Home UN Jobs UN Jobs: Consultancy for Tools Development for NORCAP Lake Chad Basin Localisation & Capacity Building Project (RE-ADVERTISEMENT)

UN Jobs: Consultancy for Tools Development for NORCAP Lake Chad Basin Localisation & Capacity Building Project (RE-ADVERTISEMENT)

UN Jobs: Consultancy for Tools Development for NORCAP Lake Chad Basin Localisation & Capacity Building Project (RE-ADVERTISEMENT)

Consultancy for Tools Development for NORCAP Lake Chad Basin Localisation & Capacity Building Project (RE-ADVERTISEMENT)

NORCAP seeks a multi-disciplinary team of consultants to develop organisational development tools for its Lake Chad project. The vision of the project is a strong civil society able to define its own agenda, deliver quality humanitarian, development and peacebuilding projects, and influence decision making to ensure relevance to the needs of the populations affected by the Boko Haram crises and other challenges. To achieve this, NORCAP’s organisational development experts, placed within strategic UN partner agencies, support capacity strengthening and localisation of local and national actors to enhance their participation in the humanitarian response, coordination and decision-making mechanisms.

The selected team of consultants will help NORCAP to develop tools for organisational capacity assessment, standardised training curriculum for the strengthening of organisational capacity and deliver an internal training on how to use these.

Scope of work

The team of consultants will plan and conduct the process closely with the NORCAP staff working with localisation and community engagement and accountability. The consultancy consists of five main activities and deliverables:

  1. INCEPTION PHASE: Carry out a desk review of existing open-source materials on organisational development tools. Present the curriculum and tools to be developed**.**
  2. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ORGANISATIONAL ASSESSMENT TOOL to assess potential partners, identify needs, develop capacity strengthening and exit strategies, demonstrate change.
  3. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING CURRICULUM AND RESOURCES for both in-class and online format covering the following areas:
  • Organisational Governance: governance structures, documents and tools.
  • Understanding the international system: to allow local and national actors to understand the relevant international humanitarian and development coordination system.
  • Project design and development: Theory of Change and log frame development, proposal and report writing, risk analysis, etc.
  • Gender: gender mainstreaming, assessment, audit, including tools and templates.
  • Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA)/ Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP): development of practical CEA and AAP systems or processes for local and national actors.
  • Finance: minimum financial management systems and practices (budgeting, forecasting, budget monitoring, etc.), audit, (general) donor compliance, risk management.
  • M&E: development of indicators, monitoring & reporting tools, data management (including data protection/ security and General Data Protection Regulation/ confidentiality) including tools, templates and guidance.
  • Communication and Advocacy: introduction to communication and advocacy including development of case studies, preparation of promotional materials, advocacy, opinion and policy documents.
  1. ORGANISING A LEARNING WORKSHOP for NORCAP on how to use the developed tools and capitalize on the learnings in its localisation work.
  2. FINAL REPORT including catalogue of resources and how to use the handbook/ operational guidance.

Geographical coverage: Lake Chad Basin countries consisting of Cameroon, Chad (Lac region, N’djamena), Niger (Niamey, Diffa), Nigeria (Maiduguri-Borno, Adamawa, Yobe States) and NORCAP Head Office in Oslo, Norway.

Materials and tools should be in both English and French, or easily translatable to French.


  • Demonstrated experience and expertise in the development of organisational capacity assessment tools, learning curriculum (see above) and customised training programmes.
  • Documented experience in efficient adult education, and capacity strengthening of national and local partners and actors.
  • Proven track of records in facilitating adult learning
  • Previous experience in working and collaborating with CSOs, CBOs and network organisations.
  • Strong writing, editing and communication skills.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English, French is desirable.
  • Working experience in Lake Chad/ Sahel region would be an advantage.

Duration: Approx. 88 working days between early September and end December 2022

Duty Station: Homebased with travel to Norway, or a Lake Chad country, to deliver the training

Budget: 450.000 NOK (excl. VAT)

Reports to: Thematic Manager Localisation, NORCAP

How to apply

The applicants must submit a short proposal on how they would work with NORCAP to meet the stated objectives of the assignment. Bids should be submitted to norcap.bids@nrc.no, along with any relevant supporting documentation, before the closing deadline of 11.09.2022, 23:59 UTC+2. Please include in the Subject line “NORCAP Lake Chad Consultancy”; submissions which do not include this may not be reviewed.

Questions or comments may be submitted with bids and will be considered and/or followed up by NORCAP during the award consideration phase.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by 16th September 2022.

Interview dates: Week of19th September 2022

Proposals must include the following:

  1. Narrative proposal (maximum 3 pages) including:
  • Documentation on how the applicant meets or exceeds the required experience and qualifications
  • Presentation of the team, including focal point (consultant) and the team set up
  • The applicant’s understanding of the project incl. outline of approach and methodology
  • Proposed time frame and work plan
  • Confirmation of availability for proposed dates
  1. Financial proposal: day rate (in NOK), with any additional costs itemised
  2. Examples of past work of a similar nature
  3. CVs of all team members

The selected consultants must declare in-writing that they meet all legal and tax obligations for the consultancy and provide proof of registration such as business registration document, and/or VAT or company tax registration before the signing of the contract. Each participating consultant will also be subject to counterterrorism vetting and reference checks.


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