Security Consultant
Terms Of Reference for the SSI Security Consultant Cameroon
World Bank Cameroon Country Office
- Background Security Context
Working at the World Bank Group provides a unique opportunity for you to help our clients solve their greatest development challenges. The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries; a unique global partnership of five institutions dedicated to ending extreme poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development. With 189 member countries and more than 120 offices worldwide, we work with public and private sector partners, investing in groundbreaking projects and using data, research, and technology to develop solutions to the most urgent global challenges. Visit www.worldbank.org.
The World Bank Group’s portfolio in Cameroon comprises national operations in various sectors financed by IDA, the Global Environment Facility, and trust funds, with a net commitment of roughly $2.9 billion.
Nine out of ten regions of Cameroon are impacted by three complex and protracted humanitarian crises caused by continuous violence in the Lake Chad basin and in the North-West (NW) and South-West (SW) regions, and the presence of refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR) in the eastern regions (East, Adamawa and North). Cameroon currently hosts more than 420,000 refugees from CAR and Nigeria and more than 1.1 million internally displaced persons. Humanitarian needs are compounded by structural development deficits and chronic vulnerabilities that further challenge the long-term recovery of affected people.
These dynamics and the fluidity of the situation in conflict-affected regions have serious implications for the WBG operations. The current security and access challenges have led to the inability of development actors, including the WB, and the government of Cameroon to effectively implement projects in areas with active conflicts such as in the NW, SW, and Far North regions. Overlapping challenges exist in terms of ensuring that WBG-funded projects are conflict-sensitive and grounded on the principle of Do No Harm to address the underlying root causes of the conflict while strengthening the capacities of local and national government actors to address structural vulnerabilities, including poverty, and promote local development.
To seek to find relevant solutions, the Cameroon country office has established a Conflict Engagement Platform (CEP) whose core members include the office management, the Operations Team and staff from various relevant units (FCV, SSI, Security, Procurement, Legal, External affairs, Program leaders and others) The Platform is run by a Core Secretariat composed of the Operations team; Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice team, and FCV team.
The integration of Security Risk Management (SRM) in World Bank-financed projects has the institutional basis in the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework for Financing Investment Projects (ESF). In its due diligence, the Bank ensures SRM is duly assessed and managed according to the requirements of the Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) n°1. Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts and No. 4 Community Health and Safety.
While one of the objectives of ESS 1 in determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risks and impacts of projects include threats to human security manifested by the escalation of interpersonal, community and interstate conflicts, crime or violence. ESS No. 4 deals with the risks and impacts of the project on the health, safety and security of the populations affected by it.
The proposed consultancy on security for the Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice in Cameroon will assist the World Bank financed projects in the Bank’s due diligence to ensure ESS1 and ESS4 security risks are duly assessed and managed. For this effect, the SSI will liaise with the CEP as relevant and needed below tasks and responsibilities.
- Objectives
The objectives of this consultancy are
- to assist World Bank project teams to identify potential security risks for World Bank financed projects in order to contribute to project design and support more effective project supervision in terms of security;
- to prepare and implement capacity building for Project Management Units/Project Implementation Units and their consultants on Security Risk Assessments (SRAs) and Security Management Plans (SMPs),
- on an ad-hoc basis and in line with internal Bank procedures, to assist project teams to assess and provide guidance on SRAs and SMPs prepared by the Borrowers in order to minimize, manage or mitigate security risks for project workers and project affected people and assets,
- conduct field visits to assess effectiveness of implementation of Security Management Plans (SMPs) and (v) regularly coordinate with other Security Specialists in Cameroon (Country Office Security Specialist and Government Regional Security Specialists).
- Scope of Work
In close coordination with the project assigned World Bank Social Specialists assigned to the various projects, as well as the project teams, the selected consultant, under broad oversight from a WB seasoned security expert, shall:
a. In line with internal World Bank guidance, help assess and provide guidance on Security Risk Assessments (SRAs) and Security Management Plans (SMPs) prepared by Borrowers.
The consultant will assess SRAs/SMPs prepared by Borrowers, highlighting potential gaps and areas where more granular risk analysis is necessary in order to grasp the full extent of potentially negative consequences of insecurity for project staff, beneficiaries and local communities. This work will be done in accordance with existing industry best practices and guidance from regional ESF staff, as well as staff in the Operations Policies and Country Services (OPCS) vice-presidency. In particular, the consultant will:
- Examine the scope and granularity of the Borrower’s SRAs, assessing the extent to which Borrowers identify key security stakeholders (military, police, non-state actors, community self-defense groups, ex-combatants, women groups, youth organizations etc.) active in project areas, as well as how potential incidents can result in safety, operational and reputational risks for the Bank-funded project;
- Identify series of risk mitigation and/or management measures applicable to project design, location and implementation which should be considered by the Borrowers when preparing Security Management Plans (SMPs).
- Liaise with Government counterparts (possibly security officials, local government and local communities) under the guidance of the World Bank task team leaders (TTL)s, state governors and in coordination with the CMU and the Country Security Specialist.
b. On an ad-hoc basis and in line with internal World Bank guidance, help assess and provide inputs on Security Management Plans (SMPs) prepared by Borrowers:
The SSI Security Consultant will further assist the World Bank in examining SMPs prepared by Borrowers, under broad oversight from a World Bank seasoned security expert. Inter alia, this includes providing comments to World Bank staff regarding:
- The selection and training of the local security providers (contractors or government security personnel) in standards required by the Project;
- Auditing and reviewing contractor’s security and incident management processes for compliance.
- Capacity building and training of PIU staff on security risk assessment and management;
- Monitoring and inspection of performance of the local security providers;
- Assistance to local security providers where required in crisis and emergency management;
- Development and maintenance of security information;
- Development and implementation of project level emergency and incident management processes and procedures, ensuring that these are fully supported by an effective communication infrastructure.
c. Prepare and implement capacity building for PMU/PIUs and their consultants on Security Risk Assessments (SRAs) and Security Management Plans (SMPs).
- In coordination with the Senior SSI Security Specialist, and making use of existing WB training materials, lead the development of training materials for capacity building of PMU/PIU staff in SRAS and SMPS. Different levels of trainings should be prepared, ranging from general introduction to an in-depth training.
- Together with project assigned social specialist identify lists of participants for capacity building
- Conduct trainings
d. Conduct field visits to assess effectiveness of Security Management Plans (SMPs) implementation
- In coordination with the assigned social specialist, conduct field visits to assess effectiveness of implementation by projects of their of Security Management Plans as part of regular supervision missions or on an ad-hoc basis as circumstances require
- Prepare BTOR reports including assessments and recommendations on the implementation of SMPs
e. Regularly coordinates with other security specialists in Cameroon (country office security specialist and government regional security specialists) and the Senior SSI security specialist.
- Participate in regular coordination meetings with relevant WB and client security specialists.
f. Other related tasks as may be assigned by the Task Team Leader.
- Reporting
The consultant will report directly to the SSI Cameroon CMU Coordinator.
- Duration of the Consultancy
The consultancy service will initially be for 50 working days per the specific details set out in the contractual agreement for Short Term Consultants. The number of days can be extended within the fiscal year based on service need to a maximum of 190 days in any given fiscal year. Payment will be made upon submission of payment requests, along with copies of relevant outputs and related materials produced by the Consultant.
- Facilities provided
The consultant is expected to have his/her own laptop. A working space (on shared/rotational bais) will be available for the consultant to work from the WB Cameroon office. Any field visits will require prior approval and reimbursement of expenses for field visits follows the WB standard procedures for such costs.
- Expertise / Qualification requirements
- The potential consultant must have post graduate qualification in relevant field, e.g security risk management, International affairs and intelligence etc.
- Must have minimum of five (5) years’ experience in the field of security, advance information gathering and awareness / sensitization.
- Experience in conducting and facilitating similar security risk assessments and strategic planning processes with international organization; Key skills and requirements include:
Security Analysis and Assessments
- Extensive technical skills and operational experience in conducting security assessments and analysis – Able to combine investigative and physical security knowledge and skills to conduct and produce in-depth security assessment and analysis
Crisis Management and Organizational Experience
- Ability to manage emergency evacuation and executive protection operations during periods of instability and internal conflict. – Ability to design and conduct capacity training on incident management and security-awareness training programs for all levels of project staff and contractors. – Proven experience in managing volatile situations including elections, pandemics and terror attacks. – Demonstrated ability to manage a wide range of projects and programs in diverse sector, region, state and environments across the country.
- Good understanding of Cameroon, particularly Far North, Northwest, and Southwest regions of Cameroon and their specific local security challenges
- Understanding of humanitarian needs and issues in general and the professionalization trends in security management across all sectors.
- Experience in the humanitarian sector will be an added advantage;
- Knowledge and experience using participatory approaches and innovative facilitation techniques; – Strong analytical skills;
- Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to negotiate shared positions; and
Excellent communication skills and fluency in English.
- Conduct of the Consultant
- The Consultant will at all times, be expected to carry out the assignment with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity.
- The Consultant will not, under any circumstance, take any actions or be seen to be taking any actions, which may jeopardize the security of Bank staff or bank operation.
- The Consultant will study all World Bank security guidelines, regulations and policies, and will be expected to ensure that the assignment is concluded with the strictest adherence to all such policies and regulations.
- The Consultant will not, under any circumstances, take any material decision pertinent to this assignment without the express permission and written consent of the Bank Security Specialist.
- The Consultant will not, under any circumstances, discuss, divulge or use any information regarding this assignment or any other transaction without the express written permission of the World Bank Security Specialist.
How to apply
How to apply
All interested candidates that meet the above-mentioned requirements can send their CVs to zashuoben@worldbankgroup.org