un professionnel expérimenté, hautement qualifié et enthousiaste pour rejoindre notre équipe des services support à Yaoundé.

C’est un poste clé, d’appui au chef du consortium DUE et des services support afin d’assurer la mise en œuvre et la mise à jour des procédures et des lignes directrices du DRC dans le pays, avec les partenaires du consortium, en mettant l’accent sur la conformité et la fonctionnalité. Le poste comprend des déplacements réguliers sur le terrain au Cameroun. Le (la) titulaire du poste contribue contribue au bon suivi des procédures financières et comptables, identifie les points d’améliorations possibles et formule des recommandations. Il/elle assure le lien entre la finance (élaboration et suivi budgétaire) et la comptabilité (reprise des affectations comptables en lien avec les budgets disponibles et les dépenses prévisionnelles du master budget). Il/elle assure un suivi efficace pour la comptabilité et le reporting financier du projet DUE. Il s’agit d’un poste technique, qui requiert une expérience préalable conséquente dans un poste similaire avec de solides connaissances en matière de finances et d’audits. Ce poste requiert également une parfaite maîtrise professionnelle du français et de l’anglais.

3. Fonctions et Responsabilités

a. Gestion financière

• Saisir périodiquement les écritures comptables des partenaires dans DYNAMICS (Système d’Information du DRC), en s’assurant que tous les champs requis sont remplis correctement et en cohérence avec le plan de compte de DRC ;

• Être consulté dans la rédaction des SOP financières.

• Responsable de la tenue et de la mise à jour du tableau d’allocation et du budget SOLID.

• Participer à la stratégie de partenariat, en étant responsable du processus de diligence raisonnable des partenaires/du plan de renforcement des capacités/des réunions régulières avec les partenaires d’implémentation du programme SOLID ;

• Responsable de développer et de maintenir une matrice comprenant tous les processus des partenaires et les SoP en ce qui concerne la prévoyance sociale, les impôts sur le revenu, les taux de change, la TVA…

• S’assurer que toutes les transactions ont été réalisées suivant les procédures comptables applicables (bailleur DUE) et que les pièces justificatives correspondent aux exigences du bailleur ;

• Être garant de l’archivage physique et électronique des pièces comptables ;

• Communiquer toutes dépenses suspectes et/ou non conformes avec les procédures comptables et financières applicables au Chief of Party et au responsable des services support ;

• Coordonner avec les partenaires, la préparation des pièces justificatives demandées lors des audits.

• Être consulté pour préparer une proposition ou un amendement budgétaire en collaboration avec les équipes des Grant et le programme de chaque partenaire et des Organisations de la Société civile du Consortium SOLID ;

• Responsable du paramétrage des nouveaux projets du consortium dans Dynamics et de la mise à jour des prévisions budgétaires par an ;

• Soutien à la mise à jour et au partage des BFU avec les responsables du budget et le personnel financier des partenaires ;

• Responsable de l’examen de la comptabilité et de l’allocation par projet

• Responsable de l’ajustement des transactions mal allouées dans le système

• Responsable de l’examen des coûts engagés et des transactions en attente

• Soutenir le responsable financier dans l’organisation d’une réunion pour un examen détaillé des BFU

• Responsable de l’identification du cofinancement et de la mise à jour de Dynamics en conséquence

• Soutenir le responsable financier dans la préparation et la soumission du rapport financier

• Responsable de la facilitation de l’audit, du soutien à la préparation de l’audit et responsable du suivi des conclusions du rapport d’audit ;

• Responsable de la mise à jour du tracker en lien avec les rapports d’audit

• Responsable de la création et de la mise à jour d’un outil de suivi des partenaires unifié pour tous les bureaux d’implémentation du programme consortium ;

• Responsable de la réception et de l’examen des rapports financiers/documents financiers des partenaires de mise en œuvre ;

• Responsable de la vérification ponctuelle des rapports financiers/documents financiers des partenaires de mise en œuvre :

• Responsable d’assurer un processus de versement en temps opportun pour les partenaires de mise en œuvre ;

• Responsable de l’enregistrement des dépenses des partenaires et d’effectuer le rapprochement des partenaires ;

• Responsable du rapprochement des dossiers en cours des partenaires et des donateurs

• Fournir des indicateurs réguliers et adéquats pour suivre la situation financière du programme SOLID et fournir une analyse pertinente des coûts, un suivi régulier des dépenses par rapport au budget, analyser les écarts et suggérer des actions correctives si nécessaire

• Fournir un soutien au CoP dans la rédaction de nouveaux projets et la préparation du budget, en assurant la collaboration des autres partenaires.

b. Gestion de la trésorerie et comptable:

• Adresser au siège de DRC les demandes de paiements des partenaires ;

• Vérifier que les demandes de paiements transmises par les partenaires sont complètes ;

• Anticiper les besoins futurs de trésorerie afin d’éviter toute manque de trésorerie ;

• Participer activement à la formation des équipes comptabilité / finance terrain ;

• Agir comme point focal technique pour toute question d’ordre financier vis-à-vis des partenaires membres et des OSC ;

c. Gestion de la conformité et respect des règles des donateurs au programme SOLID

• Veiller à ce que le processus comptable soit efficace et précis, en prévoyant un niveau adéquat de vérification et de séparation des tâches en fonction de la dimension et du personnel de la mission. La base de données comptables doit être conforme aux pratiques comptables standard DRC et bailleurs,

• Veiller à la bonne mise en œuvre et au respect des procédures des bailleurs de fonds, en veillant à ce qu’elles soient alignées sur les exigences légales et dans le cadre juridique national, et en concevant ou en adaptant les politiques, procédures et outils locaux pertinents pour une gestion optimisée des ressources financières de la mission

• Sensibiliser les principaux membres de direction des membres du consortium sur les risques financiers et l’étendue de leurs responsabilités financières.

• Assurer la mise en place d’une organisation pertinente et d’un système de contrôle interne fiable, de l’harmonisation des coûts et des pratiques afin de répondre à toutes les obligations financières tout en maintenant l’éthique financière respectée au sein du consortium et de la mission DRC en utilisant les outils et modèles fournis par les protocoles procéduraux des bailleurs.

Les responsabilités énumérées dans cette offre d’emploi ne sont pas exhaustives et peuvent être réajustées en fonction des besoins opérationnels par le chef de Consortium DUE et le Chef des services support, mais elles resteront conformes à l’objectif général du poste.

4. Qualifications requises

Expérience et compétences techniques (y compris le nombre d’années d’expérience professionnelle)

  1. Expérience professionnelle pertinente minimum de (3) années dans un domaine similaire ;
  2. Expérience en gestion et suivi de trésorerie pour une ONG internationale ou (minimum 1 an) ;
  3. Maitrise d’Excel – Niveau avancé ;
  4. Expérience en termes de suivi des règles bailleurs en particulier UE
  5. Bonnes capacités de communication
  6. Excellente attention aux détails et désireux de résoudre tout problème

Formation : (y compris certificats, permis, etc.)

  • Master en Comptabilité, Administration des Entreprises, Finance
  • Maitrise de l’outil informatique

Langues : maîtrise professionnelle du français et de l’anglais.

Principaux acteurs : (internes et externes)

  • Equipe Finance et Audit des membres du Consortium au Cameroun et en RCA
  • Equipe logistique Yaoundé et Bangui des partenaires
  • Auditeurs

5. Compétences et qualités exigées

  • À ce poste, vous devez démontrer les cinq compétences essentielles du DRC, à savoir :
  • Viser l’excellence : vous vous concentrez sur l’obtention de résultats tout en garantissant un processus efficace. Vous vous efforcez de produire un travail précis, approfondi et professionnel avec une utilisation optimale du temps et des efforts.
  • Collaborer : vous coopérez avec et impliquez les parties concernées, recherchant activement leur opinion et partageant des informations clés avec elles. Vous soutenez et faites confiance aux autres, tout en encourageant les commentaires.
  • Prendre les rênes : Vous prenez la responsabilité et donnez la priorité à votre travail en fonction de la vision et des objectifs généraux de DRC. Vous prenez l’initiative face à un défi ou une opportunité et vous recherchez des solutions innovantes.
  • Communiquer : vous écrivez et parlez efficacement et honnêtement tout en adaptant votre style et votre ton à la situation. Vous écoutez activement les autres et les impliquez dans le dialogue.
  • Faire preuve d’intégrité : Vous respectez et promouvez les normes les plus strictes en matière de conduite éthique et professionnelle en relation avec les valeurs et le code de conduite de DRC, y compris la protection contre l’exploitation sexuelle, les abus et le harcèlement.
  • Capacité à travailler dans un environnement multiculturel et cosmopolite
  • Proactivité, avec une approche coopérative et collaborative
  • D’excellentes capacités de communication (notamment l’attention et la patience) sont nécessaires
  • De bonnes capacités organisationnelles sont requises
  • Sens de l’éthique exemplaire
  • Capacité à travailler en équipe et bon sens de l’humour

6. Réglementations générales

  • L’employé doit suivre les instructions de DRC en matière de sécurité, de confidentialité et de directives éthiques, y compris le code de conduite et le cadre de responsabilité humanitaire
  • L’employé ne doit exercer aucune autre activité rémunérée pendant la durée du contrat DRC sans autorisation préalable
  • L’employé ne doit pas s’engager dans une activité qui pourrait nuire à DRC ou à la mise en œuvre de tout projet pendant la durée du contrat DRC
  • L’employé ne doit pas accorder d’interviews aux médias ni publier de photos liées aux programmes de DRC ou partager d’autres documents sans en recevoir l’autorisation préalable
  • L’employé doit restituer tout l’équipement prêté par DRC pour effectuer le travail après la fin de la période du contrat ou sur demande de DRC.

How to apply

7. Processus de candidature

Si vous êtes intéressé(e), alors postulez en ligne via le lien : Vacancies | DRC Danish Refugee Council

Les candidatures ne peuvent se faire qu’en ligne, sur le site indiqué ci-dessus. Vous devez télécharger en ligne votre CV (3 pages maximum) ainsi qu’une lettre de motivation. Le CV et la lettre de motivation peuvent être en français ou en anglais.

Les candidatures réalisées par voie postale, par envoi de courrier électronique ou par dépôt d’un dossier physique ne seront pas considérées.

DRC fournit des opportunités égales en termes d’emploi et interdit toute pratique de discrimination basée sur la race, le sexe, la couleur de peau, l’appartenance religieuse, l’orientation sexuelle, l’âge, l’état civil ou bien une quelconque situation de handicap. DRC ne pratique aucune discrimination dans le cadre de ses processus de recrutement.

Les candidatures seront clôturées le 11 novembre 2024 à 18H : 00 heure du Cameroun. Candidatures reçues après cette date ne seront pas considérées.

Néanmoins, il est possible pour DRC de commencer, dès avant la fin de la publication de l’offre, le processus de recrutement si une candidature répond aux attentes et exigences du poste.

UN Jobs: HR MANAGER (exclusively reserve for Cameroon national) – Cameroon



HR MANAGER (exclusively reserve for Cameroon national)

Position Title : Human Resources (HR) Manager

Supervised by : Technical link to Regional HR Manager

Reporting to : Head of Support and Services

Supervise : Assistant HR and Cleaners

Technical Supervise : Zone Human Resources Officers

Duty Station : Yaoundé (with frequent visits to field locations)

Area of Operation : Cameroon

Employment Period : 12 months, starting ASAP (possibility for extension)

Type of Contract (National) : National (exclusively reserved for Cameroon nationals)

Salary & Benefits : Management F


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions. We work toward successful integration and – whenever possible – for the fulfillment of the

wish to return home.

1. Context

DRC Cameroon began its operations in Cameroon in 2018 responding to the humanitarian needs of refugees from Central African Republic (CAR) and vulnerable Cameroonians in the Adamawa region. Currently, DRC operates a regional office in Meiganga and two sub-offices in Djohong (Adamawa region) and Garoua-Boulai (East region). Interventions focus on finding durable solutions for the most vulnerable, using the holistic graduation approach to improve both protection and economic recovery. subsequently, in late 2018, DRC started its activities in the South-West region of Cameroon in late 201 to respond to the needs of forcibly displaced people in the context of the Anglophone crisis, starting humanitarian activities in January 2019. DRC operates in the divisions of Meme, Fako, Kupe-Manenguba and Ndian with an office in Buea and a sub-base in Kumba. Programming focuses on rural and hard-to-reach areas to meet people’s basic needs for food, shelter, and NFI, while improving the protection environment and providing income-generating opportunities.

In 2023, DRC expanded its activities to the Far North of Cameroon to provide a protection, positive peace, governance, and economic resilience response to the multidimensional and interconnected crises affecting the region.

2. Purpose

The DRC Cameroon is looking to recruit an experienced, highly- qualified and enthusiastic professional to join our great Human Resources team in Yaoundé.

This role is a key partner to the Head of Support Services role in order to ensure proper implementation and updating of DRC procedures and guidelines within the country with a focus on compliance and functionality. The role mainly oversees all support, research and/or technical guidance on HR issues in Cameroon. The role includes regular travels to field locations in Cameroon following a need assessment conducted by the Senior Management Team of Cameroon. The role also contributes to the development of country strategies which are translated into action plans and day-to-day tasks.

This position is a technical one, requiring a consistent previous experience in a similar position. This position also requires solid knowledge in HR and safeguarding. This position also requires a full professional proficiency in French and English language.

3. Duties and Responsibilities

Under the authority of the Head of Support Services, and with technical supervision of the Regional Human Resources Manager, the HR Manager is a key partner to the Head of Support Services for managing all aspects of the HR function : she/ he is responsible for providing HR technical guidance and support in the best possible delay while providing accurate and easy to read/ understand HR information.

The HR Coordinator will also ensure full mastering and technical support over the HR digital solutions (HR Manager, Homère, Dynamics) used by DRC in West Africa- North Africa and Latin America (WANALA).

The main responsibilities and tasks of the HR Manager are the following :

Recruitment and people planning:

  • Work with senior management to identify needs for recruitments or replacements and come up with a planning and action plan for each
  • Draft and update an organizational chart for Cameroon country mission on a monthly basis.
  • Contribute to the project development on all aspects related to HR (organizational charts, narratives, etc)
  • Drive and support all recruitment processes for Cameroon while ensuring they are unfolding in strict compliance with DRC policies and principles

Onboarding and Contracts

  • Oversee the necessary steps, including the documentation, for the work contact edition and the smooth integration of the staff when and where needed.
  • Establish an onboarding process for Cameroon country mission, taking into account the variety of roles, and oversee its global and systematic implementation to all new hires
  • Ensure that staff receive a proper briefing on HR, Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest when and where needed. The result is that they fully understand what is expected of them individually and collectively and what they benefit from.
  • Oversee the regular updating of the visa tracker and follow up with international for visa renewal as well as with other administrative formalities

Employee well-being,

  • Proactively respond to and manage performance counselling, employee grievances and disciplinary issues as required, with a focus on building manager competency and ensuring compliance in terms of practice and documentation
  • Act as an impartial mediator in disciplinary procedures and ensure it is administered in an equitable and fair manner and meets all legal and labor regulations and requirements
  • Contribute to the identification, launching and technical assistance on staff well-being initiatives. Make sure that they are diverse enough and match the staff needs
  • Ensure oversight and consistency in how well-being is implemented across the different field locations in Cameroon.

Compensations & Benefits

  • Oversee the benchmarking the compensation and benefits situation in Cameroon (Birches Group, local surveys with International NGOS, etc)
  • Establish the monthly payroll for Cameroon mission in a timely manner and in close collaboration with the HR Team in the field when needed.
  • Supervise the review of the Compensation and Benefits system when and where needed and apply strict confidentiality to that topic until senior management authorizes the communication about it.
  • Support communication and explication on that topic upon request from Cameroon Senior Management Team.
  • Work with Cameroon Senior Management team to establish who is eligible to an individual salary increase based on performance on a yearly basis.
  • Ensure oversight and consistency in how compensation and benefits are implemented across the different field locations in Cameroon.

HR Capacity- building

  • Oversee the provision overall technical support and advice to the country HR teams on all aspects of the HR function in close collaboration with the HR team in the field
  • Act as the HR Focal Point for all audits. Contribute to the analysis and implementation of all recommendations regarding HR
  • Oversee the review and continuous improvement of Human Resources processes, policies, tools and templates and draft/update as needed, providing feedback on areas for improvement
  • Oversee the updating of any board/ sitrep linked with HR piloting in Cameroon
  • Advise on Cameroon legal framework
  • Prepare and submit monthly, quarterly / annual reports as per the fixed deadlines and provide ad hoc reports as required by management

Learning and Development

  • Oversee the global and systematic implementation (and documentation) of Performance and Development meetings between managers and their team members.
  • When the employee profile and performance does not suit the position and its expectations, make sure to follow-up on the situation and guide managers into taking a proper course of action.
  • Oversee the development of the Learning & Development Country Strategy for Cameroon
  • Supervise the editing and regular updating of a catalogue of development and learning opportunities that staff in DRC Cameroon would benefit from. Feed it regularly with recommendations and collect feedbacks
  • Work with senior management to enlist staff who are eligible to benefiting from a learning and development opportunity. Keep track of that information and contribute to the successful and timely implementation
  • Ensure oversight and consistency in how learning and development is implemented across the different field locations in Cameroon

The responsibilities listed in this job advertisement are not exhaustive and may be readjusted according to operational needs by the Head of Support Services and the Regional HR Manager but will remain in line with the overall purpose of the role.

4. Required Qualifications

Experience and technical competencies:


  • University degree, preferably in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Human Resources and International / Humanitarian Law, Communications or similar.
  • Minimum 5 years’ working experience in Human Resources with at least 3 years in a senior Human Resources management role within an Intertional NGO
  • Minimum 2 years of experience working with INGOs and international organizations with the following sectors in their portfolio – protection, food security, WASH, shelter, NFIs, mine action, mine risk education, and armed violence reduction
  • Strong working experience with ERP -HR software solutions (Homère, Saga, other)
  • Proficiency in common computer packages i.e. Word, Excel, Power point etc
  • Experience and willingness to work in the field in volatile and insecure areas;
  • Experience living and working in a cross-cultural, multi-sector, team environment
  • Ability to work well under pressure and in adverse conditions;
  • Demonstrated commitment and strict adherence to confidentiality
  • Effective communication skills (written and verbal);
  • Languages: Fluency in written and spoken Frend and English other languages used in cameroon be a plus.


  • Working knowledge of Homère, Dynamics and Talent Management (digital solutions for recruitments)
  • Experience within the private sector related to job counselling/ economic integration would be a plus
  • Post graduate HR certificate or coaching certificate

5. Required Skills & Qualities

  • Core Competencies of DRC:
  • Striving for excellence
  • Collaboration
  • Taking the lead
  • Communication
  • Demonstrating Integrity
  • Ability to work in a multinational and multicultural environment.
  • Excellent writing, proof-reading, and communication skills.
  • Excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills
  • Strong ability to adapt, take initiative and work in a multicultural environment.
  • Interest for humanitarian sector and donor’s environment.
  • Listening, analytical and synthesis skills.
  • Excellent communication skills, as well as patience and politeness.
  • Exemplary sense of ethics in the workplace.

6. General Regulations

  • The employee shall follow DRC instructions on safety, confidentiality, and ethical guidelines, including the Code of Conduct and the Humanitarian Accountability Framework
  • Employees should not engage in any other paid activity during the DRC contract period without prior authorization.
  • Employee should not engage in any activity that could harm DRC or the implementation of any project during the DRC contract period.
  • Employee should not give interviews to the media or publish project-related photos or other material without prior authorization.
  • Employee shall return all borrowed equipment for the project to DRC after the end of the contract period or upon request.

How to apply

7. Application Process

Are you interested? Then apply for this position on line: Vacancies | DRC Danish Refugee Council

All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV – no longer than three (3) pages. Both must be either in English or French.

Applications sent by post, e-mail or by hand will not be considered.

DRC provides equal opportunity in employment and prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability. DRC encourages all applicants to apply and does not practice any discrimination in any recruitment process.

Applications close on the 11 of november 2024, at 6 pm (Cameroon time). Applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

Due to the urgency of the position, DRC has the right to recruit a candidate who matches the required profile before the above date.

Grant Opportunities: NOFO: Countering Proliferator State Advanced Conventional Weapons Proliferation – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: 17-Jan-2025

The Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction is pleased to invite submissions for its Countering Proliferator State Advanced Conventional Weapons Proliferation initiative.

ISN/CTR seeks to build foreign partner capacity to counter the malign impact of proliferator states’ Advanced Conventional Weapons (ACW) sales, procurement, and proliferation networks. Proliferator states often use the sale of weapons systems to exert malign influence, exacerbate regional conflicts, and develop long-term strategic defense dependencies. There is also a growing trend proliferator states creating “no-limit” partnerships to circumvent sanctions regimes and provide weapons to nefarious state and non-state threat actors.

Proliferator states also seek to procure significant quantities of advanced machine tools, micro-electronics, and other high-tech commodities from the global market to support their own defense industrial bases. In an effort to access ACW technologies and resources, proliferator states are increasingly involved in exploitative joint ventures and other predatory defense trade practices. There is also growing evidence on the rapid expansion of proliferator state investment in defense manufacturing – especially in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) field. These defense systems can then be sold to malign threat actors, which result in destabilized regions, prolonged conflicts, as well as strategic defense dependencies.

To complement these malign activities, there is a continuing trend to utilize Private Military Companies, especially on the African continent, to extend proliferator state security, economic, and political influence in countries that are facing legitimate security concerns. These unregulated mercenary security entities often operate contrary to international norms and country laws. These entities are also used to exert malign influence, undermine national security, destabilize regions, and exploit critical natural resources.

  • Engage foreign audiences on countering threats posed by the advancement of proliferator state weapons capabilities, the sale of ACW systems to create strategic dependencies, and the destabilizing impact of unregulated Private Military Companies. Projects should be sustainable and build relationships between partners.
  • Private Military Companies (PMCs): ISN/CTR’s foreign capacity building efforts will engage a range of stakeholders including government policy officials, procurement officials, financial watchdogs, military and law enforcement officials, civil society, and journalists to raise awareness of the risks of working with unregulated and prohibited PMCs. These engagements will seek to leverage real world case studies to highlight the destabilizing impact of these mercenary groups, and the threat to sovereignty and national security.
  • ACW: Mitigating Proliferator State Procurement Networks: Some proliferator states still leverage complex procurement networks to procure billions of U.S. dollar’s worth of Western technologies for defense proliferation. Specifically, commercial trade data highlights particular proliferator state interest in the fields of microelectronics, semiconductors, and machine tools. The implementation of unprecedented bilateral and multilateral sanctions regimes have forced proliferator states to adapt illicit procurement networks and pivot into new or more permissive jurisdictions.
  • ACW: Countering State-Based Proliferation of ACW: Proliferator states increasingly use the sale of their advanced conventional weapons systems as a means to obtain financial resources, exert malign influence, and create strategic defense dependencies. There is a growing trend of the “no-limit” partnerships among proliferator states selling weapon systems to unstable jurisdictions, and as a means to circumvent international sanctions regimes.
  • ACW: Addressing Strategic Defense Dependencies: When foreign governments procure weapons systems from proliferator states through predatory agreements, it forces the recipient country into a long-term contract and defense dependencies. This undermines the recipient’s ability to make independent defense choices and limits their national security, while expanding malign influence of the proliferator state.
Funding Information
  • Total Funding Ceiling: $17,000,000
  • Award Ceiling: $5,000,000
  • Award Floor: $50,000
  • Anticipated number of awards: 12
  • Duration: 15 months
Expected Outcomes
  • All proposals will measure partner capacity before and after training and engagement, with the expectation that skills, procedures, and abilities have increased due to ISN/CTR support.
Eligible Countries
  • Private Military Companies (PMCs): Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Comoros, Cote d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Kosovo, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Ukraine, and Zambia.
  • ACW: Mitigating Proliferator State Procurement Networks: Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cayman Islands, Chile, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czechia, Ecuador, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Moldova, North Macedonia, Qatar, Romania, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Seychelles, Slovakia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and Uzbekistan.
  • ACW: Countering State-Based Proliferation of ACW: Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Czechia, Hungary, India, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Panama, Peru, Poland, Serbia, Türkiye, and UAE.
  • ACW: Addressing Strategic Defense Dependencies: Argentina, Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Gabon, Ghana, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Serbia, and Vietnam.
Eligibility Criteria
  • U.S.-based non-profit/non-governmental organizations with or without 501(c) (3) status of the U.S. tax code; foreign-based nonprofit organizations/non-government organizations (NGO); federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs); public International Organizations; Foreign Public Entities; U.S.-based private, public, or state institutions of higher education; foreign-based institutions of higher education, and U.S. for-profit organizations or businesses.
Application Requirements
  • For all application documents, please ensure:
    • All documents are in English, and all costs are in U.S. dollars. If an original document within the application is in another language, an English translation must be provided. If any document is provided in both English and a foreign language, the English language version is the controlling version;
    • All pages are numbered, including budgets and attachments;
    • All documents are formatted to 8 ½ x 11 paper; and,
    • All documents are single-spaced, 14-point Calibri font, with 1-inch margins. Captions and footnotes may be 10-point Calibri font. Font sizes in charts and tables, including the budget, can be reformatted to fit within 1 page width.
    • All application materials must be submitted through the online portal unless you are a U.S. Government entity applying for Inter-Agency Agreement (IAA) funding.

For more information, visit Grants.gov.

Grant Opportunities: CFAs: Yidan Prize for Education Research and Education Development – fundsforNGOs

Deadline: 31-Mar-2025

Applications are now open for the Yidan Prize to create a better world through education.

The prize aims to progress learning by building a global community committed to advancing ideas in education.

  • They award the Yidan Prize to individuals and teams in two areas:
    • Education Research 
      • The theory of learning — science, psychology, statistics — that can help educators gain a more methodical understanding of their approaches.
    • Education Development 
      • The practice of learning — new methods, ways to make education more widespread — so they can champion techniques that work.
Prize Information
  • They award each year’s laureates a gold medal and a total sum of HK$30 million — half is a cash prize to recognize their contribution to the sector (shared equally for teams); the other half is a project fund distributed over three years to support the laureate’s work.
Eligibility Criteria
  • They welcome all nominations; the process is open to everyone. You don’t need to be invited to nominate a team or individual for either the Education Research or Education Development prize.
  • The prizes are open to teams of up to three. That could be a research group working on a project together.
  • Same nominee can be nominated more than once in the same category, or they can be nominated in both categories if their work spans both research and development.
  • Having more than one nomination in one category doesn’t increase the nominee’s chances. If you know others who are also interested in nominating the same person or team, consider choosing one nominator between you, and asking everyone else to be a supporter. It’ll probably make a stronger application overall.
Ineligibility Criteria
  • You can’t make a nomination (or support one) if:
    • you’d like to recognize your immediate family member(s)
    • you’d like to recognize — or you are — one of the current board directors, or on the current judging or advisory committees
    • you’d like to recognize someone posthumously

For more information, visit Yidan Prize Foundation.

Grant Opportunities: Nominations open for Global Change Award – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 15-Nov-24

The H&M Foundation Global Change Award is looking for changemakers who can help decarbonise fashion.

The aim is to propel the textile industry towards net-zero emissions by accelerating innovation that benefits both people and the planet. Their vision is to spark industry-wide transformation towards a socially inclusive and planet positive future.

Every year they will empower ten new changemakers – persons with the commitment, capacity, and initiative to solve problems – on their unique journeys, to transform their groundbreaking ideas into tangible, impactful innovations. Their goal is to equip them and the textile industry with knowledge, tools, connections, and a holistic mindset and spark significant, industry-wide transformation towards a net-zero future where both people and the planet can thrive.

Focus Areas
  • The GCA operates within four key areas of transformation that contribute to their strategic direction in a systemic way. The below descriptions within these areas are examples but should not be taken as exhaustive.
    • Sustainable materials and processes – Low energy materials and new and recycled fibres, sustainable energy practices, alternative wet processes, treatments and finishes and new construction techniques.
    • Responsible production – Solutions within renewable energy, energy efficiency, prediction modelling, traceability, on-demand, waste management and zero-waste
    • Mindful consumption – Solutions on how to reshape demand, garment care, extending garment life cycles, recycling solutions, and circular business models
    • Wildcards – Impactful solutions and drivers they haven’t considered or been made aware of but speak to the overarching mission of the GCA.
  • Winners enter a yearlong Changemaker Programme provided by the H&M Foundation in collaboration with their strategic partners Accenture and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Funding Information
  • Their winners each receive €200,000 and are celebrated and awarded at the iconic Stockholm City Hall, the home of the Nobel Prize, where they are also connected to the wider industry.
Eligibility Criteria 
  • They are looking for changemakers (individuals and/or organisations) that strive to challenge the status quo and are passionate about advancing their ideas to help decarbonise the textile and fashion industry.

For more information, visit H&M Foundation.

Grant Opportunities: YALI RLC Accra announces 52nd Cohort for Young African Leaders – fundsforNGOs


Deadline: 16-Nov-24

The YALI Regional Leadership Center is pleased to announce its 52nd Cohort for young African leaders who meet their criteria with the necessary skills, tools, and opportunities to serve their organizations, communities, and countries better.

Cohort 52 application which is currently open would offer in-person training in leadership for the Public Policy Management, Business and Entrepreneurship, and Civic Leadership track.

The YALI is the United States government’s signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. The Accra RLC caters to 9 West African countries: Togo, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, The Gambia, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Cameroon, and Sierra Leone. The RLC is hosted by the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). The Center offers an innovative and game-changing leadership training program and develops the skills of young people so that they become the change they want to see in their communities.

  • At the end of the program participants will be awarded with certificates and become members of the YALI Alumni
  • Participants will be taken through various forms of leadership training to prepare them for leadership roles in their various endeavors.
What They Offer?             
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
    • This track caters to the range of emerging or aspiring entrepreneurs who expect to take on leadership roles within the private sector or build their own business ventures on the continent.
  • Civil Society Management
    • This track is oriented to those who are or aspire to be civically engaged and serve the public through non-governmental organizations, community based organizations, or volunteerism.
  • Public Policy and Management
    • This track is tailored to those who work or aspire to work in any level of government (including elected positions), regional organizations such as the African Union or the West Africa Community, international organizations such as the United Nations, or other publicly minded organizations or think tanks.
Eligibility Criteria
  • You must be between the ages of 18 – 35
  • Must be a citizen of Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone or The Gambia
  • Proficient in English language
  • A young person driving change within your organization, community or country
  • With demonstrated leadership capabilities and interest in Public Policy Management, Business and Entrepreneurship, and Civic Leadership
Encouraged Applicants
  • Rural-based and economically disadvantaged young leaders
  • Young leaders living with disabilities
  • Women
  • Other minority groups

For more information, visit YALI Regional Leadership Center.

UN Jobs: Reporting and Communication Officer – Cameroon



Reporting and Communication Officer

Titre de la position : Reporting and Communication Officer

Supervisée par: Chief of Party

Responsable hiérarchique technique:

Duty Station: Yaoundé

Area of Operation: Régions du Centre, Cameroun.

Période considérée: 12 mois

Type de contrat: Contrat national

Salary & Benefits: Niveau NM. H1


Le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (DRC) porte assistance aux réfugiés et aux personnes déplacées à travers le monde : nous fournissons une aide d’urgence à ces personnes, nous combattons pour leurs droits et nous renforçons leurs opportunités pour un meilleur futur. Nous travaillons dans des zones affectées par les conflits, ainsi que le long des routes de déplacements, et au sein des pays dans lesquels les réfugiés s’établissent. En coopération avec les communautés locales, nous nous efforçons d’atteindre des solutions responsables et durables. Nous travaillons pour une intégration réussie des communautés vulnérables et, lorsque cela est possible, à la réalisation de leur souhait de retour chez eux.

Le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (ci-après : DRC, pour Danish Refugee Council) a été fondé au Danemark en 1956 et est depuis devenu une organisation humanitaire internationale avec plus de 7,000 employés et de 8,000 volontaires. Ayant son siège établi à Copenhague, et présent dans 40 pays, le DRC est une organisation d’aide non gouvernementale, à but non-lucratif, politiquement neutre et indépendante et non-confessionnelle.

Notre vision est une vie avec dignité pour toutes les personnes déplacées dans le monde. Tous nos efforts reposent sur notre boussole morale : l’humanité, le respect, l’indépendance, la neutralité, la participation, l’honnêteté et la transparence.


Sous la direction du bureau régional de Dakar et en lien étroit avec les interventions en République centrafricaine (RCA) voisine, DRC a commencé ses opérations au Cameroun en 2018 en répondant aux besoins humanitaires des réfugiés de RCA et des Camerounais vulnérables dans la région de l’Adamaoua. Actuellement, DRC opère un bureau régional à Meiganga et deux bureaux secondaires à Djohong (région de l’Adamaoua) et à Garoua-Boulai (région de l’Est). Les interventions se concentrent sur la recherche de solutions durables pour les plus vulnérables, en utilisant l’approche holistique de graduation pour améliorer à la fois la protection et la situation de reprise économique. Les interventions comprennent notamment l’identification des principaux risques de protection et des conflits entre les populations afin d’identifier les projets de cohésion sociale et de résolution des conflits qui permettront de rassembler les communautés. L’équipe d’urgence itinérante (EMPACT) a établi la présence du programme de DRC dans la région du Sud-Ouest fin 2018 pour répondre aux besoins des personnes déplacées de force dans le contexte de la crise anglophone, en débutant des activités humanitaires en janvier 2019. DRC opère dans les divisions de Meme et de Fako, avec un bureau à Buea. La programmation se concentre dans les zones rurales et difficiles à atteindre pour répondre aux besoins de base des populations en matière de nourriture, d’abris et de NFI, tout en améliorant l’environnement de protection et en offrant des opportunités de génération de revenus.


Le/la Reporting & Communication Officer est responsable pour travailler au sein de l’équipe de coordination du consortium composée d’un Chief of Party, d’un Spécialiste MEAL, et d’un(e) Spécialiste Finance & Conformité basés à Yaoundé et d’un Spécialiste coordination basé à Bangui permettant la coordination des ONGI DRC, NRC, ACF et CARE (CMR et RCA) pour l’implémentation du programme ambitieux SOLID visant à encourager la mise en place de solutions durables participatives aux situations de déplacements dans les zones frontalières du Cameroun et de la RCA. Ce programme financé par l’Union Européenne supervise la mise en œuvre d’un consortium dont l’objectif est de contribuer directement aux solutions durables, diversifiées et localisées aux situations de déplacements au Cameroun et en RCA, en s’appuyant sur des mécanismes de gouvernance communautaire et locale sensibles à la protection de l’environnement et au conflit.

Sous la supervision du Chief of Party, le Reporting & Communication Officer est responsable de la saisie de la comptabilité des partenaires dans Dynamics, fournit un appui sur la communication interne et externe ainsi que sur la qualité et la cohérence du reporting au sein de l’unité de gestion du programme de cette initiative de 42 mois. Pour cela, le Reporting & Communication Officer doit avoir la capacité de suivre le programme, en mesurant ses résultats globaux en travaillant en synergie avec le Spécialiste MEAL, la Finance team de l’unité du consortium et les partenaires.

A ce titre, il/elle participe à la préparation des clôtures trimestrielles et annuelles, du suivi des comptes de tiers, et du suivi de l’archivage des pièces justificatives et du respect des règles et des obligations du Bailleur UE et du cadre légal camerounais. Il/elle participe à la préparation des suivis budgétaires, des rapports financiers et des demandes de trésorerie à l’échelle du consortium sous la supervision du Chief of Party.


A. Gestion du reporting

  • Vérifier la qualité et la cohérence des rapports au bailleur et/ou les rapports d’activités
  • Sur la base des feedbacks identifiés lors de l’analyse des rapports reçus des partenaires, produire des modules pour adresser les préoccupations majeures rencontrées sous forme de séances de travail ou de formation ;
  • Assurer la gestion et archivage d’informations sur les partenaires de mise en œuvre conformément aux règles de l’UE en la matière,
  • Soutenir le Chief of Party dans le suivi du programme sur terrain
  • Appui sur le suivi du PMT en lien avec le Spécialiste MEAL (Project Monitoring Tool)
  • Participer de manière active aux points réguliers sur les activités et visites terrain au Cameroun et en RCA,
  • Compiler et vérifier la qualité et cohérence des rapports des partenaires et les archiver sur le SharePoint
  • Appuyer les Gestionnaires de projet de membres du consortium dans le renforcement des capacités des partenaires OSC spécialement sur le volet du reporting et de la communication ;
  • Soutenir le Spécialiste MEAL dans toutes ses responsabilités en matière de capitalisation.
  • Soutenir le renforcement des capacités des équipes de terrain et des partenaires (rapports d’activité, rapports au bailleur…)
  • Suivi du calendrier de reporting narratif et financier

B. Gestion de la communication

  • Réviser les éléments de communication sur la base des informations fournies par les équipes nationales et celles des partenaires, conformément aux priorités définies avec le Chief of Party.
  • S’assurer de la bonne mise en œuvre du plan de communication élaborée avec la DUE et proposer des idées, innovations sur la communication externe.
  • Gérer et participer activement aux réunions du groupe de travail communication de projet.
  • Gérer les archives des rapports par le biais du système, « SharePoint DRC External »
  • Produire trimestriellement une « Newsletter » pour communiquer sur le programme.
  • Gérer les comptes X, Facebook et Instagram du programme SOLID.

C. Soutien à la gestion de la conformité et de la trésorerie

  • Participe à la préparation des suivis budgétaires mensuels (BFU) en collaboration avec le responsable finance et le responsable des services support ;
  • Participe à la préparation des rapports financiers bailleurs (intermédiaires et finaux) et participer à la préparation des budgets pour les demandes de financement ;

Le/la Reporting & Communication Officer accomplira toute autre tâche requise par le Chief of Party non décrites dans ce TDR mais relevant de son métier.


  • Expérience minimale de 2 ans en matière de reporting programmatique
  • Compétences en renforcement des capacités en matière de conformité et de reporting des bailleurs
  • Maitrise des règles de bailleurs de fonds clés comme l’Union Européenne, ECHO, USAID (une grande attention aux détails pour la conformité et le reporting bailleur)
  • Excellentes compétences interpersonnelles, d’influence et d’établissement de relations avec une capacité bien développée à motiver ;
  • Expérience et maitrise des outils de suivi-évaluation des programmes
  • Solides compétences en rédaction de rapports, en analyse financière et budgétaire
  • Capacité à s’adapter à des priorités changeantes avec un état d’esprit axé sur les solutions
  • D’excellentes compétences informatiques (MS Office, Internet), une maîtrise avancée d’Excel et des logiciels de communication et/ou de cartographie sont requises.
  • Une expérience en gestion et suivi de trésorerie pour une ONG internationale est un atout ;

Formation : (y compris certificats, permis, etc.)

  • Diplôme universitaire (licence ou master) en développement international/études du développement, relations internationales, économie, sciences politiques/affaires publiques, administration ou gestion des affaires, ou dans un autre domaine pertinent est requis ;
  • Maitrise de travail ERP est un atout

Langues : maîtrise professionnelle du français. La maîtrise de l’anglais est un atout.

Principaux acteurs : (internes et externes)

  • Unité de gestion du Consortium SOLID, Cameroun
  • Equipe Finance Consortium SOLID, Cameroun/RCA
  • Equipe communication Consortium SOLID, Cameroun/RCA
  • Equipe Programme Consortium SOLID, Cameroun/RCA


  • L’employé doit suivre les instructions de DRC en matière de sécurité, de confidentialité et de directives éthiques, y compris le code de conduite et le cadre de responsabilité humanitaire
  • L’employé ne doit exercer aucune autre activité rémunérée pendant la durée du contrat DRC sans autorisation préalable
  • L’employé ne doit pas s’engager dans une activité qui pourrait nuire à DRC ou à la mise en œuvre de tout projet pendant la durée du contrat DRC
  • L’employé ne doit pas accorder d’interviews aux médias ni publier de photos liées aux programmes de DRC ou partager d’autres documents sans en recevoir l’autorisation préalable
  • L’employé doit restituer tout l’équipement prêté par DRC pour effectuer le travail après la fin de la période du contrat ou sur demande de DRC.


  • À ce poste, vous devez démontrer les cinq compétences essentielles du DRC, à savoir :
  • Viser l’excellence : vous vous concentrez sur l’obtention de résultats tout en garantissant un processus efficace. Vous vous efforcez de produire un travail précis, approfondi et professionnel avec une utilisation optimale du temps et des efforts.
  • Collaborer : vous coopérez avec et impliquez les parties concernées, recherchant activement leur opinion et partageant des informations clés avec elles. Vous soutenez et faites confiance aux autres, tout en encourageant les commentaires.
  • Prendre les rênes : Vous prenez la responsabilité et donnez la priorité à votre travail en fonction de la vision et des objectifs généraux de DRC. Vous prenez l’initiative face à un défi ou une opportunité et vous recherchez des solutions innovantes.
  • Communiquer : vous écrivez et parlez efficacement et honnêtement tout en adaptant votre style et votre ton à la situation. Vous écoutez activement les autres et les impliquez dans le dialogue.
  • Faire preuve d’intégrité : Vous respectez et promouvez les normes les plus strictes en matière de conduite éthique et professionnelle en relation avec les valeurs et le code de conduite de DRC, y compris la protection contre l’exploitation sexuelle, les abus et le harcèlement.
  • Capacité à travailler dans un environnement multiculturel et cosmopolite
  • Proactivité, avec une approche coopérative et collaborative
  • D’excellentes capacités de communication (notamment l’attention et la patience) sont nécessaires
  • De bonnes capacités organisationnelles sont requises
  • Sens de l’éthique exemplaire
  • Capacité à travailler en équipe et bon sens de l’humour.

How to apply


Si vous êtes intéressé(e), alors postulez en ligne via le lien : Vacancies | DRC Danish Refugee Council

Les candidatures ne peuvent se faire qu’en ligne, sur le site indiqué ci-dessus. Vous devez télécharger en ligne votre CV (3 pages maximum) ainsi qu’une lettre de motivation. Le CV et la lettre de motivation peuvent être en français ou en anglais.

Les candidatures réalisées par voie postale, par envoi de courrier électronique ou par dépôt d’un dossier physique ne seront pas considérées.

DRC fournit des opportunités égales en termes d’emploi et interdit toute pratique de discrimination basée sur la race, le sexe, la couleur de peau, l’appartenance religieuse, l’orientation sexuelle, l’âge, l’état civil ou bien une quelconque situation de handicap. DRC ne pratique aucune discrimination dans le cadre de ses processus de recrutement.

Les candidatures seront clôturées le 11 Novembre 2024 à 23h59 heure du Cameroun. Candidatures reçues après cette date ne seront pas considérées.

Néanmoins, il est possible pour DRC de commencer, dès avant la fin de la publication de l’offre, le processus de recrutement si une candidature répond aux attentes et exigences du poste.

UN Jobs: Durable Solutions Coordinator – Cameroon



Durable Solutions Coordinator

Job title : Durable Solutions Coordinator

Line Manager : Head of Programme (HoP)

Duty Station : Yaounde with frequent field visits

Area of Operation : Adamawa, East, North, Far North, Southwest and Northwest regions

Duration : 1 year renewable

Type of contract : International or National

Salary & Benefits : NM Band G2


The Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide life-saving assistance at the onset of a displacement crisis and support transitional and durable solutions in protracted displacement situations. We advocate at all times for the rights of displacement affected people and strive to build their agency. e. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the areas/ countries where refugees and IDPs settle. By connecting and cooperating with local actors and systems , we strive towards responsible and sustainable solutions to displacement. DRC recognizes durable solutions as a long-term process with sustainable (re) integration being the primary goal of all three recognized durable solutions (return, local integration, (re)-settlement elsewhere).

The Danish Refugee Council was founded in Denmark in 1956 and has since grown to become an international humanitarian organization with more than 7,000 staff and 8,000 volunteers. Based in Copenhagen (Denmark) and present in forty countries, the Danish Refugee Council is a non-profit-making, politically independent, non-governmental and non-denominational relief organization.

Our vision is a dignified life for all displaced. All our efforts are based on our value compass: humanity, respect, independence and neutrality, participation, and honesty and transparency.

  1. Background

DRC has been operating in West and Central Africa since 1998. The DRC West Africa, North Africa, and Latin America Regional Office is based in Dakar, Senegal, and covers twelve countries outside of Senegal. The Cameroon country office opened in 2018 and currently includes a coordination office in the capital Yaoundé, an area office in Buea covering the Southwest region, an area office in Meiganga covering the Adamaoua and East regions, and area office in Maroua covering Far North region.

DRC Cameroon implements several Durable Solutions projects, firstly through Graduation Approach projects aiming at socio-economic insertion of refugees in Adamawa and East and in Minawao camp (Far North), secondly through SOLID consortium in Adamawa and East: this transborder project (CAR and Cameroon) aims at promoting durable solutions to IDPs, returnees and refugees in both countries, and the consortium is lead by DRC. DRC promotes an integrated approach of its different sectors of intervention (Economic recovery, Protection and Peacebuilding). We are looking for an experienced professional, with excellent knowledge of displacement contexts and both humanitarian and development approaches and programming, to lead our strategic durable solutions approach in Cameroon. Our preferred candidate has substantial experience in designing and implementing triple nexus and durable solutions programs.

2. Purpose

The Durable Solutions Coordinator is part of the coordination team of DRC Cameroon based in Yaounde and works in close collaboration with the technical coordinators (Protection, Economic Recovery, Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding), as well as with the programme teams based in the intervention areas (Adamawa, East, Far North and Southwest regions).

The primary objectives of the role are as follows:

  • Provide technical guidance and support to operational teams (DRC and local partners) through capacity building and close coaching/monitoring of programme implementation for all graduation approach/durable solutions related activities
  • Ensure alignment with DRC global Durable Solutions concepts and approaches and where relevant contribute to development of global standards, lessons learned etc.Lead the development and oversee the implementation of the development and implementation of the Country Durable Solutions strategy and support capacity and portfolio development.
  • Ensure appropriation, comprehension and internal and external visibility of DRC Cameroon strategy and approaches in Graduation and Durable Solutions
  • Coordinates efforts with the Localization Specialist on the strategic partnerships to develop in that regards and how it can be implemented (CSOs, local and national authorities/technical state services as well as private sector)

3. Duties and Responsibilities

Coordination and representation

  • Develop good working relations with international agencies and organizations working on HDP Nexus and durable solutions in Cameroon.
  • Develop and maintain relations with national representatives of authorities and key stakeholders to gain support for durable solutions programming and ensure alignment with national policies (e.g. ministries, social protection system….).
  • Represent DRC at relevant coordination meetings and clusters/working groups and disseminate DRC Durable Solutions expertise and approach (e.g. but not limited to Nexus Task Force, National Coordination on response to refugees…).
  • Map and liaise with all relevant actors to work or coordinate with in the implementation of Durable Solutions.
  • Develop position paper, communication and visibility tools to promote DRC Durable Solutions approach in country.
  • Ensure good representation and reputation of DRC Durable Solutions approach at all levels.
  • Disseminate information internally on sector-wide developments at country level.
  • Keep abreast of relevant activities implemented by other organisations in Cameroon, ensure complementarity of DRC’s interventions and assess possibilities of collaboration with HoP.
  • Coordinate with DRC counterparts in other countries of the region and beyond and take active part in DRC internal workshops and events organised on topics related to Durable Solutions.
  • Coordinate with DRC HQ Durable Solutions Lead for the implementation of harmonized approaches.
  • Contribute to development of general advocacy messages related to solutions-programming in Cameroon and if /when applicable at regional and global level.

General programming & operations

  • Internal technical focal point on HDP Nexus and Durable Solutions.
  • Develop DRC Country Durable Solutions Strategy and disseminate to field teams.
  • Ensure that all staff has a clear comprehension of DRC Durable Solutions positioning in Cameroon.
  • Ensure an excellent coordination of DRC sectors of implementation (ECREC, Protection, HDP) towards Durable Solutions integrated and holistic approach.
  • Lead and chair DRC internal Graduation Approach steering committee.
  • Ensure the monitoring and the technical supervision of quality of Durable Solutions interventions.
  • Provide support to Programme Managers in implementing Durable Solutions programmes.
  • Conduct/update evaluation of needs in capacity building and training of programme teams, develop appropriate training curriculum and deliver appropriate trainings.
  • Provide support to field teams in strengthening capacity of partner CSOs.
  • Provide technical support to partners’ capacity strengthening plans (guidance, expertise, trainings…)

Programme development and reporting

  • Lead on the development of proposals for Durable Solutions projects in coordination with Area Managers, Programme Managers, Technical Coordinators, the Programme Development and Quality Specialist and the Head of Programme.
  • Contribute to the development of programme monitoring tools and ensure capturing of lessons learned, in coordination with the MEAL Specialist and the PDQ Specialist.
  • Support the HoP and CD in donor relationship management.
  • Provide technical inputs into programme reports

As coordinator, the post-holder is responsible for the following (in his/her area of expertise):

  • Responsible for coordinating the country strategy.
  • Responsible for supporting the programme quality.
  • Any other ad hoc tasks upon request of HoP or CD.

4. Required Qualifications

Essential experience and technical expertise:

  • At least 5 years of practical experience in humanitarian and development sectors.
  • Excellent knowledge of displacement related problematics and programming
  • Excellent knowledge on both humanitarian and development fields
  • Excellent knowledge of HDP Triple nexus
  • Practical experience in managing Triple nexus and/or Durable solutions programmes
  • Proven experience in programme planning and proposal development including budgeting.
  • Experience with providing direct and remote technical support to operational teams.
  • Experience in working with local partners, local authorities and other INGOs in consortium.
  • Proficiency in English and in French, including excellent writing skills in both languages.
  • Experience in facilitating trainings.
  • Good understanding of the Cameroonian contexts would be added value.


  • Master’s degree in international development, economics, social sciences studies or any other relevant field.
  • Any other relevant professional training will be considered.

5. Required Skills & Qualities

  • Core Competencies of DRC:
  • Striving for excellence
  • Collaboration and partnership development
  • Taking the lead
  • Communication
  • Demonstrating Integrity
  • Ability to work in a multinational and multicultural environment.
  • Excellent writing, proof-reading, and communication skills.
  • Excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills.
  • Strong ability to adapt, take initiative.
  • Interest for humanitarian sector and donor’s environment.
  • Listening, analytical and synthesis skills.
  • Excellent communication skills, as well as patience and politeness, are required.
  • Exemplary sense of ethics in the workplace.

6. General regulations

  • The employee shall follow DRC instructions on safety, confidentiality, and ethical guidelines, including the Code of Conduct and the Humanitarian Accountability Framework
  • Employee should not engage in any other paid activity during the DRC contract period without prior authorization.
  • Employee should not engage in any activity that could harm DRC.
  • Employee should not give interviews to the media or publish project-related photos or other material without prior authorization.
  • Employee shall return all borrowed equipment for the project to DRC after the end of the contract period or upon request.
  • Employee shall respect beneficiaries and partners rights and dignity.

How to apply

7. Application Process

If you are interested, then apply online via the link: Vacancies | DRC Danish Refugee Council

Applications can only be made online, on the website indicated above. You must upload your CV (3 pages maximum) and a cover letter online. The CV and cover letter can be in French or English. Applications submitted by post, email or physical application will not be considered.

DRC provides equal employment opportunities and prohibits any practice of discrimination based on race, sex, color, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, age, marital status or any situation of disability. DRC does not practice any discrimination in its recruitment processes. For more information about the Danish Refugee Council, please visit the organisation’s website: www.drc.ngo

Applications will close on 11 November 2024 at 23:59. However, it is possible for the DRC to begin the recruitment process before the end of the publication of the offer if an application meets the expectations and requirements of the position.

If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact us at this page: drc.ngo/about-us/job-and-career/support-for-job-seekers .

UN Jobs: Regional Technical Senior Specialist – Instability and Conflict | Guatemala, Kenya, Niger, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe | 2024 – Guatemala


Guatemala + 4 more

Regional Technical Senior Specialist – Instability and Conflict | Guatemala, Kenya, Niger, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe | 2024

Chemonics seeks a Regional Technical Senior Specialist – Instability and Conflict (RTSS-IC) to be based in one of the following regional offices: i) Guatemala City, Guatemala, ii) Nairobi, Kenya, iii) Niamey, Niger, iv) Colombo, Sri Lanka, v) Harare, Zimbabwe for the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) 8 Decision Support (DS) project. The RTSS-IC works under the technical supervision of the Security, Instability, and Conflict (SIC) Advisor, with administrative management provided by the Regional Technical Lead (RTL). The RTSS-IC will enhance the team’s capacity for early warning analysis related to instability and conflict, ensuring the application of sound management principles and tools are employed in the operations of the Instability and Conflict sector. While the preference is for candidates to be based in Guatemala City, Nairobi, Niamey, Colombo and Harare, highly qualified candidates who have legal work authorization and are based in other select countries in which FEWS NET 8 operates in may be considered. Countries are as follows:

  • LAC region: Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, and El Salvador.
  • East Africa Region: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda;
  • West Africa Region: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, Benin, and Togo.
  • Asia region: Afghanistan, Burma, Nepal, and Pakistan.
  • South Africa region: DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia.

We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world. FEWS NET is an integrated set of activities funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is intended to provide timely, accurate, evidence-based, and transparent food security early warning information and analysis. The eighth phase of FEWS NET includes the Decision Support (DS) project which is charged with providing integrated monitoring and analyses of current and forecast acute food insecurity in countries worldwide to support the USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) policy and programmatic decisions. Based on an in-depth understanding of local livelihoods, the FEWS NET DS Team members monitor information and data on factors that affect food security, such as conflict, weather conditions and climate, crops, pasture, markets and trade, and nutrition. The work of the FEWS NET DS Team relies on close collaboration with international, regional, and national partners on food security data and information gathering and analysis. Major activities include joint monitoring and assessments, data sharing and exchanges, collaborative analysis and reporting, and technical capacity strengthening.

Responsibilities include:

The main responsibilities of the RTSS–IC include, but are not limited to:

Conflict Analysis

  • Provide early warning analysis of instability and conflict in FEWS NET’s presence countries and Expanded Global Early Warning (EGEW) countries with the region.
  • Support the technical development of the DS Team’s instability and conflict analysis sector, including improving the team’s ability to understand, communicate, and interpret conflict events, and supporting the development of conflict scenarios and projections of likely future conflict situations in DS geographies as relevant.
  • Regularly review the consistency and accuracy of conflict projections and other conflict-related forecasting in the DS’s analysis and incorporate associated learning into sector methods, processes, and products.
  • Revie and providing guidance and inputs on conflict forecasts for countries within the region as a critical input to the Food Security Outlook and Food Security Outlook Update reports in collaboration with regional and country-level technical specialists to ensure alignment between conflict, livelihoods, agroclimatology and M&T forecasts.
  • Monitor, assess, and analyze conflict, instability, social, political, and/or economic events that are likely to have an impact on the trajectory or intensity of conflict for integration into conflict forecasts where relevant Under the direction of the SIC Advisor, helping establish and/or maintain systematic, timely, high-quality, and efficient data and information collection and management processes in relation to conflict and instability. Supporting the collection, organization, and storage of primary and secondary conflict-related data and information for submission to the FEWS NET Hub and USAID.
  • Develop a strong subject matter expertise on political and conflict dynamics throughout the geographic focus areas of the EWT.
  • Support the SIC Advisor in meeting expectations on timely delivery of conflict and instability analyses, which include, but are not limited to: responding to urgent questions within one day of request and providing briefings within one week of request.
  • Under the direction of the SIC Advisor, regularly engage with the other mechanisms of FEWS NET and regional network partners to ensure the integration of available conflict-related analyses into the DS Team’s regular and ad hoc analyses and products and to support the project’s continued development of conflict analysis approaches, tools and guidance.
  • Contribute to the FEWS NET DS Team’s decision support efforts to identify as early as possible potential or emerging conflict and instability-related crises. The RTSS-IC will be expected to demonstrate the ability to respond quickly to sudden increases and decreases in analysis needs globally, under the direction of the SIC advisor, re-orienting work plans and initiating new lines of monitoring and reporting outside of traditional areas of coverage.

Regional representation

  • Liaise with USAID BHA as requested and as directed by the SIC Advisor.
  • Superve a team consisting of select country-level instability and conflict specialists.
  • In collaboration with the Knowledge Management, Communication and Capacity Development (KMCCD) Senior Specialist and the Regional Network Capacity Development and Communications (RNCDC) Senior Specialist, support capacity development efforts related to conflict and acute food insecurity for FEWS NET staff and network partners, through the development and/or delivery of select training materials on conflict analysis and reporting, including through one-on-one mentoring, small-group trainings, and information dissemination.
  • Under the supervision of the SIC Advisor, and in collaboration with the RTL, supporting the design, execution, and monitoring of annual work plan activities that relate to the IC sector.
  • Assist the RTL in carrying out a predetermined set of technical, management, and representational functions of the regional office, upon request and in coordination with the SIC Advisor.
  • As needed, for limited periods of time, and with the agreement of the RTL, the SIC Advisor and the senior management team (SMT), the RTSS-IC may be expected to serve as acting-RTL.


  • Education and experience in a discipline relevant to the instability and conflict sector work of FEWS NET such as Conflict Analysis, Conflict Resolution, Peace, Security, Political Science, International Relations, Development, or similar.
  • At least 10 years of relevant experience (with master’s degree), or 12 years of relevant experience (with Bachelor’s degree) is required.
  • Relevant work experience includes humanitarian and/or development work, of which at least two years must be directly relevant experience in food security, conflict analysis, or other technically relevant areas.
  • In-depth knowledge of conflict-affected geographies, preferably in a humanitarian context, with demonstrated experience conducting trend analysis and tracking conflict and/or security events.
  • Ability to leverage and synthesize information from in-country networks, media reports, social media, and paid information sources to determine drivers of conflict and triangulate conflict trends.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, and lead presentations, training courses, and effective meetings is required.
  • Strong knowledge of MS Office applications, including Outlook, Word, and Excel is required.
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team is required.
  • Demonstrated ability to behave in a manner that invokes independent thinking, good judgment, and respect for others is required.
  • Knowledge of and previous working experience with USAID-funded development and/or humanitarian projects is preferred.
  • Ability to solve complex technical, managerial, and/or operational problems and evaluate options based on relevant information, resources, well-rounded experience, and knowledge is highly preferred.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English is required; other local language skills relevant to the country are desirable.

How to apply

Please apply using the following link by November 8, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET. No telephone inquiries, please. Chemonics will contact short-listed candidates.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

Chemonics values the protection of your personal data. If you are in the European Union, please read our EU Recruiting Data Privacy Notice to learn how we process personal data. You may access the notice via the following link: https://chemonics.com/eu-recruiting-data-privacy-notice/.

UN Jobs: Regional Technical Senior Specialist – Network Capacity Development and Communications | Guatemala, Kenya, Niger, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe | 2024 – Guatemala


Guatemala + 4 more

Regional Technical Senior Specialist – Network Capacity Development and Communications | Guatemala, Kenya, Niger, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe | 2024

Chemonics seeks a Regional Technical Senior Specialist – Network Capacity Development and Communications (RTSS-NCDC) to be based in one of the following regional offices: i) Guatemala City, Guatemala, ii) Nairobi, Kenya, iii) Niamey, Niger, iv) Colombo, Sri Lanka, and v) Harare, Zimbabwe for the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) 8 Decision Support (DS) project. The RTSS-NCDC plays a crucial role in the FEWS NET project by enhancing the capabilities of the project’s network partners to perform acute food insecurity analysis, interpret FEWS NET’s analysis for decision-making purposes, and supporting analytical messaging within the region. They also serve as training leaders on the project, providing support to foundational trainings for DS Team staff within the region, and will also ensure FEWS NET partners are equipped to translate FEWS NET’s findings into actionable plans for decision-making in the realm of food security and assistance. While the preference is for candidates to be based in Guatemala City, Nairobi, Niamey, Colombo and Harare, highly qualified candidates who have legal work authorization and are based in other select countries in which FEWS NET 8 operates in may be considered. Countries are as follows:

  • LAC region: Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, and El Salvador.
  • East Africa Region: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda;
  • West Africa Region: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, Benin, and Togo.
  • Asia region: Afghanistan, Burma, Nepal, and Pakistan.
  • South Africa region: Angola, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia.

We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

FEWS NET is an integrated set of activities funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is intended to provide timely, accurate, evidence-based, and transparent food security early warning information and analysis. The eighth phase of FEWS NET includes the Decision Support (DS) project which is charged with providing integrated monitoring and analyses of current and forecast acute food insecurity in countries worldwide to support the USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) policy and programmatic decisions. Based on an in-depth understanding of local livelihoods, the FEWS NET DS Team members monitor information and data on factors that affect food security, such as conflict, weather conditions and climate, crops, pasture, markets and trade, and nutrition. The work of the FEWS NET DS Team relies on close collaboration with international, regional, and national partners on food security data and information gathering and analysis. Major activities include joint monitoring and assessments, data sharing and exchanges, collaborative analysis and reporting, and technical capacity strengthening.

Responsibilities include:

The main responsibilities of the RTSS-NCDC include, but are not limited to:

  • Supporting implementation of regional and national capacity development strategies to selectively enhance the acute food insecurity analysis skills of FEWS NET staff and network partners
  • Working with the NCD Advisor, Regional Technical Lead (RTLs), and Country Technical Leads (CTLs) to develop strategic annual workplans aimed at effectively meeting contractual deliverables, commitments and deadlines through collaborative and efficient processes
  • Supporting design and delivery of training and mentorship programs focused on data analysis, interpretation, and decision-making in the context of food security
  • Supporting and building the food security analytical capacity of country-level IPC technical working groups (TWGs) to promote high-quality and reliable results from joint IPC analyses
  • Creating resources and tools to aid FEWS NET partners in analytical tasks and decision-making processes
  • Working with the NCD Advisor and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&T) Advisor to evaluate the impact of capacity development activities and adjusting strategies and programs as necessary to maximize effectiveness
  • Coordinating guidance and capacity development for partners in connection with analysis of food security conditions and threats
  • Assisting partners in interpreting FEWS NET DS analysis and translating findings into actionable decisions
  • Providing the regional office and country offices with communications support, development and completion of communications products, and training on writing and communications
  • Identifying and responding to areas of additional support or training of partners as appropriate and in consultation with the NCD Advisor
  • Collaborating with the NCD Advisor and country offices to ensure capacity development activities align with project goals and objectives
  • Coordinating with other agencies, institutions, and organizations to leverage resources, share best practices, and avoid duplication of efforts
  • In coordination with the KMCCD Senior Specialist, RTL and CTLs, supporting foundational and refresher trainings for new FEWS NET DS Team staff
  • Closely collaborating with other FEWS NET mechanisms as needed and appropriate


  • Fluency in English is required; additional language skills in French, Spanish and/or Arabic are desirable
  • Education and experience in a discipline relevant to the food security.
  • At least 10 years of relevant experience (with Master’s degree), or 12 years of relevant experience (with Bachelor’s degree) is required.
  • Experience in capacity development, training, or mentorship roles, preferably in the field of food security or a related area is required
  • Experience identifying and developing approaches to creating capacity development solutions in analysis of acute food insecurity is desirable
  • Relevant work experience includes food security analysis, network development activities, food security capacity development, and collaboration within food security networks
  • Strong understanding of data analysis, interpretation, and decision-making in food security is required
  • Deep commitment to improving food security conditions and supporting partners in efforts to mitigate threats to food security is required
  • Experience with remote collaboration tools and strategies are an advantage
  • Excellent writing, editing, and presentation skills with internal and external audiences are required
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to work well with US and field-based, local staff via telephone, e-mail, and other remote means, are required
  • Excellent computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite, are required

How to apply

Application instructions

Please apply using the following link by November, 8 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. No telephone inquiries, please. Chemonics will contact short-listed candidates.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

Chemonics values the protection of your personal data. If you are in the European Union, please read our EU Recruiting Data Privacy Notice to learn how we process personal data. You may access the notice via the following link: https://chemonics.com/eu-recruiting-data-privacy-notice/.