Consultancy- Facilitation of virtual training course
The project “Tools4SeedSystems: working towards resilience through root, tuber and banana crops in humanitarian settings” is seeking services for the preparation, design, facilitation (English and French), Zoom management and reporting for an interactive virtual training course. The objective of the course is to introduce the Root Tuber and Banana (RTB) Toolbox https://tools4seedsystems.org/ to programme managers and implementors in humanitarian settings.
The RTB seed community has developed the Toolbox for Working with Root, Tuber and Banana Seed Systems, a set of 11 tools and a glossary to diagnose, evaluate and improve seed systems of banana, cassava, potato, sweetpotato, and yam. The tools include methods, models, approaches, and information and communication technologies (ICTs), which can be used by researchers, policy makers, and practitioners working on seed systems of root, tuber and banana crops. Each of the tools was designed and validated by a group of scientist and practitioners led by a senior scientist, a.k.a. tool owner. A first course was successfully hosted July-October 2021.
The extension of the use of the RTB Toolbox to humanitarian settings is being led by CIP in collaboration with CGIAR centers (IITA, ABC), Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and University of Florida.
The service provider is expected to:
- Interact with the coordinating team and tool owners to incorporate all constructive feedback and lessons learnt from the first course, adapt and re-orientate the original course to reflect needs of humanitarian actors.
- Liaise with coordinating team and the tool owners to prepare and implement four seminars between 1st October, 2022 to 30th June 2023: facilitate the seminars, with French interpretation[1] and zoom manager.
- Liaise with the IT person to ensure smooth online sessions.
Target audience and countries
National seed system stakeholders, humanitarian actors, programme managers working in root, tuber and banana agri-food systems in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Haiti, Madagascar, and Mozambique.
The first introductory on-line seminar is anticipated to involve three x 2.5-hour sessions (end November 2022 tbc) to:
i) introduce the potential contribution of RTB crops in humanitarian settings; set the context for a technical and learning network of community, national and international humanitarian actors in the practical application of RTB Tools4SeedSystems tools for the design and implementation of investments for RTB seed interventions; keynotes from major actors.
ii) learning what humanitarian implementing agencies are engaged with and their interests for developing RTB crop and seed systems programming
ii) introduce selected tools, and discussion around diagnosing seed system bottlenecks and selection of tools and methods
The following seminar would build on feedback and reflection from the previous seminar, to allow iteration and flexibility. The broad scope would be as follows:
The second seminar is a virtual reflection and learning workshop: to draw out lessons[2] from the technical and learning networks of community, national and international humanitarian actors in the practical application of RTB Tools4SeedSystems tools in the design and implementation of investments for RTB seed interventions
The facilitation team (facilitator, and Zoom manager) will:
- Be present at all planning team preparation meetings and write up key action points
- Assist the planning team to develop clear outcomes as well as a calendar of run up activities to the consultation and, as needed, provide a preparation space and activities to clarify key content and process questions: E.g.: Set up a Mural space alongside the zoom in order to map out the matrix of different partners and assist in deciding who should attend each day
- Give expert advice on the best zoom processes to reach the purpose, outcomes and outputs of the consultation while maintaining maximum participant engagement.
- Develop a concise agenda and detailed run sheet for each of the three days and collaborate seamlessly with the internal zoom host/ technician on ensuring correct invitations and participant access.
- Review each day with the core team and write a concise report on the consultation and follow up actions.
The zoom manager and French interpreters should be hired directly by the service provider and the costs absorbed in service provider fees.
Responsibilities of host organisation
The host organization will provide CGIAR Zoom host licensing facilities and a dedicated contact person for practice/dry runs, actual event, download recordings, break-out room slides and chat in accessible format.
DELIVERABLES the service provider agrees to provide the following deliverables according to the schedule below
Description of Deliverable
1. Consultations and preparations: action points from planning/preparation meetings; design of course (3-4 pages) (5days)- Due date 4th October 2022
2. Introductory seminar: facilitation, translation services, zoom management. Participants’ agenda and detailed run sheet for the 3-day meeting (three x 2.5 hour sessions). Concise report. (10 days)- Due Date End November 2022 (tbc)
3. Final virtual reflection workshop: preparation, facilitation, translation services, zoom management to draw out lessons[1] from the technical and learning networks of community, national and international humanitarian actors in the practical application of RTB Tools4SeedSystems tools in the design and implementation of investments for RTB seed interventions (three x 2.5 hour sessions) (12 days)- Due date 15th June 2023 (dates tbc)
4. Synthesis: final technical report (3-5 pg.), (3 day)- Due date 30th June 2023
1. 10 years’ experience in online facilitation and interactive, effective virtual communication
2. Knowledge of CGIAR, root, tuber and banana crops and seed systems
[1] RTB Toolbox website, description sheets, and selected User Guides will be translated into French under separate contract.
[2] Actual preparation of syntheses and case studies with lessons will be responsibility of project collaborators: WUR and UoF.
How to apply
Applicants should submit both their technical and financial proposals separately. The Technical proposal should include a proposal of methodology with a work plan for conducting this service. The cover letters and full C.V. for the whole team with the names and contact information of three references that are knowledgeable of the principal candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience should be sent through email to A.Malome@cgiar.org. The deadline for submission of applications is 29th September 2022. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
The consultants WILL NOT have contact with children or vulnerable adults
Learn more about CIP by accessing our web site at http://www.cipotato.org.